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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20082208 No.20082208 [Reply] [Original]

Help me biz. Been on 4chan since 06, when I was 17.

I have nothing to live for anymore. I started my own business and it makes about $500 profit per day without me doimg a single thing. My gf had a mental breakdown and left me, probably fucking someone new now. Thought she was a unicorn and we were going to start a family together.

I get no pleasure from traveling anymore. I'm bored of crypto trading. I'm bored of food. I look forward to nothing anymore. I lift every other day, but the gun is a chore now. I tried the Dan belz thing and being a degenerate with drugs hookers and just grossed me out. Already tried shrooms and it didn't help.

>> No.20082228

learn to fly a wingsuit. then you can at least kill yourself in style

>> No.20082244

Start a new business. That will keep you occupied
Then another one, then do charity work when you’re comfy af. Pretty good life

>> No.20082265

Charity stuff. Like actually going out yourself and helping.

>> No.20082281

you make decent money.. get a new whore.. they are disposable and if you have cash you can always scoop one up.

>> No.20082294

Find a hobby.
Maybe buy/rebuild a motorcycle
or maybe find a family member/friend thats sad and make their dream come true with your success.

>> No.20082299

what did you do for $500 a day?

>> No.20082306

take a massive dose of san pedro bro. if your in the USA order it online and brew it into a tea and drink atleast 16inches of it. it will give you a new zest on life.

>> No.20082313

whats the general idea behind your business?

>> No.20082341

you could get a dog or a cat or houseplants. that's about all I look forward to. Things to care for

>> No.20082354

>Chart goes sideways
>Larping troll posts appear like flies on a homeless person's ass

>Being this fucking obvious

>> No.20082390

This is the answer.
Humans need to have a sense of purpose and community, and a job usually fulfills that.
Charity work is even better, not only gives you a sense a community, but you also are contributing something positive to the world.

Get involved anon.

>> No.20082392
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>but the gun is a chore now

>> No.20082522


Basically dropshipping, but uses contracts with several companies instead of alibaba or ebay. Set it up a long time ago as a CS project in college and actually found a way to implement it when I was working my first job designing architectural software in 2011


No interest in killing myself


I tried to do a lot of charity stuff, but those crack heads and single mothers don't appreciate anything or try to change their lives, so i considered it a waste of money. I even tried to do the big brother program, but got denied because apparently all the kids in the program were black and they only wanted them to have black male role models. I shit you not.


I have overall lost money with crypto.

>> No.20082647

this is an OG psyduck meme holy shit

>> No.20082660

also try Ketamine

>> No.20082677

Want to start a crypto fund with me anon? I too have become bored since making it.

>> No.20082759

Start a family you retard. It's so sad that an entire generation of men were raised so poorly that they need to have this explained to them by some jackass on the internet.
>I'm ignoring the entire reason for my existence, gee, wonder why I feel empty???

>> No.20082828


Was in a four year relationship that ended in one week. Was actually planning to propose. She hid the fact that she was bipolar and took antidepressants. That ended January last year and I still can believe it's real.

>> No.20082830

you should pick up surfing its alot of fun and a good way to clear your head

>> No.20082982

>or maybe find a family member/friend thats sad and make their dream come true with your success.
Ooo, I like that one. This is good advice for just getting off the ground in general.

>> No.20082984

Well.. you could sit there and feel sorry for yourself, or you could do like every single one of your ancestors did and not be a fucking pathetic bitch, pick yourself up, and try again. You think life was easier for them? With wars, diseases, children dying left and right, basically no freedoms other than what their local noble felt like giving them? You're one of the luckiest men in the history of the world, act like it. Get out there and find a good woman and sustain the white race or find yourself sucking on the barrel of a gun or drinking yourself to death by the time you're 50.

>> No.20083016

If you been here and did not have tons of capital from the crypto bubble then gg

>> No.20083047

write malware and build a botnet.

>> No.20083062

Try ketamine retard

>> No.20083068

Stopped reading right there you normalfag piece of shit. You never belonged here, you are not one of us.

>> No.20083124

I keep trying to start any kind of at home businesses, mostly making my own products, but everything seems so saturated and a race to the bottom.

Any advice for an anon who wants to have a 100$ a day business? Doesn’t matter how hands on it is. I just want to find a way to have a business-from-home without a CS degree.

>> No.20083344

This fuck tart knows. Life really isn’t that fuckin hard

>> No.20083922

hey newfag.

I arrived around 2006 as well brother.

you need to find something to live for besides money and pussy. I personally have an ongoing research project that I intend to one day turn into a documentary or book type thing that I think will help the world.

My point is, its gotta be something morally virtuous like that. Some ideal to strive toward. That's the only type of thing good enough to actually make you feel like you've accomplished something.

So anon, do you have any ideas? Things that you think are wrong with the world, or things people need to hear about?

>> No.20084002


>> No.20084030
File: 162 KB, 524x524, REEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If putting your small dick into a stinky roastie hole is all there is to your existence, you should just KYS ASAP. You are a Nigger, Sir and I will just kill you myself.

>> No.20084051

Ketamine and raw dogging Hookers is just a hobby I enjoy, you degenerate. My existence true mission is to become one with the universe.

>> No.20084077

Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one.

>> No.20084324
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See, that's why you gotta find a woman that's straight up about the fact that she's a bit fucked in the head.

Unless she's on lithium, because apparently that has negative effects on the fetus.

>Basically dropshipping, but uses contracts with several companies instead of alibaba or ebay. Set it up a long time ago as a CS project in college and actually found a way to implement it when I was working my first job designing architectural software in 2011
uhhhhhh how do I into businesses that make me passive income?

>> No.20084383

Buy land with fertile soil and a nice view and build something on it. A garden, a hobby farm, a house. Doesn't matter. Build something physical.

>> No.20084413


>> No.20084447

get some ambition and make some enemies. be less gay

>> No.20085285
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hahaha so common. you have mastered the external world so perfectly because you are nothing more than an empty fucking shell, which is why you build a business while others would just try to get the best of every day life and the capitalist scum system has rewarded for your labor. now you suffer because inside you are nothing, and inside there is only confusion, emptiness, because the outside world is easily satisfiable if you invest the time and labor but the innerself struggles like a baby crying for a long forgotten parent.

you must leave your shallw materialistic self behind. discover yourself. you must find the Way. Join a Taoist school. They will enrich your intelligence of the soul and self. Your depravity will turn into self love.

You are not who you say or think you are. You are electricity. so you must find the light that sets off all the charges inside you, to realize your soul and then you will know where to chase it.

Do not seek the destination.

Seek the Way.

Simple Parts build Complex Wholes.

Focus on completing the part.

Your blood is electronic so let it flow with a positive current, the same way the electricity from the sun charges you through the universal cycle.

Seek. the . Way.

>> No.20085568

You must have been hurt badly anon. The best thing to do now is move on, and fall in love with the next one.
You will find happiness.

>> No.20085744

Seriously, meditate.
And get good at it.

>> No.20085837

Op here. I appreciate the replies. Called my guy and asked if he had ketamine. Said he'd take care of me. I was disappointed with shrooms. Everyone said that changes your perception of life, but it just made me feel like an empty degenerate.


I wish I could give you some better advice, but my business is only successful because it was a first mover. It used to make more, but I lost a lot of contracts because now you're competing against jeets and chinese that are willing to undercut everyone enough that they only have 1% margins. Now you need to provide some kind of service that separates you. There's no shortage of code monkeys that will do 100 hour projects for $500

I don't know if you're shitposting it not, but this really resonated.

Not doing that again. I feel like a heroin addict coming off. I don't see how I could start a family now. It's nearly impossible to find a sane woman under 30 that hasn't been run through

Already tried it. Bought about ten books on it.

>> No.20085850

only thing that fixes the emptiness I've found is Orthodox Christianity
trried the vedic/buddhist stuff but its actually demonic

>> No.20085856

I read OPs post in psyducks voice

>> No.20085870

Alright, try sometime to meditate 1 hour a day in 30min morning/night sessions.
Meditate at the first 2 Jhanas for a couple of days.
And then do it again a week later.

>> No.20085871
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life isn't about enjoyment. Make your legacy. Have an impact. Do it because you can, and we cannot. If you have no passion, at least make the world a place where more of us can have the opportunity to make a better tomorrow.

>> No.20085875

Buy a bicycle and ride it across the world.

>> No.20085902

>drinking inches

Revisit your exercise and diet op. Specifically your diet. If you’re bored it’s because you aren’t experiencing enough euphoria from post productive suffering
For me eating healthy and exercising every day gives of sense of relief and happiness every day.
There are many ways to suffer though
Perhaps you need a new business endeavor

>> No.20086005
File: 41 KB, 828x466, hebrew nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to like this advice, but consider trolling the graduate departments of archeology and history departments. Consider that a normal six is a gradschool 10 for the most part, but as long as she isn't researching queer feminist donkey breeding theory (I.E. actually has done digs in the past, actually needed to learn another language to get source documents) you should be good.

This of course assumes that you're not a mental midget and can at least show a genuine interest in things you don't do for a living.

>> No.20086027

Start skating... like really doing it. Surfing great to but it’s not as accessible. Eventually you will try something 50,000 times & then you will finally land it. When that happens you will feel that feeling your looking for “being alive & present”
It’s super difficult & you will hurt & you will earn it. You won’t be thinking of anything else when you are doing it. I was first sponsored at 15 & got really close to pro at one point. I’m now 46 & I can’t skate like I used to & I can look back & see how important it’s been for me & my life. Picked up surfing when I was 24 & it was amazing as well.
That’s my advice. It will change your life in every facet. Where ever you go there’s no strangers, just go skate in a new city & you will Meet all kinds of friends.
Nothing matters
Skaters don’t care about age, sex, color or whatever. Give it try & go hurt yourself, minor shit makes you feel alive.

>> No.20086063


>> No.20086106

You sound like pleb.

>> No.20086269
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first post, best post

>> No.20086310
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>I started my own business and it makes about $500 profit per day without me doimg a single thing.

>> No.20086436

fucking schizo pajeet gtfo. /biz/ is a christian board. you can take your bolshewik hinduism advice and shove it up your arse next time you hit the designated shitting area.

>> No.20086590

>/biz/ is a christian board
nah, it's pretty clear from the bible that jesus hates the wealthy

Living off dividends is dumb too, I think you might be better off looking to credit markets for fixed income. Dividends are good because you can DRiP them to grow your stack, but ideally a company that doesn't pay dividends would grow its shareprice faster than that. Dividends are unironically priced in.

>> No.20086599

Do a flip faggot.

>> No.20086709

build relationships with people, friends very fulfilling

>> No.20086714

How do I do this. Do I just buy a board and hit up the nearest skate park? I used to skate along the beachfront with friends back in middle school, but I sold my board years ago and never tried any tricks. I feel like I'm too old to start learning and would just come across as a poser.

>> No.20086721

>that jesus hates the wealthy
that is the perception of those who misunderstand the bible. wealth can make it harder to find God. Jesus kicked the equivalent of forex traders/scammers out of the temple. wealth is neither good or bad but it can become a burden or be used by the devil to trick you into satanism. many such cases.

> ideally a company that doesn't pay dividends would grow its shareprice faster than that. Dividends are unironically priced in
come on, you don't actually believe that bullshit, do you?!

>> No.20086906


OP needs to go to Divine Liturgy

>> No.20086982

Then give me your business and I will grow it exponentially.

>> No.20086984

>come on, you don't actually believe that bullshit, do you?!
which part?
That dividends are basically priced in? There's definitely a truth to it. For instance, when you see a dividend yield over 10%, often times that's the market's way of telling you that it doesn't think that dividend is safe. Maybe the dividend will be cut, or maybe the dividend is being paid at the cost of the underlying assets.

But I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't think individuals should amass wealth, and preached charity and generosity. Almost by definition, if you're wealthy you're hoarding resources, not giving freely to those in need.

>I feel like I'm too old to start learning and would just come across as a poser.
While I try not to ever tell people they're "too old" to improve or learn new things, because I've seen lifelong learners prove that wrong, I think learning to skate is a process that you have to fall down so many time that you can be too old. But it just depends on your body, your balance, what you want to do, all that shit. If a fall is really going to fuck you up, you gotta consider that.

Reluctantly, at 31 I am accepting that I am never going to get back on my longboard, and I should sell that shit.

>> No.20087353
File: 251 KB, 666x666, Either Darth Palegius the Wise, or a very angry bit of iconography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and ladder of divine ascent pilled

>> No.20087665

>started browsing this site since I was 14 back in 2011
oh god almost 10 years of my life spent on this asshole website

>> No.20087943

Go look some sailing videos about people doing circumnavigations you already have the money to do it anyway.

Do it faggot.

>> No.20087955

Oh you responded. Wasn’t sure if perps would be dicks on here. Well things can be different starting out but one thing is for sure with skating. The person comes through, so if that person genuinely loves to skate & then it doesn’t matter how good you are. What does matter is that you are true to yourself & to skating itsejf. You will meet others that would be at your skill level & yiu will most likely see pros or semi pros, shop sponsored skaters at your local park. Depending on the city of course. That’s what’s cool these days with skating, you can possibly skate with your idol at the park. Of course there are the “too cool” guys out there but mostly it’s just about you & your board & your friends. Skaters are still against the grain at the core, so there’s not a lot of bulkshit.
So yeah, just get a board & go ride. Try tricks at home on the carpet or in the grass to get shit down. Mostly just let go, don’t worry & have fun. You are not to old but be prepared to fall. Sounds like you need to feel something anyways. Just try not to break anything.

I tell yha there was a time when my girl of 9 years left me. I was lost & I loved to feel any kind of other pain then what I felt inside.
Go for it bro... you may just find a side of society that makes you happy.

Plus lots of chicks skating now days

>> No.20087988

1. You sound incredibly depressed. I would go see your doctor and talk about antidepressants.
2. You need to spend some time each week doing nothing but making other people happy. You choose how you do that.

>> No.20088072

Thats like 100k a year id be so happy

>> No.20088096

What's the business?

>> No.20088151

Based. Share more

>> No.20088169

Post your keys before you kill yourself. Do some good before you go.

>> No.20088294

Do charity but work with animals. A farm or shelter or volunteering zoo would do, anything really. It will ground you, make you feel closer with nature and unironically humans benefit greatly mentally when looking after animals.

>> No.20088869

Give everyone in this theead $500

>> No.20089057

dude fuck if you love this girl why is the fact she hid her problems from you worth breaking up over? maybe she was scared you'd leave her if you knew clearly you proved her right... "unicorn" pffft how old are you? grow up you just said your over all that childish dan bilz shit and here was your moment to step up and be a man and take care of your women and you blew it kek

>> No.20089080

Start a cult. People are endlessly interesting, and figuring out how to get them to become your followers and do whatever you tell them is endlessly challenging and rewarding.

>> No.20089178

Find something that makes you cry and just let all of your shit out. Then take 12 inches of San Pedro up your butt, jk just DMT will suffice.

>> No.20089184

if you're too stupid to not be a wageslave, what makes you think that you'd find fullfillment after making it? i'm not kidding, for me the real struggle started after making it. when you're a poorfag atleast you can have the ilusion that being poor is what keeps you from being happy. don't you wonder why so many rich people kill themselves?

>> No.20089404

>Buddhist is demonic
You found the fools gold, there's alot of it. Stop disparaging Buddha who was far superior to your god.

>> No.20089426

You need a challenge
Pick up bodybuilding or professional esports

>> No.20089464

>Help me biz
>Been on 4chan since 06
>Still here 14 years later

This is your problem. The less time you spend on this website the better.

Also, you sound like you are depressed. That is totally fine, no shame in that. Society is quite sick nowadays so it isn't you to blame only. I would advise you to go to therapy. The people there will be able to really help you, not the people here on biz. It could be a big step but you'll notice it's totally fine and actually enjoyable to do therapy. It helped me a lot, I've been going there for a year now.

Reading books, nofap, exercise, meditation,... are also good and helpful. But you need the motivation for that first ofcourse. Which is why you can start with therapy.
Also try to get a good sleeping and eating schedule and the keyword to succeed here is: consistency.

Good luck anon

>> No.20089485

I would disagree with taking antidepressants, they are very addictive.

In my opinion it would be better to microdose shrooms or lsd instead.

>> No.20089698

Let me elaborate
Microdosing is not a cure
It's a pick-me-up to make you able to have to motivation, good sleep, confidence to work on your goals (exercise, meditation, good sleeping habits, etc)

Depression is holding you back from living your life so you temporarily dull that state before you're actually not depressed anymore but healed.

Also, the people saying in this chat to follow a spiritual path are correct.
Spirituality > consumerism
Inner life > outer shell

Good luck fren I love you really

>> No.20089807

Most of your problems were created by good advice to begin with. Everybody already knows good advice. Since we will probably never find someone that actually listens or worthy to make a family with, and since you've done all things sensual and see how useless they are, now your options are, find a skill/hobby and devote to it. Whatever makes you a better man is the Truth, FOR YOU. As Nanavira and Kierkegaard say, "Repetition is the real cure for boredom." If you go monkmode and meditate, you should be prepared and committed to never looking back and total loneliness as all religious groups are cults that only want followers and ignorant slaves. There's little gain or even harm in meditating then returning to sensuality.

>> No.20089808

>Already tried shrooms and it didn't help.
Try Ayahuasca?

>> No.20090136

I'll add my full stack of advice:

>Religion: Catholicism
>Crypto: Monero
>Diet: Ray Peat inspired
>Exercise: Your choice but ideally mentally engaging and favouring strength/explosiveness over endurance.

You will want to get autistically into those things and I reckon they make a good foundation. Anyone can comment if they want more explanation.

>> No.20090446

new skaters are not posers no matter what age they start.

>> No.20090799

This so much OP. Go to brazil. They'll take care of you.

>> No.20091123

>makes more money than 95% of the free world
>Is depressed

Try being more creative with your goals, some of us have to wagecuck half our lives away for half your salary you know...

If I were you, I'd invest long term, start dating and try to start a family, probably buy a villa somewhere in Europe and garden while raising my kids

Life's not too complicated & this fact can really bother some people, it's only complicated if you overthink it

>> No.20091173
File: 93 KB, 500x481, F1AC25A9-75B3-4F00-AAD0-AABFF07C4270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. poser

>> No.20091286

Try learning a skill, or creating something. A martial art like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Or learn to draw. A hobby to give you something to improve at every day might help motivate you.

>> No.20091420

Very good advice aswell.