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20079579 No.20079579 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto was my last hope.

>> No.20079589


>> No.20079657

Same here
I'm so desperate that I wasted 30 euros buying lottery tickets (130 million euros this Friday)

>> No.20079757

>30 euros on lottery tickets
That's 7.1 Link
When we hit 1000 (and we will) that's 7100 USD
And it won't stop at 1000
Play the long game, mate

>> No.20079790
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>> No.20079813

Right? This retard wasted $567,000 on lottery tickets. Loser.

>> No.20079844

I have link. Won't moon
Still waiting bitcoin to moon
It's over anons
Crypto is dead

>> No.20079900
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token not needed - it will the biggest betray of all of mankind

>> No.20079903

If you think you feel bad now; Imagine how you'll feel when you get out of crypto, only for Link to make many of us who held, very wealthy.
Do you intend to be a wage slave by then?

>> No.20079909

Getting close to the bull run fellas

>> No.20079921

How can anyone compare BTC to LINK?

>> No.20079925

You'll all be fucking retired by the time it moons anyway though.

>> No.20079944

Is 'this retard' you? Did you spend that?

>> No.20079990

Hey anon I get you. We bought, will make some money, go to /biz/ write some memes and that will be all.
Bitcoin won't moon
Chainlink won't moon (especially if bitcoin don't moon)

>> No.20079994

Even if that argument were true (which it isn't); That would mean there's no need to save for retirement. Is that so bad?
Most people have to save for retirement. Your 'worst case scenario' dispenses with that.
You're seized with greed, and you can't see it.

>> No.20080045

Chainlink won't care what BTC is doing.
Why are you even here, if you believe your own argument?
Are you fudding?
(I think he's fudding)

>> No.20080534

I'm just tired
I never win

>> No.20080557

Save up and invest in something worth it. Lottery is a poor man's tax.

>> No.20080581


i'm tired too..found out my mom has Covid and I'll probably have to stay home for 2 weeks. I'm tired and I never win. But i'm gana keep trying tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after. You can't give up anon that's not what we're here for.

>> No.20080799

Are you planning to try euromillions? I want to try too.

>> No.20080812

Anon, I only own 3500 LINK
Will it really be worth $1000 one day?
I really do not want to wageslave my whole life away

>> No.20081897
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>> No.20081972

I play euromillions now and then too, because gambling. The odds of winning anything are slim to none though. Just buy PNK and hodl.

>> No.20081974

COT went up over 350 points. Should have invested in that.