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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20076319 No.20076319 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20076359

if this was 20 years ago these companies would have been broken up like 1 gram of weed in a cheap bud buster.

How the government allowed these companies to get this big is fucking criminal

>> No.20076394

bruh who the fuck do you think works at the magical government?

>> No.20076468

Do you feel like the government is in charge?

>> No.20076498

>if this was 20 years ago these companies would have been broken up like 1 gram of weed in a cheap bud buster.
No as you see with Microsoft

>> No.20076598

The government helped these companies get this big. The free market would have broken them up 6 ways till Sunday.

>> No.20076675
File: 71 KB, 419x609, aussieshitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Bezos had all reportedly been confirmed by mid-June, although Zuckerberg and Pichai said they would only testify if Cook did too

time to short these?

>> No.20076726

these companies have way too much influence over what people read and what they can say.

>> No.20076798
File: 14 KB, 192x421, 2020-07-02_20-45-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf am I looking at

>> No.20076872

delet or be deletd

>> No.20077209

time to start suckie suckie mr zuckie

>> No.20077230


>> No.20077252

Why should the government tell companies how big they can be? The governments just a corrupt company.

>> No.20077305

Why do the three on the left look like different shades of each other wtf

>> No.20077313
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>> No.20077323
File: 137 KB, 682x722, 1593708929970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are common carriers- you don't have to break the monopoly- you make them eusocial like China. This is In-Q-tel teasing us.

>> No.20077351

the government is ostensibly a representative body looking out for the interest of its citizens (haha)

corporations are the baronage, they should be subordinate to the will of the people, especially when they are subsidized by us

>> No.20077522

none of those have screwed me faggot

>> No.20077591

Go call someone a faggot on one of those platforms and see what happens retard

>> No.20077649

Because as a DOUBLE JQ tripper, you're face blinder than the blindest bat that ever lived on any planet in the multiverse, ever.

>> No.20077673


>> No.20077691

>JQ Yes by January QaNon

>> No.20077734
File: 83 KB, 1024x646, 1569701001449m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancaps are almost as retarded as commies.

>> No.20077819

>The free market would have broken them up 6 ways till Sunday.
Could you elaborate on this point? I don't see how it would have broken them up.