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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20076119 No.20076119 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't that seem like a sociopathic thing to do? Faking like you have an interest in someone when all you really want out of them is an opportunity to advance your career?

>> No.20076164

You seem to have a narrow view of networking anon

>> No.20076184

If only someone had written about how capitalism makes all our relationships fake, 150 years ago.

>> No.20076194

If they were gonna make the decision based purely on who they like the most and not on merit then you'd be wise to butter them up and swipe that shit.

>> No.20076299

Yeah its kinda sociopathic
Try to think of it in these terms: the relationship is mutually beneficial. Yes, you can call on them for a favor, but someday, they can call on you. You're not just a social parasite
Networking/social maneuvering was so much worse in the communist countries, anon. The way you got the cushy jobs was by working the system

>> No.20076380

you're supposed to network in a field you are interested in and with people you actually want to talk to, mr. autist.

>> No.20076478

when no industry is actually building anything of value people just want cool fun people around. how intelligent or hardworking you are no longer has any bearing on your salary because of this. when spoiled rich people stop owning everything we'll get a demand for real technological progress again and suddenly it won't matter who you know anymore

>> No.20076553

people always want cool fun people around. if you're a loser autist who acts anti-social, you aren't keeping your job for long, with extremely few exceptions.

>> No.20076677

You need to scratch other people's backs too.

>> No.20076990

This guy is right. Also if you are autistic or anti social but are really into your field it is easy to get in with others who are really into your field. And working hard will help the people you meet have a good opinion of you which helps you in the future.