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20070795 No.20070795 [Reply] [Original]

>(1) New Notification
>Stacey Roast viewed your profile
>she’s the Associate Director of a different department

what did she want?

>> No.20070845

Who cares

>> No.20070856

sometimes departments like to laterally poach employees from within the same organization.

t. gooberment employee

>> No.20070901

>t. gooberment employee
The dad vibes are noticeable. How many kids do you have, stan?

>> No.20071058

she wants the benis
you should definitely go to her office and stand awkwardly next to her desk and make feeble attempts at striking up a conversation

>> No.20071147

I’m not autistic though so I can chat her up. I’ll just ask her why she viewed my profile on LinkedIn then go from there.

>> No.20071234

>I’ll just ask her why she viewed my profile on LinkedIn
that right there already sounds creepy. dont do that.

>> No.20071290


>> No.20071413

>I’m not autistic
>I’ll just ask her why she viewed my profile on LinkedIn
Pick one.

>> No.20071437

It sounds creepy to you because you have no charm. She viewed my profile, not the other way around. Believe in yourself anon. Women are not that complicated.

>> No.20071594

>Women are not that complicated.
hah, clearly you do not know any women

>> No.20071627

>Opens door

Excuse me, m'lady, couldn't uh, help but notice you were perusing my profile, on uh, a certain social networking platform, whose name will remain nameless, *wink*

>I'm sorry, who are you

'Tis I! The one who you've been looking for m'lady. Thou hast harkened me from my slumber! *tips fedora*

>Uhh, okaay, I'm sorry I' really busy just n..

*steps inside and closed door*

You were right to consider me for the position, my dear. I'm quite the catch, as they say, uh, down at the harbour. Not that I smell of fish or anything, haha

So, shall we talk about salary? Perhaps uh, over dinner tonight.

>Look I didn't even know who you are, and I'm going to call security if you don't tell me right now

I'm Linked In! Uh, I mean, I'm on LinkedIn. You swiped right on my Tinder In profile. Shit that's not right.

>Chad McAlpha opens her door
> Are you alright? What the noise in here? This guy bothering you?

Yes, actually, I don't know who he is. He's saying we're linked or something.

>Right pal, let's go
>Hauls your ass outta there

>> No.20071662

She wanted to look on your profile

>> No.20071716

It’s completely normal to project your inexperience and misconceptions of women onto other people. I get where you guys are coming from but I’m telling you, it’s not that hard. Instead of fighting me on the point, try seeing it from a different perspective. All you need in life is charm and confidence. Hope this changes the way you see this.

>> No.20071730

Yeah buddy, I'm sure you're charming. Did your mother tell you that?

>> No.20071807

I’m sure she has in the past since she loves me. Your mother would describe you as charming, I’m sure.

>> No.20071833

Either poaching talent like the boomer said or you're making waves in the wrong way and about to get canned

>> No.20072457
File: 143 KB, 1300x866, Haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Do you see that new guy at the IT department? Yes the one who looks like an incel. He worked at Burrito Express during 3 years hahahaha"

>> No.20072569

im not satin you cant talk to women, and im not saying i dont talk to women.
what im saying is, asking here "why did you look at my linkedin profile?"
sounds like a stupid as fuck question i don't care how charming you think you are or how charmingly you think you can out the question.
it literally screams desperate, paranoia or stalker

>> No.20072657

>Go to my high school
>See that cute girl I liked back in 2007
>Know if I click on her profile she will get a notification
>Don't do it

>> No.20072814

It’s all about how you approach her and how you say it. Again, you keep projecting your own abilities unto others. People are different. I don’t get why you’re so hung up on accepting this.

>> No.20073126

Instead of trying to convince us, why don't you just go and work your magic on her. Seems you are larping and don't actually have the balls to go to her.

Don't show your face in this pathetic thread again until you go and talk to her. Let us know how it went. I'll wait...

>> No.20073155
File: 322 KB, 498x498, tenor (18).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants the D

>> No.20073162

Too bad everyone is working from home until September. I’ll make a thread then. No need to get pissed off anon.

>> No.20073164

>t. What is private viewing mode

>> No.20073747

No, you fucking retard, it'll be too late then, you have to strike while the iron's hot. What are you going to say, "Oh hey, I saw you looked at my profile 2 months ago". That makes you sound like a stalker. She's gonna know you've been thinking about her non-stop for 2 months, possibly following her, and maybe you have an effigy to her in your wardrobe made of balloons and bubble gum that you stick your dick into.

I'm actually trying to help you, but fuck me you are clueless.

>> No.20073891

Lmao you overthink basic human interaction way too much. Don’t get into your head too much friend. Analysis paralysis is a real thing. Don’t know why you’re so frustrated by this. Maybe something similar has happened to you and you keep thinking about it?

>> No.20073954
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not autistic
> I’ll just ask her why she viewed my profile
Welcome to 4chan everyone

>> No.20073964

Imagine having a real social media account

>> No.20073980

>what did she want?

>> No.20074027

>Rosties as HR
It's over for ugly STEMcels

>> No.20074078

She was probably going through hundreds of profiles a day and happened upon his, OP is going to look like a faggot.

>> No.20074163

uff creep don't ever talk to my daughter again, understood?

>> No.20074175

The fact they don't understand that ugly socially awkward autists are productivity and innovation workhorses means that innovation itself will probably die and megacorporations will live on into perpetuity as zombie pajeet filled and debt fueled weights that overstay their welcome and stay alive by bullying or buying up smaller innovative startups.

Not everybody has to have "leadership skills" or "communicate effectively" or "be a team player."

>> No.20074248


>> No.20074451


you must pay her ur dick