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File: 107 KB, 750x937, B5274F20-328F-49AD-A286-2E15431A40EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20069129 No.20069129 [Reply] [Original]

As a recent adopter of StakeNet I wanted to make a guide for the unsophisticated non tech savvy anons who are lazy and won’t test the functional DEX but want to eventually MAKE it. These bullet points are for you. If you have higher IQ please go to the discord and request to be added to the testing group.

1. XSN is a currency that is supported on hardware wallets and not a token.

2. XSN is a low cap that can be accumulated for very cheap and huge upside. Remember during 2017 when 50m was small cap?

3. Proof of stake is the future even ETH will be POS one day. And having masternodes with a small inflation is good for circulation and distribution. Dash nodes are worth 60k And currently 1btc can buy you 6 XSN nodes.

4. Say you don’t care about some alt coin. What other utility other than being a node coin? Fine don’t hodl XSN just use it to become part of the DEX network. That is the future of how people will trade. Don’t you think it’s ironic that 11 years after bitcoin we are storing and trading Decentralized currency in CENTRALIZED exchanges? Trade P2P on the blockchain from you own fucking wallet! The DEX is built into the light wallet. If you can’t see how disruptive you are not trying very hard.

5. Binance and all the other exchanges know who you are and how much you trade and if given the right political climate will give you up to the regulators. A True DEX has no need for KYC.

6. Earn fees from the DEX in the currency of your choice. Imagine all the fees that exchanges make and have that be given back to the network users, who anyone can participate by owning an XSN node... that’s true fucking democracy right there. Centralized exchanges have owners and they are set for life, as we continue to add to their pockets. Become part of what is yours and don’t just pump this coin, actually become part of the vision.


>> No.20069187
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Got my bag
comfy as fuck

>> No.20069268

Got 13 nodes and waiting for 14. $100k+ week income EOY. Lambo time.

>> No.20069302
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The good thing is that if you don't want to, you can use all their services without holding even 1 XSN. That's right, i don't need you fags to buy my bags cause I'm never selling my stack.

>> No.20069336

13 nodes is a tonne

>> No.20069373

ALL IN with XSN!
The best project so far!
I Loveeee it!

>> No.20069380
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weaker men fear the aggregator

>> No.20069388

I checked.
Good: circ supply compared to total supply
Shitty exchanges
Down alot from ath.has been around quite some time.

>> No.20069425

>Shitty exchanges
>Down alot from ath

this just shows that there is room for huge upside

>> No.20069437
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mega master node owners makes me feel so envious that somehow it turns into gratefulness that I even have just 1 master node

>> No.20069444

That's a man

>> No.20069515


>> No.20069563
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>> No.20069632

That's a .... woman.
Because I'm a tranny and can tell that there was never a penis on that woman.

>> No.20069734
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>> No.20069748

>make a guide for the unsophisticated non tech savvy anons

You should make a guide about how they spent the last two years developing on a dying/dead network. Yet another group of BTC maxis who inadvertently shot themselves in the foot.

>> No.20069789
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>> No.20069807
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>> No.20069859

you stay on Uniswap and swap some 17$ volume erc20 nobody ever heard of

>> No.20070177
File: 151 KB, 1124x759, 0FA7858C-7325-454B-AE06-A3AA983A50E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousands of articles out there explaining why Lightning is dead. 80% of its annual transactional volume was from the gay “Lightning torch” crusade on Twitter. I used to be an XSN bull then I realized they were quite literally building on dead tech.



>> No.20070251

Sigh... lightning is just starting to get traction. It's new and needs adoption and scaleability. Stakenet's project is exactly what will help do this.

>> No.20070267

btc maximalist ? if you look it that way they are also eth maximalist since raiden is being integrated with ETH + all erc20 tokens including USDT

>> No.20070346

finally some fud with some effort put into it.

lightning network is not dead, it's a baby. you sound like my boomer dad saying bitcoin is dead just because the media isnt talking about it any more

>> No.20070456

It’s dead because all attention towards it has been directed elsewhere. It’s well known it’s centralized and full of vulnerabilities. “But it’s young!” It’s been out for years now and nobody is using it. I understand for many of you your bags are underwater but just ignoring the elephant in the room isn’t going to help

>> No.20070459

This "dead" tech allows instant swaps and a DEX with all CEX quality ;)

>> No.20070536

Well you're showing numbers here on Bitcoins Lightning network. That's another network, like your LAN does not equal your neighbours LAN.
Besides that the groundlaying tech is being developed by Lightning Labs and Stakenet, so it's not dead either. Moreover Stakenet does solve problems BTC Lightning has. such being applications and watchtowers for example. Stakenets Lightning will be highly liquid, because they'll use the masternode collaterals for that. that's 2200 MN times 15.000 XSN times e.g. 1$. That'll make 33 million dollars of liquidity just inside their network WITHOUT any users portfolios
Masternode will be watchtwoers as well, so there are already incentives implemented just by earning mn rewards

>> No.20070548

Seeing it in action on the DEX proves otherwise

>> No.20070588

someone missed buying their bags. Just put some buy orders below the top and wait to get filled.

More TX on the BIGGEST crypto - Bitcoin. That is a home run.

>> No.20070620

tl;dr it's not dead - Stakenet is squeezing Lightning out of the uterus

>> No.20070646

Imagine thinking your DEX is representative of the macro industry shifting to Lightning. The absolute state

>> No.20070665
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really happy you wrote this so i didnt have to reply to low teir fud

>> No.20070672

Yes, instant swaps! Let’s just ignore the other major vulnerabilities pointed out by major research firms. I can swap my shitcoin for another shitcoin instantly!

>> No.20070702

trips called it

>> No.20070704

dare you to reply to >>20070536

>> No.20070709

Thank you for actually adding something of substance anon. Yes I am aware the masternodes will solve a major hurdle with lightning. How do you rebuttal all of the vulnerabilities and lack of network effects though?

>> No.20070743

I want to know how you can glance over the security/privacy vulnerabilities that have plagued the network. I’m aware MN create liquidity for a protocol that desperately needs it. That’s a tangent though. My original statement was how it was dead and then referenced the vulnerabilities as evidence

>> No.20070773

please provide what security vulnerabilities you are talking about

>> No.20070833


You have already missed the point. You don’t have to care about XSN and hypothetical scalability issues as if this is BTC, it’s not.

Being able to trade on a DEX P2P, IS decentralized and you never lose your private keys, this is independent of holding XSN. It’s a working product.

It’s obvious you sold since you was formerly a bull and the recent run up has you salty. Just buy back in.

>> No.20070874

There is literally a laundry list but I will give you one of the most recent ones from this year. Just spend 5 min on google


>> No.20070914

This did nothing to refute the numerous security and privacy vulnerabilities ive highlighted. Thank you for highlighting that a DEX is P2P though, never knew that top kek

>> No.20071063


I'm not sure which points you are refering to exactly besides those I answered to already, so I picked up some stuff from one of your sources anon


>But then…I started to hit some snags. I won money on online betting sites, but couldn’t withdraw the money because I needed incoming channels connecting to my node with money on the other side of the equation. I was like “what the fuck?”

Stakenet solved this by implementing a "Channel Rental Feature". You will just rent a channel that provides liquidity for you for a few cents

>Then I started trying to close some channels to get money back out of lightning. God what a hassle.

will be completly automated. Imagine having a switch next to your balance and moving it to the left puts e.g. 20% of your balance off-chain, moving it to the right puts it off-chain. Of course you'll have to give it a little wait for the work to be done in the background, but thats what it'll look like

>So I’d have to create a new lightning channel every month to pay my staff anyway, so I’d be doing onchain tx anyway

You'll just keep those channels open as they will allow you to send/receive via Lightning. Same for the staff. Yes, initially it's a on-chain transaction with on-chain fees, BUT after that one every following transaction will be instant, off-chain and with microfees

>But the staff don’t get paid enough to warrant $100 fees for each channel.

fees for opening a channel are around 20cents and depend HEAVILY on the blockchain used for that. I suggest paying via LTC or just using USDT. Stakenet will instantly swap it to whichever currency is wished for

>Plus what are they doing to do once I’ve paid them via LN? There’s no way I can expect them to run their own nodes.

Masternodes act as Lightning nodes. Stakenet connects the users to those nodes

I hope this clears your view anon. In case of Stakenet we're talking absolute next level here

>> No.20071078
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>Blockstream research shows a possible security flaw in Bitcoin’s Lightning Network through a probe and timing attack.

>Blockstream research

you know blockstream has massive motivations to discredit LN because it is a direct threat to their business model lel. congrats on being a good goy.

>> No.20071120

having a switch next to your balance (1-100%) moving to the left puts it off-chain moving to the left on-chain*

>> No.20071127
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10 masternodes checking in.

>> No.20071184

fuck me lol. last try:

*having a switch next to your balance (1-100%) moving to the left puts it off-chain moving to the right on-chain

>> No.20071312

Go look at the hundreds of other articles written by other publications. I see your point tho

>> No.20071886

All paid for by Roger Ver and Craig Wright