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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20061908 No.20061908 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to die from a raging price boner

>> No.20062067

I fucked up a little lol

Sold off 35% of my stack on the way up to 1.60

One on hand, I 3x'd a portion of it on Uniswap bullshit & on the other hand with what I have sitting in USDT on MXC I need to wait for a retrace to $1.33 in order to just scoop back up what I sold

If I bought back in right now at current price, I'd only have increased what I sold in DMG by 18%

Hoping for a pullback but I am a little unsure it's coming with how well it's held >1.60

>> No.20062083
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Never be unhappy with profits friend. That said if you want to buy back in just do it. Fortune favors the bold. Sometimes.

>> No.20062112

yep profits are profits this is holding price way more than i thought it would i wont be surprised if we see 2$ in the next couple of days

>> No.20062123

Hey I've NOT taken profits countless times and it's only burned me so can't bust your chops too much fren

>> No.20062127

It’s a scam.

>> No.20062153

sold my swing stack at 1.30. this thing is going to rip off wannabe top sellers for weeks

>> No.20062275

Thanks friends

This is some good reinforcement that I generally took the right path (inb4 DMG hits $10 and just would have been better to hold)

Been considering putting some of the profits into RUNE, RVX, or adding to my AMPL Geyser idk

>> No.20062443

no problem fren. I'll likely not take profits when I should and end up with less than I could have but that's the HODL mental illness I have.

>> No.20062500

I sold 10% around 1.30-1.40
Can't really be too mad about profiting almost 250% tho
I just sold the pump into the 1.80s too. I have a feeling we'll see $4. I really do. But at the same time I've been burned in the past never taking profits and then riding the pump all the way back down. This time I will do it differently. We're all going to make it

>> No.20062558

You can’t swing this shit it only goes up

I’m literally shaking at how rich I’m getting

>> No.20062581

>I’m literally shaking at how rich I’m getting
Normally I'd see that as a sell signal for myself but unfortunately I haven't made enough money yet. Can you please hold until you're like MEGA rich anon?

>> No.20062650
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>> No.20062683

Obvious longterm scam but good work riding the pumps boyos.

>> No.20063922


>> No.20063972

Imagibe trusting advice from weak handed bizlets. This is literally the biggest single project in crypto right now and you sold at $1.50 or below? Just go ahead and neck yourself. You will never make it. Rune is an effing shitcoin compared to this monster.

>> No.20063982

I have 3900 DMG tokens. When will I "make it" at a reasonable level. Don't need millions but a few hundred k would be nice

>> No.20063998

no but u can die from delusion, which I'm detecting high amounts of in ur post

>> No.20063997

18 months

>> No.20064033

I can live with this

>> No.20064919


>> No.20064998

Imagine selling in this stage.....take profits with shitcoins, not dmg. You fucked up

>> No.20065927


>> No.20066161

It's fucking pumping again

>> No.20066537

Fyuck this shitty board car loans AHHHJJHFJHASOFOSFKP

>> No.20066751

Is this on coinmarketcap? Can't seem to find it

>> No.20066891


>> No.20066902



200k to other wallets, and then to uniswap in 2k increments in the last couple hours.

>> No.20066910

That's funny

I'm getting high amounts of gay from yours.

>> No.20066925

O fuck is this the token unlock they mentioned in ama?

>> No.20066949

Whatever it is, it's being intentionally obscured so we all get fucked,

>> No.20066966

Looks like Draper is dumping to me desu.

>> No.20067028

would love to see a dump, got 15k and i really need more. selling my xdai for more DMG

>> No.20067166

one of you trannys go ask in the discord

>> No.20067175

It's been asked. Radio silence from the team.

>> No.20067240

> Literally used cars on the blockchain

>> No.20067244
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>> No.20067253

lets see that screenshot of you asking

>> No.20067305
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>> No.20067321

Anon was finally not a fag

>> No.20067329

Aaaaand we're dumping. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.20067362
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> Literally used cars on the blockchain

>> No.20067381
File: 15 KB, 322x114, Screen Shot 2020-07-02 at 11.26.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aaaaand we're dumping

Up 5.8% today. I just screencapped you dumb ass and you have been added to the cringe folder

>> No.20067383

If I'm not letting the other shit FUD me I'm not gonna let this FUD me I guess

>> No.20067412


>"I'm going to ignore an address holding 2.4million DMG dumping through seperate addresses to intentionally obscure the dump, that I can easily verify myself by following the link provided, because i'm emotionally wedded to a 1 week old project."


>> No.20067430
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200% gains in a week aren't enough apparently. We should be looking out for one another here. If you don't sell before the pullback you're a fucking retard.

>> No.20067439


>> No.20067444

I had a friend who sold used cars and got fucked for falsifying information. This project is doomed to fail. Get your profits while you can and leave this stinking pile of doo doo in the trash where it belongs.

>> No.20067490


>> No.20067501


I've said this everyday now for the last week and I'm getting sick of repeating myself so I'm gonna screen cap this post this time.

DMG fud is at it's strongest when burgers are asleep. And the fud usually gets posted at the same time as when third worlders bombard biz with scams. This is nothing more than third worlders fudding who are salty because they missed out and thought it was a group of rival indian scammers trying to scam them because all you do is go round scamming people. Now you try to bring down the price so you can get a better entry

>> No.20067505

not fucking selling

>> No.20067529

Ok Raj. Down 5% in as many hours. I'll be checking back in 24 hours from now to laugh at all the brainlets who didn't sell when faced with evidence of whales dumping.

Do yourself a favour and sell a couple dmg to buy the rope you're going to wish you could afford in a couple days.

>> No.20067585

Idk, don't really feel like selling. Also why are so many people fudding this coin so aggressively? It's really weird. I'd like to believe it's out of everyone's good graces but I highly doubt it. Anyways not selling for a while, but I am keeping all the FUD in mind. But yeah no, I have a plan and don't feel like changing it. Thanks tho guys.

>> No.20067596

STFU you fck piece of shit. Whales aren't selling at this point. go f yurself pajeet

>> No.20067613

You can literally check the whale address that's been posted several times and confirm it for yourself, streetshitter.

>> No.20067628

Here's another you absolute brainlet. Your loss if you choose to ignore.


>> No.20067629



>> No.20067635

That was 2 hours ago and the price didn't drop. Nice fud smooth brain

>> No.20067652

It will once burgers wake up and realise they're getting fucked. The only people buying now are pajeets.

>> No.20067667

$1.65 now. Are you still waiting?

>> No.20067698

Why are you so desperate for everyone to sell?

Did you not buy in under $1? Are you now
Fudding so you can try and buy in under $1.50

>> No.20067704

Look at this astroturfing retard talk to himself

>> No.20067708 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20067731

$1.64 now.

I bought in the public sale.

The real question is why are you so desperate to hold through such an obvious incoming pullback?

Up 200% in a week, whales are dumping on pajeets on uniswap, the price is dropping. This is the sell signal. How could it be more obvious? It's literally the top wallet outside team wallets.

Don't sell if you don't want to increase your stack and you hate money. You've been warned.

>> No.20067757

1.66 now I can count pennies with you if you want, Jesus. Not selling fuck off

>> No.20067777
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>"1.66 sir i promise sir very good buy sir"

>> No.20067780

muh one minute price changes muh fugga

>> No.20067792

I’m already in- obviously a burger because we just woke up here. Enjoy your life of FUD

>> No.20067882

i wanna hit you in the face with a chair really hard fck pajeets

>> No.20067900

15 !!! posts of you imbecile, why the f do you care if you dont own any DMG? get the fuck out of here you fck retard

>> No.20067906
File: 732 KB, 828x1792, E9238036-0C40-4BFE-B993-5DFD71F5BC60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin market cap getting ready

>> No.20068149

48K is not a whale you tranny

>> No.20068424

he sold for 131 eth and Ranjeeth is calling this a whale. f this guy

>> No.20068538
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no! Not the heckin' tokenrino's the teamarino' said they'd release-a-rino in the AMA not 48 fucking hours ago.

>> No.20068687

Look at the whale dumper shilling no-news from the public sale

>> No.20068691


>> No.20068917


>> No.20068929

it's going to $30 bro just watch
