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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20056700 No.20056700 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that Americans are fine with the government printing 3 trillion dollars out of thin air to buy back junk stocks and bonds from wall street firms and shady corporations, but any modest (and even comparatively fiscally responsible) plans to improve healthcare accessibility in this country are viewed as the second coming of Satan?

>> No.20056741

One off emergency measures vs bona fide annual surge in spending

>> No.20056760

Americans have no say in what (((they))) want to do.

>> No.20056777

That's the narative that is pushed. I'm going to say it regardless of the shit that I catch, but millenials and even the 2 generations that came before it, in majority, think that health care should be free as well as many other things.
Though, I don't think everything should be free, Healthcare and Education should as it would only help improve society in the long run.
Investing in people may take generations to bear fruit, but it's the long game that matters, and while some of the peasantry may be uncouth in mind, body and spirit, their descendants may be critical in the next phase of this thing called earth

>> No.20056779

Because healthcare reforms are controlled by the left, which is the same with climate change. That means that making reforms, means jumping to the left.

This is mainly the fault of the left, as they are not pragmatic. For example, public healthcare would require strong borders and discriminating agaisnt poor health choices, which they don't want.

I live in the UK, and it's the same here. Public healthcare is not a pragmatic choice, now moreso the projection of how they think society should operate; no one should suffer regardless of their decisions.

>> No.20056785

>one off

>> No.20056788

Are you really saying that the Fed intends to put the cat back in the bag? They said that about 2009 too, yet their balance sheets are at an all-time-high. In the long term this will create exceptional inflation and lower the quality of life of typical Americans even further. Its just doubling down on a fucking stupid idea. I personally have a good job, but I think it is just so stupid that the working class has to pick up the tab for the poor AND the wealthy. Its just fucking retarded and leaves this country virtually no future.

>> No.20056808

This is a fallacy based on the assumption free healthcare & education automatically helps people. Not everyone and everything benefits from free healthcare.

There is a pragmatic argument for a basic level of care, but like you said, for you it's a matter of a 'right', which is not logical.

>> No.20056810


I don’t support it, I’m saying they aren’t the same thing. Yes I think it’s weird how quiet we are about the surge in fed pumping but I think we’re distracted by the once a century pandemic and shutdown right now. This isn’t some conventional budget debate.

>> No.20056827

That said... it's mainly the older generations in power that fuck the younger one. Just think of who's fucking all young girls looking for a buck with daddy issues. Wait till they die off and hopefully everyone with a stake in the future pulls their head out of their ass.

We keep on waiting for the world to change

>> No.20056837

Because white America are bootlicking dogs to the elites as long as they think black people might benefit from something

>> No.20056841 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 1024x573, trumpkeyboardwarriorspivvrlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new folks are probably curious? What is Pivvr?

>Well if you've been paying attention you've noticed that any shittoken can do a 200x on uniswap these days. Of all these shittokens, the ones least scammy (and thats not saying much) are the PoL tokens. What is a proof of liquidity token? Its a token that proves its liquidity.

Now its easy to launch a token with a huge marketcap because mcap is simply last price of token X total supply. I could create a token right now and make it have a billion dollar marketcap with one trade. But its deceiving. Because you cannot extract 1 billion dollars from the token.

>Why cant you? It would make sense that a token with a billon dollar marketcap would be worth a billion dollars. Wrong. You need liquidity. Liquidity is the total amount of bitcoin buy orders for that token.Thus Proof Of Liquidity was born.

In the proof of liquidity model the total supply of tokens is sent to uniswap along with a seed amount of ether. This seed amount of ether ensures that there is liquidity. But we weren't satisfied with that. We needed more liquidity.

>So we decided to pair a deflationary proof of liquidity token (thats right its liquid and it shrinks - take that to the bank jack) with a stable coin.

What does the stable coin do? It adds double the liquidity.

>How? Because not only can you sell your Pivvr tokens for eth on uniswap, you can sell your pivvr tokens for the pivvr stable tokens which are ALWAYS worth 0.001 eth or 1 pivvr token.

Now smart people will think about this and think, hey wait, theres a problem, if the tokens are back 1:1 with reserves, eventually you will run out of stable coins as the pivvr price goes up.

>And you would be correct.

As the price of pivvr tokens continues to rise the stable coins will be HOT commodity because they are all you to make gains (the increasing price of the pivvr token) without exposing yourself to risk (its always 0.001) ether.

https disc ord gg Qhx Yq Rt

>> No.20056842

>how quiet we are

the vast majority of people have no understanding of finance

>> No.20056849

Most Americans are poor and dumb and don't have any savings.
Most rich Americans are not dumb so they don't keep their wealth in fiat.

>> No.20056873


Yeah. Anxiously awaiting how big of a shit show this society turns out to be and whether I’ll have time to make gains and possibly leave.

>> No.20056869

>and discriminating agaisnt poor health choices
does this mean that landwhales pay higher taxes?

>> No.20056898

Yes, or at least applying pricing to negative health decisions such as STDs

People are under the delusion that most people want free healthcare because they care about people, when it's just about having a consequence-free society

>> No.20056905

This would mean incels should also pay higher taxes since their mental health is always on the verge of taking a dive.

>> No.20056909


>> No.20056914

There will always exist a free-rider problem. But, I'd rather the free rider be a fellow citizen, even if they are a deadbeat, rather than some giant corporate insurance conglomerate who profits off this fucked up shit. If I get hit by a drunk driver tomorrow, I am going to basically be bankrupted. My life as I know it will literally end forever.

>> No.20056938

It's logical in the sense that some people can push their bodies to better limits and bring forth a healthy mind through their body.

It's logical that exposure to knowledge (...or doctrine...) of any kind will eventually rub off. So good habits, education and a healthy individual that knows what preventive healthcare is and can get it and implement it can only have a good impact on society.

Think outside the box.

>> No.20056944

You can say that all you want, it still doesn't address the fact that you'd destroy the middle-class to baby millions of unintelligent, fat idiots.

Your second assumption is also incorrect, because current 'private healthcare' is moreso an over-regulated nightmare to the benefit of corporations

>> No.20056966

No you

>> No.20056975

word salad

>> No.20057011

The middle class in this country is already destroyed, and Americans are already fat idiots, you fuck. America spends more money on healthcare than any other country, including those who have way more efficient systems and FAR higher qualities of life, of which healthcare is a major factor. and inb4 you say oh but our healthcare is the best. Yeah well when you break your leg, no one is going to fly you to the top surgeon in the region. That's for rich oligarchs from other countries who pay cash up front. You're going to get some Muslim foreigner who peddles you oxycodone pills to make a profit.

>> No.20057066
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>why are the corporations that own the government ok with free money, but not with the end of the incredibly profitable private health insurance scam?

I dunno lol!

>> No.20057075

I'm not defending your current healthcare system

What I am saying, is that'd you just crash things further to babysit niggers and the millions of central Americans that would be brought in alongside public healthcare

>> No.20057429

>plans to improve healthcare accessibility in this country are viewed as the second coming of Satan
I've got mine.

>> No.20057481

name one person who's in favor of providing trillions in free money to giant corporations who's not a politician or corporate bigwig.

>> No.20057511
File: 15 KB, 711x467, fed balance sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>One off

>> No.20057538

if you ask the average american if they want infinite money printing they will either

a) be too dumb to understand the long term negative consequences, and just want immediate benefit
b) think they can find a way to end up with a net profit from the money printing, even after factoring in inflation

so most people support infinite money printing.

>> No.20057551

We are nationalizing the economy, chief. Think harder.

>> No.20057590

In order to have social welfare programs that actually work, there would need to be form of discrimination. The only way free college would work is if the state limits the number of entrants, because otherwise everyone going to college would completely devalue higher education and make it worthless anyway. Likewise, unless there were strict penalties to bad lifestyle choices like obesity, drug use, smoking, etc, unhealthy fatties would just suck up all the care because they get everything for free and have no incentive to bother improving themselves. And all these social programs would fail without closed borders, because everyone from the entire world would flood in even more than they already do in order to leech.

>> No.20057637

We've stopped numbering the QE's anon.

>> No.20057638

Every American that used trumpbux

>> No.20057643

They want everything and they want it now, and the last thing they want is anything handed out to anyone for free. We're basically just sitting around waiting on the boomers to die for the country, economy, moral fabric, and housing market to right itself.

>> No.20057655

being in favor of getting 1200 for yourself is a far cry from being in favor of wallstreet getting trillions. But you know that and are being disingenuous.

>> No.20057782


Show me a real healthcare reform that doesn't
1) Tax the ever living fuck out of middle class whites
2) Doesn't punish healthy people
3) Doesn't let illegals and niggers use the ER for runny noses
4) Isn't a corporate rim job like the ACA was
5) Doesn't massively raise premium costs

The only solution i every get from people is "LMAO free healthcare"

This whole conversation is moot anyway, because you're completely correct, the kikes just freely print however they want now. The damage is already done and the debt cannot ever be repaid

>> No.20057786

Spoken like someone that doesn't live around millions of fat niggers and spics, and is too stupid/beta to realize "free healthcare" means decades longer of these parasites on society laying around in hospitals getting million dollar treatments to keep their never worked a day in their lives fat assess alive.

Fuck you welfare queen kill yourself.

>> No.20057794

Nothing can be free. Free stuff turns to shit. If healthcare is free people wont invest in big state of the art hospitals. You will get the shit you have in europe. old worn out places. The problem isnt whether your not healthcare is free or not but the price of healthcare and insurance racket.

BUUUTT those who control it all feed you a pile of shit that you think is a good idea like free healthcare meanwhile you dont think past the tv flashing to understand the real problem is the insureance/big pharma. But they pay the pols who pay the MSM who tell you what to think. You eat it up like your shit food full of poison and believe it while your brain rots into oblivion and any notion of a critical thought that once was held there is gone like a breeze on a cool spring morning.

>> No.20057823

>I can use my trumpbux but the evil corporations can't!!!

>> No.20057830

you sound anti semitic

>> No.20057834

The fact that you’re on this forum probably means you’re a day trader. How ironic.

>> No.20058018


To follow up Ill prove my point.
What are better?
Private toll roads or public highways?
A: Private toll roads. They are always built better and maintained better but you have to pay a price to use them. Public roads turn to shit and the government is always reluctant to fix them because its money out of their pockets. When they do get around to fix them the fixes suck, they slow down traffic and they are usually no better 6 months to a year later.

Private Vs. Public schools: Public school learning environment is an absolute train wreck compared to private schools. Teachers in private schools care more and classroom sizes are smaller so you get better attention and thus learn more.

its the same concept. Look at Russia/USA right now. Russia is a shithole. They have made Zero advances in the last 50 years. Look at Eastern Europe. its a joke.

And you want the people who will be responsible for your health, doing surgeries, delivering babies and all that stuff to be free? No my friend that is a disastrous idea. But I bet you cant even wrap your poisoned brain around these concepts because the pretty woman on your tv set hasnt told you to think this way.

>> No.20058043

If those corporations are ‘junk’ then no, they down own the government.

>> No.20058061

Yes, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France and Belgium are begging their governments to have Americas healthcare

>> No.20058125


Americans are brainwashed to serve the interests of the their billionaire masters. I’m not kidding. Literally the only country where universal healthcare is viewed as a “””””””””communist””””””””” idea.

>> No.20058132

Europeans are cucks.They dont know anything different. They have been ruled over for hundreds and hundreds of years by "royal" families. They are absolute losers. The few people from Europe that had any nuts packed their shit up and moved to America. Whats left in Europe are cucks getting completely replaced by foreigners.

But hey they get their "free" healthcare from some shithole hospital and muhamed surely cares about your health when hes checking you over.

>> No.20058205


That’s why those countries outperform the US on most medical indices. But hey keep spouting /pol/ memes you retarded redneck. Maybe try some data next time.

>> No.20058304

t. Baltimore resident who can’t walk outside without stepping in needles and having a gun pointed at your face. Don’t forget to get an Uber for your hospital trip

>> No.20058372

What do you have against Jewish people bud?