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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 900x500, matic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20055160 No.20055160 [Reply] [Original]

After looking at the number of partnerships and Dapps building on matic network including games , i choose matic,

>> No.20055458

best scaling solution
and team is rock solid
Leaving matic now is like ignoring eth when it was 10$

>> No.20055584
File: 37 KB, 673x263, matic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20055839

matic is one stop shop
all others are shits tryna make some money before they aare gone and forgotten

>> No.20055907 [DELETED] 
File: 525 KB, 780x530, 3gorgesdamvietnamkidrunningpivvrlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The new folks are probably curious? What is Pivvr?

>Well if you've been paying attention you've noticed that any shittoken can do a 200x on uniswap these days. Of all these shittokens, the ones least scammy (and thats not saying much) are the PoL tokens. What is a proof of liquidity token? Its a token that proves its liquidity.

>Now its easy to launch a token with a huge marketcap because mcap is simply last price of token X total supply. I could create a token right now and make it have a billion dollar marketcap with one trade. But its deceiving. Because you cannot extract 1 billion dollars from the token.

>Why cant you? It would make sense that a token with a billon dollar marketcap would be worth a billion dollars. Wrong. You need liquidity. Liquidity is the total amount of bitcoin buy orders for that token.Thus Proof Of Liquidity was born.

>In the proof of liquidity model the total supply of tokens is sent to uniswap along with a seed amount of ether. This seed amount of ether ensures that there is liquidity. But we weren't satisfied with that. We needed more liquidity.

>So we decided to pair a deflationary proof of liquidity token (thats right its liquid and it shrinks - take that to the bank jack) with a stable coin.

>What does the stable coin do? It adds double the liquidity.

>How? Because not only can you sell your Pivvr tokens for eth on uniswap, you can sell your pivvr tokens for the pivvr stable tokens which are ALWAYS worth 0.001 eth or 1 pivvr token.

>Now smart people will think about this and think, hey wait, theres a problem, if the tokens are back 1:1 with reserves, eventually you will run out of stable coins as the pivvr price goes up.

>And you would be correct.

>As the price of pivvr tokens continues to rise the stable coins will be HOT commodity because they are all you to make gains (the increasing price of the pivvr token) without exposing yourself to risk (its always 0.001) ether.

https disc ord gg Qhx Yq Rt

>> No.20055960

This time last year i was rich off this shit coin then went in ONE

>> No.20056557
File: 12 KB, 400x400, maker dao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13% of total Circulating supply Lock
12 Mn $MATIC Rewards Distributed
423 MN tokens staked
Still more than 75% APR
1.5K+ Community participated in delegation