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20054044 No.20054044 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone's else parents are rich boomers who tell you to just "get a job"?

So basically my father earns about 140k+ after tax per year. He is a senior project manager (in engineering) and has a very stable job - its a govt linked company. And I recently graduated trying to find employers but it has been tough cause of covid. Literally every day he just says I need to try harder and just get a job it pisses me off to no end why are boomers like this?

>> No.20054068

Get a job.

>> No.20054087

>zoomer complains about not wanting a job

>> No.20054089

you should probably just get a job

>> No.20054090

Your dad is based.
What's your degree in, son?
Some general shit like business or finance?

>> No.20054107

I WANT A JOB. But its hard to find one thats currently hiring (I have a degree in electrical engineering)

>> No.20054108

Seems to me your just using the flu as an excuse to sit around.

>> No.20054130

Ah the entitled zoomzoom who rather sit around instead of getting something in the mean time

>> No.20054137

I have literally sent out 200+ applications and went to 20 interviews about 5 have outright rejected me 3 are lowballed me and the rest I am waiting for the call back offers

>> No.20054143

Lol, I have a job, and mine tells me to get a better job.

>> No.20054282


You don't want a job, you want to be spoiled just like your rich father has done for you your entire life.
You don't have experience, skills or grades to justify an upper tier pay right off the bat. Take an average to lower salary and work your way up you smug prick

>> No.20054322

What kind of car do u drive?

>> No.20054324

Bruh they were offering 30-40k right out of the gate? Who on earth would accept that? I would expect a minimum range of 50-60k at least for a degree holder

>> No.20054340
File: 473 KB, 800x600, 81967850_2506524063002903_6862095607033495552_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to make your cv look more impressive. Add a bunch of fake experience and learn how to lie at interviews.

>> No.20054343

Life is meaningless without occupation. I’m not even a boomer.

>> No.20054347

Your parents are poor retard, and they have an idiot child and make zero money. Get a fucking job pleb.

>> No.20054375

>degree holder
Kek. I make more than your parents From my couch with with no degree

>> No.20054386

This. Learn to lie or be a cuck for life. Your father is ashamed that you haven't learned to lie like a man.

>> No.20054411

My father bought me a CLA 250 for graduation because I graduated with Summa Cum Laude

Idk he gives me like a 2k monthly allowance,paid for my uni and has like plenty of rentals around town thats why I called him "rich" we're upper middle class but not "rich" I guess.

>> No.20054419
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somebody seem slightly jealous

>> No.20054447

Stupid thing is I went for 4 internships with almost 2 years total experience and learnt C,C++,Java and have autocad experience, and still because of this gay corona Im having difficulty getting a job that pays well

>> No.20054465

You know what fuck this maybe I should just ask my boomer dad for a job at his company. So sick of this seriously

>> No.20054540

that's the spirit

>> No.20055088


>> No.20055219

>family poor
>only my old mother and like 2 other relatives still alive
>didn't get the chance to go to uni
>inherited few thousand euros years ago

I went and got a job, now I am well off, able to support my mother financially and study for a degree while taking my gf abroad. Your father just wants to see if you're a loser and if he should blow all his savings on whores and gambling before he dies.

>> No.20055335
File: 17 KB, 480x360, zoomer-doomer-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen, your mother & I are concerned. You need to get a job & stop dressing up like a girl you disgusting little faggot.
>you are not my son

>> No.20055427
File: 82 KB, 480x701, 1470252638953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize getting a job isn't just about your degree, right? It's about experience in the field among other things (qualifications even more specialised and sought after than your $20k piece of paper, for example). You probably won't understand until you get off your ass and try earning, but your degree has taught you almost no real world skills.

Almost a half of all young people go to university nowadays - you're not special, and it's not as impressive as you think. Get a job and work your way up the ladder.

>> No.20055487

>Bruh they were offering 30-40k right out of the gate?

Sounds like you don't want a job. Low pay is better than no pay. Take the shitty offer and work your way up to a better one. That's how the world works.

>> No.20055509

You have BS EE & cant find a job? Where the hell did you intern? What kind of shit school did u go?