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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20051829 No.20051829 [Reply] [Original]

Is 5,000 Link enough to make it?
I only have $25,000 and want to yolo it all in ChainLink

>> No.20051855

wait at least one month, $4 retest is inevitable

>> No.20051868

No, 10k is make it stack.

>> No.20051908

Of course it is. Dontt listen to those fags.

>> No.20051921

Depends is $5MM is enough to make it for you. For me it is.
Not inevitable. It's pumping now and will retest $5. If it breaks we are in price discovery and $10 is on the cards. IF it fails to break $5 you are right.

>> No.20051933

sorry no, even if it goes 20x youll only have 500k. youll need to reinvest that 500k into other "next big things" to make it. but dont worry, /biz/ will show you the way if you know how to sift. it will be fun

>> No.20051947

Cope. If you want to live and be rich on passive income from staking you need MINIMUM 10k links

>> No.20051984

>even if it goes 20x
You do realize that it's going to $1000, right? That's 200X+. It's not a meme.

>> No.20051989

this sexy son of a bitch is fucking YOUR portfolio
and basically
Just watch the free video

>> No.20052074


not in the next 3 years. it would need to moon harder than ethereum which i cant imagine. I can tell you from experience that waiting through a 90% correction over a year and a half is fucking hard

>> No.20052106

There, there. 5,000 is a fine little stack.

>> No.20052153

>You do realize that it's going to $1000, right?

>> No.20052177

why now? if you believe in the tech, the next step is really more advanced/functional use cases, which take time and energy to develop.

the dev team is cashing out at a rate of $1m+ per week, the project is stuck in development hell, and competition is nipping at the heels to beat them to market. why invest in this very moment, at a local top?

>> No.20052204

There is no competition

>> No.20052216
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5000 LINK puts you in something like the top 5% of wallets. 5000 is the official Sergey make-it stack, as evidenced by the award for LINKpal winning the hackathon.

5000 LINK x $83,000 = $415,000,000

>> No.20052227

>competition is nipping at the heels

>> No.20052233

most normies can't even afford half a suicide stack

>> No.20052282

Most normies live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford 50 LINK

>> No.20052314

Yes. 1 million by the end of the year.

>> No.20052318

What about 2500?

>> No.20052359

This is your mind on chainlink. Don't let your friends do chainlink.

>> No.20052373

People are so obsessed with this 10k stack lol.

>> No.20052499

Based.. industry standard

>> No.20052540

>it would need to moon harder than ethereum
It will absolutely outperform Ethereum in the next 3 years.

>> No.20052610

But don't worry, /biz/ will tell you the next big thing that's going nowhere

>> No.20052625

No but it could easily end up being a life changing amount of money if you aren't retarded.

>> No.20052955

Suicide stack, but sure

>> No.20053015

the first two digits of your link stack basically equates to the size of your cock in inches. so 5000 link equates to 5.0 inches. 2500 link equates to 2.5 inches

>> No.20053027


>> No.20053199

bragging fucking asshole

>> No.20053281

dude get over this and just do it
don't hate yourself if it dumps, Sergey will make sure this goes to $1000.
If you join the ride learn patience brother

>> No.20053309
File: 26 KB, 602x423, 85A5B47E-8C38-4964-AD8A-2B65173BA8FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I hold 905 linkies

>> No.20053315

Sorry bro, my cock isn't 25inch long irl

>> No.20053329

Sorry but frenposters do not make it. I will therefore not give you any advice as I don't want to be connected to your failure in any way

>> No.20053367

it's the size thots think your cock is

>> No.20053419

You are the anti fren, fren. You WILL MAKE IT!

>> No.20053442

Imagine fomoing in a the top
What a loser

>> No.20053498

>competition is nipping at the heels to beat them to market.

>> No.20053535

yolo into quant you idiot

>> No.20053564

we need to stop sharing how many LINK we hold. there are glowniggers, (((legacy financiers))), and other other malicious parties that scrape for info presently or will in the future from archives. data collection is a scary thing

>> No.20053574

>Sorry bro, my cock isn't 25inch long irl
That’s a HUGE schlong

>> No.20053722


>> No.20053817

OP- get the 5k stack and you are unironically in much better shape than even OG link marines like myself who have been in since early 2018.

The world is unironically fucked beyond repair. So there is no real making it at this point. We were all so excited 2 years ago having found the best investment in probably 300 years. And I’ve lost 95% of my enthusiasm about getting filthy rich because there’s nothing to do anymore and shit isn’t going to go back to normal.

I mean who knows what having 100 million dollars in this new world will even mean. It certainly won’t be like having 100 million dollars in 2007 or 1998. You are unironically more than fine with 5k and even better off than some of us with 35k stacks because we are so badly cucked right now and ain’t going back that it won’t even really matter if you have a 5k stack or 50k stack

>> No.20053870

>because there’s nothing to do anymore and shit isn’t going to go back to normal.
Unplug from social media, it's nowhere near as bad as it seems. The world is bigger than America.

>> No.20053895

What if I hold 9 linkies?

>> No.20053925

To add to this... if everyone is poor as fuck on UBI or some shit that LINK enables, then what the fuck does having 30 million dollars even mean?

The only slight hope I have is if in this dystopian world we are headed too.... and let’s say I have 30 million dollars. Will 1 million dollars allow me to own multiple dark black slaves? Will there be refugee camps where I can show up to and plop down another million for a few 18 year old girls? I have this fetish where I think back to slavery on plantation farms... and you had some colonial dude with a Whig. And he summons one of his dark black female slaves to his retiring quarters and she lays on the bed and he takes off his Whig and garb and then impregnates her. That’s the only scenario I see where at least I’m able to make it.

>> No.20054014

Nigger, I just saw a hot Milf next to me at the gas station. She had her mask on while pumping gas. She saw me looking. And then we both got in our cars at same time after pumping our gas and I looked over at her again and she waved at me from her car as she was sitting on the seat with the door still open. I roll down my window and I say I know we have to wear masks and all but we should go grab a drink. I could tell she was smiling and she probably wanted to and then she just kinda shook her head, and was like sorry. And closed the door.

It’s not normal, and it isn’t going back to normal.

>> No.20054048

I unironically think even 200 link will be enough in whatever dystopian world we are heading into

>> No.20054350

You stupid fuck, things always went back to normal, this isnt the worst pandemic in history how stupid are you? Ever heard of the black plague or spanish flu? The virus will mutate into a less bad form or there will be herd immunity at some point. Either way, things WILL go back to normal you fucking doomer

>> No.20054384

Cringe doomerfag has entered the thread again

>> No.20054595

You fucking bluepilled faggot. Neck yourself.
This shit was planned and is ushering in the new world order. The WEF is talking about "the great reset", the FED is printing money like no tomorrow, the media scares the shit out of everybody.
While I would agree with you on a rational basis my friend, that this virus SHOULD go away, I am telling you that (((they)) won't let go it away. You end up with more surveilance and more restrictions.

I feel your pain, brother. I start slowly accepting it. Even worse for me, as I am still young and have most of my life ahead of me. However I won't do shit, won't get a vaccine and definetly not a chip.
I rather be a lonely outcast for the rest of my life

>> No.20054615

Only if you invest it into link3d

>> No.20054796

Lmao no this isnt it. They are preparing the people for THE virus that will require the mark of the beast to participate in society but this isnt it fagget. But youre right, the bubble popped snd theyre using the virus as an excuse to finally crash the economy

>> No.20054869

The other shit nobody gave a fuck. The Hong Kong flu in 68 that killed 5 million people nobody even really knew it was happening.

I troll these kids on tiktok on the mask bullshit and they practically want to kill you for not wearing one.

I was in a pizza place last week picking up a pizza and I was off to the side and some dude walks in and literally tells the Mexicans working there to call the police.

I just started laughing and mocked him...”but mummy mummy he isn’t wearing a mask.” Dude is like your an idiot as he walks out with his pizza and I’m like I’m not an idiot because I don’t give a fuck if you catch it.”

These people are fucking insane. And there’s lots of them.

>> No.20055011
File: 145 KB, 800x905, 1593485446086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will all make it

>> No.20055116

Yeah I’m older so I’ve had my fun so I do feel bad for you. I just don’t see where getting rich even means much anymore. I mean if everyone is poor as fuck. Like poverty poor as fuck. What fun is having that kind of money?

>> No.20055141

>It's pumping now and will retest $5. If it breaks we are in price discovery and $10 is on the cards.
How many FUCKING times am I going to have to read this exact sentence before it happens. Fuck this scamcoin unironically selling if we don’t break $5 this year

>> No.20055526

>What fun is having that kind of money?
Not much. But that wouldn't even be my biggest concern. The surveilance and stuff they will enforce on us scares me more.
Only thing I am looking forward to though, if it happens, is seeing those NPC's in total pain aud suffering. I hope they end up killing themselves for letting all of this happen.
But then again: I am pretty sure they cope with it and tell themselves that this is how it should be and everybody just wants the best for them.

>> No.20055546

Just sell dude, no one here cares if you sell.

>> No.20055658

>They are preparing the people for THE virus
You are propaply right, yes. This one is not bad enough. Bill Gates even talked about "the next virus" already on camera.
Anyway, if there will be another one, then it will happen within the next 10 years. That's for sure.
>I’ve had my fun so I do feel bad for you
I am honestly considering to leave all my shit behind, drop out of college and just work and travel around, in case they allow it again. Because if they do, then this will be the last free time of my life, before the next virus comes, like the other anon mentioned.

>These people are fucking insane. And there’s lots of them.
They are braindead. That's what they are. Programmed from childhood on. Subverted. They do what they get told

>> No.20055743

I have 43

>> No.20055933
File: 77 KB, 722x423, rhonda2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a rare pepe

>> No.20056163

In September of 2016 ethereum was $10...that date and value are significant because that is the price two months after the Bitcoin halving in 2016...we are two months past the Bitcoin halving and chain link in $4.70.

ETH went to $1400 over the next 16 months...so where would that put LINK?

>> No.20056335
File: 3 KB, 200x80, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 is in top 2%

>> No.20056865


>> No.20057414
File: 5 KB, 209x241, chainlnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel no shame fellow 5k linker! this game is about how strong your hands are! i have exactly 5k, and we are forced to be one of the strongest hands because of our amount. do not sell a single link below 1k. most of the marines will sell large portions of their stacks way to early out of the excitement, there are larger forces in the universe that are REAL that are conspiring to make your destiny come true. so just hang in for the ride, fellow 5k linky.

to put things in perspective, Chainlink is currently 'valued' over a billion dollars. Bitcoin, which is a simple smart contract for sending money back and forth, was valued at over 800 billion in 2017. Chainlink is solving a much larger problem, which is connecting external data into smart contracts. and those contracts are currently worth enormous amounts of money. There are trillions of dollars in contracts across every industry on the planet.

>> No.20057486

>Bitcoin, which is a simple smart contract for sending money back and forth, was valued at over 800 billion in 2017
No it wasn't you fucking retard.

>do not sell a single link below 1k
Well enjoy holding your little stack for 10 years then

>> No.20057620

>doing of another critique green texts
come up with an original thought pattern simp, and you know, not everything is meant to be taken literal, but of course the autist can't read between lines.

>> No.20058344

How does 25k sound next bull run? Nice down payment on a bmw 1 class or take the whole family to Jamaica for 2 weeks.