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20051148 No.20051148 [Reply] [Original]

Frens. I'm very fucking close to just dropping 2.5k to buy the rest for an XSN MN. I could afford it now. I'm scared I won't be able to afford it anymore soon. But I'm also afraid that it'll correct soon because it went up 200% in a week. Help me frens I'm so scared!!!

>> No.20051258

Here XSN Chad holding threw the roof on the way to pluton.

Can it have a correction? Probably

Should you buy a Masternode if you can afford it? Fuck yeah

A Masternode is a Hydra head added to the DEX structure. There is no bigger honor

>> No.20051382

I know I should. But that would be a quarter of all my savings. Granted I'm barely 20yo but still.

>> No.20051493

Risk management. If it's hard work money put the stake you already have on the cloud and you will still get rewards.

If it's profit money don't hesitate to get that Masternode

>> No.20051724

Back in end 2017 I had no money à. Putted 200$ of my hard work into PHR and I transformed thoses 200$ into 60'000$.

XSN is a no Brainer a small stack will still make you big money. The difference is if you want to be rich or filthy rich

>> No.20052263
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july 2019 i dropped a $1000 on a MN and it was kinda scary but i knew what i was buying and the fear was killed off quickly. this team, this innovation, this community, this product it's all spotless and groundbreaking. havent traded since i dropped money on the masternode.why would I? all i needed to do was wait for this thing to get the show on the road and im set for life.

>> No.20052298

XSN is a scam but you should do it
scenario 1, you're a shill so who cares
scenario 2, you're dumb and the mistake will stick with you so you make better decisions later in life

>> No.20052654

Why is it a scam?

>> No.20052696
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this is sound logic in general. in the context of XSN though it's not a scam and in fact all of my painful mistakes i have made in crypto since 2016 all taught me the lessons i needed to be able to realize why I needed to stop trading and start looking for novelty in the space breaking new ground and get in early. i found XSN, did research, looked over the team, joined discord, read documentation, used the applications they had out at the time and decided that this was the one. I went ALL-IN and never had a doubt ever since I bought the MN. I'm saving all my MN rewards from network and dex fees to fund a 2nd MN. If I had enough money to buy right off the bat I would do it right now. I'm just grateful to have one tho.

your FUD is pretty good, I'm impressed. I'm sure you know that

XSN invented cold staking tech called TPoS
They were the first Proof of Stake project with Masternodes to implement Segwit, Atomic Swaps and Lightning Network.
They were the first to ever complete Lightning Swaps on mainnet and provided a guide that anyone could try them.
They were hired by the Litecoin Foundation to upgrade LTC’s core code to bring it up to speed on LN.
They were the first to build a 1 Click TOR activation method.
The new Multicurrency Wallet and Lightning DEX has multiple worlds first achievements within it.

but sure total scam lol

>> No.20052862

Its not bitcoin. There must be something scammy about it.

>> No.20052947

Scam, exit dump incoming!
You've been warned retards..

>> No.20052975

Bye Felicia

>> No.20053116

you are really upping your fudding game friend! i admire your commitment to your dying craft of fudding something as solid as stakenet. me thinks thats why you've changed your fud to simple short and blanket statements with no evidence or reasoning because there is nothing of substance you can use to discredit this wonderful money printing software. i love you fudder and our close relationship of back in forth in these xsn threads month after month and i hope you never leave. xoxo, from me.

>> No.20054168

Why it’s scam? Because you have not bought XSN months ago retard?
I have not seen any other dev team working so hard...

>> No.20054459

I was your age when I got into crypto. Trust yourself kid.

>> No.20054804

dont buy that shit retard

the xsn shill army is out in full force lately

of course they want you to buy that shit so the price goes up so they can sell their shit at your expense

>> No.20054975
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>t. dumped his xsn at 600 sat because it wasnt moving
Come back home anon

>> No.20055721
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>> No.20055793

Wait is Tim Draper involved in this project?

>> No.20055816

How much is a MN right now

>> No.20055867

Scam coin.

>> No.20055873

No, just a guy with the same last name

>> No.20055875

15'000 xsn but if you cannot afford that you can send your stake in cloud.stakenet.io and still earn passive income and this no matter the size of your stake.