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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20045652 No.20045652 [Reply] [Original]


People who bought LINK in 2017/2018 and DMG below 55c are the lords of /biz/.

If someone is recommending you a token and they have not previously recommended these, you cannot trust them.

I own 20k LINK from March 2018 and 20k DMG with average price 0.38 and I hereby declare the following to be pajeet shitcoins:


>> No.20045681

What do you think of BNT

>> No.20045682

Fuck off faggot. You sound so emotional to your coins that you actually think half of us a) give a shit about legit projects and not here to get stinking rich and most importantly b) your faggot opinion

I got in public sale of LINK and DMG and think there solid projects. Others make me money othres are solid. QNT and RSR are decent holds your faggot opinion was further confirmation.

>> No.20045687

You don't have 20k and you don't have 20k DMG. OP is a faggot.

>> No.20045706
File: 85 KB, 1082x697, CHad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fucking chad

>> No.20045807

I hope BNT will explode, V2 is coming and there is no project in DeFi with similar features

>> No.20045836

Can I get a check on Kleros?
I already knew that all that was absolute shit

>> No.20045841

We are the Lords of Crypto not just biz.

t. 25k LINK avg 77c buy ; 50k DMG 20c buy

Declared shitcoins: Anything not using Chainlink for their oracles. Looking at you Maker & Compund

>> No.20045855
File: 59 KB, 680x471, 1588314410212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20045935

compound is absolutely not shit. the coin might be shit, but the platform is based as fuck

>> No.20045956

Other than their centralized oracle that will fuck you at any given moment

>> No.20046288

lol fuck off, you absolute brainlet

>> No.20046775


Of course it will explode. Only a matter of time. BNT so comfy right now.

>> No.20046953

Lmao RSR is a deflationary governance token for a stablecoin, unlike your used car loan ponzicoin. I like my chances.