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File: 75 KB, 640x692, IMG_6784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2003792 No.2003792 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you really need to make to get a submissive middle class housewife?

>> No.2003795

You need an eye for submissive signals
A firm hand
Enough money to afford a mortgage and some kids

>> No.2003826

I remember this pic.
Made a couple of alt-right spergs on Tumblr flip their shit because apparently big tits aren't tradnat.

>> No.2003836

enough to own a house, raise 3-4 kids and put food on the table 3 times a day

>> No.2003844

bitch trying to dress like it's a Resident Evil game?

>> No.2003864

>You need an eye for submissive signals
do go on.....

>> No.2003912

In my experience

1. Apologizes more than most people, particularly for things they don't have any influence over

2. Has been in at least 1 abusive relationship

3. Exudes nervous emotion that can only be described as crazy. Normally they hide it pretty well so when you see it leak out one time you need to get a foot in the door. Chances are she actually has some mental issue. Most of them do, but that's okay.

4. Visibly pleased when you just tell them what you're doing (together) instead of asking. Not really that hard to test, just tweaking your speech to be a little more declarative and a little less questioning.

>> No.2003926

Well....as a house wife at least 100k. And that's with good benenfits, amazing health insurance and good dental/ vision....although if taxes get raised on income, which lets be honest they will, you wi need to make more. I don't recommend submissive girls that are that way in general. They're easily corrupted. But if you have a controlling disposition in the first place maybe it will work out. However it will be hard to control her when she's out at the kids soccer games , gymnastics, swim, track, debate, pta, etc. So maybe you want to keep the kids to a minimum or at nill? Then you're probably okay at 70k a year. The marriages that I've seen last with controlling men and submissive women usually involve a trailer though. Maybe you could just find a successful female who is a freak?

>> No.2003941

Bondage worked fine for me. My wife and I are just both misanthropic. That's the key to my successful marriage. Hating everyone except each other and our children.

>> No.2003955

Also I make just over 60k and she makes just over 40.

Money doesn't score you partners. Drop that mindset, it's stupid.

>> No.2003965

Find a qt virgin

Don't be a cuck.

>> No.2004003
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>Resident Evil

>> No.2004009

RE4 yo

>> No.2004223

holy fuck this describes me but im a man

>> No.2004280

>tfw you're so insecure about having a gf that will challenge you, that you're willing to abuse a shy woman
cringe. kys already

>> No.2004288

Toastie roastie

>> No.2004352

literally the most broke pieces of shit still manage to get women.
Trust me you don't just want someone who's "just pretty and submissive". Don't raise kids with a dumb mother. Look for high quality women. Someone with an ounce of confidence or ability to raise themselves, because you will fucking regret being tied to an idiot who was unfortunately raised in a misogynist, weakening system, and your child (male or female or dragon-gender) will likely take on bits and peices of both of your attitudes.
But of course, those short-sighted don't get far in life themselves so... have fun.

>> No.2004355

She'll only be middle class if you are.

>> No.2004358

I'm a control freak. My life brings stability to an otherwise unstable person and I get to indulge my desires.

Literally nothing wrong with that.

Yes well it isn't gender exclusive. I'm sure there is some neurotic female out there who finds that desirable.

>> No.2004362

>nothing wrong with that
I mean, you clearly don't have much contol in your life if you're asking some spergs on a 4chan board about how to find women with self eateem issues.
You are pathetic.
P.S. mail order bride. Now gtfo.

>> No.2004363

This tbqh famalam

>> No.2004395

>raised in a misogynist, weakening system


>> No.2004426

this. marry a strong independent feminist single mother with 13 niglet kids instead

>> No.2004481
File: 457 KB, 1600x1247, IMG_6764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah settle down with the 39 year old party girl who's serious about her HR career and wants to put the kids in daycare

Honestly neck yourself f am your kind are literally the ones killing western society with your feminist bullshit

>> No.2004503

Enough to keep a roof over your familys head and food on the table.
If you can't do that and she needs to work, she will probably start fucking guys at work.

>> No.2004512


Virgin women are objectively superior to non-virgins.

>> No.2004529

You're an idiot. Someone like Ivanka or Mirand Kerr or Jessica Alba or Emma Watson (just examples) will breed better children than some insecure idiot.
Also looks fade, confident women take care of themselves better and are better to be around. Everyone has faults but someone with thendesire to learn is better than someone who whines, doesn't do anything, etc.

>> No.2004551
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>party girl hr
are you dumb?
You're clearly triggered as hell. Good luck raising a child in a broken home. I see how miserable guys are with wives they can't hold a conversation with, who they can't divorce because money, whose wives don't understand money or anything but how to use it, and terrible relationships over all. The irony here is you losers are still crying over feminists. Have fun when your baby turns out to be a little girl and get thrown around like your wives were as children, with less job prospects, less oppurtunity, more likely to be targets of harassment, insecurity, and abuse.

The real cucks are you guys. Literally asking for advice about women... on 4chan.

Now I remember why I left here and was succeeding better mentally and financially and socially, as opposed to whining and complaining like the rest of you "cucks". 8/10, wouldn't get sucked in again, but bredy gud job at showing how pathetic and uneducated you losers still are.

>> No.2004559
File: 10 KB, 250x242, 1492451882103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marrying for quality instead of dog-like obedience is destroying western society
Good goy! Select for docility and slow-mindedness!

>> No.2004601

In 2017?

100k a year

>> No.2004603

All you need is a house desu

>> No.2004606

>Someone like Ivanka or Mirand Kerr or Jessica Alba or Emma Watson

no thanks i dont want kike children

>> No.2004680

only a sith deals in absolutes

>> No.2004703

>Good luck raising a child in a broken home

Who said anything about a broken home?

>Have fun when your baby turns out to be a little girl and get thrown around like your wives were as children, with less job prospects, less oppurtunity, more likely to be targets of harassment, insecurity, and abuse.

Just what the fuck are you yammering about?

>Now I remember why I left here...

You should have stayed gone. You don't have much to offer.

>> No.2004707

My wife is a nice submissive middle class housewife and she married me while I was still in my last year in college.

Now I make lots of money so I can take care of her but she took a big chance on me.

>> No.2004708

Lel no she didn't faggot.

She hopped on some promising potential beta bucks after the cock carousel was getting old, looks like she was right

>> No.2004729
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1492571025336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ unironically believes that the reason they can't get a girlfriend is that all women are selfish sluts

>> No.2004740

>She hopped on some promising potential beta bucks after the cock carousel was getting old

Yeah, and? Most men are going to flounder in the working class forever, it was still a gamble.

>> No.2004797


KEK gtfo my board u massive cuck

>> No.2004816
File: 794 KB, 2000x1600, Re4-ganados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you not play RE4?

for shame.

>> No.2004897

>having a gf that will challenge you

What exactly is the point of this? Is this what feminism teaches these days, I don't want a doormat gf, but who the hell wants an antagonistic gf?

>Trust me you don't just want someone who's "just pretty and submissive"

Yeah, it's no wonder no one wants to get married when college turns out women like this.

Go to eastern Europe and find a Christian Orthodox wife.

>> No.2004911

Six figures bare minimum

>> No.2004914


>marrying submissive women

Top cuck

>> No.2004921

Objectively wrong. But its ok anon, keep justifying your low income ;))

>> No.2004930

ur kids will grow up psychopaths or sycophants or submissive

>> No.2004936


Why do feminist women project their failures on submissive women so much? At the end of the day we want wives that won't steal half our money and ambitious women are notorious for that. We all know what "challenges you" really means is leaving at the first sign of trouble. We all know it means a divorce in case we ever lose our jobs. We all know it means taking the children because of the biased family courts. You stack the entire system against men and somehow still have the gall to bitch and moan when we prefer women who are less likely to fuck us over.

>> No.2004944

Nah, rich people go for submissive wives too. My rich uncle had his wife be a housewife that waited on his every need.

The thing is if you hae money you don't need to force them.

$100k-$120k definitely seem like the minimum range for this, with two kids max,

>> No.2004995

>who the hell wants an antagonistic gf?

He didn't say to get an antagonistic gf, he said to get one who challenges you. And he's right, you should look for a person who kicks up your drive to be your best self. If your only concept of challenge is as painful pressure, that's a bad reflection on you.

>> No.2005030
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this famalan
just find a wife that works if you dont make a ton of money to support a stay at home wife (like 100k if u want kids)

do not wife up a woman who is more work orientated than u, that doesnt mean she cant be passionate, it means she would rather please u than chase a promotion/fuck chad/divorce u for all ur money

be smart about picking woman, assuming ur not a neet who just stays home doing nothing and that ur a strong man with goals in mind. u have the power to pick the right woman for ur future, dont waste it on a single mom/stacy/feminist

>> No.2006160
File: 111 KB, 474x595, 1355148365324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006168

honestly I go my own way but I'm glad none of you will ever reproduce

>> No.2006209

>can't have a conversation without talking about star wars or harry potter
Go back to plebbit or murder yourself. Preferably both.

>> No.2006277


Long term it's either Christians who idolize the 1950s or Muslims the 700s, so either way your roastie ass will get pretty toasty ;^)

>> No.2006312

Sounds like a perfect marriage.

>> No.2007104

>can't have a conversation with a woman at all

>> No.2007129

My mother made more money than my father but neglected me to work and I am a fucked up individual who feels disconnected from the rest of society.

This is much, much, much worse than the supposed cons of a submissive wife. I wish my mother was a 50s housewife kind of woman.

So, yeah, fuck you.

>> No.2007139

in America, this sort of thing has become increasingly rare, if not extinct because of

(1) women's liberation movement "empowering" cunts to be as skanky as they please
(2) women's rise in the workforce
(3) media jews that push their cuck agenda, encouraging women to sleep around, pumping the media full of images glorifying sexual freedom

the only way to find a submissive middle class housewife in americunt is to go to Utah and become a mormon

>> No.2007152


You think it no be so, but it do!

>> No.2007221

Lol, both my parents worked their asses off, divorced, and made very little money (dad works as a cop, mom a countable((idk, some kind of secretary))). After 20 years, my dad makes like 500 euros per month. Guess the country, he is a chief agent (again, dunno how to translate that grade exactly to english)

>> No.2007246
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This image turns me on more than full frontal nudity

>> No.2007769

He had a hell lot of more useful advice than you do. I never understood the attitude to returning anons. It seems like what happens when your friend in second grade gets a girlfriend and you and the guys refuse to hang out with him because of "cooties"

>> No.2007807


Broke ass crypto fags detected. Having a housewife who's not obedient to you is a shit trade. Come on you're on a fucking business board here. Why would you expend time and money letting someone stay home if they're not obedient and don't acknowledge you as leader?

That's like retaining an insubordinate employee. Anyway women are called to be obedient to their husband anyway so that's like the bare minimum.

This board sometimes śmh

>> No.2008600
File: 1.85 MB, 1403x2088, 1493280517122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?? try this on for size

>> No.2008660


I get where you are saying don't marry an idiot, but all the marriages I have seen where the wife was not submissive fell apart.

And the kids got fucked up too.

>> No.2008716

>I want my wife to "challenge" me

Please fuck off retard

>> No.2008718

this may be the most beautiful picture I have ever seen in my life desu

>> No.2008777

My husband was making $42,000 a year when we got married.

>> No.2008782

u gay er somethin?

>> No.2008788


>> No.2008808

It was an example you stupid shithead.