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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 1140x760, Ghost-McAfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20035917 No.20035917 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20036431

This shit is pumpin

>> No.20036509


FFS all the pumpers said it was supposed to be $20 by last thursday

Still under ATH

The mainnet will go to 0 liquidity when McAffee dips out and exchanges his bags for more Monero

Mcaffee is running low on coke money and needed a quick PND scam

>> No.20036561

it's crabbing healthily. the coin is doing just fine.

>> No.20036744

just as i was about to sell...dodged the bog this time

>> No.20036751

>removes more than half circulating supply by locking retards up in main net with no place to sell
How do you not get it? If they didn’t have large majority of supply locked up the price would be 10 cents. Imagine being so brain dead you can’t grasp the basics of supply and demand. White papers, main net launches historically cause a massive dump in price, unless of course you take half the circulating supply away and turn your bots back on. Fucking retards

>> No.20036894

fuck oh no look at that volume! HAHAHA it's terrible, the price is literally propped up due to half + supply being out of circulation because brainlets traded for main net and can't trade back. this is so bad, why haven't any of the whale wallets traded? some of the whale wallets disappeared because they sold for eth lmfao the others haven't traded over because they're going to dump the erc20 while you fools are locked up in a pipe dream created by 3rd world scammers HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.20036937

When the last coins get swapped to mainnet, I will dump my Ghost ERC20 for $1000/coin and retire.

>> No.20036969
File: 31 KB, 2446x78, Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 3.58.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look!! AHAHAHHAHAHA fucking 27 thousand in volume you guys are so fucked rn

>> No.20037018

sellers are capitulating

>> No.20037067

whales were selling 1000 eth worth of switch for 400-500 because there was no liquidity
one of the whales from the discord literally cashed 2700 eth out and stopped caring about the million he had left lol

>> No.20037127

>crabs to 0.006
>omg mooning
fuck off.

>> No.20037138

Is ghost a cryptid?

>> No.20037205

honestly those who held the erc20 should keep holding and drive the price of it to $5 once the circulating supply reaches insanely low levels. problem is I think all the whales are doing just that and there doesn't seem to be enough hype to get people to buy into the main net, their plan got kind of fucked on that front. They should've waited for all the retards to swap for main net before they started shilling all the astroturf BS about dubai, ghost phone and what not. they should've waited until now for the fake shill, oh well

>> No.20037620

>quick PnD scam
buddy this is the slowest fucking PnD i've ever seen if thats the case why would dev team still be making shit and he still shilling if it was PnD ghost got to 2.11$ if this was his goal then would have been the time. or few days ago when everyones coins got locked up in new wallet.

>> No.20037787
File: 1.36 MB, 3421x1633, mcafee chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe there are still legit people (not fudders) who believe that this is a scam;

is it "too good to be true" problem within your retarded heads or what?

I'm literally buying every dip while waiting for monero flip

>> No.20037807
File: 103 KB, 787x380, BE02066D-53D5-47F4-BB8D-E0566E7782A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20037931
File: 1.23 MB, 970x1236, Ghostteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't believe this is a scam
It's obvious to anyone with an ounce of brain cells that this is clearly a scam, a bag of lies meant to string retards along. This is the most obvious scam to come along since ico's of 2017. are you the faggot in the pic? hahaha you are aren't you.

>silk road 2.0, Ross didn't get in trouble
>prince of Dubai guys
>nasdaq show (youtube channel that get's literally 0-17 views per episode)
>BRICS duuurrrrrreeereeerrrrrrbbb
>75 year old Mcafee is doing the code himself (it's literally hourly paid pajeets)
>main net! (a copy paste with logo and name change that a teenager could pull off and it still doesn't function properly, how's the manually implemented staking going?)

>> No.20038215

its fucked but this shit is going to pump hard.
seething fudders will fomo in, 200~ish will be the top.

>> No.20038234


oh no, this incapable faggot again

>> No.20038255

Bro, he just btfo'd you

>> No.20038518
File: 5 KB, 409x123, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be aware that ghost is going to zero
never forget safex and mcafeecoin

>> No.20038971

never forget you are a PARTIKEK!! KYS NIGGER PLS

>> No.20039177
File: 646 KB, 1250x1340, Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 6.27.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally projection handeep