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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 210x210, idena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20034598 No.20034598 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a retarded nigger you have to be to not have a DNA bag? It already has use cases and is only listed on qtrade. If you are not a moron you would get a bag of this before it gets listed on some bigger exchange.

>> No.20034612

Crabbing for months and my identity was killed a while ago, don't have the motivation to keep it going

>> No.20034675

i get it, but holding the token is not bad....just wait for a listing and sell

>> No.20035093

>everyone in there has a crazy amount from mining, waiting to dump
>a literal who almost killed it
>killed half of it's own network
Yea, no. Red flags everywhere. This shit sucks.

>> No.20035262

Bugs and shit happens with every project. Test net is for that. Also, every single minable coin, even bitcoin, has early miners who can dump on anyone

>> No.20035571

based, pure nig coin

>> No.20035618

IDENA is shit. Does not work at all. If you want to be part of a zombie network, go and download it (but keep your crypto assets safe!!!!)

>> No.20035636

you're not buying it at 8 cents but you will at $0.80 because only fomo works with you degens...this is the reason why most of you are losing money.

>> No.20035647
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Sir this new stratergy to agrseive for brand, please come office in Mumbai dear we talk

>> No.20035689

OP wants to dump his bags on us LOL

>> No.20035690

1 DNA = 1 DNA and you get them for free. If you are too low IQ and can't get validated, then pay for your stupidity. Simple.

>> No.20035716

yeah I am just holding on to my free tokens because they are already so cheap

>> No.20035718

>Doesn’t allow open participation
>little faggot circle jerk club gotta be invited to join.
>flawed as fuck

Fuck your identity crisis coin.

>> No.20035721

yes, idena has some pajeets using it and dumping after every validation. Im just telling you that is stupid to not buy this before it gets inevitably listed in a bigger exchange. I dont give 2 fucks if you buy or not, keep investing into uniswap scams u nigger

>> No.20035733

its really hard to get invited, just join discord or telegram 1 day after validation and write "need invite"

>> No.20035748

One person comments from different ip's. Hm interesting

BTW how much do you charge for this weak shill?

>> No.20035782


>> No.20035801

People give the most of invites 1-2 hours before validation. you will get an invite immediately if you ask just before validation.

>> No.20035811
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>I dont give 2 fucks if you buy or not, keep investing into uniswap scams u nigger

>> No.20035814

yup, i wanted to write before validation not after. anyway /biz/ fucking hates money so fuck this

>> No.20035827

>he thinks flip school is decentralized
>devs tax all DNA earnings
Fundamentally flawed centralized shitcoin

>> No.20035850

normal users will invite you, dont need to go to flip school

>> No.20035867

no one is taxing anything...you are low IQ retard XD

>> No.20035896

Gave too much attention to this shit already. Not worth your time

>> No.20035908

This is the real problem

>> No.20035936

Who the fuck cares about this cuckold coin when there is Proof of White Male?
Get verified on powmcoin.com and grab a bag before it gets hyped to 10x, nobody gives a shit about snake oil pajeet dna coin

>> No.20035944

+ devs are using dirty tricks to keep number of nodes low. How? They will give you invite, and just before the final validation (after you run the node for more than 30 days), they kill your identity and you lose everything.

>> No.20035979

That's some pathetic 4chan cuck nonsense fud

>> No.20035986

Why do they need an invitation system anyways? A new user should be able to download the client and be online during the validation then be passed/failed accordingly. The first validation session doesn't require you to create flips anways.

>> No.20036011

>Why do they need an invitation system anyways
To keep even more DNA for devs and a selected élite owning the invites from the flip school

>> No.20036042

to keep the growth controlled, it is still a test net and there are bugs being discovered. Also, you need to grow gradually because of the number of flips.

>> No.20036059


This happened to me after 2 validations and 100% score. My invite was from 2M+ IDENA holder (one of the devs).

>> No.20036071

The invitation system is made to stop the bots from brute forcing the validation or DDOSing the network

>> No.20036082

And they are doing it because the networc can not handle more than 3K nodes. Period

>> No.20036099

prove it or you're talking out of your ass
show the fucking telegram DM

>> No.20036114

Many people experience problems just before validation (with client sync etc).

>> No.20036146
File: 10 KB, 250x201, binancebtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw this smelly chink goes bankrupt because of Stakenet

>> No.20036159

Why? Tomorrow, new shift starts and you/your pajeet friends will start another thread. How the fuck could anyone create a story like mine out of nowhere?????

>> No.20036256

>how the fuck could anyone create a story like mine out of nowhere
anon... did you fail validation?

>> No.20036259

FYI, I will track every IDENA pajeet thread from now on and tell people the truth

>> No.20036279

dev did this to me too, in his defense he messaged me on telegram an hour before validation and i didn't respond, so he cancelled my invite. still was very dirty because I only used telegram to get the invite and don't keep it open all the time

>> No.20036290

that u are a dumb cunt that failed validation?

>> No.20036296

i dont give a shit you cheeto dust ridden brat, you absolute mongrel, 2 thousand people are out there making free money doing nothing while you're sticking your fingers up your arse, however fucking smart you think you are, you're missing out on free fucking money

>> No.20036304

It's your fault then.

>> No.20036305


Different ip again?

>> No.20036306

there are no devs in telegram, only some community people. Tell me the name of the "dev"

>> No.20036342

>still was very dirty because I only used telegram to get the invite
your fault, i got my invite from telegram as well and i fucking hate that program but i always kept it open validation day, again, your fault

>> No.20036347


They are doing this all the time and this is because they want to make money before network grows and people figure out the scam

>> No.20036382

yeah im sure they made some sweet sweet money sticking that termination straight up your turkish ass

>> No.20036405

they only get money if he validates doe.....makes 0 sense

>> No.20036424


Hurry up with update, your community is worried if they will be able to finish the flips before next validation due to client bug

>> No.20036450

Next validation target: Lower number of nodes!

Anons, dont buy this shitcoin, dont pay for vps and dont waste your time!

>> No.20036481

I submitted my flips yesterday you utterly retarded hollow headed club-footed unibrowed missing upper lipped niggerfaggot

>> No.20036610

Next validation I'm reporting flips. I highly suggest everyone reading do the same.

>> No.20037875

Do they really pay you for this trash shilling?

>> No.20038152

holy shit this FUD is a bullish signal

>> No.20039130

Andrew gave me my first invite and he's a dev. In the early days he was responsible for the majority of the growth. And no, I doubt he knows the exact holdings. Andrew generated a new identity with an invite just for mine, no way he'd use his personal account for that. A little doubtful of my guy's claims. In fact, validating his claim with his own address and cross referencing the devs would be a perfect use of "Proof of Identity"

>> No.20039374

Andrew is a shared account between many devs. his claim is nonsense...people do terminate invitees if they dont talk or dont show in validation day. I do it, i tell everyone i invite to show on discord before validation, so i know they will attend, but that only happens when u are a candidate. He probably got invited by some admin, "telegram janitor" and the janny just terminated his account.

>> No.20039430

>when the pajeet thinks he's got chan lingo completely downpat and its the really little things that make you see through his charade.

Youre good, Rajmesh, i'll give you that, but we can still smell the curry off you a mile away.

>> No.20039471

tks fag, for 10 minutes a month you can make $200....i dont know where the scam part begins but fell free to tell me. You dont need to buy this shit, you can get it for free...but wtv

>> No.20039476

>Andrew is a shared account between many devs
>He probably got invited by some admin, "telegram janitor" and the janny just terminated his account.
Much more believable than he was invited by a developer. Still skeptical of the millions the inviter had. Devs use burners to invite people, and I don't think even early adopters have stacks that are 2M. There's only 6 addresses that are 2M.
The bottom 3 in that range have never invited anyone, one is qtrade. That guy is full of shit.

>> No.20039497

And how do you get it for free pray tell?

>> No.20039543

Im pretty sure that image from linkdin is Ai generate, something like https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/

I think there is a community wallet with lots of dna, where all the invite rewards from flip school end up...not sure doe

>> No.20039544

Just buy a small bag of 1k DNA you fucking broke boys. Worst case scenario you 10x when the tier 1 excihange gets announced.

>t. one of the first 50 people to get on this project

>> No.20039577

well, you mine it....ofc you pay electricity...but my pc is on anyway..or you can buy a vpn for $5 pay it with Dna and you still make good profit making it actually free

>> No.20040283

While faggots here keep screaming scam at Idena.
Seems like its silently working on getting new exchanges beyond qtrade apart from mad development everyday


>> No.20040310

bizlets are too ignorant to keep up with github and actually look through codes to find clues.

>> No.20040326

It is so fucking easy to get a code
literally just ask for it here

>> No.20040353


what does your stack look like? buying on exchange and/or mining/validation rewards?

I firmly believe I'm the largest DNA holder on /biz/...but if anyone has me beat, it'd be someone like you (very early adopter).
also: how did you discover Idena?

>> No.20040383

>actually look through codes to find clues
not everyone can interpret code, fren.
do you have any insight beyond the plaintext Exchange Resources you posted?

>> No.20040430

The problem with this coin is it requires work from the hodlers. Ppl don't wanna be solving puzzles and shit. Kek me up.

>> No.20040452

GPU miners also "work" for you. this is asking people to invest human labor instead of KYC.

>> No.20040469

I was drawn after the radicalXchange chat. i don't care about price action. It's a very cool social experiment at this point.

>> No.20040494

Nah. But looking at discord, it seems like another AMA is in the works too.

>I firmly believe I'm the largest DNA holder on /biz/...but if anyone has me beat, it'd be someone like you (very early adopter).
What's your stack fren.

>> No.20041289

Most here treat crypto as a get-rich-quick scheme, hence uniswap scams. It'll take actual adoption/quadratic voting or something to actually take off, and even then it's not guaranteed without MARKETING. That's going to be huge for this, once it gets to a sizable, stable number of nodes. Orchid OXT is niche, a dVPN with great tech, coinbase adoption, and is still sitting at $10m mcap with no price action. That's literally best case scenario and it hasn't amounted to anything because this space is immature and doesn't care about outside-of-the-box tech innovation, as much as it pretends to/advocates for.

>> No.20042002

Where, other than QTrade, can I hold my DNA? Is my only other option the node wallet itself? I just want some of it safe in case I'm killed for some stupid reason.
7 epochs old here btw

>> No.20042089

Im not going to waste my time with this shitcoin anymore until they fix their fucking shitty nodes and programs. I’m tired of having to go through some 10 page troubleshooting linux articles to solve crap whenever their programs keep crashing and bugging when on VPS.

Until they start offering the whole package thoroughly spoonfed to normies, it wont work. The idea behind is kind of cool, but juding by the way they are currently doing all of this they are just setting it up for someone more capable to steal the idea and make it far better. I’ve seen it happen before, multiple times.

>> No.20042624

The truth is you don't even have to mine, have a VPS or run it 24/7 on your PC, you can just attend validations if you're really so retarded that you're fudding this thing on a Bavarian candle carving forum cause you can't even get your VPS going
Have you failed validation anon?

>> No.20042843
File: 1.03 MB, 1379x1029, idenamcgregor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once this this hits t1 exchanges, you'll all see.

>> No.20042895

>Until they start offering the whole package thoroughly spoonfed to normies, it wont work.
It is true that it probably won't work with normies but rather tech enthusiasts who can't afford to run a BTC node but have the time and techy savvines to run a VPS.

>> No.20043968

That's exactly why it's still a testnet..

>> No.20044022

how much of a retarded nigger do you have to be to have a DNA bag

>> No.20044384

Idena is 3rd world coin.
You have to
- pay at least $10/month for solid vps
- set up vps
- monitor the shit every day (it freezes, crushes few times a day)
- make flips (not possible atm due to client bug. Hopefully, devs will solve the issue before next validation. Othervise, we will face node halvening again)
- organize your life around idena validations
- more and more chinks, pajeets and slavs who are making nonsense flips (for some, chosing a right flip is a lottery). If you fail validation, you lose rewards (you did the flips for free, gave invitations for free and cant mine until next validation.
- every day or two there is an update (not always a better version of node or client). If you do not update, you are out, or node starts to act weird and go offline (if you are offline, the penalty is mining for free for almost one day, if it does not crush again in next 24hrs)
- now you can see it is far from “do the validation once in two weeks and make real money”. You have to be involved every fuckin day to make DNA. How much DNA? To be honest about 500 a month at its best (after all updates, crushes etc).
Lets do the math!
$40 in DNA - $10 vps = $30
All the time and effort for $30 a month. There are much much easier ways to make $30 a month online.
- potential? A lot of people from China, India and Balkan + devs are waiting for bigger exchange (most of them dont accept “projects” with no company behind/anon devs) to drop their bags, so $30 a month could go to $3.

>> No.20044926

I dont get the fud.
>install client
>get invited
>solve flips
>make flips
>dont get purged
>sell DNA on qtrade

I spend 10 minuts every 12 days solving and making flips. Youll have to be a retard if you cant make it work i lmao on all the brainlets here

>> No.20045039

good FUD. i unironically want the number of nodes to drop, more mining rewards for me.

>> No.20045108

I sold when it was 0.15 a pop, lucky me I quess.
Dude, it is a buggy, shitty and still a young project.
If you lurk here 24/7(which you faggot op probably do), sell now, and buy back in when they announce a legit bigger exchange.

>> No.20045176

-nope, $5 a month (first two months free)
-setting up a vps is easy
-don't need to monitor, i've had mine running for months now and maybe twice i've needed to restart and that's after receiving NOTIFICATIONS. Defeats the purpose of monitoring
-making flips require an IQ higher than 54
-damn, can't spare 10 minutes every 2 weeks? lol
-reporting system. if you don't perform well, you deserve to forfeit that epoch's rewards. if you are killed you lose your stake. not your balance
-oh no, multiple updates? imagine hating devs who are glued to their screens
-again, don't have to be involved every day lol
-low effort, $30 a month could be potentially $300 a month, $3000 a month etc

good fud monika

>> No.20045286
File: 123 KB, 750x971, 1589120344709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>from balkan
>5$ vps
>literally never crashed or froze
>make 50$/month cause good at flips and give invites only to whites
>bonus 50$/month here is significant
>be you

>> No.20045434

congrats on selling at 0.15. But selling now is a huge risk of getting left behind

>> No.20045618

This ungodly amount of pajeet fud is the best buy signal. Im buying this

>> No.20045744
File: 50 KB, 597x559, 1590255478195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I ask for help on where do I set up a vps they always link me the same ref link, different user but same link every time
Really makes you think doesn't it

>> No.20045765

try ramnode. https://www.ramnode.com/ simple as