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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20034391 No.20034391 [Reply] [Original]


>I'm totally not just trying to fling my bags to some other pajeet
>AWS is next!
>Microsoft and Rhodes are all in on LINK, but the market doesn't price this in yet
>Gonser asked years ago if you had your ducks in a row, clearly DocuSign is ALL IN on chainstink
>Some bald guy named Klaus Schwab knows link will go from $4 to $4000


>> No.20034420

This but unironically

>> No.20034443

Stay poor

>> No.20034497
File: 22 KB, 480x360, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chyna is going to implement some nobody's project with 640 million tokens in a fat american's pocket
>OpenLaw isn't just a scam artist trying to be first to market with a gimmick
>The nodes! The nodes totally are decentralized even though fat boy picks them himself
>Google made one blog post last year, and NOTHING since!


>> No.20034523

low this meme (the old guy laughing)
But the question still remains: why the fuck do you follow a project that you don't like?
Is it because yo sold below 4 usd and yo' trying to pull it there?

>> No.20034571
File: 41 KB, 600x600, ahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biz has shilled link for years
>None of the breadcrumbs have come true
>They still post like anything is happening


>> No.20034580

who came up with "ducks in a row"
how did it come to be associated with stinky linky?

>> No.20034595

>>None of the breadcrumbs have come true
Google became true

>> No.20034602

You’re probably like under 17 with a small stack of link

>> No.20034609

Based. Linktards btfo again

>> No.20034620


>> No.20034679
File: 40 KB, 800x450, keklink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zero network usage or actual use case. Google blog posts, how low the bar has become


>Oracle is implementing Chainlink because some Irishman said so
>In the meantime, here is shitcoin A B and C needing link dumps to sustain these price feeds


>> No.20034717

No it didn’t, lol

>> No.20034726

are you bedridden op?
Go play some video games or exercise, something other than this. Life is finite, don’t waste it

>> No.20034762
File: 132 KB, 1733x824, 1856A963-FC9C-4B2A-AD85-B9EA5F38BEE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you retards so fucking much.

>inb4 ian keane is shilling his bags, I don’t care if you retards don’t invest, what you do with your money is none of my business same as what I do with mine is none of yours.

>> No.20034815

Some Irish subsidiary announces this and not Larry Ellison? This is Ribeiro all over again. Where are your Oracle startups at? They were so bad biz stopped talking about them

>> No.20034846

HAHAHAHA IAN KEANE. WHO? Is he the new Tom Gonser, Fernando, Wolpert, Rhodes, and Google blog pleb?

HAHAHAHA Oracle startups, good times. Gravel and favela for all!

>> No.20034905

I don’t care what you think faggot, I got skin in the game. Do you? Why do you care so much about an investment in which you don’t own?

You want absolute assurance that your lunch money you desperately hold is gonna give you a return, so much you expect confirmation directly from their head CTO, do you know how crazy that fucking sounds. When you have big players like EY, Microsoft throwing billions of money for the development in this space.

>> No.20035013

You all continue to fill the front page up with lies. Oracle has some Irish dude leading a massive project for smart contracts and blockchain, sure and I’m CEO of biz

>> No.20035185

>You want absolute assurance that your lunch money you desperately hold is gonna give you a return
Project harder shitcoin chaser

>> No.20035974


>> No.20037124

Speaking of which, we should start a oracle startup thread on biz. Laughter guaranteed