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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20025963 No.20025963 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw waiting on the sidelines with 4 ETH ready to be thrown as soon as the dev ensures that the liquidity cannot be stolen

Fucking hurry up incompetent retard

>> No.20026291

So for faggots reading this thread still doubting :

The dev has been answering questions in the telegram - so basically the token is "novel" with its tokenomics :
>buy ACID with ETH
>2% of that transaction get "melted" into the ACID pool
>if you "drop" the ACID previously bought into the pool, you get the profits from the melt fees in the form of more ACID tokens

It's your average staking token, using different words themed around acid with a lower supply than the avialble counterparts on the market. Which means this should rise in price very rapidly if there's enough demand. It's just that this time, you have the "privilege" of being early among the first 100 holders. Even the dev admitted that it was more or less gambling at an idea at this point, and that he'd love to see if people would enjoy the tokenomics because the idea is novel in his mind.
Ten hours later, and it seems the token has gained traction with people waiting.

>Why is the dev willing to remain Anonymous?
>Why did he hide his ETH source?
Quoting his message :"I know many will not like that, but I don't want to be hunted down when some guy loses money from price fluctuations" and this is also why he made this thread here rather than on reddit or whatever. This is probably the biggest red flag along with the fact that the funds (liquidity) aren't locked.

Honestly, this thing seemed risky for anybody to throw money at it, but just in case, I threw 1 ETH in and I haven't been disappointed. Reading the dev earlier at least gave me the impression that he wasn't a nigger or a pajeet, but it's possible that they've been learning over time on how to look like human beings. Moreover, earlier he displayed his lack of knowledge when trying to add the token on Uniswap. He is either pretending to be retarded or simply TOO DUMB to exit scam and pull the rug.

Proceed with caution, but this thing has a lot of potential to moon over the next days/week. Once again, PROCEED WITH CAUTION anons.

>> No.20027043


>> No.20027277
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> doesnt want to be known = no integrity
> created a new eth account and deposited mix ether to deploy the contract
> useless coin with a good name and decent niche

10/10 dev p&d scam

Yeah guys "throw 1 ether cause i can't wait"


You are retarded. Read the smart contract code and conclude for your fucking self.
Yes it can be stolen cause the developers is majority holder you dumb fucks.

You all deserve to lose your money

>> No.20027524

He's working on locking it whith a unipower contract. For now, just throw in small amounts because this legit may take off.

>> No.20028327
File: 722 KB, 1410x1244, 1593530395055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name a more based dev

>> No.20028363

Wow he's really gonna lock it. I'm genuinely impressed.

>> No.20028648

In the TG he said he's about to deploy it in a few min. This is gonna pop off hard.

>> No.20028663

Don't fall for this.

>> No.20028687

dev probably thought if this while taking shitty RC's cause he can't even find real lsd himself kek get this shit off my underwater basket weaving forum.

>> No.20028751

The dev has done everything he's said he would do.

>> No.20028766

A contract address perhaps???

>> No.20028790


>> No.20028958


>> No.20029064

Bro it won't let me fucking swap anything on uni rn. I press confirm and it just relaods the confirmation page so frustrating

>> No.20029094

Did you set slippage to 3 percent?

>> No.20029285

7 more telegram members and we know if he rugs or not

>> No.20029334

Its not even getting that far. I press confirm and all it does is reload the confirmation tab. It doesn't proceed it just reloads. Its so fucking annoying. I Uninstalled and reinstalled the app turned off my phone. Im trying to trade pamp back to eth to get some acid but its not doing shit.

>> No.20029339

Shitcoin of the week pajeet?

>> No.20029413

I highly doubt he will rug but I sold since I REALLY needed to recover my STA losses. I wish him the best of luck since he's been a fun dev.
Uniswap can be a turd sometimes. I always do it through a computer though. Maybe try it through a different mobile browser?

>> No.20029477

You need a bare minimum of 2% slippage because of the melting mechanic. With high trading volume like right now you'll need more.

>> No.20029586



>> No.20029684

He literally just locked it.

>> No.20030093

fucking locked