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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2002368 No.2002368 [Reply] [Original]

New ***POSW*** thread
How much are my niggers holding?

>> No.2002374

Zero, you fucking jew nigger.

>> No.2002382

3150! What color spaceship should I buy

>> No.2002384


You should buy some rope instead

>> No.2002385

That's very rude of you!

>> No.2002388

Even if I lose $500, that's okay because I'm not poor like you

>> No.2002416

JK. But no, I didn't bite on that 4chan shilling. Did for ETH though, long enough to make amazing gains.

>> No.2002634
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POSW bump.
>he's not a poswer yet
might as well end it desu.

>> No.2002642
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Poorfag here, about 375 POSW lined up, roughly 150 more on the way in this dip when my BTC comes through. No weak hands here

when we /moon/ing

>> No.2002661

5000 atm.

100,000 xby

Not buying globalist coin.

I bought xem at 50 sats

So my gains from that are exponential compared to cuck ether

>> No.2002668
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864 let's go moon to $10

>> No.2002682

New information from their Slack:

Starting in May, we are going to use a new dividend payment calculation based on time held and amount held in address (rather than just amount held at dividend block time). This idea is similar to the Proof-of-Stake-Time coin methods. We will have more information soon!

What do you think about this? Seems like it'll help stabilize prices and stop manipulation of holdings during dividend pay out time like we just saw.

>> No.2002690

i think that if they don't iron out problems on their site and make their interface more user friendly dividends are not going to matter

>> No.2002761

It just started you dick.

I remember bittrex from the early days.

You guys are to fucking entitled , they are providing a service for people. You didnt hire them,you chose to use their service , their site will improve with time , and all the no counters will BTFO

>> No.2002785

are you a dev or something? stop being such an emo faggot when someone criticizes a shitty aspect of the project that needs to be worked on. i have some of these shit coins but it is not smart to fall in love with an investment.

>> No.2002789

What you fags going to do when the coins drop in value?

>> No.2002798

check why it drops, if fundamentals are still there then hold and/or buy more

>> No.2002806

Sold 16000 and made $2500. Feels good man.

XBY welcomes POSW refugees

>> No.2002822

I know dudebro, but I'm holding till 100$ bb

>> No.2002892

I'm about to get in

>> No.2002917

I want it pushed lower before I get back in, 9 sats perhaps. But will it happen? Or will it moon before I buy back in?

>> No.2002994
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>> No.2003012

Goddamn that's a lot.
Why aren't you buying membership or using term deposits?

>> No.2003021

70,000 here.

I'm excited after that last announcement

>> No.2003035

POSW to me it's like woman. Complete shit.

>> No.2003042

>hates women
>can't speak English
>bad with money
Pajeet pls go

>> No.2003049

t. zero posw

>> No.2003063

remember us when you're a millionaire

>> No.2003446

LMAO. You are going to hold for a long time to sell everything off. Just don't be one of these retards who puts his entire holdings in one sell bid.

>> No.2003522

Pls donate to me in the future posw beg threads

>> No.2003530

posw threads are so low energy these day. filled with shills and the devs

>> No.2003540

I might be a dev :^)

>> No.2003817

This guy fucks

>> No.2003819

Three questions.
1. If im staking my coins on poswallet, is it possible to lose them? The word staking literally means leaving it to chance, in a casino sense.
2. If i dont want to lose my coins due to staking, should i just move them to exchange?
3. If and only if staking is risky, would i still receive dividends for holding my coins in an exchange(poswallet of course)?
Thank you for your time.

>> No.2003827

1 no
2 see one
3 no

>> No.2003833

Staking is not risky.
It's "stake" in the investment sense: you prove that you have a stake in the integrity of the blockchain.

>> No.2003961
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>block 240k already here
>hehe the dividends was just a prank bro )))))))))
t. POSW team

>> No.2003977

bought some more today and I am looking forward to this nasty pump in the next week

>> No.2003982

>100,000 xby

someone's been doing their homework.

>> No.2003991

Same here my dub-getting brother

>> No.2003996

oh look the le i bought some more today shill.

>> No.2004000

Why do you keep posting in these threads if you hate it so much?

It's going to $50 within a year

>> No.2004004

What makes POSW different from every other memecoin?

>> No.2004008

> What makes POSW different from every other memecoin?
it has more shills in a discord dedicated to get coinlets on /biz/ to buy in

>> No.2004010

because poswers are fun to fuck with. you guys are all a bunch os serious sams

>> No.2004013

It has am actual purpose and function unlike the vast majority of memecoins.

>> No.2004027
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>> No.2004526
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>holding posw
no poz for me

>> No.2004539
