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File: 108 KB, 1280x720, epicdogesbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20020999 No.20020999 [Reply] [Original]

hold to a 5-10x. sell 40%. re-buy 25% laddering down to a true bottom. repeat until wealthy. this is probably going to be the biggest mimblewimble moon of the next 12 months, so stop fucking around with uniswap scams, and get the fuck in here.

exchanges : bullish-ly early
people not buying due to the name : bullish-ly how it goes every time
miners not selling : bullish-ly titanium hanz
liquidity : dreadful, which means a 20% spread hit now = 10x by the time its any good

You talkin' the name isn't good? Brainlets, it's DELIBERATE. It's recursive. The word has globally recognizable brand value already established and unequivocally means positive Plus historical pedigree, epic of gilgamesh, Norse creation myth poems, etc The fact that it was overused by tweens a decade ago is of little importance. Everyone can spell it. Short. Pronounceable.

Anyways... Even as a speculatory buy, you're talking $500k cap, so it WILL moon regardless of what you think. Epic is a return to the roots, a p2p electronic Cash system like Satoshi wrote in the wp. Grin has suicidal emission 60 per minute forever, no halving. Devs are literal communists. They don't want people to profit from the coins, I shit you not Beam is an Israeli for profit company that takes 20% dev tax to dump on ebs Plebs, and Israel is not known for privacy, if you know what I mean. Rumors of actual mossad involvement there. Stop fucking around, get a bag, and forget it exists, and I'm p much guaranteeing you a 50x by the true blue 2021-2022 mega alt szn we all know is cooming.

>> No.20021197

Citex the best place?

>> No.20021570

Yea, no issues. Ate $600 in spread on my last buy. Woopsie!

>> No.20021580

I've been buying EPIC on and off with sheckle sats for the past month
Please tell me Citex is the best place otherwise I've been inadvertently fucking myself.

>> No.20022466

I'll throw some bucks in because of them trips fuck it

>> No.20023380

I got 5k of this kek

>> No.20024075

It is. Difficult to get a lot, but that's why it's called an accumulation range. I'm gonna do one more big buy before I'm set.

>> No.20024093

how much you buying when you buy?
i've never got in a cap this low not sure what's proper form

>> No.20024594

I do $500 at a time then set bids 20% down from my high for $500