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20019288 No.20019288 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a viable strategy for the long term? I have great credit therefore the cards I could get have large limits. Couldn't I just max these bad boys out and buy physical things and just never pay them back? What legal ramifications could I face if nothing is in my name asset wise, keep in mind I'm attending school and paying out of pocket, will this strat have an effect on that. I don't plan on buying a home anytime soon either.
>pic is gun I would buy while employing this strategy

>> No.20019489

I'm doing this right now and nothing has happened a few months in. The only thing I get are emails from the companies. I honestly just don't care. Oh no, my goy score is shit, whatever.

>> No.20019503

Your credit will be fucked for about a decade and you probably won’t be able to get any job where they check that sort of thing. Also they will take you to court to garnish your wages maybe? If it’s enough money.

>> No.20019508

I couldn't imagine living with such a nigger mindset. Learn to trade stocks and you'll be set.

>> No.20019557

that's fucked, employers check your credit to make sure you're a good goy? If they bring it up can't I just make up a sob story about Corona or some shit? What kind of jobs would even check that, govt or banking jobs?

>> No.20019589

I just had this fucking “I should buy a boat” moment.

>> No.20019627

You can get your wages garnished though, so even if you do get hired you won't make any money

>> No.20019653

>taking advantage of a system that always tries to fuck you is being a nigger
I wouldn't be considering this if the govt treated citizens fair and didn't give handouts to those undeserving and treat those who give back like paypigs while devaluing my money and giving corporations and politicians loopholes while expecting the people who work to play by the rules.

>> No.20019661

Good goyism has its perks. For example, I financed my mattress for 0% APR because I have good credit. No need to pay hundreds upfront, I can just slowly pay it off over the course of a year and spend that money to buy Bitcoin now while the price is low.

>> No.20019744
File: 226 KB, 1440x2960, rqzzS2Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who even checks that gov or banking jobs?
Any company that's publicly traded and most big private companies will generally check your credit for any role that pays above dirt.
>I don't plan on buying a home anytime soon
You wont be able to rent any apartment that's not a total and utter shithole with a terrible credit score. So unless you plan on living at your mom's house for the next 10 years I'd reconsider things

Also why the fuck would you ruin your credit for a $450 gun? Im 22 and I made $450+ today from stocks. I knew people in highschool that would make hundreds a week from selling weed. Can you're degenerate brain really not think of a way to get $450 that won't fuck you over for the next 10 years?

>> No.20019871
File: 123 KB, 1440x2960, Xobld8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right like that 450 gun is less than 3.5% of the annual income if you're making the lowest wage legally allowed in America
This guy has nigger brain 100%

>> No.20019891

that's great that you made that much but obviously I would spend a whole lot more than $400, I said while employing this strategy meaning it's just one of the things I would get.

>> No.20019920

are you guys dense or something, who the fuck would fuck their shit up for 400 bucks

>> No.20019923

They can’t garnish your entire paycheck brainlet

>> No.20019961

If you spent all this time learning how to be a total nigger towards the system and instead spent it learning how to be a kike towards the system you wouldn't be starting threads like this in the first place

>> No.20020005

You dumb nigger, trading is the easiest path to the good life. But you clearly have nigger brain so enjoy losing money if you try.

>> No.20020045

This is fine. Just make sure you buy stuff that holds value that they can’t repossess when you default. Then just file bankruptcy.

>> No.20020059

Such as?

>> No.20020071

Jew ID

>> No.20020093

Something you can hide. Idk, I’m not a scumbag. I don’t have any suggestions off the top of my head.

>> No.20020130

>learn to gamble in the phony corporate casino built upon digital fiat and manipulated by the well connected and government agencies

>> No.20020143

Okay well enjoy being poor then. Never been easier to make money from it.

>> No.20020173

If you're going that far you should be taking out a home loan instead you stupid fucking nigger. Withdraw several hundreds of thousands in cash and throw it into stocks, make a 2x and pay it back immediately or go right into crypto instead and declare chapter 7. This is the best and only choice if you really don't care about your good goy score.

>> No.20020175

it's a method I've considered if I ran out of fucks and lived with my parents for the next 7 years after declaring bankruptcy:
vid related, buy gold and report back OP

>> No.20020302

making a thread like this took 1 min and I know shit all about this that's why I made the thread, I'm positing a question, of course I'm looking into stocks for the most part while I work and shit but if I can get more out of this shit system why not
I am trading, just looking to get more money
probably silver

>> No.20020320

exact video I watched before making thread

>> No.20020411
File: 32 KB, 474x472, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfag getting uppity over $500
being poor seems awful. I can't imagine such a life.

>> No.20020481

>going to ruin your credit score for shit you dont need
Bro been there and its not worth it. I was able to rebuild to 663 but you really want to be above 700. With really good credit you can get loans for 3-5% APR which is like being able to work with other people's money for almost free. Plus you would be able to lease better cars even if your income is not that great. FHA loans also require you to be at least 580 which could come in handy for real estate investing. And if youre a student you will be able to easily refinance your loans with much better terms on your end.
tldr dont be a nigger

>> No.20020526

>basically free
>3-5% a year
I know where you’re coming from but usury bothers me

>> No.20020696

Inflation is 3% a year dude.

>> No.20020700

>debtmaxxx and spend it all on gold
>bury gold
>claim bankruptcy
>get cleared in 5ish years
>Walk away with your gold fortune.

Buy gun just in case you need an exit plan.
Or turn on diamond-hands mode and dont fold for shit

>> No.20020735


its a bad idea. you'll always be looking over your shoulder. desperation and tension will ruin your health

>> No.20020813

This is what is I was thinking but silver

>> No.20020908

If you're even thinking about this, just buy some fucking AAVE and wait a year and you'll have actual decent $ to trade with / speculate on.