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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2001261 No.2001261 [Reply] [Original]

>remeber seeing bitcoin when it was only $10 or so and shitposted about on 4chan
>was a poor highschooler so didn't buy any
>saw ETH when it was cheap and shitposted on 4chan
>poor college student so couldn't buy any

Will I ever have my day? I'm about to start my salaried job so I'll finally have income and a source to invest but I feel like I should kill myself

>> No.2001274

I lived this feel too anon

>> No.2001277

Why didn't you shill your family into lending you money?

>> No.2001286

I know this feel too anon. Hopefully we will make it on the big coming quantum wave

>> No.2001290

Fuck I spoke with the guy on /g/ that bought the yellow lambo

>> No.2001294

>start my salaried job
Like a good wagecuck.
Could have been set for life and you blew it.

>> No.2001295

>you will never be born in time to do anything

>> No.2001330

There are still chances for you anon.

I know of a couple coins with extremely high potential that you'll want to get into. They're cheap as fuck right now too.

>> No.2001332

PoSW, BitBean, Litecoin.

>> No.2001337

Bitbean not so much but the other two definitely.

RLC is a good pick right now too.

>> No.2001339

My suggestion, as someone who holds ETH, is to buy PIVX. IMO, it's a safe bet to $10. Beyond that is anybody's guess, but it is superior to DASH.

Do your research, you're not even close to missing out on the true gains of crypto. Like 0.001% of the world population owns any cryptocurrency. Think about that and get going.

>> No.2001347

>first learned about bitcoin the summer when it was $65
>was but a poor highschool student who only just first had his job
I should have bought just one. I tried mining it but my computer couldn't do shit.
>a couple months later and it's $1200 per coin

To be fair though, either way I probably would have sold it when it hit $100 or maybe even $70

>> No.2001348
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You think that's bad anon? I had bitcoins in 2012 for "reasons" and totally forgot about it until about a month ago. Did I mention I lost any trace of the wallet?

>> No.2001374

nice, good point.

any quantum resistant coins I should be watching?

>> No.2001378

How many?

>> No.2001383

>until a month ago
you best be shitting us, that wallet could be worth thousands
I can help you find it just for the lulz if you want

>> No.2001402

>Sold over 7,000 XMR for $0.80
>Sold over 3,000,000 XEM for 37 satoshi
>Sold over 60,000 PIVX for 0.00012
I knew they would be winners long term but I keep day trading.
How do you faggots hold long term?

>> No.2001413

Just squeeze your balls and yolo.
Although the older you are the more money you make (at least in the US). I dropped 13k in ETH back in january, but I make 4k every month so it's not really a problem to just hold.

>> No.2001421

Where does one buy and sell PIVX?

>> No.2001429

Did the same fucking thing with XEM. Feels bad.

>> No.2001432

Maybe 3 to 5. Nothing life changing but would still be nice to have.

>> No.2001450

How do I even buy these coins?

Is there any reason why I shouldn't just buy a few every now and then and just hold forever?

>> No.2001452

I use coin base but I hold anything I buy.

>> No.2001456

I go outside.

Literally though, if you hold something for just 3 days you'll jizz. RLC is bae

>> No.2001502
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>I was furiously searching for ways to make money online in 2009. I only found retarded companies that you would sell your computing power for penauts

>when I first heard about bitcoin I did not know it is possible to mine it nor how it really works. Price was like 0.03USD/BTC I thought some guy was just trying to push his own scam currency

I only jumped to it in 2011 and did not get rich

feels bad

>> No.2001510

Holding on to posw, buying more on the dip. Been good to me so far. Don't marry stocks but marry crypto? We shall see

>> No.2001518
File: 58 KB, 658x523, 1493137534621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to mine ethereum when it was still in alpha or beta. But when it was actually released I decided to mine some other shitcoin intstead, which later got completely crashed

>> No.2001520
File: 28 KB, 622x622, 1467926453224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hold anything I buy.
Who /never sellng/ here?

>> No.2001526

Literally just buy $10 of every shillcoin. If any of them blow up nearly half as well as BTC or ETH then you're great.

>> No.2001529

this has happened to me at least 20 times in my life just casually observing the market as a broke youngin. ive been 100% positive something would double and double again and then it does but i never buy in.

not this time. ive alrdy make almost 10k with cryptos

>> No.2001574

we've all been there
who /lostwallet/ here?
who /boughtdrugswithbitcoinbackintheday/ here?

Don't mourn the past OP. Better days are coming and things like >>2001529 happen.

>> No.2001613

>remember seeing bitcoin when it was only $10
>thought it was dumb and didn't buy
>get money from dead grandma
>remember seeing ethereum when it was only $10
>figure if it goes down I'm vindicated for not buying btc
>figure if it goes up I'm filthy rich
>buy eth

>Like 0.001% of the world population owns any cryptocurrency. Think about that and get going.
something like 1.5 million ethereum addresses, so the average address has 66 eth

>> No.2001615

>Don't marry stocks but marry crypto?


Also that POSW is going to moon, hold on tight.

>> No.2001671

Invest in new coins built on the Ethereum platform


>> No.2001692

>Addicted to WoW in 2009
>Would play all day and night except tuesdays cause maintenance in which case I would go on 4chan
>Read some threads with people talking about Bitcoin
>Remember thinking that it was a cool idea probably worth the gamble
>Spent a couple of hours figuring out how to buy or mine it, was planning on spending $100
>Gave up after a couple hours because the WoW servers came back up

>> No.2001695

If only we could all get 1 free redo for some point in our lives brother.

If only.

>> No.2001707

>tfw some random anon on here once sent me 4 ETH

>> No.2001730

Is it still a viable investment to right now buy ETH?

>> No.2001737
File: 3 KB, 125x125, hhahahah jpeg artifacts smiley just fuck my shit up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story of my life.

This fucking imageboard is like a gigantic hivemind.

Now I'm slaving away and studying at university.

Why is this happening. I could be a millionaire.

>> No.2001755

Yeah, and if you'd invested in Facebook/microsoft/apple/whatever early you'd be a millionaire too.

Get over it and look for the next thing or make it yourself.

>> No.2001787

this t b h f a m

>> No.2001834

Buy stratis senpai

>> No.2001843

How haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.2001853

>investing in early tech and infant industry has its potential
really made me think

>> No.2001861

Eth is what, sixty times what it was when it came on the open market?

"Oh woe is me, I could only afford bitcoin at $60 so and thought the rally was over"!!!

Just kidding, they're different products with different dynamics. I have no idea if the rally is over. But it seems your problem is a general lack of risk-tolerance.

>> No.2001988

Buy btc on coinbase , transfer btc to bittrex , buy pivx (send pivx to wallet is safest or leave it on exchange).


Anycoindirect , more expensive though

>> No.2002027

Potential to be in the top 5 by market cap when the site is more polished.

>> No.2002037

XBY my dude

>> No.2002052


$60 is gonna seem cheap by the end of this year.

>> No.2002072

Also, potential to be a complete scam

>> No.2002076

I wish it was $60 now.

>> No.2002366

Same shit, though this could be my day
VLT will sky rocket when it hits the next exchange, i think its insane its still cheap with the low supply

>> No.2002613

Imagine buying say $1,000 of BTC for 3 cents. You'd have $43 million dollars today. You'd literally have done the equivalent of winning the lottery.

>> No.2002648
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Monero(XMR), Ethereum(ETH), NEM(XEM)

10K gbp in each, be rich by 2040

>> No.2002659

you'd have sold at 30 cents, 3 dollars, 10 dollars

but not 1000 dollars

not unless you totally forgot about it but kept the wallet

>> No.2002674

Those are all insane returns though.

That's it. I'm tired of being a KV wageslave. I'm putting it all into ETH. Taking out loans, selling my house, I am going to spend my days in some sex resort in the Caribbean

>> No.2002678

>buying at a high

anon.. I..

>> No.2002705

I basically missed my insane chance just because I did not try to search more info about bitcoins and possibility of mining

CPU mining in late 2009 would yield tens thousands of BTC

>> No.2003157
File: 163 KB, 1228x1726, hopin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy POSW. it's the next get-in-early coin that moons.

Just like BTC and ETH (and DASH and PIVX and...) /biz/tards will bash it until its too late