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20011770 No.20011770 [Reply] [Original]

Mind if I throw this idea at you guys?
For the past few months I've had this reoccurring fear that one day, if ever, when our biggest crypto dreams come true the world will simply say, "crypto has no value, you can't cash out".
It seems like crypto's value is in conflict between a society led by women and weak men that emphasizes virtue signaling and being good to the media narrative.
All it's missing is a reward system, or social credit system layered on top.
What if the world simply chooses not to value what crypto has to offer?
Instead choosing and valuing a system which rewards good behavior and voicing media narrative.
Where am I wrong in this thinking?

>> No.20012073
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1591469211386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set up twitter that tweets pro jew shit and left cringe
>farm maximum good goy points
>move into mansion

>> No.20012503

What does one shit have to do with the other OP?

The more I browse this board, the more I realize how it is a cesspool of paranoia and hypochondria.

And that paranoia and hypochondria is the fuel for the mind to draw all kind of bullshit parallels between everything.

>> No.20012537
File: 133 KB, 647x809, not-the-jews-its-women2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20012561
File: 33 KB, 310x394, Dr_Sage_and_Mr-Hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind the autists and sage your posts.

>> No.20012726

The fact that women and men share 90% overlap in personality traits and that femininity and masculinity are constructs created to try to emphasize the 10% of outliers but that actually men and women are basically the same and force feeding gender roles has done more damage to society than pretty much anything else.

>> No.20012727

If no one values it, the price will drop to zero and you'll have nothing to cash out, anyway.

>> No.20012837
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>women treated me like shit or ignored me my whole life cause I was ugly and didn't know how to talk to them cause they treated me like shit so I couldn't progress in that aspect
>somehow it's the jew's fault
oh yes, now I see all those children and teen girls were manipulated by jews all along
they are not responsible for their actions, the jews are I will kill them all to protect muh precious feyyymales

>> No.20013020

You're a misinformed faggot. Jews didn't cause libralism.

>> No.20013078

you seriously misunderstand the utility of crypto

in one rare case crypto works as an untraceable virtual exchange for criminal goods and money laundering or other forms of fraud. This token gains its value largely from criminal use alongside speculation about how criminal markets will be valued as well as speculation about that speculation

all other tokens have no use or value and are simply legal vehicles for P&D fraud, pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes, or more often a combination of some or all of these.

none of this has anything to do with future values, genders, society, or crypto's place in society. It's just a scam that hasn't yet been outlawed. It has no use and no value.