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File: 184 KB, 548x577, 1588878799876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20005719 No.20005719 [Reply] [Original]

And... another one


>> No.20005807

That’s a fun logo

>> No.20005832

blockchain (((gaming)))

>> No.20005854

wtf is chainlinkvrf?

>> No.20005875

Is Sergey paying for these shit? I prefer Microsoft

>> No.20005896

It’s their random number generator.

>> No.20005899

who is that?

>> No.20005901

wow a shitty game with 0 players who can freeride on chainlink :)

>> No.20005938


>> No.20005978
File: 851 KB, 828x1792, 005ACDD7-A2F2-4D55-922A-2F342A46D259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using TRE exercises. All my anxiety, stress, depression are gone. I’ve literally just tremored away all the stress and trauma at the cellular level employing these trauma release exercises. There are 7 exercises but the best one is you lie on your back, put the bottoms of your feet together, and lift your knees up a few inches. When I do this my legs start convulsing like they are possessed or in an exorcism. It is fucking nuts, and that is stress melting away in your deep muscular patterns.

The science behind this was figured out by a guys named Peter Levine and Peter bercelli who figured out that wild animals that get attacked and get away never hold and trauma and stress in their bodies or have long lasting effects from the flight or fight event because they literally tremor and shake the stress out immediately.

But be careful. It is best to do this a few times with a certified TRE practitioner in your area first because you can end up randomly crying or have fits of rage for no reason sometime after the session if you aren’t regulated correctly. There aren’t many though because this is new.

After my first session with a practitioner, I was driving home listening to music and all of a sudden I start singing along while dancing in the car like I was a 16 year old high school girl listening to Shania Twain in 1999.

Also, Berceli learned that in 3rd world countries while in bomb shelters when missiles were going off that kids instinctively started shaking while the adults didn’t. And then later adults developed PTSD while the kids didn’t.

All these people with mental health issues it isn’t in their head but trauma and stress stored in their bodies

Here are screenshots of a biztard who replied a week later when I made a 2nd thread here on biz.



>> No.20005999
File: 608 KB, 828x1792, AC65107D-1208-4D95-AF74-65538A94849F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20006022
File: 614 KB, 828x1792, D4041311-691C-486A-A545-E882B20B6D7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20006140

What does this have to do with the topic at hand?

>> No.20006171

Why are you posting this here? Only thing that can save me is Sergey