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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 1232x631, IMG_20200629_141935_399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20004002 No.20004002 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20004199

actually it's pretty fucking based
but right tell me more about your 'defi' liquidity pools to trade shitcoins that do fucking nothing and people exit scam

>> No.20004294
File: 217 KB, 850x850, rabbit-hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling the bottom thinking that it's only old car loans

>> No.20004394

Imagine being a total prick

>> No.20004457

let him sell on bottom he is totally moron if he doens't understand whole system..

>> No.20004610

can someone explain the whole system and what happens when they default on their crypto and car loans

>> No.20004628

When will this hit $5?

>> No.20004729

>broken english
>defensive posts all in a row
>still acting like this is currently backed by anything other than used cars

>> No.20004836

truth hurts sometimes and pricks you, deal with it

>> No.20005013
File: 335 KB, 3342x2358, IMG_20200629_152331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>broken english

I only speak British English.. m8

I don't feel the need to prove myself but if it makes you look a little stupid then it's worth it.

I also have British Passport, which is something you will be lucky to ever see let alone own.

I'm balls deep in DMG

>> No.20005166

>I have british passport sir
>GMT+2 eastern euro trash

>> No.20005189

you're the only one of them that's not an obvious shitskin don't you notice?

>> No.20005213

you guys are guaranteed getting scammed, they are overvaluing old cars to get loans and will default and sell those cars at their real price, leaving loaners without money.

Ask yourself, if someone approached you with this scheme irl, would you do it? But they slapped Defi and Smart Contract on it, and suddenly it's "legit".

>> No.20005312

the value they're using is a standard value index accross the USA
loan total is less than car value
this is just the first version of a project to connect DeFi to real world assets
project has 1st move advantage
this is the first DeFi bank and it has an ex-CIA agent at its head
do the math, you braindead faggot

>> No.20005333

Imagine not liking making money and gainz b/c you don't think something is "DeFi" enough

>> No.20005338

epic bagholder cope

>> No.20005339

>GMT+2 eastern euro trash

Actually mate it's GMT +1 in London right now
Which means you know what country sits in GMT +2 right now? I'll give you a clue it's a Western European country that starts with an S

Learn to tell the time before calling me out as a Eastern European.

>> No.20005351

GMT +2 is Western Europe daylight saving time (Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Berlin etc).

>> No.20005387

We're living rent free boys

>> No.20005430
File: 492 KB, 696x810, C1E5082D-80F1-45BD-A818-0887D2093A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ll be honest, the dmg fud is hilarious. i fudded it too for the keks

>> No.20005450
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1584878557631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loan total is less than car value
Yeah but you need to be able to sell the car. Who's going to pay the costs for getting it sold? You need infrastructure and sales for that.
>and it has an ex-CIA agent at its head

>> No.20005452
File: 1.55 MB, 2080x1560, IMG_20200629_094454878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eurozone passport
deployed to foreign country
DMG high roller
do the math

>> No.20005505

>so insecure in their investment that they seek for confirmation from anonymous people by posting their passports and hands on a cambodian pot making fediverse node

>> No.20005515

You stole my fucking image cunt

>> No.20005531

you obviously have no idea how finance works. they own the debt on those assets anon. they aren't involved in valuing...or overvaluing as you say.... old cars. it's a collection of loans that people are paying, owned by this project. when you go to the bank and take out a loan, you pay them back at interest....doesn't matter what the fuck you bought with that money, old car, new house, hookers and blow, that debt is still the banks wealth.

>> No.20005548

now you, in comparison, would need to fire up photoshop, balance the colors a bit, and do a few more things before posting passport, wouldn't you ?

>> No.20005560

The only thing I'd fire up photoshop for is to put a dick in your mouth
oh wait I don't need to

>> No.20005563

This this this

>> No.20005606

what part of "overcollateralized" is failing to penetrate your thick skull ?

>> No.20005626

he doesn't know what that term means anon....he doesn't know what any of this means.

>> No.20005690

see >>20005450

I will bet that the real value + sales costs of those cars will not cover the loan
Who is paying for the sales costs anyway? Who is storing the cars? Is this at all guaranteed in some sort of contract, the actual sale?

>> No.20005755
File: 120 KB, 930x707, Les-freres-Bogdanov-dans-les-annees-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can bet all you want bitch
we all bet
right now, I'm winning
and you're losing
you are getting thaught a very expensive lesson in unrealized gains, anon
let that lesson sink in
meditate on that

>> No.20005774

>you are getting thaught a very expensive lesson in unrealized gains, anon
no u

>> No.20006064

default rates are up, and car prices are going to tank, these loans are obviously worth a fraction of face value

>> No.20006341


>> No.20006396

What is breaking cars

>> No.20006424


used car prices fell 11% in april, didn't fully recover that in may. when all these rental cars hit the market, what do you think is going to happen to prices?

>> No.20006510

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. you are suggesting that DMG would have to sell and store cars on defaulted loans? not sure where you made that leap in logic, but it's retarded. they would just sell the debt to someone else. its a banking function anon, not a bounty hunting service...

>> No.20006565

and? DMG doesn't sell used cars retard. just admit you have no idea what this project is or does....if you ask the right questions then maybe smart anons will spoon feed

>> No.20006688

Your question is irrelevant but also stupid. I work for the largest wholesaler of used cars in the EU and the demand is only increasing faggot

>> No.20006720


doesn't matter if they sell cars, the question is the value of the assets backing the loans, and the loans themselves are shit.

it's the same fucking thing that happened with the housing bubble. banks thought, oh, if someone doesn't pay their mortgage it's no big deal, because we'll just take the house back and sell it, probably for a profit. the reality is when they took the house back, there was no market to sell into, which made the loans themselves bad.

>> No.20006931

anon, if you have a car that you still owe a few thousands dollars on whose underlying value is no longer even worth what you still owe on it....it doesn't fucking matter. have you never personally been in that situation? desu, most used car owners are probably in that situation. it doesn't matter. you still make the payments because you still owe the money. once it's paid off, then you move on. nobodies out there declaring bankruptcy because of a used car loan..... you are comparing apples to oranges with the housing bubble.
if DMG (or any bank) has a used car load that isn't getting paid....they just sell that debt to someone else to deal with, cause it's not worth it to follow up anymore for that amount of money.

>> No.20007051

This is exactly right. DMM creates an outlet for financial institutions to offload loans that they think might not get repaid for cash.

>> No.20007234

Overcollaterozed loans are a literal bubble

>> No.20007268




>> No.20007415
