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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20003593 No.20003593 [Reply] [Original]

Constellation has 15 node operators and they get 20 MILLION DAG EACH per year! With average dag price last 12 months that's $280,000 per satsgang member per year and $4,200,000 total per year. Only 3-4 get paid for the tech contribution, but the rest that got this sweetheart deal from constellation are satsgang members for doing "marketing" on twitter being admins on telegram. On top of that, they get more payment for projects like making shitty amateur videos for dag. Satsgang are dumping hard on constellation bagholders and truly fuck them over. All this was admitted by constellation admins in their telegram group, but later deleted when they realized their blunder. Normy dag bagholders are getting so fucked over by these scammers.

Most well-known satsGang members and their alt accounts are: Bitcoin Brown, Lucky, Headroom, _RN03xx_, Denny Da Rocket, papousse 47, Moonshot Josh, Steven Toast, Le Chiffre Rambo, Bazerka, FauxPho, Adouble212, Johny Zcash, Rufys, Tyler Durden, vito, Braggo, Jonny Reid, Bread Bongo, Johnny etc., but there are more.

>> No.20003702

Satsgang members sit in a constellation advisory board and they get constant company-project secrets that they use to trade in the market. They are screwing the normie dag bagholders so hard over. Those normies must really enjoy getting constant assraped by those pnd scammers

>> No.20004437

Why would anyone use a notorious pump and dump group for "marketing"? Satsgangs constant and vile asskissing for months truly paid off. When team is so desperate to get praised, then you know its time to fuck off. Normies pay attention

>> No.20004660

FUCK dag

>> No.20005722

dag scammers hiring satsgang pnd scammers and pay them millions of dollars to scam normies.

>> No.20005730

Sounds like a centralized ponzi scam. Report it to the sec

>> No.20007070
File: 41 KB, 1229x584, EbrnTF9WAAEyO5w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With well over 20 million dag to satsgang each month, they are dumping HARD on the market to fund their other pump and dump operations. Thats a disaster for the normie constellation investors. They are getting REKT!

>> No.20007095

fuck satsgang
fuck DAG
fuck RSR
fuck Nevin

>> No.20007679
File: 241 KB, 3230x1510, EbsCOQMVcAEWMtA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

constellation did a 12x when it was shilled here on biz, after satsgang twatters took over "marketing" getting paid millions of $, it's just gone to hell.

>> No.20008663 [DELETED] 

satsgang scammers never ever dare to come to biz

>> No.20008791
File: 80 KB, 640x400, 2DGW4xV0XUAEz2ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, still holding.

>> No.20008803

The CEO Ben Jorgensen is a known scam artist, you would have to be a fool to buy this obvious pump and dump scam. Check out his Linkedin profile his main job is running a restaurant LOL. Who falls for this shit in 2020?

>> No.20008873 [DELETED] 

I heard one of the Satsgang member named luccy or something used his daughter to scam people. Is that true?

>> No.20009970

I heard the same thing. He is a Muslim and friend with a Jewish scammer ToastOfCT. Guess the love of money and scamming conquers everything for those people.

>> No.20010162

answered a guy saying lucky used to pimp his daughter in his scam operations. They use a lot of fake accounts to create the illusion of hype. Weird that constellation will be so heavily involved with these pump and dump scammers. It's a disaster for their brand management.

>> No.20010928

>Don't care, still holding.
Found the Satsgang PnD scammer. Nobody is so cucked that they think it's OK that constellation gives 250 million dag to satsgang scammer for some of the worst and backfiring "marketing" in crypto. And that the very same scammer gang is dumping constantly on dag normies. Nobody is that cucked.

>> No.20011330


Stop fucking lying. I know half of those guys very closely and not one was paid for shillng dag. Theyall loaded up at 27 cents and made a fortune off it. But no one was paid. You guys are just salty faggots who always fail to get on the bottom of incoming pumps then come here to cry like the little inbred pussies you are.

>> No.20011444

Stop lying, satsgang scum. You are in advisory board on constellation, paid and you were given exclusive node rights for your shitty marketing and admin work, generating 1,8 million dag per month. Anyone asking about that in telegram will get you banned by you satsgang scum. No you tell me who is lying.

>> No.20011521

>. You guys are just salty faggots who always fail to get on the bottom of incoming pumps then come here to cry like the little inbred pussies you are.
This is the kind of marketing experts and admins constellation hired. The same idiots that are dumping 20 million dag they get from dag each month.

>> No.20011607

>Stop fucking lying. I know half of those guys very closely and not one was paid for shillng dag. Theyall loaded up at 27 cents and made a fortune off it. But no one was paid. You guys are just salty faggots who always fail to get on the bottom of incoming pumps then come here to cry like the little inbred pussies you are.
Constellation has the worst community in crypto thanks to hiring trash like that as admins. And same hate-filled idiots are also hired in their marketing campaigns. No wonder these assholes manage to drive constellation to the ground thanks to their rotten personalities, incompetence and constant psychotic rage.

>> No.20012534


If you buy a spectre satsgang coin you deserve to be cucked

>> No.20013529

What even is this thing? Is satsgang seriously making vlogs about giving away tokens to random girls in sweden?


>> No.20013846 [DELETED] 

Don't just run away, scamming satsgang coward. You were the "tough guy" talking about "pussy" right? This is so typical for you satsgang admins, behaving like total assholes and sociopaths when you can delete comments, block people and say/do whatever the hell you want in a satsgang echo chamber, but then when you suddenly are out in the real world, you run away like hyenas. Pathetic.

>> No.20013953

I suspect you are a paid shill, but on the offchance you aren't let me explain this to you and our viewers at home:
>the team ERC20 wallets are publicly known and there are token transfers that can be traced
>getting selected as a node selector by the team is essentially the same thing as them paying your faggot friends directly in tokens
>in fact it's arguably even worse since the team doesn't have to pay them using their own token holdings

>> No.20014025

most disgusting teeth on youtube holy shit.

>> No.20014036
File: 91 KB, 902x576, 23432423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't just run away, scamming satsgang coward. You were the "tough guy" talking about "pussy" right? This is so typical for you satsgang admins, behaving like total assholes and sociopaths when you can delete comments, block people and say/do whatever the hell you want in a satsgang telegram echo chamber, but then when you suddenly are out in the real world, you run away like hyenas. Pathetic.

>> No.20014313

Le chriffe you absolute pussy. Scammer.

>> No.20015119 [DELETED] 

Satsgang ruined Constellation.

>> No.20015197

No they didn't, Constellation was fucked from the very beginning. The founders only started it because they had a failed ICO called Rakugo that didn't even meet its soft cap. Brendan Playford left to start yet another scam called pngme way before satsgang was in the picture.

>> No.20016687 [DELETED] 

Satsgang is a disaster.