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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19996319
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>> No.19996320

Nobody knows who I was in the last thread :)

>> No.19996327

Yeah you were the faggot, I remember you.

>> No.19996330

I know...

>> No.19996334

That's not necessarily a bad thing. War with China is inevitable. The earlier is comes, the larger the American military advantage. America is like Britain in 1920 right now. Economy's smaller than America, but Britain is sitting on more battleships than God. Britain couldn't keep the Royal Navy at "kick the entire world's ass" levels for long and neither cab America. Go now or fight a much less decisive, much more dangerous war in the 2040s.

>> No.19996335

No one cares

>> No.19996336

well I know you're not gookfag

>> No.19996344

Wow, you mean statistically speaking from the death data that they're making bizarrely hard to find nearly all the deaths of Covid are over the age of 70? Hmm, I think the best way to combat this is to put 45 million people out of work and then when you so graciously ALLOW the peasants back work, force retarded mask laws that that require you to wear an ineffective bandanna across your face even when you're alone in an office.

>> No.19996348
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white founders including thomas jefferson wanted no police force

back in the day you barely needed police because there was no crime

if everyone was mandated to own a gun you wouldnt need it and violent blacks would get obliterated in 2 days

the problem with not having a police is theyre not making sure everyone is armed to be ready to police themselves

not that police are good

>> No.19996349
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows who I was in the last thread

>> No.19996375

Hey gookfag, they were just talking about South Korea on Bloomberg.

>> No.19996387

Inb4 300 posts of bearcuck cope

>muh virus
>muh niggers

>> No.19996394

>oil -2%
i've lost 30k
this will be my last post ever
bye boys

>> No.19996409
File: 19 KB, 208x468, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better luck next time, anon

>> No.19996410

are you an oil baron

>> No.19996411
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whyd you do options dude

im riding my oil stocks to the firmament

>> No.19996422

do a flip faggot

>> No.19996427

See you next week
try to refrain from the oil futures in the future lad

>> No.19996428

Check out the idex ticker on st and yahoo finance. Nothing but fucking shills and bots. How are these chinese companies allowed to get away with such blatant stock manipulation? Fucking absurd

>> No.19996429

nigga how hard did you lever that

>> No.19996431

Try a Hail Mary in a penny stock. Maybe CLSK

>> No.19996436

I made 16k shorting it, lookin for china to push it below 35 in 30 min

>> No.19996440

Several decades of them buying out pathetic shill western politicians.

>> No.19996448



I am going to open your skull and pee directly in your brain.

>> No.19996458

Give me more DD on RTX. Can we get a DD on LMT and BA?

>> No.19996459

>criticizes options Rooiner fren
>GUSH on margin

>> No.19996461
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>> No.19996477

>straight line down

>> No.19996482
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i got out of most of my margin on robinhood i only had 1k borrowed which is interest free

ill ride gush to however long it takes never selling my gush

>> No.19996492
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>> No.19996496
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where are you buying in?

>> No.19996510
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kek ayaswan loves that subject

>> No.19996512


Is there even a single thing to be bullish about?

>> No.19996525

just buy XAR and ITA

>> No.19996531

you can feel bullish about your beach bod with this one clever trick

>> No.19996547

Yeppp you posted that one gril with the top of her head missing and I still Can’t get it out of my mind kek

>> No.19996559


Bullfags killing themselves tomorrow

>> No.19996572

Guro just isn’t sexy in my mind though. It’s just cartoonish like pee.

>> No.19996573

probably never at this point

its recovering!

>> No.19996575

Too little movement. Rather buy DFEN if I were to do XAR or ITA.

>> No.19996583
File: 201 KB, 768x432, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to dump a small portion of my income into something like 25% SPY, 25% QQQ, 25% SOXL, 25% YOLO (something like ARKK), how exactly would I do it (technically speaking) with something like TDAmeritrade? I can only buy whole shares at a time.

>> No.19996589
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can't wait for the 2nd wave

>> No.19996590

I'm listening

>> No.19996607

If we open green we are gonna ROCKET off of resistance. Load up on TQQQ.

>> No.19996611


What do you mean, how would you do it "technically speaking"? How much money do you have available to invest?

>> No.19996612

Strapped in with BRK.B, WFC, And OXY
hope this investment pays off

>> No.19996619

you don't understand the true nature of the crab

you don't understand the true nature of the crab

>> No.19996622


You’re gonna be waiting a long time. Notice how all they talk about is positive tests now instead of deaths? No ones dieing anymore doom and gloom faggot. Onto the next catastrophe I guess. I can’t imagine being such a failure that bad things make me happier.

>> No.19996623

All this time the medical industry was wasting hundreds of millions on N95 masks when a piece of cloth could filter down to 0.01 microns this WHOLE TIME. Holy shit it sure is cool of Covid to reveal this racket. No wonder healthcare costs so much.

>> No.19996626
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gold bulls thinking some more about maybe something

>> No.19996633

>nigger riots
>bat soup
Where the fuck do I put my money? Every corner of the Earth seems fucked long term.

>> No.19996635
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>> No.19996643

Most people aren't even wearing N95s now. It's all custom fashion masks made of, I assume, cotton/poly blend.

>> No.19996644
File: 66 KB, 588x815, 1593284276484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold doesn't pay you to hold its bags. Tankers are a better investment.

>> No.19996647
File: 416 KB, 2160x2160, MwsUNGD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat soup was in february dude

where do you people even hibernate at

fucking hell

>> No.19996655

I have $5k sitting around and I am willing to throw another 500 a month into it. The real question is, how do I throw $500 a month into a 25% SPY, 25% QQQ, 25% SOXL, 25% YOLO portfolio? I guess I could save up the 500/month for an entire year and then invest that $6k into it.

>> No.19996656
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The answer is in the pic.

>> No.19996665

tried to find the interview on youtube but it wasn't showing up

>> No.19996669
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You guys don't understand.
I figured out Warren.

>Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful
Buy low.
>Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy
Sell high.

>> No.19996673

Still expensive and not available everywhere are they? Figure those are going straight to hospitals and retirement homes and such.

>> No.19996676

Did they ever even say conclusively where this shit came from

>> No.19996679

Over 1 billion ching chongs exist.

>> No.19996680

The point of my shitpost is that is so insanely nonsensical to encourage people cover their faces with thin pieces of pillowcase on a level far and away anything I could even think to compare it to.

>> No.19996688

I agree the whole thing is retarded.

>> No.19996695

>he laughs at anon playing options
>he doesn't own xop
>he has gush

>> No.19996696

>put cash in trading account
>Divide cash into quarters( ie, 1000=4x250)
>buy $250 worth of shares in desired equity

>> No.19996698

what if half of the people are fearful and half of the people are greedy

>> No.19996700
File: 82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200626-230116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Monday is gonna be my 6th massive green day in a row
God this feels so fucking good

>> No.19996699

If you want to invest like a boomer then just ask a boomer investment manager. I'm sure your brokerage has one that does free consultations. Mine does

>> No.19996715
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sounds like some kinda TA voodoo to me tbhfamtbh

>> No.19996716

Something that pisses me off about Trump is that he blew his chance to get the country to get united. Imagine if he said everyone can pitch in and make masks out of towels, clothes, or make actual masks for people with sowing machines. It could've been the most wholesome thing America has done since Ronald Reagan. It really sucks.

>> No.19996718


If you can only purchase whole shares, you obviously won't be able to. You'll have to stagger your purchases to keep the levels close to 25% each.

>> No.19996725
File: 61 KB, 720x1080, 1592860090140 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats xop the same thing but just unleveraged?

i dont really care if my gush sinks to 0 for now as long as the leverage kicks in when it goes back up

>> No.19996726


Shhh don’t ask silly unimportant questions like why or who goy. We’re all in this together after all.

>> No.19996734

>All this time the medical industry was wasting hundreds of millions on N95 masks when a piece of cloth could filter down to 0.01 microns this WHOLE TIME. Holy shit it sure is cool of Covid to reveal this racket. No wonder healthcare costs so much.

lolwut? N95 masks give nearly 100% protection from inhaling covid laced droplets if worn properly. Cloth/surgical masks, which most people wear, only give around 20% protection, and that's if you wear a perfect fit, actually have them properly worn, and never touch the mask yourself.

>> No.19996736

Well seeing as none of that is effective and is like pretending the TSA makes flying safer and he tried to do the scientifically correct thing until Saint Fauci the Keebler Elf saw his time to shine for the cameras was finally here I'd say the whole situation was fucked from the start.

>> No.19996739


I actually thought Trump would be like Reagan and move to unite when he got elected, but nope, he just doubled down on pandering to retards.

>> No.19996740
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>> No.19996744

We already know gookposter is an arrogant faggot that argues from a position of ignorance

>> No.19996755

Are you fucking retarded or something? Can you not use context clues to determine sarcasm? What am I asking, they probably don't even teach Language Arts anymore, probably replaced with Social Justice Front Holes & You or some fucking shit.

>> No.19996758

You retards, the mask isn’t meant to FILTER OUT the individual viral particles. Those are too small. However the viral particles TRAVEL on droplets of moisture. Some of these are stopped by even a thin mask, but more importantly the velocity of the droplets is reduced so that instead of spewing around the room they will mostly just stay where they are or waft down onto some surface.

>> No.19996770

Please dude, where the fuck have you been? If Trump did that how many articles do you think you would see with the headline

>"Trump claims that masks made out of towels and clothing will help stop CoronaVirus. Here's why he's wrong"

>> No.19996779
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>tfw finally learned how to ask out women

I’m going to fucking make it, bros.

>> No.19996791

With no regulatory standard the mere idea of mandating this bullshit should have been laughed out of any policy making meeting but this is clown world we live in. Better put on the wet toilet paper over your face or go to jail now.

>> No.19996799
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i dont think ill have the courage for that ever

i rely on prostitution

>> No.19996802

Sloppy (((job)))

>> No.19996804

If you haven't conceptualized that it does not matter what he does - that the MSM will say that it's wrong and he should have done the opposite, you are beyond saving.

>> No.19996809

>>19996127 #
Name another special interest with such universal political subservience

>> No.19996810


Yeah yeah. Or you can just not be a weak puss to begin with. If you get deathly sick in the middle of summer you’re a Melvin. If it were winter even I would be concerned, but it ain’t.

>> No.19996812

>Are you fucking retarded or something? Can you not use context clues to determine sarcasm?

Sorry I read it again with the context of sarcasm and yes, now it's obvious. I've been having to talk to people who genuinely think cloth masks are a suitable replacement for actual real masks all week long and can no longer immediately tell the difference between someone sarcastically saying that cloth masks are effective and someone saying cloth masks are effective as a "fact."

>> No.19996815

Read up on all of the things a virus does and how they work
Then read what you said and consider you are suggesting they can be stopped by just making them take one extra turn
Then kys

>> No.19996825


He regularly put his foot in his mouth at the task force meetings. I don't pay MSM narratives any mind either but it's clear when he's ad-libbing to cover for his lack of knowledge about something, and he's also really bad at it.

>> No.19996833

I dunno about anywhere else but here the only people who do the mask wearing thing are employees at work now. The average joe/jane customer in general don't give a fuck. I sure don't give a fuck about it. I wear one when I go into work but that's it. Only cause I got to.

>> No.19996841

Donald Trump has an IQ of 120 absolute maximum

>> No.19996845

i used to be annoyed by this gookposting but i wont lie bro some of those pics kinda hot though

>> No.19996848

I think a police in some form would be ok
They should under no circumstances have more rights than the common Citizen, but just be normal people who get paid to solve crime professionally

>> No.19996850

I mentioned it in an above post, but surgical masks only filter out around 20% of droplets, and that's why they're worn PERFECTLY with you NEVER TOUCHING THEM, which like, nobody ever fucking does. Im willing to bet masks have made things worse as people stop practising social distancing as much because they genuinely believe their thin layer of cloth acts as some sort of fullproof barrier.

>> No.19996853
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even in march i would intentionally get too close to people and piss them off

i almost wanted to film some of these satanic karens informing me of social distancing policy in their store

god damn corona is literally a made up media hoax that never existed i was going out MORE during march and laughing at everyone

and speeding down the empty streets having fun

>> No.19996858
File: 200 KB, 553x460, C94EC902-42EE-436C-96FB-115CD51C161E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon tone does not always translate well via text. It’s why you must never try to be sarcastic when talking to women via text, unless you throw some smiley faces in there.

Oh shit I just realized why that girl didn’t pick up her phone. God that was dumb.

>> No.19996870


>> No.19996875

I live in a city of 80k and no one is wearing a mask. My state went back into lockdown. Only about 1in5 stores are enforcing the social distancing. Everyone was wearing a mask 6 months ago because bushfire smoke was killing people, the government didn't have to tell us.

>> No.19996881

Yeah, telling people that standing 6 feet apart does something when a cough propels droplets 30 feet and sneezes propel them 100+ feet is just as much retarded bullshit as the mask nonsense.

Telling people to wash their hands is advice that has actual scientific evidence.

>> No.19996882
File: 364 KB, 966x1116, EarrHMSUMAE2OcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah theyre corrupt you give them a little bit of your freedom and they take infinite more

you cant let another person have the power to tell you to pull over and hand them your documents

its all bullshit control that the founders never wanted

its a disaster and people should be their own militias

>> No.19996885


>> No.19996899


Because everything Trump does is a one sided political stunt that is pretty much engineered to piss off 60% of everyone which appeases the 40% of people who get off on agitating people. The entire Trump platform is supporting whatever other people don't like. Its not hard to act like a retard / troll. Its hard to actually build a platform that meaningfully changes things in a way that benefits everyone. Trump is not able or didn't try, so he has achieved nothing but 4 years of agitating people against each other. He only motivates his base to support him out of manipulating them to hate his opposition though fear mongering and pandering to prejudice.

>> No.19996910

>people don't want to secure their country bro

>> No.19996921

sorry, staring at SPX futures on 1 minute candles makes you go crazy over big green dildos

>> No.19996926
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how can she be cute and also slightly sinister at the same time?
it must be magic ~

>> No.19996928

Of all the p.c shit now. they're wanting to take John Wayne's name and remove the statue of him from the orange county airport. Over an interview he gave in 1971. Never mind that the man's been dead since 1979.. Like why does it mater now..

>> No.19996936

Here comes the green futures

>> No.19996938

We green now

>> No.19996942

He's a white male. That's the crime committed. It's social marxism if you haven't picked up on that yet.

>> No.19996944

One thing that is a little funny about how the corona narrative has changed even on 4chan is that early on, notably pre-crash, people thought we were in end times, and that the media's narrative at the time of "the flu kills more people than corona, stop being racist to Chinese people" was the midwit retard stance. Now it's flipped and everyone is acting like the midwit retard stance is to take it seriously. I understand the reasoning, but let's not pretend people weren't mocking the "if I get corona, I get corona" miami beach frat boys back in March.

>> No.19996945
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And just like that futures went green, where are all the bears who were proclaiming bloody Monday again? Looks like you got cucked bear bros, it just keeps happening and you never learn do you?

>> No.19996952

Is this the fabled golden bull run that will never end?

>> No.19996954
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>> No.19996955

/cvg/ were a bunch of schizoposters and you need to stop pretending 4chan, with its hundreds of millions of visits, is representable by a few people you've seen post.

>> No.19996959
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its literally going to open green guys do you really think it will continue to dump? here are a list of reasons why you are a retard and i am not:
1. you're gay
2. airlines booking max capacity
3. increase in cases not deaths
4. you're gay
5. futures are trending upward
6. its fucking independence day holiday week
7. you're gay

>> No.19996964

It's almost as if we know more about the virus in June than we did in Feb.

>> No.19996971

how did you do it?

it would be nice if he had actually done anything that he campaigned on
he had four years, all that happened was more money to Israel

>> No.19996975
File: 620 KB, 802x958, 68766366_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futures crabbing red and green
>no news on stimulus
>no cure update
>likely more infected with Coronita-chan over the weekend
>Texas, who spearheaded re-opening is on verge of shutting down again
>Texas already has curfews this past weekend
Even if tomorrow is slightly green, Tuesday will be a massacre

Who's seriously buying tomorrow?

>> No.19996982


/smg/ was equally full of doomposters talking about how SPY was going to 150 and the DOW to 10000 and how millions of people were going to die. I think what started changing the narrative was hospital workers dancing on tiktok. That was the first crack in the dam

>> No.19996984


>> No.19996985
File: 77 KB, 715x453, 1578190182864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about this chart that says to you "we're all dying oh fuck shut everything down"?

>> No.19996986

>Who's [...] buying ?

>> No.19996987
File: 1.24 MB, 1490x2058, 36AC8227-E493-4A45-8C3E-096B7889348D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-10 Reading Comprehension

OK great but how does the effect the P/E ratio of West Japan Railway Company

>> No.19996989
File: 195 KB, 1079x1617, Mia.full.189352 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the media is announcing stuff on tv my life did not change you could have ignored it

and not believe in it

only npcs can be effected and controlled by what the tv is saying

i went out knowing for a fact i couldnt get corona because theres no such thing

the only thing that change is they forcibly shut down non essential stores which pissed me off because i couldnt go to ross when i needed underwear

i still went to every place i normally go to

>> No.19996997

I knew it was a nothing burger in June and that's still what I know

>> No.19996999

In jan and feb it was unclear the real cfr. Until we got diamond princess results.

Market underestimated contrarioy and got btfo in march but oversold.

>> No.19997004

The spike was just now, deaths come in 2 weeks to 6 weeks after the patient goes symptomatic, and 4 to 10 weeks after initial infection.

>> No.19997008

Bears again completely BTFO

>betting against America

>> No.19997012

I'm buying in the form of cash covered puts

>> No.19997011

Love it. Just keep increasing those time tables. 10 weeks now huh? So fucking impressive. Science is settled!

>> No.19997018

Checked but I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't get a rise out of agitation when they're part of the opposing group. Edward Bernays writes about how opposing groups will naturally seek to confront, agitate and crow over the opposing group regardless of if they're even correct.

Stop empathizing with either group. The two party system is a form of dialectic manipulation it must fall.

>> No.19997019

Not sure if retarded or merely pretending.jpg

>> No.19997021

Our treatment is up to 10x better now.

With multiple cures in phase 1 and 2 with doses reqdy in august

>> No.19997022

>you cant let another person have the power to tell you to pull over and hand them your documents
That would be more rights then the common man
They should solve only real crimes
Someone has to talk with people, gather evidence on murder scenes and so on
Its better if these persons knows what they are doing than if someone destroys evidence out of foolishness
Private detectives could do that but at that point they would kinda be working as police

>> No.19997032

>airlines booking max capacity
only AAL is and they're about to get #metoo'd so fucking hard over it.

>> No.19997035

a month and a half? i'll have to wait an eternity for cheapies.

>> No.19997036

There is literally no treatment lmao
>phase 1 aka it doesn't outright kill someone within 10 seconds of application
>worth anything
My fucking sides. Why is nu/biz/ so retarded?

>> No.19997037

Invest and get the riches fed crumbs. Can live a nice modest life. They le

>> No.19997040

not to mention the death numbers are already inflated by false causation. hospitals have a financial incentive to claim deaths as corona related. they'll use any excuse to claim it as such. deaths from corona are even being counted by people who die but were never tested, they just assumed it was corona. true death number is well below what you see.

>> No.19997049


You didn't have to pay attention to the mainstream media to think corona was a new kind of animal. Chinese social media and energy consumption reports were enough to convince people that this wasn't just the swine flu

The corona = spanish flu 2.0 narrative sell signal to me was when my lib friends who were previously pushing the "stop upsetting chinese people" meme flipped the script and began blaming trump for jeopardizing the lives of millions of americans

>> No.19997050

Stock prices will probably react in advance of the release of any death stats for a variety of reasons.

>> No.19997066

I just think it's honestly impressive that no matter what happens, no matter how clear it is that this was a bag of shit incorrectly identified as Super Black Death and now we';re all being forced at gun point to go through the motions regardless because everyone at the top is too embarrassed to admit how wrong they were - because their big mouths cost 45 million people their jobs and wiped out global economies for the next 10 years.

>> No.19997070

did you have to go out without underwear on...

the market doesn't care about deaths, unless there is a risk of shutdown (there probably isn't, no matter what the numbers are)

>> No.19997072

Follow biotech nerds on twitter

Not the phd but those in startup crowd they have best info. They called mortality reduction eons ago and knew the best treatment strats

>> No.19997077

stop moving the goalposts fucking retard hapooner. the maximum time for incubation was 2 weeks, don't use the extreme to set the standard, average is closer to half that amount of time. we're really looking at about 3 weeks max, on average, to determine whether or not someone will die from goyrona.

>> No.19997078
File: 1.14 MB, 1496x1496, 0A9F479F-D43B-451A-BA71-18E9FE78E702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what artistic soul is going to photoshop every anime popsicle into candlesticks?

>let's not pretend people weren't mocking the "if I get corona, I get corona" miami beach frat boys back in March.
I still firmly believe that this is the correct stance even now.

It’s a new virus. We don’t know what the long term effects are. There is evidence to believe it may enter neurons, which is one way other viruses lie dormant in the human body and become recurring conditions. People are being put on dialysis because of the kidney damage.

You don’t need to enter a bomb shelter but but you should treat it as a a pathogen with unknown long term consequences. The likelihood of it improving your life is very small.

And that guy was just such a fucking retard zoomer. But I guess most spring breakers are.

>> No.19997083

I’m a bull but tomorrow is going to be red, my friend

>> No.19997086

Shill me something that isn't at the top of its 52 week high also whats the best way to find new stocks

>> No.19997089


>> No.19997095

Don’t just post this and not explain

>> No.19997098
File: 1.81 MB, 574x1100, sohee_12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first thing u do when media presents a new story is determine is it real or is it not real

and for corona i found out within a few days because they had that hospital in italy they said was new york and they had mannequins in the bed

and you could tell it was all crises actors making up stuff

very early

if u never followed sandy hook you wouldnt know that theyve done this type of stuff many time

so you believe in publicly funded detectives

because some private guy cant do it? why not

police dont even bother investigating shit because the government is so poor and mismanaged they just tell you youre fucked half the time when you got your shit robbed

to be fair

public police dont do anything they write it down and say welp we will tell you if we find him


china being the starting point of a fabricated fake virus plan

doesnt mean that it was real virus that could infect people

bill gates already had drills for "coronavirus" a few months before it happened

>> No.19997099

Yeah it can effect neurons and central nervous system. They even tested on brain organoids and have proof.

>> No.19997101

It took me a while to learn how to do it, fren. To put it in perspective, I'm 26 years old. It's like jumping into the deep end, you just have to overcome your fear and do it. I've been with prostitutes before, and I wince at the thought of it. Asking women out has been the basic mating ritual performed by men throughout all of human history. Imagine being so weak and risk averse that you fear asking out women.

>> No.19997115


Covid was a hoax, until after the stock market crashed, then its the greatest gift to failed political leaders to blame as the scapegoat for all our problems. And so history was rewritten that covid caused the crash.

The real sequence of events is different. Starting with the 2018 crash reaction to rate hikes, fed having to intervene in repo market in sep 2019, first time since 2008. By dec 2019 fed was having to pump 100 billion/day to prop up short term credit markets. By jan 2020 markets are melting up, people warning of bubble, GDP growth slowing (<2%). Then the liquidity crisis causes stocks to crater in late feb / early march.

But we all know it was the covid shutdowns, announced late march that retroactively caused the crash. Now they have us asking what shape the recovery will be, how quickly will we recover to great economy we had in jan? "Great" economy with <2% growth and only if you believe the government's fake inflation rate.

>> No.19997118

Lets be honest. This virus shit has been a colossal fuck up from day one. There's really nothing more you can say.

>> No.19997119

>United, which originally said it was limiting advanced seat selections, now said it never put a cap on capacity or blocked middle seats, according to a company spokesperson. United said customers are contacted 24 hours before departure if their flights approach full capacity "so they can decide whether to adjust their plans before they arrive at the airport." If a traveler gets to the gate and more than 70% of customers on that flight have checked in, customers will be allowed to adjust their plans.
>JetBlue said it would have empty middle seats through the end of July.
>Delta said it will cap cabin seating at 60% in the main cabin, at 50% in first class and block middle seats through the end of September.
>Southwest said middle seats will remain open through the end of September.
Too lazy right now to google the rest but DAL and LUV are increasing the capacity slightly through September
tl;dr u r wrong

>> No.19997125

>throw dart at list of stonks
>go all-in on whatever you hit
it doesn't matter anymore, you can buy anything. i recommend going long in bankrupt companies in particular.

>> No.19997126

>believing media fearmongering

>> No.19997128

>hello fellow bulls

>> No.19997134
File: 59 KB, 1186x720, qantas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your price target for Qantas? When should we get in?

>> No.19997136

just buy XAR and PNC
practice using the tradingview screener to look for stocks

>> No.19997137
File: 4 KB, 271x250, 1579835610944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sp500 futures 3015

>> No.19997142

>anime popsicle into candlesticks
million dollar idea chief

>> No.19997145
File: 57 KB, 680x725, BA8C0473-6718-48F6-9E41-9F93BB6CF0B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop empathizing with either group. The two party system is a form of dialectic manipulation it must fall.
There he is... the most based poster I’ve ever encountered, and he didn’t even talk about cunny or not respecting women... truly a rare and precious breed.

>> No.19997149

Studies and media wont touch. Its why it can fuck up smell so long.

>> No.19997155

Daily new cases never fell that much, they bottom out around 20k before this increase

>> No.19997161


Corona wasn't a hoax. I'm not going to argue that point because it's wrong. I do think it was a godsend for the democrats though. Probably single-handedly cost Trump the election

>> No.19997162

Itz only smellz

>> No.19997166


But muh left n right and niggers n white

>> No.19997167
File: 467 KB, 500x260, dance_primer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The extra $600 unemployment stimulus ends at the end of July.
>If nothing is on the table by then there will be another drop.
>Protests are still ongoing
>Niggers still nigging
>oil us still in shitter

Outside of a random lucky spike, followed by a massive drop, really don't see this week going green desu

>> No.19997169
File: 2.37 MB, 1124x1920, 1590614935717.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fail to understand that its a whole persona you have to put on

asking a women out isnt the end of the story

you have to say the right things the next sentence and the next sentence

youre not escaping youre trapped in hell because you pretended to be a outgoing social normy when you first met that person

and then you fail to live up to expectations when they realize youre an anti social autist

you cant keep the hoax running

unless you took like xanax and only met up once every weekend

>> No.19997172


They fell by about 50%

>> No.19997175
File: 548 KB, 754x494, CC5AA224-2FDF-4A37-B2C3-6EBE20554232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pal!

>> No.19997178
File: 603 KB, 1036x919, 89E42C37-7E38-4BAE-9EFE-A364C5C1C93F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures go slightly green
>starts going flat at around 0.5%
>bulls throwing fireworks and shit
>3 hours before premarket open


>> No.19997181

Im trying to get the FUCK out of my xom position rn FUCK i hope we go green tomorrow i need just a .60% bump for limit sell

>> No.19997188

What are you holding, anon?

>> No.19997189

Well its a godsend for a lot of people. Free money, paid vacation from work (I still get paid in full but I only go in as needed), cheap stocks. cheap gas. It's like I've retired early or something to be honest.

>> No.19997190

I will buy some of dat RTX
Maybe it drops more for cheapies, but there is very little downside left

Unless ultimate cucking ofc

>> No.19997192

Total Chad move, same.

>> No.19997193

Yeah it's true. But ultimately every single thing that happened was politics on every level, nothing else. Public health professionals do not have as a mission to keep each person healthy, but rather to have people act in a specific way, usually to minimize costs. China was being china, and beside it couldn't take the hit alone or it would have been too far behind Russia, the US, and even Europe so they maximized their advantage using this black swan. Republicans and democrats fought their own political wars. You think the dems who claimed trump was rayciss for asking for flight stops didn't know that by inviting people to mingle it would cause more cases? That was a ploy mostly aimed at demanding gibs from the federal government. That's also why they want to keep everything closed. Same with how they greatly encouraged the BLM protests, above all else it was to ensure a second spike. Conversely, trump used the opportunity to close the border at multiple levels and cut h1b's, again fully political, part of which required him to vilify china as he did to foster support by rising xenophobic sentiment at least temporarily. Who defunding and such is also political and also required to play the covid hand. Same with jpow's BRRR machine, another political move to try to stabilize the death of zombie companies that were fake and gay since 2008, trying a controlled bubble pop via the covid excuse and realizing shit's not working at all.

>> No.19997195
File: 150 KB, 1215x731, futes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bobo are you okay
Bobo are you okay
Are you okay Bobo

>> No.19997196
File: 32 KB, 450x478, the fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this

>> No.19997197


I disagree. If Trump wins, it will be because of corona, otherwise there would be nothing to blame the economic collapse on.

>> No.19997198

>futures open red
>bears doompost between taking care of their girlfriends son
>they cope on a Thai fishing forum

Bears confirmed chinks

>> No.19997200

see this isn’t a problem if you don’t have a mental illness

>> No.19997205

Yeah, every single time the last three months, right?

>> No.19997206
File: 119 KB, 800x600, 1554044741077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't buy RTX dude. They are going to drop more.

>> No.19997208

Incubation is 2 weeks, after the 2 weeks symptoms show up and last up to 2 to 6 weeks.
2+2 = ??? 2+6 = ??????

>> No.19997210


>> No.19997211


>> No.19997213
File: 41 KB, 593x267, chairmanpowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the second wave to me.

>> No.19997215
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x675, 3FAE2F32-6B01-4653-ADAD-FABD75EB06C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Mitch really wants to let another mortgage crisis happen by holding up relief money, so asset values plummet and his friends can buy land and stocks cheap?

I don’t know. I really don’t.

I’d say it’s political suicide, but the polarization is so severe that voters disregard anything bad they hear about their identified tribe to blame the other.

>> No.19997218


Agreed, I was actually feeling pretty burnt out around Feb and kind of wanted a break from the grind anyway. I've tended to take a lot of time off between jobs and spring going into summer is no better time to relax and enjoy the sunshine. I have plenty in savings too so I'm not that nervous yet

>> No.19997225

Why tho

>> No.19997227
File: 26 KB, 688x459, 943de0c_ByQHnjYJPl0KT1wd27DMeYIv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait I own all of those companies
good show Jerome :^)

>> No.19997229

>coke and Pepsi “mostly high quality”

Lmao coke and Pepsi will be the top drinks in 1000000 years

>> No.19997230
File: 56 KB, 814x532, mia10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i do have some form of mental illness because i have been a neet for 11+ years and never had a girlfriend

dropped out of hs at 15 y/o

i know im a strange individual who doesnt align with anybody else so it makes me feel inadequeate and fearful in social interaction

i look at the floor i give a weak hand shake
etc etc

>> No.19997236

Can’t wait to sell the top of the next imminent pump then buy at a discount AGAIN lmao imagine being a bear

>> No.19997237

Spy might be higher in nov because of this

But unemployment still fucks him

>> No.19997245
File: 39 KB, 700x513, 5A45C586-7BD9-4A80-BE92-C5FDB361D175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s today?
What the fuck? KO and PEP can’t possibly need funding right now, can they? Was there not enough demand on the public markets?

>> No.19997246


Who finances your lifestyle anyway? Parents? Trust fund? Dead grandma?

>> No.19997248

It's something you can, and have to practice to get better at it, anon. You must will yourself to be better or at least try.

>> No.19997254

Based fed pumping the riches bags

>> No.19997272

I got a feeling we'll be getting another round of checks. Can you imagine telling voters "hey we could've helped you but we didn't?" Uh yeah that really works well at the ballot box. Mitch and Trump both want to stay in office.

>> No.19997279

Sara is qt!

>> No.19997286

>I disagree. If Trump wins, it will be because of corona

CNN and the NYT have psyopped the fuck out of anybody who's dumb enough to vote in the first place. If the election were held tomorrow Trump wouldn't get a single battleground state.

I'm waiting for the debates though, Joe doesn't have the brain matter to compete with Trump rhetorically anymore. If dems get the debates cancelled for "public safety" reasons it's over

>> No.19997287
File: 183 KB, 1200x440, Ebm6U4TXQAAdhCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed purchases

>> No.19997289
File: 224 KB, 960x960, 101638932_584647302185671_6436447729526990333_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to get better

getting better means you give the manager a firm handshake and look him in the eyes

i dont like those men

im againsts it fundamentally

its called being a normie or a wagie

whatever u want to call it

theyre not really human

i think my mental way of looking at things is proper

in the sense that i just would rather pay a prostitute than put on a whole show for somebody and act like im chad

its not my personality i fundamentelly dont want to be a copycat clone of chad

i kind of weirdly want to be this awkward guy but hate the consequences that you are left alone

>> No.19997293

damn you’re a badass.

>> No.19997294

They're paying off their old higher interest debt by issuing these lower interest 2% commie bonds they know the Fed is gonna buy. It's a rigged game, mom and pop don't get shit.

>> No.19997295

it all makes so much sense now. I'm sorry for making fun of you gook poster. I hope you find a young korean girl that barely speaks any english, so she can't realize your autism, and you can say all the wrong things, in the wrong way, and it won't matter. Because she also can't due to her linguistic limitations(srs)

>> No.19997296

Maybe the point is to push the money that would be buying those KO bonds into other places ?

>> No.19997314
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, kukuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunny party when?
The only politicians I could ever respect

>> No.19997316

Its like a medieval dude going innawoods instead of being a peasant

>> No.19997321

Yes, like I said, they never fell below about 20k/d. The fall in deaths had been much more significant than the fall in cases

Cry moar happonooor

>> No.19997323


>> No.19997324

Reviewing the raw data for the votes as well as the polling bias reveals a different story. Close to 53-56% trump advantage if they are to be trusted. Given biden is fucking biden, this is still frighteningly low, but nothing like the media reports.

>> No.19997326
File: 76 KB, 410x532, 6ae66c75a963804ac72fdf2a2850864db3f5ca25a1f60b5ec1e0585969b081f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 to 10 weeks
What's bad is people actually think this. How long until people start to mystify it like acid and say that it could manifest symptoms years after the fact

>> No.19997332

Does that mean my KO stock gets pumped indirectly as well? Nice
Or are they talking about cocaine. One cannot be sure anymore...

>> No.19997333

Forcing tina

The game is rigged buy the fucking index if you missed march

>> No.19997339

>The fall in deaths had been much more significant than the fall in cases

Yeah I know, but you're wrong, they fell to almost 15K, and falling by 50% is still a lot

>> No.19997340

>That’s today?
>What the fuck? KO and PEP can’t possibly need funding right now, can they?
They don't need to be auctioning off bonds now for there to be KO and PEP bonds on the market, to my understanding.
>Was there not enough demand on the public markets?
The fed is buying corporate bonds. They picked KO and PEP.
The fed has simply chosen to pump cash into the market by buying corporate bonds in addition to government bonds.
There's always room for more demand.

>> No.19997344

Imagine being this clinically retarded. Those are the exact same numbers we've had since january.

>> No.19997348
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 575561E9-14E9-49C0-A39C-A95697BE7507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I’m having for dinner. Say something nice about it.

>> No.19997360


Looks healthy. Did you cook it yourself?

>> No.19997363

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

but at least my robinhood line go up 2%!

>> No.19997366

Eat raw brocolli

>> No.19997368

Potato salad is the best

>> No.19997369

Blessed normie

>> No.19997377

those look like ribs?
where is the BBQ sauce bro

>> No.19997379

It's looking like it'll strengthen the fuck out of your bowels.

>> No.19997384
File: 2.58 MB, 320x240, 1580833572070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that chicken is still pinkish

>> No.19997389

Hey. I dont like it, but im not staying ashore as the ship sails

>> No.19997398


>> No.19997404

big red day tomorrow whos excited?

>> No.19997409

Did you... boil ribs?

>> No.19997410
File: 1.22 MB, 960x855, ejso8sbbztl41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, like every other viral outbreak, it has gotten weaker over time as strains that don't kill their hosts proliferate more. None of the boiling brain seizures that were happening in Wuhan ever happened in the west. Data from January is effectively meaningless in handling the virus today.

>> No.19997412
File: 142 KB, 599x723, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about Joe's debating
Bernie's delusional fans said the same shit but Joe did alright. Only one president in the last 100 years managed to win re-election after presiding over a recession in the last two years of their first term, that's all you need to know for how much of an uphill battle Trump faces.

>> No.19997417

get rid of the sauce covered crap on top, and you'll have a meal to maximize gains

>> No.19997422
File: 8 KB, 222x227, 1592189264149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like something Warren Buffet would eat for dinner.

>> No.19997424

We’re already green, retard

>> No.19997426
File: 124 KB, 735x1088, 987fbd6eca4b1f957dde70de1248ccce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy reminds me of people fighting the fed.

>> No.19997431

Don't forget take your strawmen and non-sequiturs with you on the way out.

>> No.19997432

>chicken thighs

>> No.19997442
File: 85 KB, 1125x271, BD59C444-A5E3-4EDB-8F39-5641E75B6930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is my entire portfolio

Yeah, I’m thinking I made it.

>> No.19997447

can't wait to laugh at bullcucks

>> No.19997452

Some kid made a watch that warns you if your about to touch your face.. Lucky little bastard's gonna be a rich fuck now once apple or google buys his idea.

>> No.19997453

> Joe did alright.
Welcome, Bizarro world traveler! Glad to see we're having dimensional travelers join us. Pray tell, what's the stock market like in your world?

>> No.19997468

Oof, thank God I deleveraged

>> No.19997469


What we experienced this time was a flash recession exacerbated by media and online hysteria. Trump is much more disadvantaged by cultural forces than economic ones. Not to mention Biden wasn't the left's real choice, he was a DNC plant just like Hillary.

>> No.19997476
File: 102 KB, 541x428, EbQ-dA6WsAAc7LA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont fight the brrrrrrr

>> No.19997481

Please roast your broccoli. I cannot properly articulate how much better roasted broccoli is than steamed. Seriously:
>450 oven
>10-12 minutes
>crushed red pepper
>rice wine vinegar
It's even better if you're having steak, since you can use the cast iron you seared your steak in to cook your broccoli with all those delicious steak juices, and it's done in the time you need to rest your steak.

>> No.19997482
File: 72 KB, 512x342, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that feral niggers have unlimited power to assault and rob as they please, does it make sense to invest in private security companies? If so, do you have any recommendations?

>> No.19997483

is touching my own face with my own hand illegal now or something
how does my watch even know where my face is

the different strains thing isn't even /x/, that's just how diseases work
less killing power = more spread; more killing/debilitating power = less spread

>> No.19997484

am i to late for the SHLL train?

>> No.19997490
File: 354 KB, 725x684, 858637a2e0d990f5d4fda1d1d3499943ad98bfb51fe36042811b21c59bc77457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling something a conspiracy theory is both a strawman and a total non-sequitur to the conversation. You completely and utterly just played yourself.

>> No.19997492
File: 367 KB, 1286x857, la-hija-americano-el-goblino-dios-mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pitting a white male against Donald Trump is easily the savviest thing they could have done. No woman or Obama to piss off their base. Shit is in the bag.

>> No.19997495

Does anyone else have an irrational fear of a snake coming out of the toilet and biting your ballsack? I get so tweaked out whenever im shitting nowadays

>> No.19997499
File: 1.46 MB, 480x270, 1593294570560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before November, at this rate

>> No.19997501

Based cast iron Chad.

>> No.19997503

well NOW I do, fucker

>> No.19997511

Have you ever seen Dreamcatcher (2003)? That one scene in the cabin where the guy is shitting on a toilet only to have his ass get ripped out by an alien still haunts me to this day.

>> No.19997515

I want to stay awake for post 2000000 or whatever but I also want to sleep...

I have some brocc in my fridge and some of those ingredients
I might take a crooked swing at this in the morning
nice recipe

just put a mongoose in your toilet to kill the snakes

>> No.19997516

>rest your steak
This guy is serious.

>> No.19997520
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 5343535455522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good animu picture. I have saved it as pancakeslmao.jpg.

>> No.19997525

Oh look, it's another ultra bearish Friday close that turns into an ultra bullish sunday open because chinese only know how to hit the buy button.

>> No.19997526

Bernie couldn't have thrown softer balls if he tried. He was there to gain concessions, not to win.

>> No.19997529
File: 360 KB, 1200x900, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

450? god damn anon

>> No.19997531

Who keeps the mongooses in check though

>> No.19997537
File: 2 KB, 325x325, fb_icon_325x325[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? What's going to happen at on Monday? Will they keep selling off to low 200s or crab recover?

>> No.19997539
File: 596 KB, 1722x1722, 1593325100753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I bought MSFT at $148
> I only bought one measly share
> But I did spend $5000 on cruise lines and airlines
Why am I so fucking stupid bros? Greed is the mine killer.

>> No.19997540

The dickly wiggly

>> No.19997541
File: 149 KB, 2000x1000, girlsfrontline_lcron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19997543


I forgot to mention that Biden's VP pick will have some impact too. I think there's tacit acknowledgment that Biden might die in his first term and that whichever VP he nominates will effectively be the shadow presidential candidate. The DNC will be damn sure to film his scenes first, if you know what I mean. Shout to my /tv/ bros

>> No.19997550

Lier. 18921 new cases on Jun07 (Sunday, Sundays are always low). Kill yourself

>> No.19997552

Yea bro shit cooks faster the higher the temp is. I throw in frozen chikin breast at 600 and that shit defrosts and cooks in about 20ish minutes give or take 10-15

>> No.19997554

Going down further. After that, we'll see. $150 possible.

>> No.19997557
File: 174 KB, 1228x868, 1589031449448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never name my pictures because

>> No.19997565

>Like why does it mater now..
Isn't it obvious? The left wants to destroy history and society in order to rebuild it under their authoritarian communist ideals. This stuff is right about of the playbook for that, in fact.

>> No.19997571

just hold cruises i bought them at 25 so fml but we'll moon once everything reopens if they ever do

>> No.19997576

Keep a decision journal

>> No.19997577

Futures are slinging us back up only to dump on us when markets open I bet

>> No.19997578

Lmao its gonna be green for a few weeks now isnt it <_<. Just like when we hit that huge pump on monday earlier this month only to go on a continuous dump. Lemme guess we had that huge dump friday and now the reverse happens of a continuous pump for a few weeks...

>> No.19997582

Yes, a slight char on your broccoli is great. That bitterness is a great contrast to the sweetness of the broccolli.

>> No.19997583

Improve. You have to get into the absurd top % of.traders for.it.to.matter.

The lessons you learn early are more important than account numbers. Ofc, still heavy odds against you. Think about investing instead and improving your wages

>> No.19997591
File: 42 KB, 567x347, corona cases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


16663 reported by the tracker I'm using. Bit of a stretch to say it was almost 15K though, maybe I should've worded that a little differently

>> No.19997599

Since were talking about food. I bought 10 USDA prime ribeyes from snake river farms. Pretty good.

>> No.19997600

You're gonna be holding those bags till November

>> No.19997614

hopefullhy anon hopefully

>> No.19997618

shit's fucked bros

>> No.19997619

Excellent. The old lady was gonna steam up some broccoli tonight and I just told her to roast it

>> No.19997620

Hard to say. Who knows how much further this will moon.

>> No.19997622

>10 USDA
lmao what the fuck i can get prime rib and strips for 7 a lb

>> No.19997628

One of Biden's friends (Chanos) did a Bloomberg podcast where he implied Joe only wanted to do one term and was grooming someone to succeed him. Hope he does the right thing and not pick Warren or that NFL linebacker from Georgia.

>> No.19997630


this guy

>> No.19997639

Your tracker is shit and so are you. Cases fell much less than deaths, arguing that cases rising will translate to massive spikes in deaths while deaths and cases have been decoupling for months is retarded. Kill yourself

>> No.19997641

Ive started eating the local pigeons and squirrels evwr since i got a new pellet gun. It has a built in suppresser so noone knows. I sit on my roof and pop the little fuckers. Ive bought alot of intc with my food savings

>> No.19997642
File: 17 KB, 710x409, 1592883746670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what to tell you anon but i really hope you feel better and find a way to be happy. have you browsed /fit/ at all? it helped me find some motivation to improve myself for myself.

i don't care if wimmen like you, but i do want you to like yourself.

>> No.19997648
File: 367 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200628-195333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does BLUE mean again????

>> No.19997649

I sold my spy puts in the middle of the day. Had more to go but I have no regrets. Made 20% in a day.

I’m still very bearish but not sure about the medium term. I’m considering buying SPY puts that are two months out. They cost a lot more. And not sure about the strike price. I’m wondering if I should be a little safer and buy in the money puts. Anyone have experience buying in the money options?

>> No.19997655


>> No.19997656

That meat is way over 10 a lb

>> No.19997660


I think we actually agree on the fundamental principles here, we're just quibbling about the difference between 19K and 17K. Either way it was below 20, but who cares.

>> No.19997662

its literally at the top of the 52 week high so it feels like its not worth going into it

>> No.19997661
File: 11 KB, 450x300, 73e87e5916dde4c445b58f28066df3f4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pump or dump?

>> No.19997663


>> No.19997665

Biden "said" (more like his spokesperson said) he was looking for a running mate that was a black female and nobody else, some people thought maybe that would be obongo's manwife. He also said that they were preparing for succession if he dies. Together, it seems to imply whoever is the running mate will be the real candidate. Overall the truth of the matter is, the people who would really control america if biden wins are so vile they won't even show themselves.

>> No.19997668

Do call credit spreads

>> No.19997678
File: 1.44 MB, 2480x3508, 81668947_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pearls before swine.

I actually really didn't like the little sister. Maybe I'd like her better since I'm less uptight about that stuff now. And I think they had another girl on there that was just diaper tier and grossed me out. Oh and I forgot about that boy-girl character. I'm SO sick of that fucking shit, grosses me out. Took away from the quality of Steins;Gate.

I'm really not sure why I kept watching Haganai, but I finished both seasons...

you usually have good names for your animus

Thanks frens...
that's uhhh...
Well I guess it may not be such a bad thing after all that I'm only 0.94% net short. But I sold too much PEP and KO maybe? And bought back some KO on friday :3

>> No.19997694

god i wish i was her

>> No.19997698

stop posting gook bugpeople

>> No.19997700
File: 110 KB, 767x358, meat-grades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USDA prime is the highest quality you can buy (he bought 10 of them), not $10 usd goys

>> No.19997701

may god have mercy on our golden souls pray so

>> No.19997703

I could but don’t really want to cap off my profit if we get a crash.

>> No.19997716

i live in the midwest dipshit i can literally walk naked into a store and buy premium prime rib at discount

>> No.19997726


Whatever happens in November I hope I have enough money to move far, far away by next July when my lease ends. That may be hard to do if I haven't found a job and I burn through my savings. Maybe then I'd just KMS

>> No.19997731

that’s a man

>> No.19997741
File: 198 KB, 476x328, so it seems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19997746

if the asx recovers i dont think the dow will dip particularly hard

>> No.19997748
File: 69 KB, 612x618, bIinkluv-1272077396276019200-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone either strong or fat

why cant you just be skinny and normal

im not sad about my body my body literally looks really decent right now im probably like 127 pounds right now only

having more muscles not gonna make me happier for myself

if anything it would cause more worry like i need to keep my muscles big and im constantly draining if i dont work out

my issues is mental and social

anxiety about how i cant meet anyone and ill never be able to interact or have motivation to go meet people

stuff like that. nothing to do with the way my body looks. some people are focused on that but not me

>> No.19997756
File: 3.92 MB, 3924x3558, shinomiya kaguya and fujiwara chika (kaguya-sama wa kokurasetai _tensai-tachi no renai zunousen_) drawn by konishi_(565112307) - 1a75fc89c10571f3a114fa858454e396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19997760

where are you going to move to....

>127 pounds
every time you post you get cuter

>> No.19997784
File: 1.51 MB, 365x274, 1591251934931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> im probably like 127 pounds right now only

>> No.19997790

>See fed buys $6.6 mil of Coke-cola bonds
>fuck pepsi I guess?
>Scroll down, see $6.6 mil of Pepsico

Wow the fed is not picking winners and losers at all here.

>> No.19997791

Start looking for a job in whatever country you are considering. In fact look for jobs in all the countries you consider. Once you got a hit and they agree to help with visa as needed, you're good to go.

>> No.19997792

Coke is the best soft drink by a far margin. Pepsi is literal gutter trash wash off. RC is actually pretty solid, too.

>> No.19997795

both are women to me

>> No.19997798
File: 37 KB, 622x392, tc3sfl6z6yw41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not about muscles bud, it's just about trying and feeling good about yourself.

do you fw psychedelics at all? it unironically helped get me out of that dark place. i grew up in a cult and my family won't talk to me since i left.

nobody is coming to save you anon. you can be miserable forever if you want to. but when you're ready to feel good again, people will help you. but nobody is going to get dragged into the pit with you.

>> No.19997825

I can already feel that the 2020's are going to be a very psychedelic decade

>> No.19997843


You argued that cases plummeted and that the recent increase heralds doom, while in reality cases never fell meaningful while deaths have fallen steadily for months. Your thesis has been disproven. Kill yourself

>> No.19997949

Lol you don’t even know what usda prime is

>> No.19998058

Every bull down in Bullville like tendies a lot,
But the bear, who lived just north of bullville,
The Grinch HATED tendies, the whole tendies season!!
Now please dont ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right,
It could be perhaps, that his ass was too tight.
But I think the most likely reason of all
May have been that his dick was two sizes too small.
But whatever the reason, his ass or his balls,
He stood there on Tendies eve,
Hating the Jews

>> No.19998094

I bet you anything he bought ktov cheap

>> No.19998129


>> No.19998152


>> No.19998410

What does walking naked have to do with it