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File: 16 KB, 238x275, Ample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19986229 No.19986229 [Reply] [Original]

>3 days in a row with a positive rebase
>compounding effect of rebase + uniswap fees + geyser
>still a tiny cap
>8th biggest pool on uniswap
>geyser is a 90 day project, meaning most ampl on geyser will be locked for 90 days.
Nobody is fucking selling. This is going to pump for 80+ days, just on rebases alone.
2% per day during 70 days is a 4.7x on fucking rebases alone. Add days where it's higher than 2%. And you get all the fees from the pump and the geyser rewards

>> No.19986282

Still kind of foggy on this, but I've got my uniswap token staked on geyser. Is that what is giving me the daily rebase tokens?

>> No.19986284

comfy, bought 2 days ago

i like how its a stablecoin but you can still earn money thanks to their supply wizardry, people like unique shit



>> No.19986315

yes, you are affected by the positive rebase. Even centralized exchanges have integrated it.
btw, chanlink everyday makes the rebase call (unless you're faster than them).

>> No.19986360

>geyser is a 90 day project, meaning most ampl on geyser will be locked for 90 days.

What happens after those 90 days anon? Is this a 90 day test or something?

>> No.19986425

Lets say there's an 80 day positive day trend of rebases, and on each day, starting from 2% and going up every day 0,05% (tomorrow would be 2,05, then 2,1, etc.), you would have after 80 days, a 22x from the money you invested. But there's more, because you probably bought ampl at 1.2 and now it was trading higher you would also get that difference (and that is without uniswap fees and geyser rewards). Whales will cash out, but if this pumps positive rebases during a long period of time will be reality

rn it's a 90 day test, team said it's probable they are going to make new liquidity incentives or extend the geyser program

>> No.19986510

>rebase has no net effect on the value you hold
>hilldawg level "reddit wont understand this" type shilling here the past few days
>mechanics of the supposed non-correlation with other markets don't work at all
>geyser is just the team giving away tokens in exchange for a lockup in hopes that it won't all come crashing down

>> No.19986539

>Lets say there's an 80 day positive day trend of rebases, and on each day, starting from 2% and going up every day 0,05% (tomorrow would be 2,05, then 2,1, etc.), you would have after 80 days, a 22x from the money you invested.
>Let's say this coin goes up in value. Then, you will make profit!

>> No.19986583

That's what geyser is for, so there's less sell pressure. That's what set the trend.
And my trend is conservative. The last day would have a +6% rebase

>> No.19986613

Kek this reminds me of the chainlink FUD back in the days

>> No.19986739

>rebase has no net effect on the value you hold

nigga i bought 159 ampl yesterday, and today i have 166.19


tomorrow i will have more

stay stupid

>> No.19986755

Shit is it too late to get in to AMPL?

>> No.19986787

No this shit will easy 10x. Wait till the yield farmers find out about this coin and blow their gains out of the water as this shit compounds fast with the geyser.

>> No.19986806

moon mission started 2 days ago, this pumps slow and steady. This can't even be a pump and dump ever because ampl will find it's balance between buying/selling and become stable enough. The idea is to ride the pump until the balance is found.

>> No.19986807

honestly it will probably 1000x

>> No.19986814

Fuck it I've been sitting on AMPL for the last 3 days I'm going to dump all of my ALGO for this

>> No.19986851

This is honestly the correct move. Look at the team. Filled with top engineers, the advisors are from Facebook, libra, Theil foundation and a bunch of other huge ass names

>> No.19986854

What kind of time frame am I looking at if it's slow and steady?

>> No.19986874

Is there a way to see how I'm getting the rebase if I'm staking in the Geyser?

>> No.19986914

idk, geyser is a 90 day program (there's like 86 days left). After 2 months your bonus is 3x, so this could pump for 60-80 days straight.

The balance itself idk, depends a lot of the traction ampl gets and its adoption in other defi.instruments


>> No.19986917

Everyone gets the rebase period, the staking is extra

>> No.19986947

But where is it deposited? Do I get it the moment I unstake?

>> No.19986972

Well yes, you have more now because the market cap went up, and the rebase converts that gain from token price to numer of tokens. But before/after the rebase your net worth (number of tokens * price) stays constant. Rebase is a nice gimmick but ultimately just moving numbers from one place to the other without providing any real value.

>> No.19987000

you are already getting them, you can't see because you deposited your uniswap v2 tokens on geyser. When you withdraw those from geyser, you will see the amount on the uniswap pool
false, price is actually higher than yesterday during rebase.

>> No.19987019


it doesnt decrease the price, just gives more coins to the holders

i have more ampl since yesterday


each ample worths more.

b r a i n l e t

>> No.19987045

>false, price is actually higher than yesterday during rebase.
Yes, because there is buy pressure, not because of any rebase.

>> No.19987078


This team raised 130 mill trying to do the same but had legal issues so had to refund.

This is a 10 million dollar marketcap with high yield farming incentive kek

>> No.19987082

i am not sure if you are trolling at this point

>> No.19987097

And this team is so much better, this is the globo homo coin for libra for sure

>> No.19987111

It decreases the price proportionally to the dilution, on uniswap this happens automatically (since the ampl pool there also gets increased) and on normal exchanges this should happen because noone will be stupid enough to leave their orders up during a rebase.

>> No.19987129

do i have to hold in a special wallet or how do I join the rebasing?

>> No.19987154

Who ever said otherwise? Positive rebases exist to pressure holders to SELL. Because we are so far from the balance of buying/selling and the team is bootstrapping the network as we speak, this will pump until it finds that balance, meaning price keeps going up (or is steady) during positive rebases.

>> No.19987159

It’s erc20. You keep it in any wallet. It will rebase in every wallet no matter what.

You can stake it for a geyser but you’re holding half eth and half ampl but with a crazy yield

>> No.19987169

thanks for the help. and one last dumb question i am new here, why should ampl go up in value if it is trying to peg to $1?

>> No.19987175

I think i'm too much of a brainlet to understand this. So the amount of AMPL i have will go up and down?

>> No.19987197

It’s a rising tide. The price can stay at a dollar and you still go 10x. The price won’t stay at a dollar as this isn’t a stable coin.

Basically as price goes up, so does supply. So you’re getting value two ways

>> No.19987222

It will only go down if the price goes below 96 cents.

You have 1000 AMPL , if price goes up, you now h
1100 ampl and a higher priced coin. If you own 1% of the network, you will always own 1% of the network

>> No.19987225

I'm not. All I'm saying is there is no point in the rebase. I'm not denying this coin is pumping right now. Due to the rebase some (eventually most) of the pump will be reflected in the supply, instead of the price, but for the value of your wallet this does not matter one iota since the end result that you care about, the monetary value of your wallet (i.e. price*amount), is the same.
Alright, but how is that different from a regular token price increase that pressures holders to sell? Whether you have more tokens of the same price, or the same amount of more expensive tokens, you can make the same profit from selling.

>> No.19987237

ampl can go up in value, that just depends of the market. There's mechanisms to make it go lower, but the cap is so low right now and there's so many people holding and staking, it will be hard to buy at lower prices. If you don't sell, the price is higher, means the rebase is highter too. Holders have an incentive not to sell right now. In time, with a bigger cap, the idea of ampl is that when there's a positive rebase people will sell their tokens to go to 1 and when there's negative rebases, people will buy tokens because sooner or later it will go back to 1.

What goes up (or down) through a mechanism is the supply, namely your own too


>> No.19987238

Makes sense, worth picking up some I think

>> No.19987270

Yes this will easily pull a compound and go 30x kek ceo of Coinbase is invested.

I missed out on aave and compound but I refuse to miss out here

>> No.19987296
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped all of my algo and dropping 14 eth in to AMPL

>> No.19987319

>Basically as price goes up, so does supply. So you’re getting value two ways
This is exactly the sneaky sleight of hand that shills of this shitcoin use. Even in their own whitepaper they admit that a demand increase is reflected *either* in the price, *or* in the number of tokens, and it will be shifted from price to number of tokens by the rebase. You can't just pretend like everyone will ignore that all wallets have proportionally more coins suddenly, and this would not be reflected in a price decrease.

>> No.19987354

Gotcha. Is using geyser the most efficient means of taking rebase tokens, or should I keep some in the uniswap pool?

>> No.19987363
File: 9 KB, 120x128, 433a5666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 500. fuck shit i had 600 but sold because i bought ada at the top now i can afford only 500

>> No.19987368

Rising tide, you’re confused and don’t understand the economics.

If you own 1% of the coin, you always own that amount. If demand goes up, so does marketcap and your amp networth

>> No.19987385

He is not wrong though. As long as buy pressure outweighs sell pressure caused by the rebase, both price and supply will increase. That's the genius of it. It's like a double ponzi inducing double the fomo

>> No.19987400

but wait until few whales dumps on your dumb bitch brains and the price drops below $0.90 AND your token supply DECREASES from the rebase. thats a double loss. and then u poorfags will be start calling this a scam. look at the chart. supply do decrease and prices do fall below 1$ often

>> No.19987424

>Alright, but how is that different from a regular token price increase that pressures holders to sell? Whether you have more tokens of the same price, or the same amount of more expensive tokens, you can make the same profit from selling.

You mean now or in the future? You can trade it like any other shitcoin, as long as you take into account the price and supply variations, sure. Ample is bootstraping the network right now, so there's an incentive not to trade it and let the project gain value.
None of those tokens aim to be stable enough in the future. That's what ample aims, to find a balance between buyers and sellers, and we're still a long way to find that balance. You ride the wave until the balance is found and you gain more ampl in the process (and, as long as price don't go down, that too).

>> No.19987431




eeveryone sell AMPLECOIN we are going to ZERO

sell now

>> No.19987457

Lmao you mean like every other coin?

Dumbass, whales can dump anywhere. Except this whales work for Coinbase and Facebook

>> No.19987462

you mean keep 100% ampl or 50% ampl, 50%eth for the uniswap pool? Idk which one is more efficient. With the pool you get the fees and get geyser rewards. The pool has a positive roi in the last few days too.

as long as the marketcap is low and ample is not integrated anywhere (there's no active trading going on, besides scalpers and holders), yes it can happen. In a way, ampl behaves similar to leveraged tokens. Bigger gains and bigger losses.

>> No.19987475

its cuz you bought 159 AMPL yesterday poor newfag . read more

>> No.19987528

I'm asking what exactly is the point of the rebases?
>You can trade it like any other shitcoin, as long as you take into account the price and supply variations, sure.
Okay, so everybody will trade it like any other shitcoin by looking at price + supply, since if you don't do this you will get fleeced (would be an information disadvantage). So all we have is a shitcoin with no purpose that you can trade, except you first have to calculate the price in a more complicated way? Why would anyone want that?
>None of those tokens aim to be stable enough in the future. That's what ample aims, to find a balance between buyers and sellers, and we're still a long way to find that balance. You ride the wave until the balance is found and you gain more ampl in the process (and, as long as price don't go down, that too).
Again this is like any other shitcoin, at some point an equilibrium price can be found *based on the intrinsic value of the token*, if there is no intrinsic value then the equilibrium price will probably be 0.

>> No.19987542

buttmad shills

>> No.19987556

my point is not whales dumping. its the rebase when it falls below 0.90. do u even understand how this works ? stay stupid

>> No.19987714
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped 16k ALGO to stake 1.3k of AMPL on the geyser. See you on the moon anons.

>> No.19987772

>I'm asking what exactly is the point of the rebases?
so it doesn't swing 50% in a day for instance. Rebases exist to smoothen the volatility.
In time, by being actively traded, it doesn't matter if whales cash out. Coins go to 0 when there's no pressure from either side. How does it guarantee being actively traded? By being stable enough. How? Through rebases.

>> No.19987808

Okay, please explain how exactly the rebases smoothen volatility or make it more stable, cuz I'm not seeing it.

>> No.19987855

Fun Fact. If yo put in $10k 4 days ago at the start of liquidity incentives you now have $10,706.34 . 7% compound interest in 4 days.
Smart money is here.
^ comments above correct, 80 days of absolute madness ahead.

>> No.19987857


if the price is over 1 USD the supply increases

if the price is under 1 USD the supply decreases

more supply = more coin can be sold which will bring the price down (as the demand decreases compared to the supply)

less supply = less coin can be sold which will push the price up (as the demand increases compared to the supply)

>> No.19987876

if there is a hype period like the incoming 80 days with the geyser program this can pump the Ponzi with double force

The amount of coins you have will increase every day

The value of each coin you have will also increase as people want more

both of the pump factors have to fail for you to lose money

>> No.19987901

You have explained how rebases work, and how a positive rebase will decrease the price and vice versa. You have still not explained how any of this would make the market cap (price * supply) less volatile.

>> No.19987903

>but for the value of your wallet this does not matter one iota since the end result that you care about, the monetary value of your wallet (i.e. price*amount), is the same.
literally retard. 0 understanding. absolutely incorrect. the amount is NOT the same. 100 tokens today. 2% supply increase, you have 102 tokens tomorrow, worth the market value.
$10k 4 days ago is now worth $10.7k
read the redbook or miss out.

>> No.19987930

>how any of this would make the market cap (price * supply) less volatile.
7 days ago a $30k dump on uniswap reduced price maybe 40%.
now with $1mil+ in liquidity it moves it 6%
At 3mil liquidity i.e. market cap and liquidity will move together as the supply in uniswap rebases then youre looking at much less volatility.
Look for a 10-50x here minimum.

>> No.19987946

Oh wow you gambled with 10k and gained 700 usd, congrats man. I get better odds at the local casino.
>read the redbook or miss out.
I have read the redbook, whitepaper, all their medium posts, everything (since I used to be invested in this), and nowhere have I seen a convincing explanation of what makes this coin worthwhile. If there's anything specific you want to say, type it out.

>> No.19987967

It won't. But that's also not the plan the devs have with this coin. They genuinely want to build a stablecoin that is uncorrelated to fluctuations in Bitcoin or even the total world economy. If they get it to work, this would have several major real world applications. That's a big if though and I'm not certain they can pull it off.

This is however completely unrelated to whether it's a good buy right now, looking at the current state of DeFi coins going 500% left and right.

>> No.19987976

>To avoid unnecessary overcorrection, the protocol grades supply changes as though they will distribute evenly over the course of 10 days
From ampl itself.
It smoothes volatility by distributing it at 1/10 of the variation of price. Considering you are pegging it to 1 dollar (a bit more, because it's the 2019 dollar), whatever variation happens over that dollar, it's adjusted to 1/10 of its value.

The big picture I think you are missing is that Ampl, right now, cannot be stable enough. A whale can fuck this up, there's not enough trading going on.
Their desired output is what you have been saying, rebase x price should be stable enough. If price varies a bit, there's rebases to adjust it. Because we are so far from the goal, ride the pump and get more amples in the process.

>Okay, so everybody will trade it like any other shitcoin by looking at price + supply, since if you don't do this you will get fleeced (would be an information disadvantage). So all we have is a shitcoin with no purpose that you can trade, except you first have to calculate the price in a more complicated way? Why would anyone want that?

I've seen ta on ampl price...
and most bots use price indicators
you can trade it yeah, scalpers will be able to make more money when there's enough volume. Until there, ride the pump. You are even being incentivized to.

>> No.19988055
File: 19 KB, 585x575, amplwp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 days ago a $30k dump on uniswap reduced price maybe 40%.
>now with $1mil+ in liquidity it moves it 6%
Yes because in the meanwhile they started giving away coins to people adding on uniswap, not because of the effects of the rebase.
>They genuinely want to build a stablecoin
It's not a stablecoin, even if the price stays stable you get no benefit of that since there is no way to get out of being affected by the rebases.
>that is uncorrelated to fluctuations in Bitcoin or even the total world economy.
Yes, and the way they are trying to get uncorrelated is by having people trade on price only without looking at the supply. See pic related from the wp, the trade Bob can make at t1 *only* works if there's someone willing to take the other side of that bargain, which is a bad deal. The entire mechanism only works if there's a steady supply of retards who don't understand ampl, trading ampl, with lots of money to loose.
>This is however completely unrelated to whether it's a good buy right now, looking at the current state of DeFi coins going 500% left and right.
Yes sure you can buy on hype alone, bitconnect was also a great opportunity, once.

>> No.19988289

>It's not a stablecoin, even if the price stays stable you get no benefit of that since there is no way to get out of being affected by the rebases.
Doesn't matter, I'm just describing what they want. Whether it actually works is a second. Watch this if you have the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3UWuXu-Msk

> the trade Bob can make at t1 *only* works if there's someone willing to take the other side of that bargain, which is a bad deal
True. I didn't really dive deep into the actual usecase yet (if there are any) but wouldn't potential users in the ecosystem be the ones taking the "bad" deal out of necessity? Thus creating a system where scalpers profit off of the rebases and users profit off of being able to use a "somewhat stable coin" for their projects.

>Yes sure you can buy on hype alone, bitconnect was also a great opportunity, once.
Bitconnect locked your funds and promised compounding interest with some sort of magic trading bot lol. Things that are similar are not automatically the same. In this case not even close. I get what you're saying though. Right now AMPL is just a ponzi with extra steps. However, if you manage to get in at the groundfloor that's not a bad thing, as long as your morality allows for it.

>> No.19988540

50% APY that's better than my savings account
Not buying this scam unless they explain how they can offer so much returns

>> No.19988785

They are giving tokens to boostrap the network.