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19976497 No.19976497 [Reply] [Original]

>he's not 100% cash

>> No.19976525
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>cash and not gold

>> No.19976549
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>gold and not guns/ammo

>> No.19976575
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i'm 100% silver

>> No.19976600
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>guns/ammo and not shelter

>> No.19976610

100% obscure alts

>> No.19976643

Cash is illegal in my timeline

>> No.19976674
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>shelter but not spiritual enlightenment

>> No.19976692
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100% Equities

I get massive dividend incom

>> No.19976693

I'm in alts and worried.

>> No.19976694


>> No.19976720
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imagine not having all of this already

>> No.19976733

>I used to get got massive dividend incom

fixed for you bro

>> No.19976828
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>spiritual enlightenment
>not energetic awakening

>> No.19976838

I am though.

>> No.19977237

Anything 100% is plain retarded

>> No.19977255

Only pussies stay in cash.

>> No.19977301

I’m basically 100% in alts and fully expect a crash/depression so I have no clue what to do now. The idea of selling everything off is just crazy sounding

>> No.19977319

I'm 98% stocks and 2% crypto. Stocks have been the best investment for about a century now and it won't change any time soon.

>> No.19977333

This. I am 50% shit and 50% cash

>> No.19977335

My Eagles are technically cash.

>> No.19977374
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>> No.19977408

Most religeous jews are republican who don't support blm. Single examples of far left jews prove nothing as there are also far ledt christians.

>> No.19977434
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This board is full of get rich quick 20 somethings that think their 5 pesos in some obscure coin will make them rich one day. Meanwhile I've literally seen my portfolio moon in just the past 3 months alone and I only made the occasional swing trade a few times a month. Haven't even touched options yet.

>> No.19977443

Imagine holding an inflationary token and being dumped on by the Fed at all times and some times much extra for made up reasons

>> No.19977447
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Crypto is signalling a stock-market crash next week. If you are still holding it now you are utterly insane. Are you really going to hold it down to the bottom yet again?

>> No.19977455

Utility companies don’t cut nigger

>> No.19977467

I come from a jewish family and noone has the stereotypical nose. I've actually received compliments on the shape of my natural nose. Most of my Jewish friends don't have big noses either. I guess if you cherry pick all stereotypes become true.

>> No.19977484
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Also, look at companies like Facebook and Twitter. Is it not blindingly obvious from the charts that stocks are falling off a cliff? The trajectory has to be down, down, down.

>> No.19977581

First off, yes I hold during dips. That's when I buy more.
FB and TWTR are dumping harder because of advertising budgets being cut across the board. All those companies besides liberal shits like Ben & Jerry's are just using this """"boycot"""" for positive PR to hide their budget cuts due to the pandemic. All that on top of the general market selloff from profit taking and new Kung-Flu flare ups. I'm buying with full confidence. I don't own FB or TWTR though.

>> No.19977700
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too bad stocks are for big dick winners only - enjoy your inflation losses

>> No.19977708

He said crypto

Trump won’t let the stock market fully crash until after the election

>> No.19978020


Wrong way about. It _is_ going to crash now without more liquidity. He will only prop it back up afterwards.

>> No.19978072
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