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File: 66 KB, 588x815, prais the schiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19974773 No.19974773 [Reply] [Original]

Post your gold price prediction for the end of 2020. Bonus: Post how much oz gold you have stacked.

>1900USD / oz

>> No.19974804
File: 1.00 MB, 3213x2592, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19974814


>> No.19974819


Gold will go down when the economy really starts hitting the skids as boomers whose pensions have gone bankrupt start shilling their rocks online to keep a roof over their heads

>> No.19974823


>> No.19974826


>> No.19974842
File: 46 KB, 437x600, image-940854-galleryV9-zovx-940854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing private sellers can move the gold market

>> No.19974857
File: 82 KB, 1455x816, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i didn't know it was this bad for gold

>> No.19974883

800 USD soon

>> No.19974886
File: 3.01 MB, 294x238, 235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL not smelted, not even unpacked, just blind trust that they actually sent you the gold you paid for

>> No.19974911

That picture says it all.

>> No.19974942

Weak bait, kiddo.

Gold isn't an investment.

2012: purchasing power of 1$ = 1$
2020: purchasing power of 1$ = 70c

>> No.19974955


Yeah lemme just pull out my scales to pay you 0.73 grams of gold for this handjob you're giving PMs

>> No.19974960

Shhhhhhhh. Let these faggots networth devalue. Just a better leveraged financial position for us.

>> No.19975001
File: 3.45 MB, 3024x4032, 1590176649925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19975022

Gold is going to zero

>> No.19975039

Using this logic, a bar of gold is worth 30% less today than it was 8 years ago...

>> No.19975102

Gold spiked from the 2008 money printing where it was around $1000 to $1700, then dipped for a few years before stabilizing back again to $1700 BEFORE COVID.

Do you understand why your retarded for not buying Gold while it's still bellow $2000+?

>> No.19975159

What are those shiny rainbow ones? I want one.

>> No.19975168

4.5 zips
2 eagles
1 leaf reptilian
2 half eagles
2 quarter eagles

>> No.19975181
File: 5 KB, 400x262, 1545758626203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$7000/tOZ EOY
>Only 0.7oz

>> No.19975187

how does he stay so handsome?

>> No.19975237
File: 365 KB, 1162x850, f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19975454
File: 101 KB, 613x600, csm_kinebar-goldbarren_99973da2bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt know because its not his photo

They are called Kinebars

>> No.19975479
File: 77 KB, 581x720, 1480962923979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference is the peak ~10 years ago happened at the end cycle of a relatively smaller recession, while the current increase is happening only at the foot/entrance of a new major recession/depression.

It has not even begun.

>> No.19976187
File: 37 KB, 466x659, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one just blindly trusting whoever you bought it from to send you the amount they claim they've sent you

>> No.19976207

50 shares of GLD, 100 shares of AGQ, and 5000 shares of LRTNF

>> No.19976234

story of your image? i binged it and the two chicks were kidnapped in 2014, basically all i could figure out

>> No.19976286

don't know just saved it

>> No.19976300

Imagine believing boomers even have precious metals. They avoid them like the plaque unless they're exposed to them through ETF scams. Do you even talk to anyone more than 10 years older than you on a regular basis about money? The only thing boomers have of any value are their homes, which is why they try to sell them for 9 years but refuse to drop the price.

>> No.19976322
File: 52 KB, 700x398, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just save stuff that doesn't make sense? you assumed they voted in sharia law or what?

>> No.19976344

You realize that letting fakes into your circulation as a business is literal suicide don't you? Oh wait, of course you don't. You're a NEET trading scamcoins on /biz/. Why would you have any idea about how real things worked?

>> No.19976377

no I roughly got the idea. They were anti assad protesters hoping for democracy and they just got ISIS taking over instead. Saved for the irony.

>> No.19976378 [DELETED] 

Modern women are kike ideological scum
More news at 11

>> No.19976395
File: 68 KB, 1881x427, watchmegetrich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is cheap as fuck considering the amount of QE and monetary intervention happening at a worldwide scale. Miners are even cheaper compared to their 2011 valuations, whereas gold price is near the ATH level. I gave you guys the stock picks, I hope some of you at least listened. I've made thousands these few weeks just sitting on these cheap ass stocks.

>> No.19976415
File: 1.39 MB, 304x216, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, you're naïve. there was a story recently about a bank trying to scam another bank using those official gold channels or whatever they are called.

these huge companies could easily skim at minimum 10% off the top, riding on their reputation knowing that morons won't actually check the gold they receive, and the good people that actually do check will be crushed by lawyers or lack of evidence

ok but then you did know the story so why post that you don't know. all the news articles just call the girls "volunteers", no mention that they were protesting anything

>> No.19976433

Would you say these are mid tier gold miners? I've doing research on a few possible minors whose names have been floating around.

>> No.19976475

>ok but then you did know the story
I didn't know anything specific about these girls. I just made the story from deduction/guesswork alone looking at the 2 photos. I am guessing.

>> No.19976503

2.5 koz stacked. price eoy : 2.2k

>> No.19976507

that guy was posting in a tanker thread. I hope his gold bags outweighed his tankers

>> No.19976512
File: 208 KB, 1126x720, C5A3B3E7-6C7D-407E-B083-BA67F12F4C6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is going to exactly zero; it’s a greater fool vehicle (not always a bad thing) but without convenience of btc.

Look up Paul Tudor johns etc

In that sense after gold believers die out it will be replaced by btc/eth or rare shiffs

>> No.19976519

So far Euro Sun Mining, McEwen Mining, Great Panther Mining and Avino Silver and Gold mining are my potential prospects.

>> No.19976571

These bars flow through dealers who test their shit before it goes out. There are guys whose literal and only job is to test every piece of bullion that flows through these major dealers to ensure purity. If they found a mint sealed PAMP that tested fake, it would be over for that mint. They're not random retail normies raising a stink, they're hundred-million-dollar businesses that buy straight from the mints and they would have the clout to sue and to ruin that mint's reputation.

>> No.19976616

Would making individual miner picks really be any more profitable than just buying the junior indices? I feel like going into the weeds with individual mining stocks is the same fallacy as trying to pick individual stocks to beat S&P index. Unless you're an insider you're just as likely to guess wrong as right, even if you've done all the due diligence you can. Open to having my mind changed though.

>> No.19976647

also you can buy a little machine that can verify gold and silver content without having to opening any packaging you literal poor brainlet faggot.

>> No.19976652
File: 2.11 MB, 360x240, 9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so then you didn't know the story after all and you just save stuff that are misleading

no-one more honest in the world than a gold-handling middleman, rofl

>> No.19976658

Gold is not going "to zero" you fucking moron. lmao

>> No.19976662
File: 799 KB, 1200x1600, 3024F77D-E822-4A4E-8AA3-7F7E22B05A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re called goldbacks, retard. The 1 goldback note @ 1/1000 of an oz wasn’t even technologically possible until a year ago.

>> No.19976690

Junior Minors gotta go up for Junior Indices to go up. In a Gold and Silver bullmarket, even terrible mismanaged companies are going to skyrocket (even if temporarily). The risk for profit is correlated.

>> No.19976700
File: 65 KB, 689x768, 1592106802072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 gold, 170 silver

>> No.19976724

Squats and dumbbells

>> No.19976749

Successful mines are run by a serially successful group of people in the mining sector who know each other. You can have a garbage mine but it can be run by a legend who can turn the company around (Mcewen). You can have a fantastic mine but it goes to 0 because of a shitty management team. The sector is about knowing the people behind the mines. Sure you can play the ETFs, but if you know who're most likely to be successful, you'll supercharge your gains. All the best investors in the sector release free content and with enough viewing you can stitch together the best teams, the best geologies, and the best companies. It's what I've done, and I'm way outperformed the GDXJ since I don't have to be dragged down by the mediocre companies.

>> No.19976758

It's all about Value Income prospects. Gold stores value because of rare characteristics. Speaking of which a blockchain ecosystem VID.camera went a step ahead and created value by their Value Income oriented platform for businesses and end users.

>> No.19976770
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, it's sold by the same guys that ship the gold

>> No.19976841

What's the machine called, dickhead

>> No.19976860

IMO there's no point buying individual mining stocks (esp. the juniors) right now. We're all betting on gold right now. If gold goes up, all of them go up together. So by buying the index, you're getting those gains without the risk of investing a significant amount in an company that goes bankrupt. However, if you have inside info on a specific company, that's different, and please post it here ;)

>> No.19976875

$2,000 per gram.

>> No.19976881

Care to share?

>> No.19976904

No anyone with at least 12 year old deductive abilities can make my same conclusions.

Sorry I ruined your day.

>> No.19976933
File: 65 KB, 991x644, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gullible fool, i of course made roughly the same assumption but the difference is i wanted to know if it's true. i didn't just save it blindly, allowing me to be manipulated by whoever put together that image.

>> No.19976939
File: 260 KB, 964x680, goldmining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19976950
File: 228 KB, 1138x1435, 1591244283997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so angry? You ruined the whole tone of this thread.

>> No.19976980

GOLD holds value because of its Value Preservative prospect. But the VID.camera ecosystem from crypto set a good example of how truly sustainable and adoption ready ecosystems can be. Their Value Income prospects for digital campaign decentralized platform truly stands out.

>> No.19977011
File: 137 KB, 1200x1000, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out it was two italian women who were kidnapped and forced to wear those clothes during ransom demands. then they were released and went back to normal.

meanwhile you're over there in your part of reality, saving images that are not true, defending that you save images with made up stories that you spread as fact. when called out you say that I don't have deductive abilities. and now you have the gall to say I ruined the thread. well you ruined the whole board, fuck you.

>> No.19977031


>> No.19977085

It’s a useless POS (piece of shit), again greater fool vehicle, reinforced only by boomers which will soon hit the casket

>> No.19977099
File: 86 KB, 720x944, 1563981635239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I was open and honest about it from the start. I said I am not sure about the origin and I only made conclusions from deduction/guesswork. I did not claim it as fact and the first reply was literally "don't know just saved it." If your information is correct (too lazy to check thanks for your service/autism) I will delete the image and not post it anymore. It's not that hard lol.

You're welcome you're being angry at a pretty decent person that is able to be honest with himself and others. Hope you calm down and have a better day because you seem to be in a tough spot emotionally.

>> No.19977105
File: 2.29 MB, 2592x3456, YUKON Goldbacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love 'em.

>> No.19977137

The concept of double work (the mining of the gold plus the tough work of a brand new tech that puts tiny amounts of gold into a beautiful note) absolutely fascinates me.

>> No.19977171

also don't bother replying because I'm done with this thread

>> No.19977184
File: 2.16 MB, 3456x2592, GB - FRN compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt the premiums on these are retarded but you're dealing with such small amounts of money anyway - that's kind of the point of the Goldback in the first place.

The way i see it, pre-33 gold seal notes sometimes sell for hundreds depending on serial numbers and condition. These have actual gold in them and the Secret Service aint going to let this continue for long. I'm confident the collector value is going to be retarded in as little as 10 years.

>> No.19977189
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could have left it as "don't know just saved it" and accepted the fact that you just save images without knowing what they are about. instead you say that they were "anti assad protesters hoping for democracy and they just got ISIS taking over instead", which you state as if it was a fact. no, saying "I roughly got the idea" does not make it appear like your second sentence is not presented as fact.

an actual "pretty decent person that is able to be honest with himself" should just realize that "maybe anon is right and i should delete this misleading image from my hard disk".

>> No.19977198

$1900, but $2500 in 2020

>> No.19977201
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry buddy, i just replied. if you don't reply back i'll just assume you learned a lesson and walked away in shame.

>> No.19977454
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>> No.19977684
File: 499 KB, 450x254, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't look like it tests through the package, watched a review on youtube and it gives incorrect reading unless you have a 100% flat surface against it.

doubt it "verifies" anything 2 atoms below the surface. no, you gotta smelt it down to be able to verify it properly. otherwise it's blind trust.

>> No.19977740
File: 41 KB, 620x423, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't even find a proper review of sigmametalytics where they actually smelt down the gold after testing and verify it properly, how am i supposed to know sigmametalytics isn't just outputting a random value? lmfao, every reviewer uses fancy looking gold as reference that they have no idea whether it is real or not.

>> No.19977780


the big variables between now and the end of the year are the presidental election, virus landscape, and how much more stimulus gets passed. i tend to think dems will hold the presidency/senate/house, the virus will still persist with no highly efffective forms of treatment, and we'll see additional stimulus. if all those things happen, i'm expecting gold to be north of 2200.

currently have 97K in miners. agnico, newmont, yamana, barrick, kirkland, newcrest.

>> No.19977847

Nigger Gold is one of the most Lindy investments around. It’s been valuable for millennia. Its not going to zero

>> No.19978923

Royal bank of canada was unwittingly selling fake gold for a while you fucking retard. It happens all the time. There's no telling how many plebs like you own fake gold

>> No.19979076

One mercury dime = one blowjob from a fwtdhwaqud, are you new or something?

>> No.19979500

gold is completely redundant and not a usable currency. id like to see anyone of you go into a show and attempt to buy anything with any amount of gold

meanwhile you have literal digital gold which is more than capable of buying anything (even more than what money can buy) and have been established as a form of payment for literately anything.

>> No.19979554

Gold is quite dense 19.3 g/cm3
Even if they put a block of iron in gold paint it would be about 1/3 its density. You just need a scale to calculate it.

>> No.19979570


>> No.19979604

Oh and a ruler, ideally that has cm so you dont have to do any more math.

>> No.19979627

>digital gold
Your ones and zeros are infinitely replaceable with infinite combinations of other ones and zeros, not to mention they're useless when new programs can just be written. Can people create new elements out of thin air? Crypto is artificial scarcity for scarcitys sake.

>> No.19979699


>> No.19979741
File: 55 KB, 509x411, 1552770364819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto is artificial scarcity for scarcitys sake.
isnt that what gold follows, the idea that gold is a finite resource? except theres billions of tons of gold floating around in space and asteroid farming is a couple decades away.

bitcoin is a thing because they basically reward users for opting their processing power to form AI and facial reconition. or anything they choose to be creating through giving out bitcoins in exchange for millions of computers worth of computing power. you selling your gold would go straight into producing more graphics cards and cpus to mine more crypto. if it isnt completely lost in any situation where it would actually become viable

>> No.19979762

>asteroid farming is a couple decades away.
How retarded are you?

>> No.19979811
File: 82 KB, 1125x631, peter-schiff-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-gold-boomer-rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meme pretends inflation doesnt exist.

>> No.19979820

>Muh gold in space
Hypothetical post scarcity society doesn't do anything for us right here right now. Barring another dark age(which looks more and more likely) space mining is expensive and outside our life spans, while one just needs to open the catalogue to see crypto ideas are not scarce.

>> No.19979842

If you take those to sell them, they will remove the plastic. You cannot weigh them unless they are cut out of the plastic. Those verification numbers, theyre worthless. They will tell you its been faked if you actually try to sell it.

>> No.19979919
File: 49 KB, 479x435, 1587188085830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How retarded are you?
retarded enough to know that there will be outer space gold mining within the foreseeable future which isnt far from accurate

>Hypothetical post scarcity society doesn't do anything for us right here right now
>right now

>> No.19979938

lol... in 2012 he said ''buy gold buy gold''
gold it's at the same level as 2012

>> No.19979964

And what was it in 2008?

>> No.19980017
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you make the gold hollow and put tungsten inside.
now what?


>> No.19980162

goyim foreskin

>> No.19980331
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1492830161746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers scammed by pajeetcoins unironically believe this
ngmi, you are clueless about history. Humans have killed, tortured and enslaved countless other humans, probably in the billions range, for 6000 years to get their hands on some gold. And you believe your 10yo digital ponzi scam nothingless, repicable adnauseam, carrying 0 value, requiring zero work to create, and constantly upgraded will stand the test of times? Jesus Christ... WAKE THE FUCK UP RETARD

>> No.19980370
File: 738 KB, 1440x1557, 1522270845222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19980485


that's fine, if it's economically feasible to launch heavy duty mining equipment into fucking deep space, drill into material, sort/refine tons of material, and launch it back to earth, gold must be astronomically higher than it is today.

>> No.19980574


tungsten is still measurably less dense than gold, so for the weight to be right, it will have to be larger than a real coin/bar. tungsten also has different magnetic and electrical resistance properties from gold. yes, a well made fake may be difficult for the average person to distinguish, but it's not like a cashier is going to be handling gold coins and needing to spot fakes.

>> No.19981242
File: 21 KB, 814x439, density.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measurably less dense than gold
not according to the fact checking i did before i made that post

>> No.19981541

I just find collections like this and PM collectors in general to be incredibly pathetic. You probably think you're like pirate blackbeard plundering for treasure or like an ancient dragon protecting his stash of gold from some conquered lands. In reality you're just some neckbeard posting on an anime forum about shiny metal you like to waste your paychecks on and then never touch again except to take photos for some online autists to argue about. Enjoy the year 2040 when your gay shit crashes to zero because some rich cunt decides to mine an asteroid and 1000x's the worlds supply of PM. Retards.

>> No.19981675

>doesn't look like
>doubt it
Stop being a know nothing hyper-contrarian nigger. Instead of guessing that it is literally impossible to non destructive sample testing, maybe you should see how they do this stuff in real life.

Sigma testers used in real operations are good up to 6.5cm deep. They use a pair of electrodes to measure the resistivity through the bar thickness. This tells you the resistivity of the bar (which can tell you if it has the proper resistivity of the target metal), and also detects differential resistivities across the sample thickness, which would be a sign of a different material sandwiched into the metal (and throw off the raw resistivity of the sample)

And no shit you cant get a good reading through the plastic package dude, its based on minute differences electrical conductivity. You may as well be mad that you can't call a mint, hold your gold to the phone, and get an assay done psychically.

I get that you've never even seen a balance better than the bathroom scale you broke, but 1.4% density differentials are massive in terms of analytical work.

And what the fuck do think melting your bar down would prove if it was only slightly adulterated anyway? Are you just going to eyeball your cooled puddle of gold and know that its 24k versus 22k? Resistivity testing is 2nd only to EDX-SEM work for good reason.

Fucking retards on this board.

>> No.19981826


everywhere i look online says tungsten is less dense, and this has been my longtime assumption based on lots of expert commentary on pm fakes.

there's no way to make a gold coated tungsten coin that will pass a combination of tests.

>> No.19982179

uhhh somewhere betwween 0 and 2500. gay retard schiff will never acknowledge reality

>> No.19982276

>there's no way to make a gold coated tungsten coin that will pass a combination of tests.
nobody here is capable of doing those tests

nor are the sorts of people they plan on selling to. So it's worthless for trade and possible just worthless in reality.

>> No.19982381

Arable land with access to potable water is the ultimate hedge against everything.
Gold is just one of the expansion packs of the boomer collectible trading rock game.

>> No.19982425

You know u can use gold to purchase that land right

>> No.19982462

Just get the land now. Gold boomertarians want to LARP about the end of days but enjoy their creature comforts too much to actually commit to it.
It is pure virtue signalling.

>> No.19982695
File: 40 KB, 564x447, vietnam fucking shits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard we'll find out whose investments are more pathetic monday

>> No.19982704
File: 126 KB, 850x1050, DBl5KzXU0AI6VNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Kulak. We're coming for you and your land.

>> No.19982711

>Post your gold price prediction for the end of 2020.
600,000 boliva... i mean US dollars
>Bonus: Post how much oz gold you have stacked.
0 troy ounces of course

>> No.19982721

I'm trying to stack a few ounces of gold and a good bit of silver just for the worst case financial scenario. I don't know exactly what kind of (((tricks))) are being pulled right now, but it isn't sustainable.

>> No.19982958


>> No.19983003

Stop being a nigger and read the thread.

It literally costs 300 dollars to get a consumer grade resistivity analyzer with a built in scale. And it only costs $1500 to get the really nice tricked out version that dealers use on everything coming in to their supplies. If the weight and size are correct the only way to counterfeit is through substituting a metal with similar density, which is what these analyzers are built to detect. Fuck, if you really just cared about the gold melt value you could just drill a hole through the coin and check for a non-gold core that way, so long as you saved the turnings

What fucking coin shop is doing so poorly they can't afford a basic tool of the trade in your world? It's like you think some restaurants don't have light bulbs because they cost money, despite not having interior lighting being a pretty glaring problem.

>> No.19983668
File: 231 KB, 1280x918, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, no you have to melt it. otherwise you won't know for sure.

>> No.19983706
File: 52 KB, 660x232, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everywhere i look online says tungsten is less dense
did you look at the link i gave, which is online?

did you google "tungsten density" and "gold density"? for me google's quickanswer or whatever it is called just say both are 19.3 g/cm3.

but fine, let's say tungsten is a wee little bit less dense. that won't make Joe Average able to detect anything.

here's something from the gold entry on wikipedia

>> No.19984537

>not having interior lighting being a pretty glaring problem

>> No.19984614


>> No.19984657

specific speed of sound (ultrasound) tests verify the density in the entire thickness. you can't fool those. x-rays only work a few microns deep their point is determining the purity and the exact impurities that give away the mint that produced the gold which helps at identifying recasts.

>> No.19984715

Gold can't literally go to zero because it's both scarce and extremely useful. Same with silver to a greater degree. You'd have to be retarded to think they have a chance of going to zero but crypto doesn't. Literally an unexpected computing/math breakthrough would make all crypto worthless. We'd need to have literal star trek replicators for gold to be worthless

>> No.19984717

few knows that tungsten mixed with osmium in the right ratio got golds exact specific weight

>> No.19984754

Silver is useless as monetary metal. It is not scarce, it is pretty much unintentionally mined and dumped on the market as a biproduct because nobody wants it. All of its value is tied to industry unlike gold so when the economy goes bye bye so does silver.

>> No.19984817

equation is something like
(1-r)dT + (r)dO = 1dG
dT-rdT+rdO = 1dG

but i got nausea so i may have fucked up elementary math

>> No.19984827


Cope retard.

>> No.19984853


>> No.19984900

Looks chainlink over the course of a year

>> No.19985623

weird flex but ok

>> No.19985771

so 1.2% but here is the kicker the density of tungsten varies greatly so you gonna have a lot of figures for it. it depends on the crystalline formation i think it can weight less or more than gold.

>> No.19985951
File: 9 KB, 210x210, 74195_Obv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious fake, look at the radius on the corners. Gold plating looks different too. Once you handle the stuff you'll get some better senses as to what is real or not.

>> No.19985988

yeah but quality fakes are made by hollowing out real bars and putting inserts in them then reseal them with actual gold from the drilling. you can't tell by eye or "handling" or x-ray or any conductivity test aside from sound.

>> No.19986214

The amount of work that goes into that, you can make honest money instead. Unless you do that to big bars, it is too much work. That is why you see a faked 10 oz there, but the gold looks like some 14k jewelry that was melted down for a plating. If you have the tooling to make high-quality fakes other legitimate business opportunities should keep you too busy to even consider forgeries.

>> No.19986234

>The amount of work that goes into that, you can make honest money instead.
it's a bit of a work but when you can make $1000 an hour there will be people that do it.

>> No.19986536

lemme do a little bit calc for you:
you need a normal metal working shop or parts of it: drill with press, something to melt gold in and pour from in, pliers, fine sandpaper and polish paste and some dental tools for reproducing the natural indentations in the end.

you can probably buy the tungsten in bars of specific thickness, you can drill out a bar in say 2 minutes so you can do like 30 of them in an hour. you probably gonna get about 3 oz of excess gold from each by the end you insert the rods cut to length fill below and above with molten gold do the cleaning and reshaping of the sides. let's say 30 bars takes 3 hours maybe a workday if you are very precise.

90oz of .9999 gold is your reward for a workday. say you sell them for $144k. you can of course scale it down or up easily.

yeah i'm sure nobody will do it man too much hassle.

>> No.19986572

also you can melt some jewelry mix it with your gold remains and pour them into roughly shaped bars and basically they no longer have any distinguishing signature. so you can sell them anywhere you probably gonna get a bit less than spot on them. that's possible. you also gonna have expenses so your profit for a days work will only be around $100k

>> No.19986584
File: 182 KB, 1903x966, Screenshot_2020-06-28 Gold Price per Ounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we experiencing the JUSTening of global economy?

>> No.19986589

14 USD oh wait I thought we were talking about digital gold (EPIC CASH)

>> No.19986687

can you tell me what those 2 italian women doing in a land thats ravaged with isis and revolution and extermism?
thats their own fault to be there
and yes, i am 99% sure, that they went there as a proof that muslims are peaceful
serve them right

>> No.19986740

why they carry their dildos around?

>> No.19986973

It really depends on how much money the fed prints when we get another threat of deflation

If they don't intervene again I could see gold dropping back below 1500 but I don't think this outcome is likely

What will probably happen is they print upwards of 10 or 20 trillion dollars more by the end of the year and push gold over 2k an ounce, before we get hyperinflation starting in 2022 which will make gold moon

I hold 33oz gold in addition to a 60k notional long on spot gold, 20 $1800 gold futures October calls, and around 80k in gold mining and streaming stocks

>> No.19987007



I have about 10 oz (krugerrand & 1 panda) Buying 4 more + 1 oz bullion just to be safe by the end of year.

Anyone have another coin they'd like to recommend?

>> No.19987027


I leave /tv/ and /mu/ to get away from shitty posts like this.

>> No.19987125

beautiful bills, makes me imagine a government free society where this is the standard money

>Secret Service aint going to let this continue for long

why not

>> No.19987247

>2040 when your gay shit crashes to zero because some rich cunt decides to mine an asteroid and 1000x's the worlds supply of PM. Retards.
a cashless pm-less poor cope.
we not gonna have that until 2100 something.

>> No.19987271
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Your math is a little off.

Right now you can buy a 10 oz Cast-Poured Gold Bar from APMEX.com for $18,437.90 (less tax). You won't be able to clean up a minted bar because the skill level to do it perfectly (it must be to pass an intense visual inspection) is immense. Physical dimensions of the aforementioned bar are only provided as 6.8 mm thick. That means that even if you were greedy and really trying to go as big as possible, you will probably only use a 4mm drill. You are going to drill, but how far? The Specific Gravity of Gold is 19.3. Therefore 19.3 grams occupy 1 cubic centimeter. 1 Troy ounce is 31.1 grams. So, to get the volume of 1 Troy Oz., we have 31.1/19.3 = 1.61 cubic centimeters, and for 16.1 cubic centimeters we have 10 oz, which equals 161 cubic millimeters. 161/6.8 = 23.676 square millimeters. A rectangle with a golden ratio has sides 1:1.62, so assume that the sides are 9.0368 mm and 14.6396. Disregarding the 140 degree drill point angle and the draft angle of the bar's exterior, assume drilling 4mm in two places to a depth of 12mm. The volume of a cylinder that is 4mm x 12mm is .1508 cubic centimeters. .1508 x 2 equals .3016 cubic centimeters. Therefore .3016 cc / 1.61cc gives you .1873 ounce of gold, and if we disregard the small amount required to seal your holes, this gold has a value by weight of $333.20 at the current spot price. by now you have spent an hour ordering the materials, you have ~18.5k in inventory, you spent an hour to setup and machine one bar, you will need to spend an hour melting your gold chips for pour, then another one to two hours to polish convincingly. With a standard shop rate for a small machine shop of $120 per hour you are already assuming a huge inventory cost and legal hazard, and you are actually losing money compared to if you were making legitimate aerospace components, etc. Therefore, no, just not worth it. Work an honest career and use your earnings to purchase what you want.

>> No.19987453
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1. Since gold is only created in the most powerful events in the universe, called Kilonovas, gold is rare wherever you are
2. Gold is probably more common on earth than it is on asteroids - the reason for this is the Theia impact which knocked most of the lighter elements off earth, leaving an unusually high composition of high density materials, like gold
3. Finding, extracting and processing gold will be extremely expensive no matter where you do it in the universe - what do you think it will cost to set up mining infrastructure on an asteroid, extract the gold and then bring it back to earth for processing? Talking about mining asteroids when we can't even go to the moon without spending 10%+ of our GDP

Bitcoin can be made by any nigger on the planet with access to the internet'
pic related

>> No.19987490
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>> No.19987504
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>> No.19987530
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>> No.19987532


>Absolute brainlet post

We haven’t even begun to collapse yet

>> No.19987548
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>> No.19987564

retarded and ngmipilled

>> No.19987570
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>> No.19987587
File: 206 KB, 1882x1238, Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 16.57.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar is the last man standing

>> No.19987612

Don't care
Larping as a pirate
Still buying gold matey, yarr

>> No.19987690

>You won't be able to clean up a minted bar
that's a retarded statement as it has been done demonstrably in the past.

>> No.19987733

You ever do a seamless pour? You are going to have a hard time with the cleanup to not leave lines and witness marks. Fuck you, thinking that you are a master craftsman with a hand drill and a dremel, you fucking loser. I bet you never even touched a tool in your life, less mowed a lawn. Get back to me when you have actually done work with metals you shitstain.

>> No.19987738

>4mm in two places to a depth of 12mm
what are you smoking? no you drill from the bottom side almost all the way though you drill like 5 or 6 parallel holes and you can probably get away with 5mm holes with a good press drill. you can also mill out rectangular cavities for inserts. of course with a bit better equipment and more work done..

redo your math or not even bother, this has been done a lot so we know it works.

>> No.19987761

>You are going to have a hard time with the cleanup to not leave lines and witness marks
that's the point if you looked at the sides of these bars they are all rough compared to the face quality. what you do is sand it down, polish it and then leave deliberate marks like it was poured and handled carelessly. you will not pick pieces that have a fine detailed edge.

>> No.19987782

skilled artisans will finish you a bar in 5 minutes or less.

my calculation is right on point. the hard part is not forging the bars it's selling the inserted ones. that's where all your risk lies because if the buyer pulls out an ultrasound device... you are 7 kinds of fucked.

>> No.19987911
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, 1586672356207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You (((anons))) should start shaving the sides and clipping coins if you are so great.

>> No.19987942
File: 127 KB, 1200x1600, bar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you can see they could have done more. it's all about how precise equipment you have and how much you plan your operation for cost efficiency.

>> No.19987962

i'm just trying to educate the dumb asses who still did not get the memo: the only sure (and also cheap and easily available) method to make sure you are not buying fake bars is specific speed of sound tests.

everything else is bollocks and can be deceived. specific weight tests are trivial any surface testing chemical or electric easily deceived it's all bollocks.

ultrasound is where it's at. x-rays give you (surface) composition which is also helpful.

>> No.19988010

and the best thing about ultrasound tests? they work through mint packaging. unlike the multitude of bullshit methods like acid tests and water displacement test.

>> No.19988193
File: 122 KB, 639x756, 1593187341859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'll look into ultrasound, thanks... any recommendations on testing equipment?

>> No.19988259

are you a metal trader? because if not you shouldn't buy equipment but take it to precious metal traders and audit your shit there. find one that gives you "non invasive tests that ignore packaging" many of them test for free as an advertisement or has campaigns for testing.

something like this is the entry level stuff, there are more complex and pricey.

>> No.19989043

I'm new to this. Are those the companies that you invested in? What do the bars on the chart represent? How much they can mine in a year?

>> No.19989097

Goddamn, I would have been valedictorian of that school.

>> No.19989570
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>> No.19989668

>Humans have ridden a horse for over 20 000 years, and you believe this scam called ((car)) Is going to change it? Big oof from me

Retard fren

>> No.19990184

159 Gold
2795 Silver

Prediction Gold EOY: 2221

>> No.19990209

This poster is right, but not boomers, but major funds will sell gold for liquidity

>> No.19990486

If you bought gold for it's intended wealth preservation purpose then this is just gold doing it's job. You're selling for liquidity in a asset that preserved the value of your buying power until you needed to liquidate. Buy the dip if you guys ever get another chance. Probably not though, gold does well in second crashes during all previous recessions.

>> No.19990524
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>> No.19990585

That's the diversified mine portfolio of GoldMining, who've just started to moon. One of the top mining companies easily. I'm invested in a lot, including liberty gold, equinox gold, puregoldmining, goldxmining, metalla royalty, maverix royalty, etc... Many of my picks have mooned already in the short term however, I'd accumulate on dips. Otherwise if you have the stomach to ride out volatility or just buy and forget, these are great miners.

>> No.19990782

I don't have any gold but I want a little. Is there anything wrong with getting some exchange-traded gold like BAR or something?

>> No.19991067

Reminder to everyone in this thread that in 40 years the value of gold will go to 0 as asteroid mining will begin.

>> No.19991161
File: 58 KB, 420x583, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek go back to popular mechanics retard. How fucking cope do you have to be to believe this.

>> No.19991180

I mean maybe like 400 years sure... but not 40

>> No.19991372

Damn what a meme. Schiff more like STIFFED

>> No.19991376

>40 years
Even if your completely against PMs and your all in on shitcoins how can anyone seriously believe this?

>> No.19991530
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mixing heavy into less heavy makes less heavy heavier?!

>> No.19991587

>trying to use PMs as a way to make money
Never gonna make it.

>> No.19991647
File: 94 KB, 1066x1062, mew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone is just starting out with collecting gold maybe it wouldn't be as obvious

i don't know why they were there and neither do you. maybe they were dragged along by their cousin who married a guy from that country. you and i are just making a bunch of assumptions.

don't get me wrong on muslims though, fuck them.

>> No.19991786

An ounce of Au will always be worth an ounce of Au. Fiat (in this case the USD, and all attendant currencies) will continue to lose purchasing power as currency is printed to plug the massive holes in the market.

>> No.19991910

hi petey

>> No.19992278

$3200 with a "second wave"

>> No.19992695

neat trick huh? but like i said tungsten's density varies greatly based on structure so you have to work with what you got. measure it and correct it.

>> No.19993294

There are videos where they test tungsten plated gold.

>> No.19993341

Scammers use materials with the same density as gold...

>> No.19993348

Gold: $20,000
BTC: $1

>> No.19993408

The nice thing about platinum compared to gold is that it can't be spiked with Tungsten which is not as dense. Only Iridium and Osmium are denser, but they're both expensive as fuck.

>> No.19993428

>nobody wants it
If you have silver that you'll sell to me for $0.00 (after all, no one wants it so it must be worth nothing), I'll cover the shipping and pay you an extra 100% of the shipping cost as a bonus.

>> No.19993448


>> No.19993535

This is why I only buy gold coins and then verify the acoustic frequencies.

>> No.19993580

Most of the counterfeits are made in China where you can throw all costs out the door.

>> No.19993956

Imagine being so retarded you think flying to space and building and setting up space mining equipment as well as flying said equipment to space is free and the asteroid is made of pure gold.

>> No.19993968

dude chill
this is 4chan, not Facebook.
there are "fake news" images everywhere on here. You (and everyone else) should take everything posted on here with a grain of salt.

>> No.19994181
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>> No.19994312

that works also not as fool proof as an ultrasound device but with an insert the sound will be off totally. can't do in a packaging tho.

>> No.19994341

not nearly as expensive as gold or platinum tho. i looked it up.

>> No.19994366
File: 37 KB, 550x400, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would be able to verify the autistic frequencies, wouldn't you

>> No.19994419

hmm they got real expensive lately interesting.
used to be around $400 for osmium and you only needed a tiny amount compared to tungsten for gold substitute.

>> No.19994437
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>> No.19994511

i have to admit the cost effective counterfeiting of platinum is problematic if you skip radioactive elements...

>> No.19994529
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I've worked on this for a while, the method is foolproof and it can even show alternate frequencies for common counterfeit metals like tungsten. I'm working on getting this turned into a website since I've worked out all the geometric, chemical, and transcendental equations needed.

>> No.19994617

as far as i know the face geometry and specifics of hammering completely alters the sound no two 1oz gold coin sounds the same to the human eye.

>> No.19994632
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Is this pmg?

>> No.19994633

*human ear... lol so basically gold eagles and maples will sound different. there is also the problem of getting consistent pings.

>> No.19994635
File: 481 KB, 245x230, 754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


huh, how about that

>> No.19994683

>I'm working on getting this turned into a website
an android app would be more useful btw. but i think some already tried that. not sure about the track record.

>> No.19994686
File: 115 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-10-30--12.39.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If two gold coins have the same geometry and composition, their frequencies will be within 1 to 2% of each other. And you're not using your ear, you use an acoustic spectrograph like this one.

>> No.19994777

yeah i was just wondering what exactly are you looking for. i now there is a specific resonance to metals (especially silver is known for it's pure tone) but it depends on factors like annealing and hardening and hammering and such.
so you really have to program all known coin samples characteristics.

i did check my silver coins by ear you can actually do that if you have a reference. not fool proof obviously. probably a musician would not be fooled tho.

>> No.19994903

Yeah the source article that I learned this method from was basically seeing if you can do it by ear, which the professor determined was possible. But if you have a spectrograph, then it pretty much reduces all human error and perception. The good thing is that even though tungsten has the same density of gold, the frequencies of a coin made out of it will be wildly different, like 200% larger than a gold coin of the same geometry, so it looks super obvious on a graph. I've tested a few hundred gold and silver coins and it seems to work well. I don't know how meaningful of a contribution it would be, but it would be a free way to test coins at home without additional equipment. I looked into the app option, and there was just too many variables to account for, plus cost of development was huge. A website where people just type in their coin specs and then ping it next to a spectrograph on their phone is easier to implement.

>> No.19995405

Any other recomanded picks based anon ?

>> No.19995762

asteroid mining is for liquid oxygen
when will you asteroid niggers finally stop shitposting and reply regarding this?
nobody cares about some gold floating around when there's a rock full of fucking ROCKET FUEL next to you
fuck you dumb nigger

>> No.19995806
File: 183 KB, 1249x689, onlyOneBearChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a gold bug

>> No.19995823


>> No.19995869

Precious metals folks are all deluded. If even 1% of your worth is in metal you’re a fuckwit. Still smarter than shitcoins though.

>> No.19996981

Can I please get a tldr spoonfeed that shit is a fucking novel

>> No.19997120

6.54 oz
am thinking of buying more since i got some spare change to throw around but am scared that it will backfire on me ...