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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19971170 No.19971170 [Reply] [Original]

Pool is just past of 50k!
That's a solid 2x since last thread, GG

>What is $STONK?

A token that's value is derived from a balancer pool of protocol-layer defi smart contracts. $STONK, a token balanced by DeFi, made by a BASED aussie /biz/nessman.

>More info?
The website is badass and here for your viewing pleasure.

>How to pool?
1 click pooling across the 7 holdings is hosted on the website, simple.

Codes public here, check for yourself.
Head dev is incredibly interactive with his community, ask him anything as he's usually around the discord.
Audit has just been released, classifying STONK as 'well-secured'

>By investing in $STONK, you are investing leading DeFi projects. Value in $STONK and value in the pool directly benefits all DeFi projects involved.

>Official Discord

>Official Stonk Telegram: t.me/stonkdev
>Stonk price tracker: t.me/stonkindicator
>Stonk Trading Floor: t.me/stonktradingfloor

>We've been added to coingecko & coinstats!
Price information should update once the sites recognize uniswap trading activity.

>$STONK is also now tradable on a new order book DEX exchange - bamboo relay (now verified!):


>> No.19971189
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The arbitrage gap between uniswap & $STONK is huge here right now, between uniswap & the balancer's exchange: https://balancer.exchange/#/swap

To add $STONK as a token to be traded on the balancer's exchange, input the address 0xb60fde5d798236fbf1e2697b2a0645380921fccf

Arbitrage trading through the exchange will constantly rebalance the pool & it will directly contribute to swap fees - which will reward liquidity providers with a very sizeable amount, as our swap fees are a high 0.88%. At the same time if you provide liquidity - you'll also be earning BAL tokens, at an RoL of 238%.

There are many trading opportunities up for exploitation here - all are beneficial to $STONK and all will contribute to $STONK being balanced by DeFi.

>> No.19971192 [DELETED] 

I checked out the discord dev is pretty based, buying bag

>> No.19971198
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How to add liquidity

1. Go here: https://uniswap.exchange/add/0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2-0xb60Fde5D798236fBF1e2697B2A0645380921FccF

All tokens simultaneously:

0. Remember to have a decent supply of each origin pool token before attempting this.
1. Go here: https://noproxy.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0xb9eaf49d9f913bc1314e37bb5482891840c8e3c1
2. Click add liquidity
3. Click unlock on every token - don't worry if their interface bugs out and doesn't show your token as unlocked.
4. Go here https://etherscan.io/address/0xb9eaf49d9f913bc1314e37bb5482891840c8e3c1#writeContract
5. Click connect to web3, and scroll down to joinPool
6. Enter how much BPT you want multiplied by 10^18 in poolAmountOut (make sure it isn't too high, otherwise your transaction may fail)
7. Enter [999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000,999999999000000000000000000] in maxAmountsIn
9. Done!

One click pooling:
Go here https://stonk.dev/#interface

>> No.19971209
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Hello everyone! We're pleased to announce the news of $STONK's smart contract code audit by Hacken. We're glad to say that the $STONK's code has been placed in the well-secured category.



>> No.19971223
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What tier are you? 500K Stonkosaurus rex here, breddy comfy.

>> No.19971229

I checked out the discord, dev is pretty based, buying a bag also heard there's a cex coming

>> No.19971238

Beautiful day sirs

>> No.19971255
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Bumping with seal of approval

>> No.19971327

Another nice pump in the morning. Comfy.

>> No.19971340

I wanna buy but didn't this get audited and failed?

>> No.19971358 [DELETED] 


>> No.19971373

nope. it did really well


>> No.19971374


>> No.19971482

Yeah nice try with this scam.

>> No.19971489
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>> No.19971534

stonk whale here. i've been participating in a certain discord server where there are some sinister plans being formulated. watch out fellow STONK holders, that's all i'm going to say. if you value your money, get out now and never look back.

>> No.19971544

weak FUD

>> No.19971545

hey thanks for deleting the comment but it really isnt necessary haha I'm not that much of a turbo autist.
>stonk whale here
>sell your bags

>> No.19971550

Cope harder and hold those bags for me

>> No.19971566

Hi Med, want me to send you to the mole shame hole again.

>> No.19971568

I've been participating in a discord whale server also. Grim plans await

>> No.19971587

I didn't come here to argue. I value other peoples livelihoods and their futures. I know that people could be possibly financially ruined, and if I can do anything to prevent that, I will. That's why I'm leaking this information. More will be coming out in the coming days. Watch closely, it will all happen abruptly without warning.

>> No.19971593


>> No.19971612

Dude what you talking about?
I have been literally here since the beginning and there is no such discord.
You guys are so fucking salty that you couldn't get in early and trying this fud to get in cheap.

>> No.19971613

larping faggot, just post evidence right now if you have it

>> No.19971631

And you're implying I haven't been in since the beginning? I bought in within the first few hours, and sitting comfy. All I'm trying to tell you is that there is a coordinated effort to crash this coin, and you should tread lightly and at least be aware of the possibility it will happen. Don't have all your eggs in this basket, because the basket is about to be engulfed in flames.

>> No.19971648


>> No.19971768

frux's gay raid disc got nuked. we're good.

>> No.19971780

That fucking filename HAHAAHAH

>> No.19971955
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>> No.19972314

Hahaha, where is the proof you fucking pajeet? Also, there has been many numerous sales some even reaching close to 1 mill, NOTHING happened, keep crying pajeet

>> No.19972532

Statera is desperate, joining this and MRDN.

>> No.19972568
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>> No.19972606


>> No.19972625

I know right, these stonks guys are bad people all around

>> No.19972932


>> No.19973002

Priced out. Time to go back home to the gains, boys. It was a good effort. Nobody is mad at cha. Why hold a grudge? Look what happened last time we all put down. Eleventybillion percent gains. It CAN happen again if we all do this together.

No fud. Just being realistic.

>> No.19973023

Do the stinklets not realize yet that they're gonna get dumped on so hard if the price starts rising even a little bit. Meh I guess that's what they get for being a meme

>> No.19973832

Hotbit listing soon.

>> No.19973877

Source? I know an exchange is is coming but why hotbit?

>> No.19973946
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>> No.19974013

Someone followed it on the etherscan apparently.