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File: 78 KB, 223x229, 1563825779616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19970653 No.19970653 [Reply] [Original]

why is it crashing?

>> No.19970659

crashing upwards

>> No.19970665
File: 507 KB, 2280x1080, 48389D62-7016-435B-BCBB-F642C6DECBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how low is your IQ. Sell, you fucking pussy.

>> No.19970794
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>> No.19970823
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bacause it is a scam

it is that simple

>> No.19970833

Autists all over the stinkosphere are taking profits to fund their pilgrimage towards NEET valhalla, DMG.

>> No.19970888
File: 11 KB, 268x188, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue ze dump

>> No.19970906

>literally anything happens

>> No.19970957

Kek you think whales are this retarded? “Here anon dump your LINK for this project that is inherently reliant on LINK”. Look at the explorer, it’s all transparent kek. Don’t get me wrong, I have faith in DMM, your statement was just borderline retarded. Only linklets and poorfags participate in this kind of shit

>> No.19970981

All crypto is a scam. It produces no revenues.
Do you want to make money in crypto, start an exchange.
While these retards waste their life and their money trading Chuck E. Cheese tokens, you process their trades a skim some of their money in fees.

>> No.19970984

>meme lines
Ok, I'll just hold for another 3 years plus 10 extra years for good measure.

>> No.19971000

How late did you buy in? Many of us make it when it hits $20. You had two years anon, what shitcoin did you chase instead?

>> No.19971071
File: 522 KB, 1242x1603, 1593262015816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Here anon dump your LINK that has already proven itself and is more or less stable for this 25m venture project that is inherently reliant on LINK, partnered with it and does what Sergey has been saying for years is what LINK would make possible."
Top holders are all LINK believers who see this has more potential upside in the medium term.

>> No.19971123

if this is your wallet (and I don't think it is) grats on being a big boy

that said, for me 600k is life altering money. Being 100% debt free and having every dollar I make going towards cost of living + investments would be too lucrative to back down from.

t. 9k LINKlet

>> No.19971163

Like I said, Go look at the explorer kek. You can literally see for yourself the facts I speak. Maybe a handful of anons are selling off a baby 5k portion of their stack but the solid majority are actually increasing their LINK stacks.

>> No.19971185

Posting on anon is not representative of the top 1000. Look at it as a whole.

>> No.19971245
File: 172 KB, 700x699, 1571127584627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"LINK whales/oldfags/OGs have moved to *insert shitcoin here*" is now a common shill line used by these parasitic pajeets. It's pathetic but just imagine how much worse it's going to get in the future.

>> No.19971318

That's why you're a linklet and will be poor forever. No foresight, no big picture. Quick buck and the I'll sell just as everything is getting started.

>> No.19971388

It’s laughable because if you’re autistic enough you can literally go address by address in the top 1000 and track it. The # of whale wallets increasing, coupled with the drastic continual decline in exchange supply will make for an interesting bull run

>> No.19971419

10000 LINK+ wallets have been the most stable out of all brackets. Only a fool would sell once you’re in these brackets.

>> No.19971428

because one billion of btc option is on its way to chainlink

>> No.19971444

Q3 is starting soon, meaning whales are going to dump Btc for liquidity. Btc actually killed any link progress this year. It’s fucking over for now.

>> No.19971454

I'm a linklet and a poorfag
How fucked am I?

>> No.19971458

Because all crypto is crashing, ya dumb shit. Crypto has always been this way.

>> No.19971466

You realize many of LINKs integrations go live Q3 right? Oracle? Symbiont - Vanguard?

>> No.19971478

this is the shakeout before the moon mission. btc is going sub 3k, link will quadruple.

swingies better have that rope handy for when they're caught unaware

>> No.19971492

Have you been seeing his link has been performing throughout the year? Every time it nears ath Btc crashes. This was the whales plan this year all along. It’s highly unlikely we will see double digit link this year.

>> No.19971507

>this is the shakeout before the moon mission. btc is going sub 3k, link will quadruple.
Are you retarded? This is going to crash link to sub 2 dollars

>> No.19971516

How many link do you have and what country do you live in

>> No.19971518

I wish i could screencap and shove it to your god damn face when nothing will happen, you can't read a fucking ppt that says "Q3&Beyond" shilling link to normies was a fucking mistake. and this tripnigger is making no sense with his buzzword salad

>> No.19971527

what part of shakeout was unclear

>> No.19971533

God i’d be excited for more $2 LINK, but let be honest LINK is the hardest thing to chart. If we go back to $2 i’d just buy more. Win win either way.

>> No.19971540

Barely 60, in UK

>> No.19971543

LINK is 160%+ this year, yeah my portfolio thanks it for the gains. I’m not fucking selling my LINK, you hear me? Why the fuck would I sell my golden tickets to chase pennies when I can just wait a year stress free? Staking is coming anon, supply is drastically shrinking. Don’t get left behind when the day comes.

>> No.19971549

Go watch ian presentation. It literally said Q3 oracle intergration and that slide was a few months ago.

>> No.19971552

> He doesn’t know about Spiegelman


>> No.19971557

>crypto is crashing
How do you figure? BTC has been accumulating under resistance and altcoins have been making moves. If BTC breaks its crab up its on.

>> No.19971560

5th time rejecting $5. You'd think linkies would notice this repeating pattern by now.

Sell before the crash...

>> No.19971573

I’m sorry to say anon, but you were never going to make it. Only families with long lineages of wealth make it in the UK. The rest live in 100+ year old mini “flats” with paper thin insulation. That 60 LINK will get you pretty far in Pattaya in a year though, might want to consider retiring there if you’re white and halfway decent looking

>> No.19971582
File: 99 KB, 408x672, link near ath btc reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link had the audacity to go for ATH, so BTC slapped it right back down.

>> No.19971584

I’m not saying you should sell your links or link is a shitcoin. But you can clearly see link heavily depends on Btc movements. The whales have been suppressing link throughout the year from breaking out. What makes you think they will stop in q3? The crashes are going to be much worse
>muh 2 dollar link I buy more lol
You do realize there’s no point in staking or buying if link stays single digit forever, right?
>shake out weak hands
What a retarded cope.

>> No.19971591

Yeah, sounds about right
I'm poverty stricken anyway, I could blow about £1500 on link but that would be it for my money

>> No.19971605

>But you can clearly see link heavily depends on Btc movements.
Everything that's on the same exchanges as BTC does.

>> No.19971616

ian keane presentation doesn't say anything about chainlink integration, this was a chainlink community initative you pathological liar

>> No.19971621

Way to put yourself as a newfag

>> No.19971640

>Oracle integrating Chainlink was a "community initiative".
Tell me you're not actually this retarded.

>> No.19971641
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Anon, you’re really gonna call me a liar right now?

>> No.19971643

>I’m not saying you should sell your links or link is a shitcoin
why even post then
>What makes you think they will stop in q3? The crashes are going to be much worse
"a crash is coming" #2548595

>> No.19971692
File: 1.15 MB, 2980x2324, Cordage_en_chanvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19971729

You’re Enlightened unlike most U.K. anons. For that reason, I tend to think you are still going to make it anon.

>> No.19971751

LINK is up 2300%+ in a macro bear market. It’s up 160%+ this year. You sound like your coping anon. Sure, in the medium to short term it may go down. Some call that natural market movement. The difference between LINK ogs and the rest of the crypto community? They recognize what they hold and they aren’t chasing minor short term gains. Like I’ve said repeatedly, look at the fucking explorer. It’s a blockchain for gods sake, you can track it all

>> No.19971906
File: 528 KB, 1200x1128, salsano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you got it all figured out anon. Sell your LINKs and go for those 100x moon missions. I'm sure you know exactly when LINK starts breaking out ;)

>> No.19971977

Great image. If you know who the man on the left is and his involvement you likely have a 10k+ stack.

>> No.19971991

So glad I sold this shitcoin at it's ATH. What a joke. This shitcoin is about to crash hard. It will never see $5+ i promise

>> No.19971998

So as long as Btc exists link will never moon. Got it
>why even post then
Because I own link and it’s making me insane
>"a crash is coming" #2548595
Except there really is a downturn every q3
Like I said, it doesn’t mean anything if Btc just crashes everytime link makes a move

>> No.19972030

>I own link and it’s making me insane
How late did you buy in kek? We told you about this shit for two years sub $0.4. Something tells me you’re the newfag who bought at $4.8 and now claims to be a LINK expert. I’m guessing you bought the top of ‘18 too right?

>> No.19972065

Yeah honestly this shit and BTC is about to crash out of its mind next week

>> No.19972111

op here, I feel the same, why does it literally always do this in July & August?

>> No.19972268

Except it’s literally the only coin that’s dumping right now

>> No.19972315

The BSN pump is entirely undone, and then some.

>> No.19972316

If this is a crash for you then you must be new. Try holding from $1 to 17 cents. Try riding up to $5 only to watch it tumble to $1.50. This is nothing. We're still mid pump and you're whining about a dump. You might want to stick your money in a savings account.

>> No.19972331

Bsn pump started around $4 after the announcement of an announcement you retard

>> No.19972347

You had two years. Sorry you bought above $0.3.

>> No.19972356

Says you.
The announcement of the announcement was made days before that pre-pump started.
They were unrelated.

Link was around $4.60 when the BSN confirmation dropped.
It pumped to 4.95, and then BTC took a big old dump to stop Link from breaching ATH.

>> No.19972366

Lemme guess, you’re new and bought the top

>> No.19972393


can't understand these zoomer mindsets posted here literally every day


what is it these brainlets don't understand the concept of statistical noise

>> No.19972403

They’re all poor. Only poor people panic at movements like this. Many have sub $10k portfolios, many many poor people out there who are destined to stay in poverty because of this exact mindset>>19972393

>> No.19972404
File: 316 KB, 725x943, chainlink dumps on BSN china news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pump started around $4 after the announcement of an announcement

Except Link literally dumped after the announcement of the announcement.

>> No.19972430

>Link is getting integrated by the Chinese government and Huawei
>four days after this announcement Link is lower than before

I'd say that warrants some concern.

>> No.19972456
File: 42 KB, 800x550, chainlink-charts (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 cent drop is a dump
you fucking disingenuous retard, show what happened right after that announcement
>18 posts by this ID

>> No.19972483

>4.17 - 4.07 = .03

>show what happened right after that announcement
You can see exactly that here: >>19972404

>> No.19972506

Eat shit link faggots

>Muh need to buy at ATH after 2000% increase while markets are crashing

>> No.19972524

>You can see exactly that here:
And then what happened after that? How did we get from 4.07 to 4.50?

>> No.19972525

The fuck are you even saying.

>> No.19972542

Eat shit Link faggot

>> No.19972561

Link pumps sometimes.
Link's been having tons of good news recently, like the WEF tech pioneer thing.

The BSN rumor was months old already, and Link dumped every single time it was brought up, including right after the announcement of the announcement.

>> No.19972600

The only reason it pumped this time was because we had a much clearer understanding of link's role and date of the announcement. You schizo retards keep screaming about muh good news dump, but link actually pumps with good news sometimes too. And this time the bsn pump started around 4.

>> No.19972636

>we had a much clearer understanding of link's role and date of the announcement
Is that why Link dumped 10 cents right away?

$4.55 now.
Link melted through 50k sats like it wasn't there.

>> No.19972645

Let's all laught at this faggot>>19972403

>> No.19972722


>> No.19972740

Biggest dumper in the top 20.

>> No.19973155

Sandro Salsano, where is my money?

>> No.19973230

Then why's bitcorn and all the others red then fuckface?