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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1996714 No.1996714 [Reply] [Original]

How much is enough?

>> No.1996718

How much you decide it to be, you potential jew

>> No.1996719

Depends on what you want to do and how expensive that is.

>> No.1996728

Early 20's here I'd say 10 mill is plenty

>> No.1996768

My number is 100,000,000. I know its a long shot but i can't wait to be earning 10% intirest on all of my earninigs. If you think about it its like 10 million a year that you make on intirest its fucking crazy dude man

>> No.1996771


>> No.1996773

All of it.

>> No.1996787

Enough to weather the coming storm, my man.

>> No.1996793

How much is that? And what storm?

>> No.1996801

To live a lavish lifestyle, 10 million

>> No.1996802

Same age, but I would say even less.

$3,000,000 invested into a guaranteed 4% annual return (T bills) is $120,000 a year for the rest of your life is fine by me. And then on top of that you still have the principle of $3 mil you can dig into if need be.

>> No.1996816

Fuck I'd be happy with half that

>> No.1996819

Post your BTC address

>> No.1996826


Send a millions worth at least

>> No.1996828

10 mil and I'd just be getting started, I might spend 20k on a second car and give myself a small raise, don't need anything else so might as well run with it

>> No.1996832

On top of that you need an apartment or a house. And that can be pricey depending on where you live. In my city, a decent sized apartment in a desirable area is from 350k up. That's without furniture. Single family homes start from 1 million.

You also might need some sort of car. Many would be satisfied with some used Honda that has plenty of room, that doesn't drink too much gasoline and that takes them reliably from A to B. Me? I want a loud and exotic looking sports car. Not Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren or even a Porsche. More like used Aston Martin or new Lotus. But those are still 100k.

I'm going to say 5,5 million. Half a million for apartment+car, 5 million invested, 4% return is 200k per year minus taxes. Fucking impossible to spend that where I live so at least half goes back to investments.

>> No.1996843

Yeah. I would say 5M is enough to not worry about money.

>> No.1996846

one more dollar

>> No.1996852

Yeah, I once thought that fucking 50 women would be more than enough. Then I got to that point and thought that 100 would be enough. Then it became 500. I'm still working on that, but if I get there, it will probably become 1000.

Money and pussy, you can never have enough.

>> No.1996853

>guaranteed 4% annual return (T bills)
is this what t-bills actually return? i thought it was much less.

>> No.1996856

$2k a month is enough, so long as it's over the internet and I don't have to wagecuck myself to death living in some expensive cucktopolis.

>> No.1996864

Enough to reach a position of "fuck you."

>> No.1996867

$5,000,000 USD then you can live off the dividends comfortably for the rest of your life with low risk. This should be the goal of every /biz/nessman

>> No.1996873

Sure thing

>> No.1996874

You need 6 million.
5 million to live off, 1 million to take risks with.

>> No.1996877

Sure, and I'ld double that if you want to have a wife and kids one day, taking into account the risk that your wife might steal halve your shit if you get divorced. So the grand total is 12 million

>> No.1997144


I can confirm that $3 million works very nicely. But, my needs are simple.

>> No.1997147

Age and how did you get there?

>> No.1997155

Early 50's and I discovered Vanguard in about 1983. Frugal living and dollar cost averaging pay off if you keep to the program over the decades.

>> No.1997177

> All of it.

>> No.1997179

>he's a frugalcuck grandpa

>> No.1997233

Kek what do you drive gramps a big gay ford, what fund in vanguard?

>> No.1997234
File: 189 KB, 640x927, het.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 year old college student with >$500k reporting in.

>How much is enough?
Depends on individual demands.
I live rather frugally and I feel $500k is already life on easy mode and not much different from $150k or $300k.
Have been studying to earn my bachelor's degree for the past 7 years. College here is free and my apartment costs 300€ with all utilities. Probably spend 700-900€ per month tops. I don't even have a car or drivers license.
Wouldn't know what to do with 2 or 3 million.

>To live a lavish lifestyle,
That's no freedom at all.

Also most rich people don't life lavishly and quite some people who portray such a lifestyle aren't rich.
(Of course rich people life a bit better than normal people but not by that much. The effect stems from survivorship bias since the rich people who live like normal people can not be identified by the casual onlooker and hence only people who throw away money are identified as rich and then normal people start to think that almost all wealthy behave like that.).

>> No.1997242

~10 billion

>> No.1997269

This is my fantasy. I have all of the money. The entire world is some mad max level post apocalypse and it's just me sitting on the internet all day with absolutely nothing changing from the NEET life except if I wanted to I could buy stuff and pay for services/medicals.

I don't have a number for the money I want. I want more than I have now, that's about as much as I care for. When I think about things to spend it on, I can only think about those VR headsets or a newer computer. Can't get much else out of life. Car? Never like luxury cars, I don't want the attention. House? I already have a nice enough place, where am I supposed to go?

I think the real reason I want money is so I can feel like I've beaten life somehow. From a young age it always felt like "if I just had more money..." and that's probably why I'm here, and why I'll continue to shred money in the forex markets.

>> No.1997351

You discovered Vanguard when you were like 8 years old?

>> No.1997357

how did you earn over $500,000?

>> No.1997394
File: 285 KB, 800x532, 1492984072364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the flying fuck to you people hit those numbers $250,000 / $500,000 / $1m / $2m. I make $42000 a year in sales, I can barely put money away and pay off my student loans. I'm under the heel of those loans so fucking hard that I can't do a goddamn thing about it and it hurts me. I want to get rid of it, I want to make sure my parents who are getting older will be taken care of, fuck fancy cars and expensive shit. I just want to survive and not feel like putting a bullet in my head the moment my eyes open in the morning going to that shit show of a job.

>> No.1997403

Huh? Wtf are you going on about? I was an adult in 1983.

>> No.1997425

D-dad? What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.1997427

Never mind, I misread.

Did you dollar cost average in the entire time? Those must have been some of the first Bogle funds in 83, right?

>> No.1997519

Same, even less if I grow my own food and stack my house with solar panels.

>> No.1997534

Live with your parents and invest your money in cryptos.

>> No.1997540

you seem to have a helathy lifestyle

I ve had pussy a mean of 3 times/week for the last 6 years with only 3 different girls. When we were together it is more like once per day.

>> No.1997545

I'm pretty simple my dream house right now is in a small town and listed at 250,000 usd. I have a bunch of kids and a husband with a good job. I am here watching what you guys are talking about and trying to turn my small part time paycheck into something worth having. I have no idea what I am doing but I am going to try and learn how to invest in crypto. 5 mill is a good number.

>> No.1997561

10 billion or so. It's enough to go try and start businesses and once they get on their feat I bring in a bunch of newly graduated business students, teach them how everything works. Then I just hand it over to them, and they pay me back with their profits. I'd probably lose most of my money, but it's given people priceless experience.

I'd also set up a private equity company. A television station that makes good quality shows even if it means not earning as much money. So I could do stuff like fund Million Dollar Extreme, buy one of those perpetually on the verge of bankruptcy wrestling shows, and have movie nights with good kino. And I'd make a whole chain of hotels worldwide, so my name is well known.

I'd also buy a nice house and private jet. Buy my way into the Florida Governor's mansion, and pay public relations companies throughout my whole term, so that I'm beloved.

A billion dollars is kind of hard to comprehend. People with anything more than 10 billion are basically playing life with cheats on.

>> No.1997562

A-are you memeing or serious because that's what I'm doing

>> No.1997564

5 million

>> No.1998165

This guy gets it.

>> No.1998185

>what do you drive
You will always be poor.

>> No.1998362


>> No.1998415

Don't risk what you can't lose

>> No.1998423

How much for a blowJ?

>> No.1998432

>being a frugal cuck

Get out

>> No.1998440

Easy for you to say, with millions in your bank account, as I assume :^)

>> No.1998446

>10 billion
Your life is exactly the same with 10 million, unless you're some smug fucking up hollywood douchebag junkie.

>> No.1998448

1m. I can live off passive from that.

>> No.1998491

enough for a farm in the most depressing nevada and tragel the world to trap a jew wife put her in the desert with my children with

>> No.1998552

how poor are you that your idea of being rich is

> I might spend 20k on a second car

>> No.1998565

The median price paid by millionaires for their most recent car was only $31,367.


>> No.1998570

4M would be enough for me, 100k passive income / year invested at 4%. I don't see how I could burn through more than 100k/year, I mean sure its doable, but I dont have such expensive habbits nor tastes

>> No.1998581

Really? I'm 23 and have fucked over 25 skanks and honestly rather jerk off to the vids i made of me fucking them than fuck them again. Unless they are 10/10 and rich

>> No.1998666

Because thats how people become millionaires... there not fucking pretentious retards

>> No.1998676

There isn't a final threshold goal

More is better

Moon is the goal

>> No.1998689

More is obviously better, but to escape the corporate slave lifestyle, I'd say a minimum of $5mil could last you forever if you did nothing else besides very passive investing. $3 mil would probably be fine if you were investing and looking for low-risk biz opportunities.

>> No.1998746

Enough to never have to work wage job again.

>> No.1998775

If you have millions you can help to start my own mill business. ty alot m8 13dQEuTEgyoen3uh8uYvUn5BSWXxtYoM5K

>> No.1998790

sent 5 BTC

>> No.1998962

Holy shit, degeneracy to the max.

God speed anon and dont get aids.

>> No.1999022

One million
I'm a simple man and only wish to provide a simple life to my wife and child.

>> No.1999190
File: 10 KB, 969x785, bitcoin coin supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own 21 BTC or more in 2029.

>> No.1999228

All I want is for my kids to be happy..
