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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19963315

I’ve got 50k CLIS putting in another limit order for 50k at .07 you guys think it could possibly go lower into the .05-.06 range? I’m pretty confident that they are going to have some degree of success in the future.

>> No.19963323

Also to add to the above any word on when this offering us supposed to end?

>> No.19963334
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I love ktov. I’ve got modest gains, but they are significant for me and I’m really proud of myself for making some solid trades and doing the research to better myself by saying fuck it- taking the risk and tripling my money. I’ve learned so much since /ptg/ began.

>> No.19963355
File: 546 KB, 859x960, 1591824898993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 1k shares of KTOV at 1.11. Im fucking ready for this moon launch

>> No.19963364 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x1068, 1592965123999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright goys, shabbat starts soon, thanks for the week of gains and I'll be thinking well of you. Here's hoping early morning ttnp gets some shekels sorted in the early morning 4am jewening hours. Friendly reminder market's closed on Friday for muh fourth (means death in Classical Chinese seeing a numerical pattern?) and likelihood of a black swan week is high

>> No.19963400
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x1068, 1592965123999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright goys, shabbat starts soon, thanks for the week of gains and I'll be praying for you. Here's hoping early morning ttnp gets some shekels sorted in the early morning 4am jewening hours. Friendly reminder market's closed on Friday for muh fourth (means death in Chinese -- seeing a numerical pattern yet?) and likelihood of a black swan week is high. Unironically you should start using astrology to time trades

>> No.19963407

In terms of the potential for returns KTOV is the best pharmaceutical (100%+ ROI in coming weeks) stock followed by FUSN (will be up to $25 next week) followed by TTNP (30% ROI after news buml next week).

Monday morning I'm doubling down on FUSN if it's below $17 a share.

>> No.19963430

It hasn't touched .05 in a month and a half and more people are hopping on board every day, I think us seeing <.07 today will be the best deal we are going to get before the moon mission in a few months.

>> No.19963598


KOTV 36k watchers..1.19ish close

CTXR 6k watchers 1.30 close

>> No.19963632

Digits all around then

>> No.19963813
File: 1.14 MB, 1079x1356, ox98z788a7g41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So KTOV bros what woman will you be buying from your local high end slave markets with all your profits?

Pic related for me

>> No.19963845

Why should I buy this I
Am new explain like am retarded

>> No.19963898

KTOV has cornered the seed & feed market.

>> No.19963920

Ikr? My research was too notch, I was really lucky that one day I browsed biz.

>> No.19963976

I sold ktov at 1.15 early. Think it'll bottom out again?

>> No.19964040


it's overbought,
dump incoming

>> No.19964077
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Dont worry, KTOV bros will be sure to stop at the moon and restock on some poor people supplies from your shops for the nostalgia factor before we continue onward to the next star system.

>> No.19964090
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You sold at .90 didn't you

>> No.19964106

buying back at .75 - .80

>> No.19964108
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>> No.19964109



>> No.19964390

You fuckers said that CJJD was gonna moon today

>> No.19964410


>> No.19964450

Digits and merger announcement Sunday

>> No.19964549


one question though, can you set your orders to buy on open AT current price? or does the alogrithm just skip you if you set a buy order at current market price? (as of 9:58 EST)

>> No.19964592

/ptg/ as in /president trump general/?

>> No.19964636

what's the point in selling your shares to buy more in a dip? isn't that just bringing your DCA up? i could only see that being good if divis were brought into the equation and i've yet to see any evidence from the few anons who claimed kitov paying divis "soon"

>> No.19964668


I don't think they're paying divs yet. I'm going to sell at 3 bucks and keep buying shares at about 1.50ish so i can eventually sell off at threeish

>> No.19964692

Wonder what sort of div we could expect. I have 16k shares. Plan on holding til EOY. At least

>> No.19964706


I wish I had that much cash to throw at this. I've only got 100 shares into it and wish I had a grand of shares, atleast.

>> No.19964712

Entertain me anon, tell me why it will dump

>> No.19964723
File: 104 KB, 1440x1410, 1584899252156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5k of KTOV at 1.14.


>> No.19964750

Are these hands sustainable?

Surely it will retest? Fuark

>> No.19964762

where is the proof of divis being an eventuality at all though

>> No.19964787

Not for years

>> No.19964817

that i wholeheartedly believe, it's just that these guys speak as if it was proclaimed by his highness Isaac Israel himself

>> No.19964859


anyone who sold during the dump earlier today got fucked by the double jew bluff that i called yesterday in two scenarios about KTOV. the rise, or the double jew fuck where they sold at jump and then rebought the dump around 2.

When I got home from work I noticed my hold strategy had worked, shares are literally night traded at 1.21 on KTOV right now.

I called them doing this. Selling off during the high point then dumping hard until it was in the 1.13 range.

It climbed to 1.20 during the hours I was at work so i'm pretty sure we're going to see some bull runs on this stock up to 3. I'm hoping to get some stock before the jump at around 8am monday.

>> No.19964899
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I hope none of you are still hodling your KTOV bags, you shoulda dumped EOD today, Monday is going to be a red ocean.

>> No.19964907
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gonna post something original here for once since I’m tired of this ktov spam.
kindred bio medical + vaxart partnership + covid 19 vaccine = easy money

your welcome

>> No.19964928
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>> No.19964929

>when the price jumped AH trades to 1.21

tell me how I know you're jewish

>> No.19964932

i've since returned to the wage cage and went all in on KTOV both because i have faith in the science and cant watch my numbers with autistic precision so i dont want to get priced out, instead i'm just accumulating with each paycheck. 15k at .52

>> No.19964952


I need like 900 more shares to get high profits but if anything I've got ZOM as a backup.

I might miss the KTOV hype train by 900 shares but there's no way i'm missing ZOM.

>> No.19964967

Palestine isnt real.

>> No.19964972

>Monday is going to be a red ocean
I've heard many of you retards say this but no one providing anything behind it.

>> No.19964976
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Imagine the delusion

>> No.19964977

Tell me about ZOM. I have TTNP and KTOV and wouldnt mind adding another related stock.

>> No.19964998

The hype is for a collab with Merck, not looking for a buyout

>> No.19965002
File: 2.99 MB, 332x368, 0FC5E6F3-727C-40C9-A06D-A0551795BC8A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no refunds.
git fuckd.

>> No.19965004


ZOM is in ground floor offering stages and the only GREEN stock right now in a sea of red.

at 24 cents a share you'd be stupid not to atleast grab 1k shares.

>> No.19965029

Ok but what are they offering, what new drug or partnership anything substantial? Ill put a few hundred into it though but I wont put my usual amount. Ill read up on them soon though but if you have anything to say that sticks out to you personally please do share.

>> No.19965049


veternary shit from what i can tell.

the only concrete thing I see about them is a new company with a ground floor offering that's actually trading bullish in a sea of red hell.

Plus , I like good quality vet services companies.

>> No.19965050

I'd be a half millionaire overnight

>> No.19965074
File: 13 KB, 274x199, 3E9F64C6-5DBE-4AC8-92DD-3F316225BDD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah blah blah ktov blah blah blah.

>> No.19965100

Certainly, since their product of note is a phase 1 drug.
There's at least 2 years of that being tested before approved, assuming it passes. Probably 5 years for the retards at the FDA to approve American use.

Not until their shit is being pumped into cancer patients will they have actual profits, let alone enough to start dividends.

>> No.19965123


Only reason I invested in them was bladder cancer miracle drug. which mainly affects older men.

If i can make a tidy profit hopefully finding a cure
so be it

>> No.19965133
File: 1.32 MB, 827x621, larry coincidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ktov not dumping below 0.90 is a great sign
any ticker that was green today, on a major red day, is interesting and shows it has potential for a run next week.

if you can set aside your anti-semitism, look into CHEK. it looks like it's starting to move up off lows.
keep in mind that investors are looking for undervalued picks because they either already profited from big movers, or they don't want to park their funds in large caps that are clearly pulling back the past few days.

oy vey

>> No.19965138

right now i have more potential gains than an entire year's salary if i cashed out altogether. 17.7k, but i'm not satisfied with that. i need at least 20k shares, 30k if i can manage, but i doubt the 30k with only $700-$800 per check... i've just been paying the minimum on my cc ($40) and literally everything else but like $10 for water into KTOV

>> No.19965139

30 dollars a share? haha

>> No.19965163

if it's "legit" it can hit around $7-10, if it's a total scam it dives back down to $0.30.

>> No.19965178

Shalom fellow Jew.

>> No.19965201

A buyout wouldn't happen until the drug is ready to fucking go. It makes no sense to buy out an experimental product.

They'll collaborate on the research cause they have to, then figure out whether they'll buy or license the shit when they know it'll be sellable.

>> No.19965272


think of it this way and i am by no means taking that retarded stocktwit's side. He's got a grain of truth in there, however.

You buy out competition.

n219 improving merkc's effectiveness by 80% treatment wise is going to give them a substantial edge in the sales market.

Would you rather compete with someone that has a potential lock on a drug better than yours or just buy them out, take over the research and get another team with experience in the drug you just bought out?

I'd rather buy them out. it's not a sure thing but nothing is in the world of cancer research.

>> No.19965280

Honestly the more this is spammed on stock twits the more of a chance I can 5x my investment on retards.

>> No.19965291

>CTXR 6k watchers
what are watchers bro?

>> No.19965328


just don't be a bag holder.

>> No.19965340

You said the company was about to be bought by Maerk. Where is this acquisition?

>> No.19965367


rumors and nothing more.

there's been some screenshots but it's all up in the air right now.

The reason people are fucking shilling this so hard is the potential buyout or partnership.

so many fucking people are in this and it's all going to either ride or die on monday. I hope we don't get jewed but im putting it at a 50% possibility.

FOMO might hit hard though and this could be another green wave .

>> No.19965369
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>> No.19965417

>park their funds in large caps
define ''large caps'' bro

>> No.19965470

My understanding is they're largely cooperative medicines and not competing ones, making a medicinal cocktail.

They're sort of stuck together. KTOV doesn't have many other options to turn to, so Merck can collaborate now, probably for 65 mil, alongsit ktov's 35 mil, and perform the tests.

Tests work, then they pay the big bucks.
Tests fail, they're out only 65 mil and the Israelis are fucked.
Either way, no risk of ktov backing out of the deal.

No other company can swoop in and try to poach it, because the development and testing times are so long.

The chart showed it working to enhance 4 drugs, doing the best with Merck's. They could collaborate with the 2nd best, but that's ultimately the same risk for their business, less overall profit due to lower efficacy than it would've been, and a significant decrease in any obligation toward curing people the few ethical people there certainly feel.

Once it's ready to be sold, they'll follow up with another deal.

>> No.19965483
File: 481 KB, 1440x2177, Screenshot_20200626-232722_Stocktwits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocktwits has "watchers". People watching the stock

>> No.19965494


So Merck just has to either keep collaborating with them or outright buy them.

I'm hoping for a buyout because that'll shoot the fucking share price high as shit.

>> No.19965516

I said they're about to collaborate with Merck. big difference.

They might remain independent after the collaborative testing, or might get bought out. Up to their suits to figure out later.

If independent, they'd only have real profits after the drug is actually selling, after a few years of tests, so there's no way they could even theoretically start dividends until then.

>> No.19965567

Yeah,but I'd think it'd be down the road aways, with a collab announced next week (I pray).

But I'm certainly no oncologist. The medical data might just obviously be something they can use regardless of phase 2 tests.

I'd love for my 4k shares to pay off my student loan and buy a car, but I'm thinking $2-3 on news of a collaboration is most likely, and I'll be fucking extatic to take it.

>> No.19965597

My portfolio has gone up 41% and it's all thanks to you, /biz/. I love you.

>> No.19965603


>> No.19965609


I'm hoping to pull some cash for atleast 100 more shares for a buy order monday at 8am.

>> No.19965648
File: 944 KB, 1342x875, SHIPwrecked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaaaa what happened to SHIP!!!? It got wrecked!!!!

>> No.19965669


buy from jews, not greeks.

holy shit

>> No.19965714
File: 155 KB, 1890x287, SHIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIP has a ridiculous amount of volume for a company that size, things are looking fishy and I suspect you all got played.

I mean look at this, SHIP is the #1 stock in volume for any stocks with a price below $2, it's insane.

>> No.19965745

i decided to only get back into ktov if it's gonna turn into MRK shares other then that i'm taking my 200$ profits

>> No.19965759

What are some good kike stocks I should keep an eye on?

>> No.19965777

"oh Jesus, you're right... Jews control everything.

Quick, which Jew scheme can I invest in. Can't beat 'em, might as well..."

>> No.19965783


convert your SHIP shares into ZOM for the long term gains.

If you're feeling funny go for KTOV apparently it's the next big biomed stock boom even with a shitty economy because of a supposed merc colab or outright buyout.

>> No.19965791
File: 380 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200626-145956_TD (Canada).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Got a 50% return buying cheapies and just bought more into dloc with my gains. Thanks for the cheapies everyone who panic sold today.

>> No.19965793

how is volume bad

why am i getting played i would rather have volume than no volume

>> No.19965832

Make money from the Jew and use it to destroy them, just like they do to us. Fight fire with fire

>> No.19965842


let's say I make some lemonade. I use a nice mix of sugar, water, and lemon juice. Add some ice, pretty tasty right? that's an IPO and a few additonal insider shares.

now let's say I added a shitload of ice and let it all melt, along with some water. and a dogturd i found on the ground.

now my lemonade is diluted and it has a dog turd in it. And probably tastes like dog turds.

That's what high volume does. And the reason they have high volume is because they've basically debased their stock price to get new offerings which means more money for their company. ZOM having high volume is good because it's not constantly offering new stock purchases, it's mostly shares from IPO and the recent offering they had to insiders. It has positive trade data.

>> No.19965846

sold at 1.20 the other day stop loss trigger which i was a little mad about but i decided to accept my profits. Atleast i made something and as long as its still a cheapie going from. 1.xx -> 70.xx is an amazing deal so keep me updated bros on whether or not MCK actually does buy them out

>> No.19965859

i stand corrected actually they're at 102.20 right now holy shit now i actually want them to get bought think about this >>19965791

>> No.19965888

Hmmm. Might have to get back in Monday. I was feeling like the merchant may have been up to some tricks so I got out before I found out what kind.

>> No.19965905


I called the jew trick on KTOV yesterday and people panic sold.

I held and the stock rose to june 24's close of 1.20

>> No.19965911

do you think there would be enough time for me to get back in if they were to get bought out? i only want to get in if theyre getting bought so i'm gonna set aside about 200 dollars just in case and use 400 to go into other stuff.

>> No.19965921

Ok so ship is a scam, was the drop earlier due to more offerings or panic sellers? Will it go north of .20 so I can break even?

>> No.19965932


>will my toxic asset go up any time soon after a nothing investor call?????

the answer is no retard invest into ZOM it's atleast a ground floor offering.

>> No.19965933

Think I'm gonna sell my perpetually crabbing OVV and put a couple hundred in KTOV again. I'm not going in big. Too many ifs atm.

>> No.19965953

>invest into ZOM
I'll heed your advice since I got into zom already

>> No.19966000


btw adding to this they just did a fucking stock split to MAINTAIN LISTING ON WALL STREET.

the SHIP is on fucking fire , literally gamestop levels of toxic assets.

>> No.19966056

can someone explain who the fuck still has investments in GAME. because even when i WORKED there the stock had literally dropped from 17 to 14 in a month.

Is it the 15% dividends that has the boomers who invested back in the day still tied to the company?

I mean, sure you've got guarenteed fucking cash but surely watching your money be lit on fire and burn before you can't be something you're willing to risk getting 15% of what you own (which shrinks daily now) back as a yearly check?

is it the sunken cost fallacy? stock shorters?

>> No.19966067

correction on my correction was looking at the wrong ticker its a 1.xx -> 75.xx profit still godd

>> No.19966075


worst case scenario : it crabs and rises for a while until Merc purchases it/fda drug approval

best case scenario (in investors dreams) : merc buys them and we all get 70 dollar merc shares devalued to about 50 bucks which still makes anyone with over 10k shares a hefty fucking penny

>> No.19966077

Someone explain dividends to me as if I were a brainlet retard. Because I am a brainlet retard. Sorry guys.

>> No.19966091

Yeah I got in at .77 and sold at 1.2. Took the gains and kept my initial and put into dloc. Cant wait for payday so I can buy another 3 or 4 hundred more into PGM.>>19966067

>> No.19966097


stock you own x a percent value = free money every quarter

if i own 100 dollars in jimmy's trap house stock and he's paying 25% dividends every quarter i get 25 bucks every 4 month period of the year

>> No.19966118

Dividend are only good if you have 1 million dollars to invest in 1 company. Otherwise you get barely anything to hold.

>> No.19966125

i'm not that into penny stocks but if i know they'll do well i'll go in KTOV is something i believe in so i'll just monitor it from the outside also MRK at the same time just in case something big happens

>> No.19966128

a quarter of a year would be 3 months m8

why is the stock market scamming people

>> No.19966135

realistically, what are the chances we see a monday morning KTOV dip before it moons? Any chance it goes to 1-1.05?

>> No.19966136

the value of the ktov stock would translate into the value of the merck stock. its not direct share swaps lol.

>> No.19966139

>Dividend are only good if you have 1 million dollars to invest in 1 company.

you invest 1m in at&t and then 2 weeks later they announce theyre shutting down their business

there goes your entire 50 years of life savings

>> No.19966156



>> No.19966164

lol i gotta buy in quick tho if it happens i wonder how much time i would have between the announcement and the conversion i would presume a couple days correct?

>> No.19966170

You got me wrong son. Say you had 10 million dollars. Investing 1 million into a company that pays 5% dividends or more is a good decision. But being a poorfag with less than even 100k to put into dividends is just money that stagnates and gets you a couple gs a year. You could probably make more moving it around.

>> No.19966174

I assume not every stock has a dividend?

>> No.19966184

I think so?

theres a limited time window and people will be pushing the stock anyways if there's a merc conversion .

>> No.19966200


only blue chips and big buiness offer dividends and only buisnesses extremely confident in profitability will offer them. somehow, still, gamestop has 15% dividends.

>> No.19966211

if its not good for a poor person its not good for a rich person

that rich person just sounds lazy ya ill throw my million here because i can

instead of doing something better with it

>> No.19966212

Correct. I got into IVR initially because of their high dividend rate. They just slashed it because covid is fucking them hard. REITS and banks are usually the dividend smart plays. I would say if you're interested in dividends just Google highest paying dividends in companies that are very safe long term holds

>> No.19966240

Well that's the idea. If you're a CEO who spends 90 hours a week retard wrangling then you don't have the time to day trade. Instead use the dividend investment like a constant source of passive income you dont have to watch like a hawk. Dividend companies are designed to crab forever to keep them happy. If you were a trust fund kiddie who is too retarded to trust yourself or trust your own research, instead trust them.

>> No.19966259
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>gamestop has 15% dividends

>> No.19966260

or go to the bank and tell them u want a investment profile based on divvies

instead of being mentally ill and saying HURRR PUT IT ALL IN AT&T SO I CAN LOSE MY ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS IN 2 MONTHS

>> No.19966277

oh yea definetely for us i think anything under 1.20 would be perfect buy but we would have to be quick. possibly set up limit buys or something

>> No.19966344

>gamestop's 15% dividend.
Theres no fucking way. I gotta look that up.

How the fuck does lamestop even exist still. Let's tell GABEN that the stores are made of candy. They're the DSP of video game stores. China and Russia could nuke us all and gamestop would still be open in the ruins of every town.

>> No.19966354


oh wait i am retarded, it's at .38 cents a share which is about 4 dollars off current stock price.

might be a cheap investment if you've got 40 grand lying around and gamestop doesn't immediate collapse, 3800 in passive income proping up a shitbox company for a measily price of ten thousand shares of toxic shit doesn't sound too bad if it riseses and falls for 5ish years before collapsing. you'd make your investment back in about 4 years.

>> No.19966359
File: 345 KB, 750x1334, 6A4580A2-DA53-448B-8D5C-AF659C80C3CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what exactly they’re referring to here, but could be very bullish


>> No.19966392


i am retarded ignore these posts >>19966354

they stopped paying them out in 2019 after taking a huge shit on their stock price because long term investors keep blaming employees for not making cash hand over first for them.

>> No.19966393

Merck and Bristol Myers fighting over Kitov?

>> No.19966401

could you explain why?

>> No.19966406
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 61412079_311050606510802_4748827564030765630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blockbuster and gamestop etc must have mentally ill women ceos or something because you could easily just sell everything on flash drives

and save their store in exchange for a 1$ hardware upgrade to their equipment stock LOL dont give me that "it costs too much"

losing your business costs too much

>> No.19966438

Honestly I'm proud of myself. It took some iron fucking hands to stay in KTOV this whole week. Shit looked dicey. I bought in initially at .69 and doubled up at 1.10 for an average of .87, so I'm feeling pretty fucking good rn.

>> No.19966452

Oh god damn that would be wild.

>> No.19966460
File: 64 KB, 409x409, 1592454362731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covid scare returning = biotechs and pharms up, yes that includes companies into cancer & rare diseases too. that's why iBio was up over 60% today, the news about russell listing alone could not have done that. comb through all your past covid related shit if you haven't already. look at the chart for APT, it rebounded. look at any testing kit companies. the shitlibs are obsessed with more testing. eventually every single fucking human will need to be tested, vaccinated and chipped or carry some special card that proves they are "covid-free" goyim.

>> No.19966465
File: 342 KB, 473x475, 1591475368333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but my $T babies.. should I just invest in VYM for divvies?

>> No.19966482

visionar 4channer here
As soon I swa this stock been talked here taught it would have been good to buy
Unfortunatly I am in crypto and I have no liquidity for pennies
Your job is very good guys.. you bring only the top nocht of pharmaceuticals n these tread and pretty early
I don't know how can you do that
Too scared to get in ktov now
Shoulda wait for dump?

>> No.19966484

Give it to me straight, ptg bros. Is KTOV worth getting back into if there is a Monday dump? How low do you think it could drop?

>> No.19966489

I hope you get shot straight past Jupiter Anon. I'm carrying some heavy BYFC bags and I'm looking to sell half my DLOC next week in a pump to make up for them. Still not selling them though. Digging through their financials and assets and I cant figure out how the fuck a bank that large is worth 2 dollars a share. Ignoring the BLM retardation and juneteenth pump n dump.

>> No.19966493

it has to be holy shit KTOV golden bull run inbound if KTOV gets bought out by BMY thats a 57.xx conversion so i want MRK to win this one definitely

>> No.19966509

pennystocks dot com mentioned ktov weeks ago, around the same time /biz/ mentioned it, and it was still languishing around 0.55ish at that time.

>> No.19966519

>30 dollars a share? haha
why do you laugh?>>19965163
>if it's "legit" it can hit around $7-10

>> No.19966521

>57.xx conversion
Time the current price of KTOV? How does this buyout/merger work?

>> No.19966522
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Random thought, what if ktov has no miracle drug, using their Jewish tricks to pump their stocks and dump?

>> No.19966528


Let me tell you why gamestop still exists.

Its investors have no idea what video games are, do, or how they work. They saw big profits from the associates and a few "big promise" acquisitions when gamestop was floating high from purchasing EB Games (then a seperate company that competed with them, forcing them to innovate and not be trash) . these promised investments turned toxic, the rise of steam happens, and a bunch of old men bagholders get fucked and angry at the sales associates who are pressured from the VERY top (all the way down to DM's and management) to sell more and recover their losses. This is the price point of gamestop at 17 dollars where it now crashes into the 14 dollar territory. Now, you have a market base of retarded people that your associates have convinced to preorder shit, and people happily do it because they want to help their friends that work there. (gamestop employees are usually friendly if you don't pull nigger tier behaviour like demanding an old sale price because "my nigga jaquan got it at this store for x price" or some karen tier shit. ) and parents that want "the mario" for their children. That's all gamestop's customer base is now. Some cool people, retaarded kids and parents, and ghetto meth heads that are basically shorting gamestop for quick cash.

It only exists because of bagholders from the 17 dollar price point when a smart person would have ejected months before it hit 17. Their CEOS do not understand how retail works, their marketing teams do not understand how retail works, the DMs do not understand how retail sales work, and their fucking AREA MANAGEMENT does not understand how retail works or their current customer base.

All these retarded people at the top see X number calculated by Y number should happen in a vaccuum and shoot for that retarded number that hasn't factored in anything like the economy or purchasing power.

The investors expect that number, the stock keeps tanking.

>> No.19966529

>A buyout wouldn't happen until the drug is ready to fucking go
in that case... what>>19965201
>license the shi would be the price of ktov shares?

>> No.19966536

I don’t care if it’s a kike trick or not as long as I can make some money

>> No.19966546

that's why you don't bet your entire bankroll on any one penny stock. you spread your funds out across multiple pozitions and allocate more to the ones that are most promising with less risk.

>> No.19966550

Everything sounds too good to be true. Miracle drug and murmurs of merging with a very high profile company.

Not unheard of. But the nose cannot be trusted.

>> No.19966551

Thanks bro! Wish you luck too.

Not sure if a merger would mean my x stocks of KTOV become x stocks of MRK, but even if it transitions to MRK stocks of similar value I'm cool with that. I'm more interested in how fucking high KTOV will get during bidding if that happens. Either way BMY and MRK are both good stocks.

>> No.19966554

thats the current price of BMY. MRK is 75.xx as far as i know if it's an all cash buy out our KTOV stocks which are at 1.xx will convert to whichever company buys it
>actually believing jew shit

>> No.19966561
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shorting gamestop is good i guess but i dont have the time i dont want to wait years

>> No.19966569

Same I got in at .8 have my stop losses set.

I have a couple of stocks, was just a thought because everyone is screaming jewcum-127 is the miracle cure.

>> No.19966570


They exist because despite the CEOS and finance officers shooting for the moon when their company couldn't even hit a financial goal in the fucking stratosphere in a goddamn vaccum because of the efforts of their retail workers they make a profit and STILL get devalued on their shares because their investors are still expecting the money they invested at the all time high of 33 dollars to work for them at that level.

The only thing keeping gamestop alive is bagholders. Very, very, very angry bagholders.

>> No.19966580

What resource do you use to look through company financials and assets? I'd like to try and do more research myself other than grabbing news articles

>> No.19966583

also at this point it ought to be clear that the entire stock market is a sham. just look at tesla, fucking zero earnings and still hitting new highs, priced over $1000 at one point. all based on future promises, fed boosts, free money, etc. one of the board of directors of tsla has connections to the bank of japan. everything is a PnD scam at this point. the entire us economy is a ponzi scam. if you're a hard-working, honest blue collar type you get utterly rekt. happened to my dad.

>> No.19966594

it depends on how it is heres a quote from zacks.com

When one public company buys another, stockholders in the company being acquired will generally be compensated for their shares. This can be in the form of cash or in the form of stock in the company doing the buying. Either way, the stock of the company being bought will usually cease to exist.

>> No.19966601

I work in medicine and I don't even give a shit about their drug. It's not even supposed to be a miracle drug. It's a drug that marginally improves the existing drug marketed by MRK and BMY when used in tandem with it. That's why KTOV is such an interesting stock.

It's one thing if KTOV claimed they had a great chemotherapy. It's another thing entirely for them to announce that their drug will enhance the product of another company. MRK and BMY both want this in order to have a more effective product, and that's what the hype is about. I believe they both market the same drug under different brand names in different regions. I think MRK's is called Keytruda.

>> No.19966613

heres a better one from yahoo finance

If the buyout is an all-cash deal, shares of your stock will disappear from your portfolio at some point following the deal's official closing date and be replaced by the cash value of the shares specified in the buyout. If it is an all-stock deal, the shares will be replaced by shares of the company doing the buying

>> No.19966614

In any case it's almost always to the benefit of the stockholder from what I understand.

>> No.19966621

you must be new. just because it's israeli doesn't automatically mean it's a scam. almost everything is jew owned these days, including pennys. look up FRSX, that one did very well. GNUS also skyrocketed. some of the biggest fattest conglomerates are also jew founded and owned, GOOGL and FB come to mind. NFLX is 100% subverted now too.

>> No.19966634

Given the vast difference in price I have to imagine it will be an all cash deal.

>> No.19966652
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to be fair i hate the dumb people who see gamestop failing and say "see its the modern technology we dont need gamestop anymore"

when its really just the management of the company not making the right decisions

or "see retail is dead we only need amazon" when its just that most stores are horrible and dont even try to compete

>> No.19966657

yea thats what it will probably be ideally we'll get all stock

>> No.19966674

doesnt UBER have 0 earnings as well? I thought it was thew jewish tricks by big companies.

Sorry about your dad, same thing happened to my folks. that's why I went to become a gubmint wagecuck. World can go tits up but I'll always have a job.

>> No.19966689


The management of gamestop is so fucking bad at the top level that one CEO literally worked there for three months, probably looked at the financials and said "fuck this, I'm out" not wanting to be another fall guy.

btw, they literally made us work on thanksgiving when i worked there claiming in call caps in a semi threatening letter to HR that it was good for the company and our stores.

They chase short term gains while never thinking long term because angry angry investors keep shitting on them and threatening to pull their money that's been burning for 3 years now. 5, actually

>> No.19966691
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Anyone have gold and silver as part of their portfolio?

>> No.19966707

I was about to say go to /pmg/ but then I realized I have some HL stock so yeah.

>> No.19966710

Ktov has been shipped here since the MVIS pump and dump

>> No.19966712


what even controls the up and down movements in valuable metals?

>> No.19966713

>gold and silver

I'm not a nigger

>> No.19966721

They filed an 8k today. Going through it all makes 0 fucking sense. 550 million in assets. It's the whole reason Sugarman was trying to stage a hostile takeover. Almost 0% delinquencies. 70+ years of stability. 1300% increase cash change and 160% increase cash on hand. None of this shit makes sense. They reasonably should be worth the same as CARV at 5 bucks a share and be crabbing from there. Their operational cost is fucking nothing. They make their money from giving loans to the poor that other banks wont lend to. I cant figure out what changed from 2005 to now. Looks like 2008 hit them hard and they never really recovered. So I might just long them for years until they recover. Its just bizarre. A bank should be worth 2 dollars a share. Same with CARV however though. What the fuck tanked these banks this hard? Dilution?

If you want to do deep diving read the SEC 10k and 8k reports.

>> No.19966753
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So what’s the play looking like TTNP their new partnership with Indegene Looks promising. if they can get there treatment shilled at hospitals and rehab centers seems like it would really take off.

Does Indegene have a good track record?

>> No.19966789

Is anyone going to play Hi-crush for the zoomer bankruptcy pump? I threw a 100 in it for the show.

>> No.19966801
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>implying niggers would ever stack pms

>> No.19966859

Hecla is a good investment, enjoy.
All sorts of things including the impending global hyper inflation
I am not talking about gold chainz and grillz faggot

>> No.19966884

What you’re seeing happening with gaming right now does not bode well for the future. If you look way back in time to before the NES, video games were initially popular as a novelty and many companies wanted in on it. The problem was that no matter which console you bought, you basically got the same thing and people got sick of it real quick. Didn’t matter what you bought, all you got was pong, it just came in a different box. Nintendo came along with Super Mario Brothers and changed everything. The graphics and gameplay were unlike anything seen on a home console at the time, and the nature of SMB was completely different from the arcade games which were designed to be extremely difficult and frustrating to keep you pumping quarters into the machine. Here, with SMB you had a game that could actually be completed. It stimulates people’s brains in a way that video games previously could not, and it revolutionized the home console market. Due to strict licensing rules that were heavily enforced, Nintendo effectively had what you could call the first “console exclusives”. This created competition which ultimately caused the market as a whole to skyrocket into what we know it as now. What you’re seeing nowadays is ports ports ports. Your PlayStation and Xbox are effectively the same, they just come in a different box and innovation in gameplay is severely lacking, everything being a blatant copy of call of duty, interactive movies like the last of us, or sandbox action RPGs like Skyrim. This is happening in the indie market too with so called metroidvanias and artsy walking simulators. I don’t expect GameStop to revolutionize gaming any time soon. If you want to corner the gaming market, all you have to do is find the next SMB

>> No.19966897

sorry for calling you a faggot btw

>> No.19966920

I’d expect TTNP to pump immediately after their earning report. Basically all that’s changed with them at this point is that they’ve improved their marketing

>> No.19966933


nintendo is the only financially profitable video game console company because they only have one focus. gaming.

Sony has a movie branch which tanks its stock every time it drops numbers. microsoft is still divesting into windows.

blue ocean > green ocean any fucking day.

There's not a market crash happening any time soon until we get homogenized shit like you're describing and because nintendo forces other companies to adapt when their games sell millions and copy and do BETTER what they can do for smaller audiences and make more money doing it, we're not going to see a major crash until we get two or more big companies exploding like EA or activision.

gamestop is going to linger on because XBOX and playstation are the only thing keeping it alive. when they go digitital only gamestop is fucked. when that happens, i have no idea. I'd give it 20 years

>> No.19966938


btw the game im talking about is breathe of the wild.

Sure, it was a mediocre zelda title but to a wider, casual audience it had more exploration than any "open world" title that recently dropped. It didn't hold your hand, tell you where to go, you could do what you wanted. Along with the physics interaction of the world it did what open world games have been trying to do for decades.

>> No.19966946

>spammed on stock twits
who spams it?

>> No.19966958

>People watching the stock
the less people watching the stock, the better (ideally) ?

>> No.19966967

>If independent, they'd only have real profits after the drug is actually selling, after a few years of tests, so there's no way they could even theoretically start dividends until then.
which price x share would kitov have if not bught out?

>> No.19966999

Nintendo seems to understand the stagnation with gameplay though. That’s why they’re trying to increase their market share in creative ways like motion controls, double screens, 3d, and the at home/on the go approach with the switch. It’s certainly effective (just look at wii sales) but it hasn’t had the kind of effect that the NES had. If Sony and Microsoft continue to fail, they might just bring Nintendo down with them

>> No.19967026


Impossible. Sony will just cut their movie division and stop producing televisions and DVD players.

Microsoft will exist sheerly on corporate stupidity and their sales team that gets bonuses on corporate bundle packages of software.

Microsoft will literally exist forever because buisnesses use their software at PREMIUM prices per PC key because suits are retarded.

>> No.19967044

Sounds like IBM.

>> No.19967046

Not saying the companies would fail, just their game divisions

>> No.19967084


niggers exist and will buy whatever shit microsoft or sony (depending on who is seen as "coolest" or "the shit my friend has" forever because of fifa and madden.

so will stupid teenages in europe.

we've got atleast 20 years left into consoles before they catch up to PCs.

>> No.19967163
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You have a point there

>> No.19967176

Post your bags

>> No.19967182


>implying KTOV is a bag

AH trading boost proved it wasn't.

>> No.19967187

What are some other stocks to look into if you're not on mission to Ktov? I've heard penny general talk about it for like days now; however, i'm trying to turn humble seed money into big gains. I think I dodged a bullet not investing in Ship, but what's left? Last thing I heard was zom, but I what companies I need to research for monday?

>> No.19967189

I just mean "bag" as in what you're holding as of EOD today.

>> No.19967193

2268 KTOV at 1.14

>> No.19967202


>> No.19967236


ZOM is still at ground floor prices right now and i'd get in on the sale.

>> No.19967283

Currently only TTNP and some WKHS calls. Thinking of scooping some KTOV on Monday if there is a selloff dip

>> No.19967312

would it be more advantageous for me to pump 500 into ttnp or zom?(Monday morning) , thanks.

>> No.19967328

KTOV and WKHS. The FAGMAN of the future.

>> No.19967330
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510 BYFC @ 5
Got way to greedy.

>> No.19967370

Less than $0.08 right now, cheapie as fuck. You can grab a ton for almost nothing. First app goes beta in July, full release by September. Cheap current price means even a modest gain in value will yield huge returns just from sheer volume. Its a longer hold but worth it for cheap price alone. Buy it and forget you have it for a couple of months.
Stock price is only slightly higher than book value. Jobless claims will drive recruitment and boost earnings.
Just elected Cynthia Hallenbeck to their board of directors 5 days ago. She has really great credentials, was a CFO and COO at Citigroup and spent 14 years at Merrill Lynch. Now that's not even to make a stock moon, but here's something that might: MFIN is a part owner of Richard Petty Motorsports, the NASCAR team that Darrell Wallace drives for. His unique position in the sports world during this time may draw a shitload of support, and that possibly means support for his sponsors. Depending on how he handles this noose shit and how his sponsors capitalize on the position he's in, we could see a jump in support over the next few weeks.

>> No.19967377

enough** not "even"

>> No.19967438

Why is it that every time I buy, the stock dumps? And stocks I don't buy, like SHLL, WKHS, and KTOV, moon? Am I doomed to be an eterna bag holder? It's like the "He bought? Dump it" memes are true.

>> No.19967444
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stocks choose you
you dont choose stocks

listen to your heart

>> No.19967456

You need to stop buying stocks on the upswing. Wait until you see something dipping, buy on the way down and have some discipline.

>> No.19967472

This guy is right. All the dd in the world isnt going to save you in the short term. You gotta find yourself a nice stock and settle down and raise some dividends. Then fuck it over for all its worth.

>> No.19967514


>> No.19967550

Good looking stocks with new or upcoming news, then buy half now and half on the downswing, that way you've secured a position then averaged down from it enough to profit

>> No.19967553

Do you DD for christ's sake. if the company is doing great then the stocks will go up eventually. holy shit it's like you're just riding the hype. If you can't handle the volatility then you shouldn't be messing with this shit.

>> No.19967573

700 FRSX @ 1.47
1500 WKHS @ 8.30
500 NAK @ 1.40
100 share short on IDEX @ 2.30
$1000 cash

>> No.19967594
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>1500 WKHS @ 8.30

woahhh daddy


>> No.19967598

Forgot, 750 NGD @ 1.10

>> No.19967617

Don't forget about us when you become a millionaire, anon.
Also you may want to get the fuck out of IDEX asap.

>> No.19967619

***150 WKHS @ 8.30, typo

>> No.19967626

Those ain't even real bags! This guys a phony! Hes all green!

>> No.19967631

I'm short selling it. I had it at 3.00 but I saw all the shit hitting the fan, sold at 2.87, and then bought a short position at 2.30 to ride it down.

>> No.19967637

WKHS is going above 10.18 again right? There's just no way I could be that good at buying the top.

>> No.19967649

I have strict stop losses at 10% so that I don't fucking hemorrhage money lol.

>> No.19967666

I didnt sell over the weekend because it keep fucking hitting 10 bucks and I think over the weekend there will finally be enough interest to push it above 10 and make it support. If you have cash try averaging in during the dips it has in the mid 9's

>> No.19967670

For the last 3 weeks every time I set a stop loss it fucking dips hits it and goes straight up. So I tried to ride byfc like a cowboy and made a retard of myself.

>> No.19967689

Oh mb. I'm an investing newfag and don't really know how short selling works

>> No.19967696

Past 3 months up about 100% from not doing stuff like that, even though I missed a few moonshoots, like buying GNUS at 2.5 and getting kicked off at 7 bucks instead of 11 or something

>> No.19967704

sometimes listening to biz is the right move.

>> No.19967711
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>> No.19967714

Shorting is just what you think it is. Short term. Say a stock dips 50% because their CEO, let's call him Sloppa Don says bigger and tanks the price. You get in. Stock recovers. You get out. Ezpz. Or. Say big news comes out about a company. You get in ride the wave and frigg off with your free money.

>> No.19967715

biz has been kind of nailing it lately IMO
at least the shit I have been shilled on

>> No.19967723


>> No.19967750

I don’t think you know either do you anon

>> No.19967760

"Selling short" is different from short term buying and selling. Selling short is like a put option: when you think a stock is going to fall, so you borrow shares from your broker at that price, and buy back at a lower price, and the difference between them is your profit. Buying and selling short term, like buying big dips that the tripfag's talking about, is different.

>> No.19967763

I figured a short position was something like that, but doesn't short selling involve borrowing shares or some shit?
Btw, good luck, hope you can unload those BLM bags on some joggers

>> No.19967767


the basic jist is high volume is not normally that bad but SHIP basically devalued their high volume shares by constantly fucking having too many stock offers and splits.

You have shitty, toxic shit as your stock now because you're greek and you wanted to make quick cash by fleecing your investors.

>> No.19967777

>Monday is going to be a red ocean.
could you explain better?

>> No.19967780

oh, and i forgot, you're retarded if you thought investing in international shipping during a fucking disease outbreak was a smart idea. during a fucking market crash.

>> No.19967792


hes saying that all stocks are going to be red monday because he doesn't believe that the printers won't go BRRRRRR again.

>> No.19967827

Has the FED announced anything?

>> No.19967828

Not biz. /ptg/

>> No.19967837


>> No.19967840

Tru. I pretty much only hop back and forth between smg and ptg. Ptg isn't quite as active, but is definitely way more comfy.

>> No.19967849


I don't need a fed announcement to realize that the government will do anything to keep wallstreet alive.

the world runs on fiat currency

>> No.19967874

can't wait for bears to get fucked again. you said red ocean yesterday you scamming fuck. no one's going to drop KTOV now.

>> No.19967916

shills spammed dump ktov for 3 days now as we've steady climbed, have nothing but good news, and better circumstances than when they hit 5

>> No.19967917

I don't have KTOV anymore, but I would like some KTOV cheapies on monday if nothing happens and I can liquidate a bit of my positions for it.

>> No.19967922

>Ptg isn't quite as active, but is definitely way more comfy.

man this week has been pretty nasty. you see people jumping into threads getting into hype and then just shitpost because things don't go their way. SHIP is a prime example. everyone got in before .18 and had a exit plan ready. everyone was singing kumbayahs having a great time exchanging next pump ideas and then when ER came in and the R/S was announce jesus H christ it's like they never heard of stop loss before or head peoples warning to sell before ER. ktov got same unwarranted shitposting even though it was relatively up. wtf is up with that?

>> No.19967923

And how are they not delisted yet?

>> No.19967924

Shorters can eat a bullet.

>> No.19967939


just did a 1-16 reverse stock split.

this buys them no delisting until september.

>> No.19967943

Anons want infinite immediate moonshoots. So do I, but I'm not much of an idealist myself

>> No.19967945


gay bears wanting to make a profit off shorted stock.

i should have shorted KTOV because if you shorted it with a -15 cent loss you could have made a kiling.

>> No.19967946

I have been staying as far from SHIP as possible. Everything about it seemed sketchy to me. What is ER?

>> No.19967963

earnings report

"we made this, expect this next time we meet again, heres some news about what we're doing to meet it, ect"

SHIP's was disastourous because it literally said nothing and announced a stock split which devalued their shares because they had nothing to show for.

>> No.19967972

Earnings report AKA the pump maker and the killer. you want to get in before pump and sell way before it

>> No.19967981

Oh kek. Thanks anons

>> No.19968004 [DELETED] 

T is actually nearing a great buying price. Anything below 28.50 is a great deal.

>> No.19968037
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anyone still have xspa?

>> No.19968053 [DELETED] 

You could also lose a lot trying to move it around. I have dividends automatically invested from apple that have grown by over 100%. Imagine thinking you could double a million in a year with one solid buy, let alone get dividends that also have an increasing yield on cost. I'm not saying to buy AAPL right now but when it was 165 it was a bargain and it would actually be possible to put a full million into it. That would be impossible with any small market cap companies. Shit, even buying 10k in small cap companies usually takes a few purchases because there just isn't as much in the float.

>> No.19968063 [DELETED] 

T isn't going bankrupt they have some of the largest free cash flow in the world.

>> No.19968069
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anything could happen dude
people find out theyre implenting 5g and cities start banning at&t

theres things you cant even think of

and thats why you dont throw 1 million dollars into one stock like that guy suggested

>> No.19968074 [DELETED] 

Companies usually spend their excess profits on dividends rather than putting it towards further growth. It offers incentive for passive investors and it lets companies focus on their base profit model instead of throwing money into potentially wasteful avenues.

>> No.19968113 [DELETED] 

lol anything could happen, like losing your million because you think you can beat the market. Do you think 5g is the main revenue source for them? IF 5g was banned (not going to happen) then guess what, people would still be paying their monthly phone bill and still watching HBO. I'm not saying to put a million into any single company, but I am saying that T is actually fairly priced right now.

>> No.19968133

i didnt say gamble with the stock market either if u already have millions

theres many other ways u can make money without the stock market

or only invest in companies with a small portion of your money that you believe in

not millions at a time thrown into one company and being irresponsible with your life savings of 50 years

>people would still be paying their monthly phone bill and still watching HBO

not if theyre banned from the city and people start sueing them

they could go bankrupt rapidly

and once the provider in the area changes you cant get it back

>> No.19968145

Holy shit another big hint i‘m starting to think that merck collab is true

>> No.19968170

at this point i'd just be concerned that biz has actual penny stock company insiders working it.

the KTOV stock call was too fucking good and ZOM is going to take off soon.

>> No.19968183 [DELETED] 

Hey I agree it is wise to diversify investments. But you thinking that cities not wanting 5g would lead to a ban of only one telecom company is pretty silly. I think some skepticism is fair, especially with investment but your rationalization of the threat to T is a little off the mark. A more likely issue is some sort of debt default or a downgrade of their debt rating. But the interest that they have on their large debt is quite low and they have more than enough revenue to pay it off over time. In fact, the large amounts of debt held by all large and mega cap companies is frightening but apparently the fed is fine with this low interest rate pillow and stimulus, especially during the pandemic. I personally think that interest rates should have been raised more over the last two years but everytime the announcement was made the market would take a significant drop.

>> No.19968186

What the fuck is "Veternary" you illiterate fuck

>> No.19968194



>> No.19968199

Shill me CHEK please

>> No.19968200


It's Walmart. CLSK's buyer is Walmart.

>> No.19968203

maybe its all the telecom companies which put it in maybe trump dismantles themm

m8 you think companies cant go down
i dont see why amazon couldnt be shut down tomorow

or microsoft or apple

i dont think like you do

im not foolish enough to think i know whats going to happen

anything could happen at any time

if i was going for divvies AT&T would be like under 7% of my portfolio and id have like 20 other ones

>> No.19968207 [DELETED] 

1 post and it is the most based post. Respect.

>> No.19968209

Because the news will be flat and not as people speculated.

>> No.19968213 [DELETED] 

It is clear you do not think like me. Please abstain from voting and procreating.

>> No.19968223

youre a boomer who buys the most expensive stocks because STONKS only go up my grandpa told me in 1970

i hope every large corporation youre invested it gets obliterated

>> No.19968224


How does walmart even profit off this? I know they're cost cutting but christ are they really that energy inefficient?

I might grab some CLSK tommorow

>> No.19968226

>>Providing anything behind it
You mean like the rumors and speculation that have been hyping up this pump?

>> No.19968236 [DELETED] 

lol screencap your portfolio you twat. I'm in middleskool

>> No.19968248
File: 199 KB, 500x529, 1593190900207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ktov is fueling up, it hasn't even hit the 2 dollar mark when everybody is going to go crazy and start throwing stupid money, 90c is the base price, 90c is what investors paid to hold 5 millions worth, it'll never be below that again and if it ever gets near that price they'll be swallowed almost immediately.

Wait till it hits its real potential, this is your time to make 4k real fast almost risk free.

Buy a miserable 1 thousand dollars worth on Monday before the shit takes off, everybody kind of got the hint the stock won't dip below 1.10 and 1.20 is the average right now, if you can buy at that price Monday don't fucking hesitate just go for it and forget about it, let them sit for at least 1 week if you're impatient I can guarantee you a fucking profit on Friday, don't pull them out for shit, it's tempting to buy and sell through the day but I am telling you, you'll get back either in a worst position or a slightly bette one not worth the risk

>> No.19968255

>>People watching a rumor mill that get paid and fed by promoters

>> No.19968256 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 683x384, URHERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19968257

at&t already broken up years ago as a monopoly


your company has already been btfo

next time theyre not recovering

no more monpolys when trump allows other internet companies to compete

and then don jr in 2024

>> No.19968258
File: 38 KB, 745x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says 8.52% here?

>> No.19968269


they haven't paid dividens in years like i said im retarded and didn't check

haven't had the need to check on gamestop in years since i quit the company

>> No.19968274
File: 68 KB, 882x575, fffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats an awful long hold for at&t divvie retards

>> No.19968281

>>AH pump certainly isn't to hype up the price for a monday morning slaughter

>> No.19968308

i'm not selling, you fucking kike

>> No.19968316 [DELETED] 

Bruh I wasn't even alive for another 20 years after 1988. Let me guess, you use RH and your parents take you on cruises for "vacation"

>> No.19968329
File: 38 KB, 612x588, EbDrBZcU8AEFZnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a red day, a bobo day.

>> No.19968330 [DELETED] 

My lifetime has been a bull market, I know no better. But hey man, I live on a 5g tower.

>> No.19968348

someone literally said they should put 1 million dollars into at&t in this thread

if he did that in 1983 it would be worth like 50k a few days later

thats a lot of dividends to make up for it

and now your only getting 6% dividends on 5$ a share
when it crashes

ya you could easily buy 40 dividend stocks

but you suggest to 60 year olds with 1 million retirement to put it all in at&t

youre mentally handicap

>> No.19968354

ktov: *moons over 100%*
/ptg/: nooooooo that's not high enough go higher!!!

>> No.19968358 [DELETED] 


This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

>> No.19968379 [DELETED] 

Do you know what yield on cost is?
Do you know what DRIP is?
Do you know what DCA is?
Do you know what your mom ate for lunch?
Do you know anything about Fundamental Analysis?

>> No.19968384
File: 126 KB, 1213x571, D39CDA1C-461E-48CE-921D-FA041A8558FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha look at this cuck

>> No.19968398


not helping your short positions ya faggot

blow your brains out on shorting GME, it's an easier sell.

>> No.19968406
File: 2.84 MB, 445x250, WateryHeartfeltCuscus-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be a red day, a bobo day.

Do you're saying I could buy more at a discount.
I seriously, seriously hope, I got thousands bucks trigger at 1 dollar, I seriously want to catch em slipping.

Whatever I got is mine and I am never, ever, ever, ever fucking selling them, I'll be tempted to sell them once they reach 5 bucks, anything under that is chump change

>> No.19968415

oh wow u said a big word u must be smart

youre saying its smartest to put your money all in on one stock as long as it has the best dividends

its not

>> No.19968428 [DELETED] 

I never said that you fucking nitwit. You have me mistaken because nowhere have I said, "PUT ALL OF YOUR MONEY IN ONE PLACE."

>> No.19968432

putting myself into a self-induced coma via mild fentanyl OD, and timing it to wake up around monday morning so i can see what happens with the markets. good bye frens, "have a good one"

>> No.19968437

Stablized energy cost + corp tax breaks

>> No.19968444 [DELETED] 


This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

>> No.19968445

ya you did i can literally show you the post where the guy advocated putting 1 million of your money in at&t if you are rich and have 5 million net worth

he said since youre rich u might as well have it in dividends and then i said actually no that would be retarded you should just make smart investments

>> No.19968456 [DELETED] 

Do it then.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.
This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is. This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is. This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an

>> No.19968471 [DELETED] 

And while you are at it.



This is literally me. Come at me you snowcuck. I'm successful and a king. You use the enter tab like a space bar and don't know what an apostrophe is.

>> No.19968578

>>Believe me goyim

>> No.19968617

I am going to find you
Then I am going to fuck you
Then I am going to kill you
Then I am going to fuck you again

>> No.19968650

craving an ice cold redbull right now at 1:55am and nuffin to do but shitpoast.

>> No.19968682

>>green id and comfy sakura
checks out

>> No.19968695 [DELETED] 

Shiiiit man just buy me some dominose and pepsi and like my youtube page.


>> No.19968696

this is psychotic i can't believe you exchanged emails with yourself

>> No.19968762
File: 48 KB, 445x334, CDB22110-5EA2-4C0F-8E68-0AF81C728C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k KTOV at .88
comfy as fuck, we're all gonna make it KTOVchads

>> No.19968772

>see digits

>> No.19968801

fags like you trying to get weak hands to place weekend sell orders make me sick

>> No.19968826

Wish I had more. 1800 at .66

>> No.19968837 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 680x635, PepePowell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19968846
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, 12F2CE11-36F1-48B9-9ECA-2EFB631EB40C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fuck shorts. Truly disgusting people

>> No.19968974

>tfw only 2k @.87

>> No.19969206

should a guy sell TTNP to buy more KTOV before its too late? or should I sit and be happy with my 700 shares at .58 for the moon launch monday?

>> No.19969271

I wouldnt sell TTNP, I havent bought any yet but I will try to. I wouldnt sell KTOV either though. I also want ZOM

>> No.19969529

Hold onto it til .40-.60 at the very least, unless that shit really takes off.

>> No.19969656

Remember, Israeli stock market opens on Sunday. Keep an eye on ktov.ta

>> No.19970262

Target price for SHIP?

>> No.19970318

it's been "RED MONDAY" for the last 6 weeks here

>> No.19970349

That's penny stocks for you. If you were here for EMAN you'd think that was a great call too

>> No.19970380

New Thread

>> No.19970382


>> No.19970399

I just lost.

>> No.19970535

12k @ .40 cope