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19961783 No.19961783 [Reply] [Original]

$473k pooled liquidity!-----------MIND STONE is BACK !!

>What is STA?
A decentralized and trustless deflationary Index Fund token:
https://stateratoken.com/ is the official website with the official medium, twitter, telegram and github links at the bottom of the main page.
THANOS the balancer: https://pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
Contract: 0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>How does it work?

Carefully read the links above to understand the project and the several medium articles and twitter announcements.

>Where can I buy?

https://balancer.exchange/ (paste the contract)

>Where do I see the price?

>How do I add/remove liquidity to the balancer?
EASY WAY: on the pools.balancer.exchange: Add liquidity -> Single Asset -> choose WETH
alternative: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/providing-liquidity-for-sta-with-one-token-on-balancer-lp-53356297a1ea

>Is it safe?
Audit: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/statera-audit-8d4cb94e9b32

Some tips on how to pool liquidity and help the project grow while collecting BAL + fees and enjoying passive income:
>use ETH or one of the other coins to pool (NOT STA), the excess of these coins is sold and STA is bought to balance it: STA price goes up
>when pulling out, pull out in STA, the balancer will sell the other 4 coins and buy STA to make up the missing amount: STA price goes up
You can use the EASY WAY of adding/removing liquidity to do this.

>> No.19961796

First: Why invest in a balancer pool?
It can be a positive feedback loop of gains. Heres what to do.
1. Find a balancer pool.
2. Add liquidity to that pool.
3. Receive BAL weekly for your % of liquidity X Transaction Fees during your time in LP
4. Sell BAL for whatever Asset you want that’s in the LP.
5. Re-invest the asset you just got from your BAL sell.
6. Increase your % of LP and increase your BAL
7. Repeat
Now what Balancing pool should you use?
Id recommend STA: Why?
It is equal parts STA, LINK, ETH, SNX, BTC.
BTC is the gold standard
ETH is ultimate use case
Chainlink is innovation
SNX is DeFi
STA is moonshot Deflationary Token

It is a deflationary token that burns 1% of transaction. Within the LP the bot balances the pool to be equal value of 20% across the board.
How to capitalize.
1. Use this pool.
2. Buy STA when low in price.
3. Add WETH to LP.
4. Get BAL rewards.
5. Sell Bal rewards 50/50 for STA and WETH
6. Pool WETH.

What will be happening is the balancing bot will sell your WETH to balance the pool and thus be buying STA. It will increase the price of the STA after you bought it. Plus the deflationary aspect just holding STA your % of TS goes up. By adding to the pool you increase revenue in which you can use to buy MORE STA and WETH to keep the cycle going.

>> No.19961837 [DELETED] 


>> No.19961895

Won't be long till normie adoption.

>> No.19961911

Am from future, STA goes up
Buy some

>> No.19961923

Thanks john

>> No.19961970

since thanos has now plenty of sta you can also buy sta on https://balancer.exchange/#/swap , it's got less slippage than uniswap v2 at the moment

you can now add a single token on https://beta.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682 (beta of Balancer)

>> No.19961984

it works now one the non-beta https://pools.balancer.exchange/ , it has been added to OP.

>> No.19961989

Do be aware
it goes down sometimes too
but then back up

>> No.19962011

yes, but once the normie influx arrives, it goes WAY up

>> No.19962043

god i'm glad to see the liquidity increasing like it has been
i hope we all make it

>> No.19962046

>he thinks normies are going to pick this up

>> No.19962048

But then also back down
but then up
maybe down again
maybe up

>> No.19962085

Am from future
they will
but some wont
but lots will
but also some might not

>> No.19962094
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STATERA Marine rankings?
Suicide Stack?
Make it Stack?

>> No.19962113

Honestly this should be at the top of the OP. I bet out of those 1800 addresses only 30% of them pooled.

>How do I add/remove liquidity to the balancer?
EASY WAY: on the pools.balancer.exchange: Add liquidity -> Single Asset -> choose WETH

Some tips on how to pool liquidity and help the project grow while collecting BAL + fees and enjoying passive income:
>use ETH or one of the other coins to pool (NOT STA), the excess of these coins is sold and STA is bought to balance it: STA price goes up
>when pulling out, pull out in STA, the balancer will sell the other 4 coins and buy STA to make up the missing amount: STA price goes up
You can use the EASY WAY of adding/removing liquidity to do this.

>> No.19962119
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>> No.19962140
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i hope the positive momentum continues

>> No.19962151

I hope you start advertising and teaching people to pool.

>> No.19962170


>> No.19962199

sort of agree, but it breaks the introductory flow for newfriends. We could have, right below the mind stone greentext,something like:

just so the information doesn't appear out of order for new people

>> No.19962204
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i hope the tweeting of medium articles and rewteeting youtube videos and helping anons pool in many threads over the past several weeks is enough for you

>> No.19962219

STHANOS tier is now >2M

>> No.19962227

We’ve gained 100,000 in pool in 24 hours.

>> No.19962232

My best friends name is Phthtephen

>> No.19962307

that's pretty based ngl

>> No.19962344

So I currently own 1% of the OG pool and out in all 5 tokens about 20 days ago. Are you saying I should go one-click remove my sta at this price? I will miss some BAL though...

>> No.19962373 [DELETED] 
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Shit did I just buy the top of a dead cat bounce?

>> No.19962375

Price is still too low to withdraw. Ichimoku showing buy signal on ETHSTA

>> No.19962379

you can wait until the price is higher it's totally your call. We can't tell you what the price is going to do next

>> No.19962430

My $1000 went to $300 and now it's $400

>> No.19962436

What would be a realistic high for Statera? Is there anything to compare it to?

>> No.19962441

>Shit did I just buy the top of a dead cat bounce?
I saw that furfag. After all these times you said you were out and that you hate us and want us to fail, here you are buying in. I'M SHOCKED!

>> No.19962465

That's the thing with this. I don't think you can compare this token with others desu

>> No.19962473

Honestly the sky is the limit. If we get a golden bull run on crypto, this could reach $10 under ideal circumstances. I think $1 in the medium term is reasonable but we don't have anything similar to compare it to, so we are in uncharted territory

>> No.19962482

There's several of us here (furfags). I just follow the money.

>> No.19962484


>> No.19962492

Its a weird one. Because of the 1% burn / tx. If it were an index only, it purely follows the aggregate of its indexed assets. I'd like to see more on how the burning is expected to affect it.

>> No.19962519

What about buying STA via the balancer. Has anyone been doing this?

>> No.19962528

Honestly, I don't think you can compare Statera (and its part in the pools) to anything else.
It's literally a first-case, unique project.

There will be many others that follow, but STA will always be the Original Gangster.

>> No.19962541

It provides constant deflationary pressure. The problem with deflationary coins in the past was that people would eventually stop trading them and the deflation would stop. That can't happen with Statera. The balance pool is constantly buying and selling, even if no human is trading, so it will always be burning tokens

>> No.19962547

>My $1000 went to $300 and now it's $400
It'll be $10,000 one day anon.

>> No.19962559

maybe touch a dollar a few time this year

>> No.19962625

my 1500 is now 1500

been holding for about 2 weeks now shits just getting started keep your hands clenched and your anus tight anon we in this for the long haul

>> No.19962646

combining the balancing pool with a deflationary token is pretty clever

>> No.19962648


>> No.19962661

My 1500 is now 35000

>> No.19962677

do i add weth when stat is pumping or dumping i still dont get which time is best

>> No.19962708

Only applies to adding STA(don't add when low). You can add WETH whenever

>> No.19962711

when STA is low add other tokens to the pool, when STA is high pool STA and if the price dips you can pull it out for a larger amount of STA token

>> No.19962719

Suicide is STAggot
Upper end STAtemen will make it

>> No.19962739

So because this is a liquidity pool, even though STA is an index token, do we still "earn" on our liquidity amount when the value of those 5 tokens goes up against the dollar?

>> No.19962773

how much would I make a week pooling 10 eth right now? I know it depends, just an estimate

>> No.19962815

Anons, can someone answer this? I don't know this and am not asking for myself but I bet many newcomers would wanna have some estimate before they jump in. Just saying.

>> No.19962821

If you pooled since 15c you would have made 28% of 150k. And you could have bought 600k-900k extra tokens for cheap on the balancer exchange without affecting the price. If Thanos' STA pool would be a crappy 300k rather than 3M THEN you could pump the price back to 15c by yourself as a top 20 holder whale.

0.7eth in 1 week

>> No.19962857

I’m so excited deposited 55 eth And I just snapped my mother’s neck with excitement I’m fucked shes dead

>> No.19962887

With BAL tokens at 14$ I think you should still be good for 1% a day. Not sure of the exact percentage.
But anyway the guy who pooled 200eth at 6c to 15c managed to get 70eth in 2 weeks due to the pump to 15c and dump to 7c.
Don't know how much he made now with the latest dump and BAL tokens temporarily soaring to 20$

>> No.19962895

but as more people join the pool, my percentage of it is gets smaller, which mean less returns?

>> No.19962898

You will be able to afford a shovel soon

>> No.19962907

Not this pool, but pools in general

>> No.19962970

Just thinking of the stability inherent to STA mooning and Thanos dumping on the bagholding Anons to buy other tokens and burning more STA in the process makes me super comfy... I feel truly blessed. $5 EOY.

>> No.19962995

Pretty sure the sharing is balanced too in a way, everybody gets 7% of what they put in. So the guy who put in 1$ will get 0.07$ a week.

>> No.19963028

>everybody gets 7% of what they put in
It depends on the price of BAL tokens next week though. The 7% figure that I got was because I sold BAL at $15, but it has been as high as $20 and as low as $10

>> No.19963140
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Guys I'm a turbo brainlet here
What the fuck is this in plain language

What are the comparative benefits of pooling any of the assets? Pooling STA vs ETH vs LINK for example.

I'm just getting light pyramid scheme vibes here

>> No.19963143

How are balancer txn fees distributed? Are they just added to your stack in the pool?

>> No.19963160


When you see "deflationary token" think "magic beans"

That said, lots of people made a fortune in the Tulip Bubble, but let's not pretend this isn't what it is.

>> No.19963206

have you put any effort into researching, you're asking us to spoonfeed you from the beginnning? If you don't own STA, pool some LINK/WETH, if you own STA token don't pool it until it seems to be at the top of a run

>> No.19963213

If you pool any of the coins, you get BAL tokens as a reward. They come from outside of the project for providing liquidity. The BAL rewards are currently very high because the whole thing is new and we are very early. BAL tokens can be sold once you receive them once a week.

If you pool STA, it forces thanos to sell some to buy the other coins, which has a negative impact on the price of STA, if you pool Eth, it forces thanos to buy STA, helping the price

>> No.19963250

The great thing is that the balancer itself is part of the ponzi and dumps on the bagholders when people fomo in. And if others dump, the balancer will buy if it drops too low. It guess it would at some point end in an equilibrium that is still deflationary because the token is constantly traded and thus causes token burns. And is (indirectly) required to increase the liquidity of the pool.

So it's not really a ponzi, you know. Ideally speaking. The OP calls this "dump resistant."

>> No.19963272


Plenty of advertisers to shill to.

>> No.19963273

*the balancer dumps STA if people fomo in and increase the value of STA. So the question is: Is the balancer itself a part of the ponzi? Or is it a ponzi at all? Likewise, if STA appreciates in value and you later dump 10% of your stack, you are simply doing the same thing the balancer does. It should end in an equlibrium of a tradeable token that is still desirable to be held simply because it's deflationary. And (indirectly) required to enter the pool.

>> No.19963290

**If the pool is large enough, the balancer itself is ideally the largest STA whale. And thus there is no highly volatile dumping anymore. But still there is deflation due to the token burn. It's fucking ingenious.

>> No.19963319

I didnt pool so yeah

>> No.19963335

The pool is rising in holders count, that seems bullish to me

>> No.19963336

Mmm... what good have I done that the universe would bless me with STA...

>> No.19963362

Btw... this is also the reason why you should add to the balancer as the token value increases. At least some amount. You don't have to add everything, but adding at least 30% or so of your holdings would really add a lot of stability later on. And help in making the balancer the biggest whale, reducing the illusionary ponzi effect. (Sorry for quattro post. Kek.)

>> No.19963374

What's market cap at right now?

>> No.19963457

I hardly seen any fudders today, what's going on?

>> No.19963491

~3.5 million USD

>> No.19963509
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Holy shit, Anons, I just wrote this and didn't even fully understand how awesome STA is before. But now I do. And you know what? It decided to buy more STA.

>> No.19963517

Everyone starting to realize it actually fucking works like its supposed to. Invest in one coin that reflects the price action of smart pool combos. Statera will be 1b because of the massive pool we will have in a few months.

>> No.19963544

The price has been going up. They fud when they sell to drop the price, so they will disappear until we start to see a dip

>> No.19963550

>I just wrote this
Wrote what. Yes, it's pretty awesome!

>> No.19963558

*Wrote what?*

>> No.19963566

this post scares me, was gonna add to pool but im seeing through the cracks

>> No.19963594

Price is rising, one-click pool released - which means the project can actually easily be contributed to, and STONK is kinda sus.

The fudders got their low price, and now are waiting for STA to pump again, where they'll sell, then make the next 10 threads at once about how much of a scam STA is.

>> No.19963628

It is basically a whale that buys and sells to keep the price more stable. The bigger the pool the more resistant to swings STA is. You earn rewards, very large one's currently, for pooling. The pool also gives opportunities to mitigate risk by pooling when the price is high. You can essentially take profits without leaving the ecosystem and also help the project at the same time.

>> No.19963753

Thanks. What does this coin do? Is this a scam?

>> No.19963832

Read the OP? There's so much information there and It's posted for a reason

>> No.19963838
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Wiki Anon here, sorry guys been slacking but reading most threads.

D'you guys think we should just wait to see how the website gets redesigned to include this kind of stuff or do you think we as a community should have a third party site? I trust the team, but wondering if its in the communities best interest to have a backup.

There is a need for a basic FAQ though, I'm slowly compiling them, but let me know if you think you're knowledgeable about crypto, economics, THE MATHS, the workings of Statera and the Pool, or can translate any articles for the team/FAQ. When the normies see this we cant have them thinking "Is this a scam?". If we want that broad appeal we need to explain all its elements to someone with no investment knowledge, but only money and reading time.

Spitballin' so let me know, reply here or ustawiki at gmail dot com

>> No.19963984

>If we want that broad appeal we need to explain all its elements to someone with no investment knowledge, but only money and reading time.
This. I'm also working on coming up with ways to explain STA's mechanism in a simplistic dumbed down manner so that it can be easily processed by even brainlets out there (not implying I'm some genius or anything as I'm relatively new to crypto myself but yes, normie marketing would need much more simplistic explanations.

>> No.19964083

Below 92.2 million. Will be below 92 million after this weekend

>> No.19964115

It wouldn't hurt to compile a full document. There are things that they probably wouldn't want on the website, like strategies for using the pool, that could be put in another place

>> No.19964119
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see you tomorrow guys, keep pooling LINK and ETH

>> No.19964130


>> No.19964233

It seems the STA pool will be airdropped 80% of the BAL tokens it would have if it was whitelisted.
So full BAL will get airdropped for the LINK WBTC SNX WETH in the pool, excluding STA.
Even with earning less 20% BAL, it still makes the most returns in fees per liquidity provided with the current trading volume and still out-earns the other pools. And since BAL price is plummeting (as it should it does nothing yet) this makes the STA pool even more valuable for liquidity providers compared to the others.

>> No.19964283

It’s also not permanent. They just have to figure out the deflation aspect and they have bigger things to worry about at the moment.

>> No.19964318

Do you get 7% a week of what you put or 7% of pool? Also pooling sta no longer gives you Bal?

>> No.19964353

It isn't 7% necessarily, that is just what it was last week. You get a certain number of BAL per BPT, and the amount of money you get would depend on the price of BAL, assuming you sell the BAL. STA won't count towards BAL right now, but the other coins will. STA may be added in the future, but they are still discussing it.

>> No.19964365

it still gives BAL, just that you get BAL worth of 80% of the STA pool instead of 100% (because STA makes up 20% of the pool)

>> No.19964411

I got ~5 BAL per BPT per week. A BAL is currently worth about $13

>> No.19964453

Amount pooled if not a secret?

>> No.19964491

1 bpt is about 5.8 eth, Was 5.2 2 wks ago when I brought .55%

So many ways to make bank with this,

>> No.19964506

I pooled $2400 which is like 2.3 BPT I think, and I got 24 BAL, which I sold at $15 each, so $370. BAL is currently at ~$12, but I have seen it as low as $10 and as high as $20

>> No.19964512

I was pooled for two weeks, so it was ~12 BAL per week

>> No.19964537

Appreciate anon, also if i pool STA at the top the amount will be distributed to gain link/btc/eth/sth? also can i unpool with other coin if i pooled with sta?

>> No.19964548

Wait no, I had 2 BPT at the time, I forgot I added the $370 back into the pool so now I have 2.3 BPT.

Yes, that is correct.

>> No.19964563
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arigato anon-kun

>> No.19964572

oh also where do you get your bal? in the wallet or in balancer wheres a button to take it?

>> No.19964587

Also, keep in mind that the BAL tokens will be slightly less now since we will only get 80% of them compared to before because the bal pool devs are butthurt over us doing so well. But that would still be like 5.8% return per week, and it may go back to 100%, we don't know yet.

It is airdropped to your wallet. Just make sure to add the token contract address so you can see it in your wallet

>> No.19964876

Was this earlier pump a fakeout? Seems like we’re going to start going back down again.

>> No.19964949

I doubt it, it seems like just a slight retracement after pumping all day. Also, there could possible be people selling because they misunderstand the STA not being whitelisted thing. Some people think it means no BAL rewards, but that isn't true, it is just slightly less than before unless we can convince devs to whitelist us. I think people in the 6k group misunderstood it according to someone in the tg

>> No.19964973

so did the BAL people remove STA from the whitelist? (hence only getting 80% from the pool as opposed to 100%?)

>> No.19964991

If it works out let me know if theres anything you need for it.

I'm going to continue to watch the email and compile what I can from emails/threads.

I think people are just pumping the pool using the 4 coins and not buying STA as its still volatile (but cheap so)

>> No.19965040

It's currently being discussed with balancer team. I could easily see them reversing their decision back to 100%

>> No.19965042

Isnt BAL like a vote on what to do on balancer? why not just get enough votes for sta to be added on whitelist?

>> No.19965053


Registering doesn't require email verification.
This kid is usually online at 7AM GMT or 11AM GMT.
At the end of each livrstream he does a QA where he reads whatever message you paid for.
I think you can also do it during the whole livestream.

He also has a YouTube channel.

>> No.19965064

I think that part of it is up to the dev team from what I understand. I had the same thought.
I really think they should just make it a case-by-case basis. We obviously aren't trying to exploit the system like some of the scenarios that they have proposed.

>> No.19965075

How do I pay for a message, where do I enter the message, what does a message cost, and what message should I write? Do I have to be present for the entire stream? Tell me and write me a message and maybe I'll do it.

>> No.19965090

This. He has massive followers. How I first heard about Hex

>> No.19965094

i hope they do and grandfather in STA

>> No.19965106

They haven’t opened voting yet. They will. The delisting is temporary because it’s deflationary and they have bigger issues like the fact so many people are joining it’s overwhelming the system. They are going to re visit it when things calm down.

>> No.19965114

We need a clear and concise description of Statera. Anyone good at writing?

>> No.19965141

The message is right above the pay option (it says its optional, in our case it isn't)
Use crypto so you don't give your credit card details.
Put links, a video link to Statera and a link maybe to this OP with all the info. Or a link to the Balancer Labs with our address.
For a text write "Next 100x moonshot Statera the S&P500 of crypto, the first crypto index fund. Statera is a crypto that is composed of BTC, ETH, Chainlink, SNX."

>> No.19965143

It was sub three cents this time yesterday. Nothing goes straight up. There will be uos and downs. People are first learning about this and the balancer pool and how to use them. You had a week people doing it wrong by pooling STA. It’s called growing pains. We will get there anon.

>> No.19965165

if he does talk about it someone try and record it for posterity reasons

>> No.19965171

Seriously for the next thread tell everyone to unpool their STA with the 1-click.
Imagine if we keep fucking up by making people buy STA on Uniswap and pooling STA thinking they have to own STA to be a part of the balancer pool. Most aren't even pooled. They'd just buy STA and forget about it.

>> No.19965191

Do I have to enter this at the end of the stream during Q&A? Or is it okay to do at any point during the stream? Why can't I write and donate now? What amount should I donate? Do I enter the links after the "Next 100x moonshot Statera the S&P500 of crypto, the first !deflationary! crypto index fund. Statera is a crypto that is composed of BTC, ETH, Chainlink, SNX." line? Into the superchat field?

If anyone has links, post them here.

>> No.19965194

A message costs at the minimum 5$

>> No.19965211

Statera is a key that unlocks exposure to some of the best cryptos from different crypto classes. Statera is deflationary and is in a balanced 20% index fund with BTC, ETH, LINk and SNX that provides rewards for providing liquidity. The deflationary aspect of Statera with being paired to these other cryptos increases your STA per btc/eth/link/snx and thus creates value better than any other staking rewards on the current market ahead of the greatest bullrun to come.

>> No.19965218



>> No.19965234

if anyone sees art anon ask him to do some infographics

>> No.19965250

that'd be based

>> No.19965263

Best time during Q and A. Post this message >>19965211
With hey have you heard of Statera? It’s .....

Then end with love your show

Donate like 50 bucks. If you do post your wallet we all will chip in.

>> No.19965284


>> No.19965292

He'll read and discuss them at the end of livestream in the Q&A portion, don't think he'll interrupt the current discussion & coin he's shilling to read your entire thing unless it's at the end of the livestrean.
He's not currently live till 3 or 4 hours I think.
Insert them in the same message after the text.

>> No.19965297

Yep, I'll chip in for sure

>> No.19965312

This. Do it during Q and A. He’s pretty cool dude.

>> No.19965317

Anyone be awake to volunteer to record it? Be easier for any anons tomorrow who want to see what he said

>> No.19965321

Do it bro I'll def chip in

>> No.19965322

God I'm so sleep deprived I don't think I'll make it. Saturday... everyone is at home on a saturday morning. Must be like 5AM for Sweden or Britain.

>> No.19965362

He post it on YouTube after.

>> No.19965400

Don't forget the link to the OP, most people are lazy and lack the patience to Google. Plus we are hard to find. I genuinely was left marooned for half a day because I couldn't find the BSV and STA3 addresses.

>> No.19965451

Is it okay to insert a 4chan/biz link on the stream? Kek. So I'm gonna post this:

> Hey, have you heard of Statera? It’s a key that unlocks exposure to some of the best cryptos from multiple crypto classes. Statera is deflationary and in a balanced index fund with the blue-chips BTC, ETH, LINK and SNX, providing rewards in exchange for liquidity. The deflationary aspect of Statera and it being paired with these other cryptos increases your STA per BTC/ETH/LINK/SNX and thus creates greater value than any other staking reward on the current market, ahead of the greatest bullrun to come. Love your show, btw. // Some informative links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-gE99bVJag | >>19961783

If I can catch him and don't screw up the donation bit. I'll post a wallet address here afterwards... (If anyone has other good links, drop them.)

>> No.19965647

Sounds genuine which is most important. Be careful posting wallet just as a rule, link to a pastebin, preferably now so we know its you.

>> No.19965708

Very flowery. Mine would be nice to post as well.

Statera is the first S&P500 of cryptocurrency. Statera is an index fund composed of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink and SynthetixNetworkToken. It's enough to buy just 1 of these 4 cryptos and put them in a liquidity pool to be part of Statera. Statera's pool can provide approximately 6% every week of your initial investment placed in the pool.

Statera is deflationary, so 1% of every transaction amount is burned. Statera's index fund pool has a balancing trading software running 24/7 without any human supervision. This assures Statera's deflation and a highly active trading volume to give you high pool rewards without you having to do over 10,000 transactions yourself, the balancer software does it for you.

>> No.19965800

I like it, but I would be hesitant to put an exact figure on the ROI, since it can and will change over time. We could say "Statera's pool has a very high return rate" and maybe say that the last two weeks, poolers had an ROI of ~6%

>> No.19965824

Hey, have you heard of Statera? It’s the key unlocking exposure to some of the best cryptos from multiple crypto classes. Statera is, in a nutshell, the first S&P500 of cryptocurrency. Which might not sound very interesting at first, but what makes it truly special is its deflationary nature, putting a constant upwards price pressure on the entire index fund containing the blue-chips BTC, ETH, LINK and SNX. Statera changing hands between traders and the automated software (the balancer) assures deflation and a highly active trading volume, in turn resulting in high pool rewards with minimal effort simply for providing liquidity. Love your show, btw. // Some informative links: *links*

How about this?

>> No.19965828

This is the comfiest hold I’ve ever had

>> No.19965838

I wouldn't include a link to 4chan.

>> No.19965844

Bingo bango brother.

>> No.19965847

It would catch my interest. Maybe link the medium article?

>> No.19965881

Didn't some anon put all the info from the OP into a dropbox of some kind? I don't have the URL, but I'd link that and the youtube video + medium article then.

>> No.19965882

And just for the sake of imaginative bullshitting:
Statera has a Thanos trading system(TTS) that keeps up a consistent high volume. The Thanos system assures Statera will burn all of its tokens eventually without needing even 1 person making transactions. Statera makes transactions by itself while you sleep, brush your teeth, mow the lawn, pet your cat.

Then a link to a pastebin or any text-hosting site to give them the information in the OP.

>> No.19965965

yeah, that would be a good idea.

>> No.19965968

Next OP needs a link to the new liquidity mining pool

>> No.19966038
File: 122 KB, 506x676, 1593090128483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a pastebin but I don't have a link anymore and I'm not sure if it still exists.

I've typed out descriptions so many damn times over the last month, you would think I would have copied them down

>> No.19966106

Hey, have you heard of Statera? It’s the key unlocking exposure to some of the best cryptos from multiple crypto classes. Statera is, in a nutshell, the first S&P500 of cryptocurrency. Which might not sound very interesting at first, but what makes it truly special is its deflationary nature, putting a constant upwards price pressure on the entire index fund containing the blue-chips BTC, ETH, LINK and SNX. Statera constantly changing hands between traders and the automated software (the balancer) ensures deflation and a highly active trading volume, in turn resulting in high pool rewards with minimal effort simply for providing liquidity. Love your show, btw. // Some informative links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-gE99bVJag | https://pastebin.com/MseLRmGn | https://medium.com/@stateraproject/statera-an-indexed-deflationary-token-dfb818abd61d

I'll superchat this during the Q & A if I manage to catch him later.

>> No.19966114

Very very nice anon.

>> No.19966168

One thing no ones mentioned is this.
If I own 1 Statera. Because of the balancing pool I know that Statera has a relationship to the other four crypto’s. However. Regardless of price it will continue to increase due to deflation.

>> No.19966206

>Which might not sound very interesting at first
Might take that part out though. Making (almost) free money is always interesting lol

>> No.19966764

Yeah as soon as you claim future ROI you turn into scammer. You can show historical ROI and a disclaimer like ‘historical increases may not reflect future gains’ like every other legitimate piece of information on investing

>> No.19967186
File: 27 KB, 1248x1080, WTFwasThat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?! What The Fuck Was That!?

No seriously, what Whale just bought in!?

>> No.19967262
File: 191 KB, 750x487, AC1A54BC-9524-4349-97D4-ACA183B063ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never happen
Discordapp Dot coom /channels/638460494168064021/725492075507875961/726220880899866665

>> No.19967332
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1583541242290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an obvious shake down, old mafia tactics. It's a shame the balancer team wants to go this route to subtlety extort this way.

>> No.19967346

So we get BAL for the other 80% in the pool though right? So even with -20 its already at where it was the first time rewards were distributed anyway.
Not really as attracted to the BAL part as some, but in case people ask me

>> No.19967373

it seems like a pump and dump... or a bitconnect kind of thing... why should I buy if the % of ROI given to people that act as lquidity pool decreases?

>> No.19967399

It's amazing when we pump even a little bit the fudsters come back out of hiding. Like clockwork

>> No.19967412

bro if you pooled 1 dollar in a 2 dollar pool and someone makes it a 100 dollar pool why would you think you still get 50%

>> No.19967421
File: 41 KB, 640x636, 66588941_10156999555777655_1214088904123088896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats funny, that was my first thought to, just like an old mafia boss, they want their taste to

>> No.19967437

Has been a good couple of days for STA. Let's keep the support up and hopefully all the news, exchanges, etc. they say have been coming start coming in one after the other. Ideally every couple of days we will have some good news (they have been saying things will be happening very soon). Will be a glorious bull run for sure.

>> No.19967451

I have been seeing a couple people say this, but don't the balancer team get something out of hosting and maintaining the balance pools in their system? I get that BAL rewards are given to liquidity providers but wouldn't a small amount go to the balancer team? Pretty sure I remember there at least being a feww when you add/remove liquidity. Pretty greedy if that is their true reasoning.

>> No.19967580
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 20200620_1709051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Developer wallet is selling STA for wETH. It is using that wETH to pool in Balancer and provide liquidity on Uniswap, you can verify this. Looking back past today you will see it is constantly acquiring BAL, Compound, Lend (our new pool) and WBTC, Eth, Link, SNX (our original pool). Currently we are putting all profits back into the project providing liquidity for sThanos to be as effective as possible, increasing fees paid to everyone, and getting our pool noticed. We are also giving back to our community, for instance this is where the Uniswap liquidity tokens will come from for providers of liquidity to our new Liquidity Mining Pool.

All STA sold today (as with all STA in the past) is going back into the ecosystem, we believe in this project just as much as you do.

Long term this is very good for STA, and we are thinking LONG TERM. But we hear you. We will be taking down our sell orders.

We did just tell you not to sell STA for BPT (and please continue to not do that), the Dev Wallet is selling STA for WETH and then doing four token pooling, which is slightly better, the Dev Wallet holds only STA so this is the only and best option. These orders will continue to go up in the future (though we will try to be more intentional about timing and size) as we add liquidity to the pools and pay for marketing/development.

Also Balancer Pools has decided not to whitelist Statera because they foresee a pool being able to abuse the deflation of Statera, for this to happen over 99% of the pool liquidity would have to be held by one single actor. So as long as you are not in a pool that is 99% held by one person, there is no risk.

This means our Pool will only receive 80% of the BAL rewards moving forward, this still equates to roughly 13% monthly ROI and over 100% annual ROI. We are in discussions with Balancer to get STA whitelisted ASAP.

Continue to give us feedback and know that we are listening. We are going to put crytpocurrency in every portfolio on earth!

>> No.19967622
File: 298 KB, 448x392, 1510802545670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term this is very good for STA, and we are thinking LONG TERM. But we hear you. We will be taking down our sell orders.

from Abu as well

>> No.19967625
File: 18 KB, 733x1656, WenMars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else see that!?

>> No.19967648
File: 118 KB, 557x1000, 1591500811114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs have been supressing price to help the pool, bullish af.
Also good morning STAbros

>> No.19967687

Im sure they will whitelist us at some point. There is no risk for attacks here and once they statera is a well established project with bigger plans to just game their system im sure they will list us again.

>> No.19967699

They'll whitelist us when they get an airdrop. Scumbags... hope they change their mind.

>> No.19967747
File: 61 KB, 1080x889, buy40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But STA for .40

>> No.19967766
File: 75 KB, 1080x1023, sell41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell for . 41

Nice arb op

>> No.19967795

tfw you realize the community based team of volunteers working on this project is actually doing an excellent job

>> No.19967833

They are doing really fucking good job.

>> No.19967852
File: 1.66 MB, 480x480, Girl3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19967865

whats the benefit for pooling STA then?

>> No.19968085

based abu if tru

>> No.19968109

say 1 sta became worth more than any of the 4 coins, you would be better off to pool STA at that high point. That would be if you had x STA and x Link, and they were both worth the same then you would be better off pooling some of your STA instead of Link, for example.

>> No.19968123

not if they were worth the same, but say if STA was a cent above Link, then STA has a true worth in adding to the pool. They say STA is an entry ticket, but you could just be contributing to the pool. Depending on circumstances.

>> No.19968139

Best fucking team & community in crypto, bar none.
There's literally nothing left to even try and FUD.

My comfort level is currently 873 out of 10.

>> No.19968212
File: 66 KB, 514x299, 1593055840447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19968296

Its a scam guys

>> No.19968461

go read the official announcement on telegram. tru

>> No.19968502

Can someone explain to a brainlet why STA is needed in the pool? Doesn't the Balancer always trade the tokens within the pool to maintain balace anyway.... what does the STA do?

What is this 'thanos' that buys STA? Why does he buy STA rather than any of the other ones? Is it in the contract to swap STA before any others?

I dunno. Either I'm too retarded or this is a mega ponzi. Isn't the token literally, not needed?

Not fudding. Just learning and asking questions

>> No.19968535

This is true if you only care about the balancer, but including STA pegs the price of STA to the other 4 tokens, as an increase in the value of any of them causes STA to be bought by the balancer. The burn on the token also creates arbitrage opportunities.

>> No.19968565

>The burn on the token also creates arbitrage opportunities.

How though? I'm failing to see just how this is working, when there is no price/place for it to arbitrage through??? This coin only has value because the other ones do? Lol, come on there must be more to it.

>> No.19968591

>when there is no price/place for it to arbitrage through

>> No.19968616

Fuck it, what's the make it stack?

>> No.19968631

100k supposedly.
If you're any good at swinging you'd need far less, this coin is very swingable in a fluctuating market.

>> No.19968632

100k makeit
10k suicide insurance stack

>> No.19968662
File: 1.54 MB, 622x688, 1504733711592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k, about 3.8kusd, some say 50k if we get Kyber, others 10k if we get CEX. Comfy stack is 25k sta.

>> No.19968703


>> No.19968716

so glad I held lol

>> No.19968725

fuck me my 100k cost me 7k

>> No.19968747

I don't understand one thing about this... it says: ''there's no possibility for this fund to go down''

>> No.19968763

Untrue, if market speculation on the token outsizes the balancer then the token can go down.
Additionally, if the average price of every asset in the pool bar STA goes down, the balancer will drag STA down with them.

>> No.19968768

Same here, we gonna make it :)

>> No.19968800

someone said it's better to buy STA from the balancer pool itself
how do i do that?

>> No.19968821

should look similar to uniswap

>> No.19968840

i see a few tokens listed there but i don't see the option to buy STA directly

>> No.19968877

you would have to add the contract address. In token to buy it is:

>> No.19968901

ohhhh i see it now
ty and checked

>> No.19968935

Its not needed, but why not have it in if it increases gains. Thanos works in such a way that it will tend upwards if the interest is there, rewarding those holding it to sell or contribute to the pool in the future. As they said a statera token is like a ticket, into DeFi / Crypto economy. Everyone could just enter the pool through wETH for example but without statera involved its just a plain ol' crypto pool. The price of admission is whatever a wETH is.

My plan:
Put money in pool 2, get ROI (uniswap tokens for pool 2, for more sta), buy STA on the way up, start pooling STA instead when the price goes up enough, little by little depending on STAck. Flaws?

Anyway I'm rambling and investment noob and I'll be going to bed soon, but may check in again before.
- WikiAnon
send furry porn or basic questions to ustawiki at gmail dot com thank you
do not though please, the first one

>> No.19969004


Can see rankings here

To be a GangSta in todays economy, you're looking at $0.04074 * 30,000 = ~$1000 + or - $100 ish. Can view how much it will cost to become any tier using the uniswap sta to tusd, depending on price.

Honestly is not a bad time to become one if you have the project solid in your head. Disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer.

>> No.19969295

Don't you have to be contributing liquidity to the main pool to be able to add to the DeFi pool? Can you add more liquidity to pool2 than you have in the main pool?

>> No.19969313

For future reference, it looks like the superchat have messages have a 500 character limit. Kek. Couldn't fit nearly everything of what I wanted to.

>> No.19969474

wait under portfolio theres 3, alpha omega and liquidity mining, whats omega for again? whats a dzar?

and we could do with a basic summary on each of the tokens in each of the pools if someone can

>> No.19969585

So I put some eth in the pool. What tokens to I get from this, BPT + BAL? What's the pool fee paid in?

What's the contract address of the tokens I need to add to metamask?

>> No.19969683


>> No.19969688

BPT is your share of the pool and BAL is the dividends you receive, fees and liquidity mining.

>> No.19969693

Dzar is something that one of the devs worked on. Looks like maybe it is now supporting the original pool a little bit? Maybe a way to help with some funding that doesn't require selling Sta? Just some guesses

>> No.19969705
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1585563790817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID world kid
yeah im a stand user, how did you know?

>> No.19969711

Not sure but I think its good to include some fiat currency for stability, might as well be dzar

>> No.19969814


>> No.19969838
File: 225 KB, 750x1000, 123467617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Pepenum, ZA WARUDO!

>> No.19969888
File: 77 KB, 700x724, 461644D3-272C-4742-97D4-2C4FCDBD351A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19969916
File: 96 KB, 750x1000, 121257554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wojak, are you approaching me?

>> No.19970031
File: 52 KB, 500x564, 112412321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant kick your ass unless i come closer.

>> No.19970054

>one of the devs
there is only one dev, scott, and his main concern is dzar whether you like it or not

>> No.19970107


>> No.19970120

Look at his LinkedIn profile you deranged faggot. He stepped back away from the project and you copers cant accept that. When was the last time you heard actual updates from him apart from 'muh pool'.

Cope harder.

>> No.19970135

I bought sub 1cent, I was dumb and only got 70k but my investment was so low I'm comfy as fuck

>> No.19970165


again, lolno

>> No.19970192

That was BEFORE Statera you noob

>> No.19970194
File: 78 KB, 600x719, 1121212244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then come as close as you want wojak...

>> No.19970201

The FUD just keeps on getting more retarded and cringey and it was quite retarded to begin with.

>> No.19970212

You know STATERA is strong as fuck when the best FUD these days is the equivalent of "ur mom is fat"

Current comfort level - 8 billion.

>> No.19970277

I'll jack off on your dickhole.

>> No.19970476

The dream.

There are people posting among us who bought a ton under a cent (not really, no wallet is too huge). The actual dream. Sell it back whales, lets pump from a cent again lol I AM KIDDING, sleep shitposting (or?) good night STA, all gonna make it

>> No.19970477

same here, bought 20k more at .008 to make it 100k. sold my VIDT stack because I thought it wasn't going anywhere

>> No.19970643

Seb, just go. You said you weren't going to fud, yet the second you project goes above a cent, you start getting cocky

>> No.19970655

BAL tokens, add to your wallet

>> No.19970677
File: 142 KB, 600x364, than.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reality stone in 2 days

>> No.19970721


the fucking gas fees eat up my profits you street shitter

>> No.19970762


>> No.19970805
File: 33 KB, 298x612, REEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19970834

Why would it be a conflict of interest? They are not in competition with each other. I could be a CEO of petsmart, and a CEO of Shell too. This is retard-level fud

>> No.19970841

What the fuck, people have no brains. We all knew this since day one wtf why would this be a problem...

>> No.19970857

They both use the same tech and unique selling point which puts them in conflict of interest

>> No.19970869


>> No.19970886

And probb this is why STA can't get listed on Kyber for example. FUCK

>> No.19970893


>> No.19970901

do you know what conflict of interest means or have you never read a book

>> No.19970919

Yeah, you should probably get a law degree, one specific to South Africa, before you start talking shit. You can't stand it that your project didn't take off like you wanted and now you have to fud to try to stop ours from leaving without you.

>> No.19970929

you sold your vidt? AHAHAHHAJAA why the fuck would you do something this stupid?

>> No.19970941


Typically, a conflict of interest arises when an individual finds himself or herself occupying two social roles simultaneously which generate opposing benefits or loyalties. The interests involved can be pecuniary or non-pecuniary. The existence of such conflicts is an objective fact, not a state of mind, and does not in itself indicate any lapse or moral error. However, especially where a decision is being taken in a fiduciary context, it is important that the contending interests be clearly identified and the process for separating them is rigorously established. Typically, this will involve the conflicted individual either giving up one of the conflicting roles or else recusing himself or herself from the particular decision-making process that is in question.

>> No.19970945
File: 47 KB, 636x968, yiffy_arbitrager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not seb, I'm seb haha

>> No.19970960

they are directly competing against each other in the cryptocurrency market.

thats why its a conflict of interest and thats why you will never ever see kyber or any relevant exchange ever listing this shit. scott gave it up for dzar

>> No.19970982

>or else recusing himself or herself from the particular decision-making process that is in question

So why did you start deciding to be a cunt again all of a sudden?

>> No.19970999

when? It was a legitimate question, reread what was said. I want to know if kyber is a possibility and I didn't get a straight answer at all. If they just said yes or no it would clear things up but I can't control the fact that they didn't, I'm sorry man.

>> No.19971020

>So he needs to recuse


You fucking said it yourself bro

>> No.19971022
File: 8 KB, 250x195, 1590456672573s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyber is unlikely to happen and I don't know how the rumor started.

>> No.19971042

The devs are the only one's that can answer that, and you didn't even give them a chance to respond. I'm not an idiot, I can see through the BS just like everyone else. You have no stake in STA, so you shouldn't be "concerned" anyway

STA is trustless, so he is removed from the decision-making process regardless. The decision to list on kyber is not in conflict.

>> No.19971052

You aren't understanding. They can't list on Kyber without incorporating as a legal entity, thereby entitling themselves to a legal opinion.

It will never happen.

>> No.19971065

He could just get Abu to incorporate, retard

>> No.19971069

Good luck faggot. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.19971095

>NOOOO, foiled again!

I don't take advice from people who invest in memecoins, thanks.

>> No.19971109

That's okay man. I'm not even trying to FUD you. I'm just trying to open your eyes, that's all. I don't really care if you lose money, I'm just in shock at the cope in this thread.

>> No.19971135

>I'm not even trying to FUD you
>Good luck faggot
k. I don't need your help, I know more about this than you do. So kindly fuck off.

>> No.19971148

suck a dick

>> No.19971155

Fucking KEK

>> No.19971164

I hope you get cummed on by faggot niggers

>> No.19971175


You sound like a guy who knows something with that "muh helping you fudding".

Disclose everything you have NOW or you're a FAGGOT

>> No.19971191

No response, Seb? Just remember, you guys started the fud back up. Things died down until you got audited, and then suddenly there were a dozen anti-STA/pro-stonk threads in the catalog.

>> No.19971247

Their whole premise is that Scott has to incorporate to be a legal entity, which is false from the start

>le·gal en·ti·ty
>an individual, company, or organization that has legal rights and obligations

>> No.19971276
File: 89 KB, 1363x1129, yT4tQgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are statera holders so homophobic?

>> No.19971300

based seb

>> No.19971301
File: 31 KB, 340x374, stonk_a_scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was busy making a thread sorry
Theres one dev and abus entire job is to speak for him. Sorry if you didnt like my line of questioning over the course of an hour. I don't know what you mean by not letting them respond, I asked if scott being ceo of dzar got in the way of incorporating statera, then abu said plenty of exchanges dont require incorporating, fine. They themselves (the admins and abu) then said that kyber was a possibility, but then also said statera would not be a legal entity. Do with that info what you will. It was confusing to me hence the questions, which are all publicly asked and "answered". Also Abu deleted a post where he claimed scott wasn't ceo of dzar but ill just chalk that up to a mistake.
This is the first legitimate response I've seen to this whole thing so far. Thanks anon.

>> No.19971342


So this is a scam?

>> No.19971356

No for Kyber this is true actually, i helped a friend with some listings some months ago

Heard that 6K server will be doing an AMA with STA, what if you ask them about this on voice

>> No.19971376

I said no such thing and you wont find me saying such a thing. some jerk even said I fudded statera in an influencer disc called 6k when I shilled them HARD on statera earlier in the month, JUST because they asked me about stonks because I had already spoken to them about pools and they know I have some as theyre in the $stonk disc.
they kicked me from 6k the day after I answered their questions about it. The only questions the main admin(6kworkweek) was asking me were the exact details about the OTC sale, and if he could get paid in stonk for an AMA with Noke.

>> No.19971392

It's a 4chan thing RJ

No, it is just fud. Kyber listing does not determine the success of the project

I've already debunked it. They could list anyone to be the CEO since it is trustless. It isn't like a business where making someone CEO would give them power to hurt the company. Abu could be the CEO, or Scotts wife, or even the lawyer.

>> No.19971456

Wait 6K was asking to get paid, they said No and he banned you? KEK

Yeah but then, why it's not happening? Also i dont care if we get listed there, but why the fuck will they hype it then

>> No.19971513

This is the weakest and most pathetic fud so far. Absolutely embarrassing bunch of children.

>> No.19971528

It reminded me very much of their introduction to STA, which was raiding the shit out of the official TG (???) to demand an interview with scott right that very second, which is what made me have to go speak with him and ask what he was doing, which lead to the first statera ama where I shilled them as hard as I possibly could, some other dude in the chat who is a hardcore linkie backed me when I talked about the potential of link/snx being in the pool as he was the only other one with any idea of what they did. He was a cool dude.

>> No.19971535

>why it's not happening?
It could be. We wouldn't know until it happens. They didn't hype it, the community did, or more specifically, Ryan did. We know they are working on it, but there is a process for it.

I second that. I'm almost embarrassed for them.

>> No.19971620

Those 6K dudes are a bunch of literal children lol... The way they act is so... incredibly... lame.

I lurk there as part of my general monitoring of market sentiment, but at this point it's almost as much for the LOLs

>> No.19971652

Oh, hi Seb

I remember even megan saying that it will happen lol


>> No.19971678

oh shit are you the one I mentioned in passing? haha hi if so!

>> No.19971766

what is this 6K shit and why does biz give a fuck about them?

>> No.19971779
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>> No.19971849

They shouldn't lol

They're some influencer group of a bunch of under 30 y/o dudes who act like mid-2000s era rappers

>> No.19971867

yeah, I was listening to an AMA and it sounded like I was back in the era, good way to put it, but where did they come from? how does everyone know about them?

>> No.19971871

It is a group of people that coordinate to rally behind particular cryptos. Some people call them a pnd group, but I don't believe they are, they just have a lot of sway in low-cap cryptos, and it makes people nervous.

>> No.19971889

Oh the irony ....

>> No.19971893

Where did all the volume go?

>> No.19971951

Soon as you said that we shot to 4 cents. based

>> No.19971965

A lot of it moved to the balancer exchange which is the best place to buy and sell.

>> No.19971981

We are averaging a burn rate of 300,000 a day.

>> No.19971985

We don't, it's just a discord server owned by a guy with autism
Is there a way to check volume there?

>> No.19971994


>> No.19972008

Police came
had to turn it down

>> No.19972012

I calculate in 9 days we will be below 90 million total supply.

>> No.19972032
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>> No.19972059

At 250,000 burn a day we will burn 45,000,000 by Christmas.

>> No.19972083

Also people have asked where do value come in. Value is entered into the system by selling the other four assets when they go up.

>> No.19972084

We're not burning 300,000 a day. More like half that on a good day.

>> No.19972106

That is still really good

>> No.19972127

yes it is, but it needs to keep up.

>> No.19972195

And to that nigger Seb who tries to act all genuine with his not so clever fud. It's over for you. I will personally see that your meme coins fails and fails BIGLY. You made a big mistake my friend

>> No.19972276
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so kyber rumors were fake?

>> No.19972394

Ok faggot, say it to my face not online, see what happns :3

>> No.19972399

What should I do with my 36K stack of STA? I want to maximize my shekels, which pool should I add to? Should I wait? Or swap to WETH and pool that??

>> No.19972410


Or it can take some time. I rather give benefit of doubt (for now). NDAs are involved.

>> No.19972428

if you pool the top then unpool the bottom of little swings here and there you can stack your sta nicely, if you keep some pooled you can get BaL rewards. There are like 3 ways to play.

>> No.19972444

Oh and you can reinvest your Bal or sell it, if you repool your Bal that's basocally compound interest. Rewards come every tuesday I believe.

>> No.19972455

Depends entirely on your risk tolerance. Pooling is safer, more consistent rewards, but if STA moons, you wouldn't benefit as much. It is a good idea to pool a percentage, but I wouldn't pool all of it

>> No.19972464

So wait til the price goes up? I bought mostly between .05-.07

>> No.19972467

Seb Mug was fudding on statera chat making excuses like he was the one making these general threads, confirm OP?

>> No.19972510

Since we are not receiving BAL for STA in the pool in the near future, is it in our best interest if we coordinate pulling just STA out of the pool now (to bump up the STA price) with the one token option? Like consistently?

>> No.19972529

He did make some of them when he was invested in STA, but he is no longer involved with the project, so he just comes here to fud even after he said multiple times that he wouldn't.

Pulling out STA is the best strategy if you are going to unpool, but I don't know that we need to coordinate to do it. Having a large pool is very attractive to buyers, same as the price

>> No.19972553

I'll see you at wawa

>> No.19972564

HAHAHAHA YOOOOOOO based ok I like you now.

>> No.19972574
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June 26.
What were you mentioning, again? An exchange listing? Kyber? Hmm.
Did you really keep holding, basing your expectations on vapor coming from an insider's keyboard? Who happens to browse the Mongolian basket veawing forum known as 4chan, specifically knowing he'd find a thread in /biz/ of all boards?

No way. Why haven't you realized it yet? People are not investing in STA. They're investing in BAL. Pro tip : only one of them will moon. Do with that information what you will.

>> No.19972585


True. That's why I'm weighing the options. If we consistently take out just STA so Thanos has to buy more, the STA price could slowly move up above 4c and more tokens are burned. STA is just 20% so it couldn't hurt the pool too much? Or would it be too damaging from a coordinate effort?

>> No.19972592


>> No.19972597
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is anyone baking new bread?

>> No.19972607



>> No.19972623

I hold statera, asking questions about a potential cex listing isnt fucking fud lmao
you lying motherfucker I literally came into this thread becuase >>19970643
said I was here starting shit, which I wasnt. I stopped fucking around in the sta threads ages ago and have only given advice. also I made MOST of them, not some, get it right.

>> No.19972659

You said 2 days ago that you don't hold any STA.

You are saying the same thing here as you were saying in the tg. If it wasn't you here initially it was the other guy in the tg with you.

>> No.19972684

it wasnt me here initially
I have a lil stack I bought before this nice pump recently, got my 100k back. I want a lot of bal so I pool.

>> No.19972711

just to review, I came into this thread to say I wasnt fudding because someone said it was me specifcally, and then I explained what they were absolutely misconstruing as "fud". I do not come to these threads to fud and I will continue to not do that.

>> No.19972774

nope, I'm not that guy