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File: 256 KB, 1080x1331, Screenshot_20200626_232849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19960909 No.19960909 [Reply] [Original]

No larps please.

>> No.19960943
File: 134 KB, 400x413, tumblr_p9qk5oYxZn1ry4n9ko1_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Don't be fat
2. Jus b urself
3. Go socialize

Someone will fall into your lap eventually. Not memeing.

>> No.19960976

1: Pursue your passion
2: Disregard bitches
3: ???
4: Obtain bitches

Women look for confidence. If you love the things you are doing, women will follow.

>> No.19961000

So you don't need money for this

>> No.19961029

This also goes for the "girls only like bad boys" meme. They don't like bad boys, per se, it's just that bad boys are confident. You can be a "nice guy" and still be confident, just don't be push over, say "no" nicely, and enjoy your life.

>> No.19961057

Not really... just don't be a fucking neckbeard spaz

>> No.19961073

Be a bad boy/be confident really just means be good looking. Personality doesn't matter much as long as you're not a complete loser.

>> No.19961097

Women want your money and will be whatever you want them to be to get it.

>> No.19961120

You’re just ugly/manlet anon, watch out

>> No.19961121

Wait, that fat chick is who dudes are falling all over themselves to impress and give money to?
What the fuck clown world have I been transported to?

>> No.19961154

To be fait she's gained a lot of weight, but I will never get the appeal.

>> No.19961241

if youre autist money will not fix your social skills for you and chicks will just take advantage of you. if you dont want to work on yourself other than making money then your only good option is to just go straight for hookers

>> No.19961449
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 1591124679191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>fat bank account of crypto gains
>"accidentally" leave bank statements around at work
>QT sees it
>"a-anon... Is this real lol"
>took her to pound-town, she was wet as hell
>kept whimpering about how she has student debt and shit
>"I'll pay it all for you"
>she climaxes immediately
>I nut hard and raw, fucking Yellowstone of baby batter
>never talk to her again
>never pay
>still have my crypto gains
>feels good
>pic related

>> No.19961468

fbbp, money just helps keep a relationship, it doesn’t help you get one

>> No.19961522
File: 70 KB, 579x913, gWCF1_W5hczRMPCr_E_-OLD4ErV582xPM1o_qUEjv5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wanna fuck angelskimi

i don't care about pokimane

>> No.19961523

I dont know I haven't made it. I will say when I made no money working at shit job with young dumb whores I got a lot more action.

>> No.19961573

Face is filtered to hell

>> No.19961576
File: 183 KB, 768x960, 0EC7E8F670614BCDA7205619AC35F254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger the problem with women was either muh family or muh friends. If you can find a fun girl that puts you before those two she's a keeper. She should be family orientated but not at the expense of getting to know each other.
Fuck that godfather shit where you get to know her family before or at the same time as her.
> Anal before marriage is useful

>> No.19961602
File: 149 KB, 1060x755, AngelsKimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19961623
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, 0D4DB162-9A6E-44AA-B1DE-E4BBD9019A6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i make it i will finally get rid of all of my visible genetic defects. Bad eyesight, shitty skin, nasolabial folds. Im chad tier on everything else. 6 feet, massive dick, high IQ, med skin, black wavy hair, perfect teeth

>> No.19961672

I bought a mansion on a lake. Immediately I became very interesting to women. One piece of advice, stay away from women from the USA. The vast majority are irredeemable.

>> No.19961817

>shitty skin
What do you mean and how do you fix that

>> No.19962581

Acne scars n shiet, there are many ways to fix it or get close to fixing it nowadays with laser, microneedling etc

>> No.19962629

Once I made it, all of my problems went away. Anxiety disappeared. I became super confident. I grew 12 inches. My jaw filled out and I became ripped. All this happened the exact moment money was deposited in my bank account.

>> No.19962697


I feel you senpai, I had shitty fucking parents that literally didn’t give two fucks about me and left me at home by myself and shit days on end.

I ate absolute garbage and had no vitamins or anything growing up. When I make it I’ve got some shit I’ll have fixed from them letting me become a depressed fat fuck.

I already shot way high and have an attractive wife, and a beautiful child, but they’re physical reminders of times I was a loser and I want them gone.

>> No.19962794

Hello? Based department?

>> No.19962831

Who is the fatty on the left and are there pics of her anus

>> No.19963033

>Who is the fatty on the left
>are there pics of her anus
Only her boyfriend has them

>> No.19963193

>Bad eyesight
You can fix that now on the cheap.

>> No.19963262

Lmfao at the bitch on the left LARPing as an Asian. Fucking ugly assed African

>> No.19963274

>Acne scars n shiet, there are many ways to fix it or get close to fixing it nowadays with laser, microneedling etc
Doesn't work for everyone, depending on your skin type and your susceptibility to scarring you could end up worse.

>> No.19963294

you need money for like your own place and doing things. Money provides that. Money can also bring status to a point

>> No.19963296


Learning that I could get good at anything, ie day trading shitcoins, taught me that I could get good at women

>> No.19963529
File: 98 KB, 186x201, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know a prime slam pig when he sees one

>> No.19963748

>nigger lover taste


>> No.19963943

It does help you get one. It helps you get fake relationships with gold diggers.

>> No.19963966


Why is her nose all blurry lol

>> No.19963989


I went from being a jobless loser with no prospects not even having a drivers license and living w/ parents to making 220k a year within 3 years. It helped me get a gf for sure

>> No.19964155

I've gone from fapping multiple times a day to 1-2 times a week because my sex drive is lower.

I consider this making it because I'm no longer enslaved to the vaginal jew.

>> No.19964345
File: 39 KB, 746x478, 1592446767024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want pussy , stop wanting pussy.
Trust me anon

T.Gets Pussy

>> No.19964720

Lmao Pokemaine hides her fuppa under her waistband. Stupid roastie

Anyway, I didn't have a problem with women before "making it". You don't need money to get with women.

>> No.19965309

based and true

>> No.19965493

Those are men

>> No.19965560

Personality and good chat will destroy a fat wallet. A girl will come and hang out with you after the fat wallet guy with no personality or likability runs out of money.

>> No.19965570

as an ugly guy, I need millions of dollars to make up for my looks. I get dirty/disgusted looks from every female I run into.

>> No.19965584

I’ve gotten much further getting /fit/, working on a more engaging and fun personality, and changing my wardrobe/colognes than money has ever gotten me.

A rich fat slob with 0 charisma is nothing more than a sugar daddy while your roastie is out laughing at Chad’s jokes before getting her back blown out.

>> No.19965630

>immediately wonder why all the filters
>second pics shows hair hiding most of its face and jaw
>look up normal pic of it
Don't know who this is, but I know it's a tranny

>> No.19966461
File: 70 KB, 720x700, 1592950703057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores.

>> No.19966869

fuck, i thought that was gonna say dr pepe

>> No.19966877

Eve was a white woman, the snake is a metaphor for a big black cock.

>> No.19966894

Yes goy, don't reproduce

>> No.19967290

>gold diggers


>> No.19967301

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.19967317

didnt make it with crypto, got inheritance. and few rental properties.
Anyway, i never really had issues with women, but i dunno
i have my theories
1) women can sense when you have money
2) once you start having sex, another woman will pick up on those pheromones and start becoming attracted to you.

funny thing is i dont drive a hot care.

>> No.19967501
File: 241 KB, 2197x1706, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19967551

I did this but loli fell in into my lap and mom thinks i'm a pedo now and told her not to talk to me

>> No.19967574

Personality matters insofar as you are normalfag enough. If you hate fun like me and veto most of the entertainment industry woman will get really frustrated because they love shallow corporate nigger fun. They can't stand idleness and those that enjoy labor/skill intensive hobbies are masculine and therefore even more unstable.

>> No.19967609

If you mean by having my own place. Own car. Own money. Then yes it helped tremendously. Women don't want to come home to someone's mom. Since i been on my own women respect me more and pussy is thrown at me so much i choose if i want to.

>> No.19967638


>> No.19967782

Confidence I guess

>> No.19967858

>shitty skin
I don't think there's a cure for shitskin

>> No.19967875

Hookers are the only good investment as far as women are concerned

>> No.19967876

I came

>> No.19968116

damn see? this is what im talking about. life is all about money this is why we chase it bros god bless based made it poster

>> No.19968143
File: 495 KB, 512x1420, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19968244

Shes not even half as wide as in that pic. She just photoshoos herself to ridicukous levels so she can lean into the thicc meme. Whoever gives money to women online will be hanged once the boog hits.

>> No.19968290

is he EPIC enough to hold EPIC CASH past the 20x?

>> No.19968480

Making it obviously means you never need to work again with the high lifestyle of your choice.

But to get some women being interested in you, you merely need other traits. Emotionally mature women want to be emotionally appeased. Most of them know they will not get happiness from fucking random retards like you for some money.

WOMEN NEED TO BE EMOTIONALLY APPEASED. That's literally everything you need to be able to handle. Usually it involves little to literally zero money on spending. Money spenders are the retarded morons who will not fuck her. Its usually the naughty/handsome/humorous/sociable guy that manages to be nice and caring WITHOUT BEING A FUCKING PUSSY HIMSELF. You can have all money in the world, if you're a wimp and pussy faggot no women will be attracted.

So learn to care for yourself first. Go to a hairdresser, work out, be groomed (AND SHAVE THAT FUCKING DEAD SQUIRREL IN YOUR FACE NECKBEARD - NO EXCEPTION) and dress properly with something like Polo-Shirt that is fitting. Once you don't look like a neglected teenage loser you will suddenly start attracting women by yourself. Its really easy, but most just don't have the energy to input minimal effort.

>> No.19968498

pretty much this
no, but it helps sometimes.

the tldr is the kind of woman who will only be with you because you've got money isn't the kind of woman you want to be with for more than a few weeks anyway

at least, you flaunting money.

a woman wanting financial security for the family she wants to start, that's a little different.

>> No.19968577

well, you will make an impression on literally ANY women, the good ones, or the bad ones. Its just a fact because its biologically pushing you up into another league. even the most difficult to impress woman are still subconsciously impressed when you pick them up with a nice shiny car. but you don't talk about your car, you use it as a tool. if you have nothing else to offer however, youll be in for some assrape because bitches will bleed you dry if youre an immature manchild with too much money.

>> No.19968587


> the vast majority are irredeemable

100% truth

>> No.19968638

i wanna eat pokimane's pissy pussy

>> No.19968649

When I showed my girlfriend my gold rain staking rewards she immediately demanded I buy her a new bag. She already has 12 and they're all designers. What a mistake, never talk gains to women.

>> No.19968670

Yes hello based department? I would like to file a "too based" complaint.
What do you mean no such form exists?

>> No.19968680

Just say "no" you retard

>> No.19968702

>I get dirty/disgusted looks from every female I run into.

>> No.19968724

grabbing between your legs does not mean to "get pussy"

>> No.19968734

> at work
> fat gains
Pick one.

>> No.19968754

havn't spoken to any women since I made it 3 years ago

>> No.19968908

Not a larp. As a six one fit guy that has gotten many compliments about my looks and even my dress style, it won't get you laid if your personality is dogshit. I know this first hand because I've had periods where I stop socializing completely and can barely utter a word when I'm out. People can tell this energy from a mile off even if you dress right and lift heavy AND have the genetics which I've got. Looks have made it so my life was easy mode for a long time in terms of women but the lack of any personality really starts to show once you leave high school. Haven't had a gf in over 2 years now precisely because I've lost confidence in myself and my life. A lot of it is in the head

>> No.19968926

short disgusting roasties

>> No.19968938

based and i am stealing this

>> No.19968966

>pull up in one of my cars
>jump in if you don't want to get there so slow
>take number
>don't call for a week

>> No.19969036

dont give up anon, I had the same period.

focus only on this issue of socializing. pick a job where you have to socialize with a lot of people in order to get into this flow again.. even if youre paid less. its really the only way out to avoid some clinical depression shit like I had.

>> No.19969392

Has not done much but increase the amount of escorts I see.

Having more money does nothing by itself to increase the amount of women that come your way.

Unless you have obscene wealth and can visibly flaunt it, which in itself will only attract a very specific kind of materialistic woman, having excess amounts of money doesn't really do much.

You're only going to be successful with women within your social circle and you could honestly pull those same bitches even if you weren't wealthy, this is also why you see most of these billionaires/millionaires marrying their college gfs or women who worked at their company or women who worked at the company they worked at prior to starting their business.

You can meet women at a cooking class, the gym, or at a dog park and hit it off. You being rich is going to have VERY little effect on whether or not that initial conversation goes well and it's not going to be the determining factor in getting that conversation to begin. YOU have to put yourself in situation where you meet women and if you're already doing that you'll eventually be successful, the money is irrelevant.

>> No.19969407

Thanks anon. I've not given up, in fact I've done what you suggested and I work in sales now. I've also been down the serious depression route. Even in such a high pressure social type job where I'm talking to people all day I still find ways to be a sperg but I am getting better

>> No.19969431
File: 26 KB, 510x373, 1592930465941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D is all that matters. 3D market isn't worth the exposure.

>> No.19969558
File: 49 KB, 640x480, down man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally happened bro, trust me

>> No.19969574

My personality is shit and I'm ugly too, but I creampie women in their 20s regularly.

There is this thing, it's called "lying". I lie to women about my wealth and business, and because women are stupid they believe me and then sleep with me.

>> No.19969582


>> No.19969611

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