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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1995915 No.1995915 [Reply] [Original]

What's your current job, /biz/?

>> No.1995920


>> No.1995922

I shill shitcoins on /biz/ and turn a grand daily. Live in my mums basement

>> No.1995933

failing college student

>> No.1995940

Grad student, desperately trying to turn my life around with Statistics after choosing a shitty undergrad major (Marketing).

>> No.1995943

Proffesional equity intra-daytrader

>> No.1995944

actuarial consultant

>> No.1995947

Writer. Comes with a sideline of alcoholism and free time to shitpost on Incan knotworking list-serves.

>> No.1995948

Full-time professional algo-assisted crypto-trader.

>> No.1995955
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neet, just like everybody else here.

>> No.1995959

College dropout IT manager aspiring to be a cryptotrader.

>tfw the only reason you don't succeed is because you don't want to

Get out of your own way bros

>> No.1995998
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>with Statistics
I hate to break it to you, but unless you get some good internships then it won't help that much. And if your program isn't heavily teaching you R, SAS, Java and SQL then it's just gonna make things harder, and that's just the minimum.

I'm a loser. It's that simple. My last job was being a loan officer. Hated it. Now I neet.

>> No.1996007

My program is pretty heavy in R and SAS, so I got that going for me at least. I'm teaching myself SQL, and most jobs are asking for Java OR Python, the latter of which I know a bit of. I think I'll be okay.

At the very least, I'll be better off than I was, even if it's just slightly better off.

>> No.1996020

Selling 3d printing material formulas and playing in my band Amateur Night at Club Stupid. Guess which one makes no money.

>> No.1996079

good luck man. Wish you the best.

>> No.1996089

Financial data analyst at a financial data company. Mostly using python in the fixed income world.

Spoiler: I make less than you think I would.

>> No.1996092

22 virgin neet desu

>> No.1996100

Chef at Wendy's

>> No.1996102

would you say your job is more focused around the use of the programming language, knowledge of the industry, or both?

currently in mutual fund sales role and want to get into analytics

>> No.1996117

thank you for your service

>> No.1996124

Kind of just free lancing right now, i have had 4 jobs this year

>> No.1996134

Probably both to be honest. Very few people understand the actual underlying data behind investments (I don't mean yield or spreads, more like covenants and complicated coupon structures, day counts, pricing conventions etc.) and the programming is useless without market knowledge

>> No.1996137

I am a teacher agriculture 2 days a week.
Give workshops greenhouse climate control and plant/climate interactions in china twice a month.

I am also working on a startup in the biotech/agriculture sector, but that is a hobby project for now. Its going to take at least a year before market research, buildings,investors etc are full circle.

>> No.1996143

Head fry chef at white castle

>> No.1996148

do you have securities licenses? do you think your employer would hire someone who is self taught in coding? my job will let me get my 7 but I have 3 yrs industry knowledge, and I would rather work with computers than in sales

>> No.1996180

I have zero securities licenses. I work for a data provider, not an investment firm. They def hire for self taught coding skills.

Just keep in mind that there is way more to financial data analysis than "X is outperforming market" or "Y is high covariance to Z market conditions".

Most of the time you're tasked with automating very routine simple checks because the market reacts in seconds and you win if you are able to process something before your competitor.

Keep in mind I'm not with a bank.

>> No.1996225

Director of compliance

>> No.1996251
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Pilot, USAF

>> No.1996273

Assistant Director of Corporate Communications

Essentially I'm just a writer.

>> No.1996344

Hospitalist, 7/7 schedule, 200k/yr. Payed off my all my debt so I'm planning on opening a private practice soon.

>> No.1996359

Data scientist/analyst at a tech company (online business)...most of what i work on has to do with algorithmic online marketing (RTB, SEM, e.g.). I'm a good enough engineer that the "real" engineers let me contribute a lot of code to internal tools.

Use a lot of Python, SQL.

>> No.1996376
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Professional memer

>> No.1996405

Editor. Unemployed 4 months now. Broke both financially and spiritually, not that you care. NOT THAT ANYONE CARE :'(

>> No.1996409

Fucking lucky

>> No.1996416
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Medical interpreter and freelance translator. Working from home. Pretty comfy.

>> No.1996443

electronic repair, mostly phone screens/batteries/etc. and tablet repair, occasionally a laptop or various other nonsense

but the fucking prices are out of control, the newer phones have screens that cost hundreds of dollars for just the parts, and they keep making them so much harder to repair with thin glass backs glued down like crazy and all kinds of ribbon cable traps

my business is going under and i feel like such a failure, I want to blame the industry and my customers (so many people have shit here they never picked up, or order parts and wind up never coming to have the repair done) but i just blame myself for not putting in enough effort or not being assertive enough to ask for money up front. i rarely charge for my time if i can't fix something because people get so annoyed by essentially paying for bad news

I'm such a fucking cuck and it feels like everything i touch turns to garbage
I'd have killed myself by now if the cold dark void of death wasn't one of my biggest fears

I find myself praying for some kind of horrific world event just to... i honestly don't even know. things go to shit you still need money for food and shelter and all that so i don't even know what i want

fuck this gay earth

>> No.1996450

there's so much i wish i could go back and do differently

sometimes i wonder if i'd ever pursue my wife and procreate if i knew how much i'd love them and how much of an obligation I'd feel to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

god damnit

>> No.1996461
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>> No.1996477

Go open a store in the ghetto and advertise that you unlock phones

>> No.1996505

i do unlock phones, and there's no 'ghetto' here. The ghetto looking trash that comes into my store is generally looking for a cheap phone or looking to sell one, and I don't deal in used phones anymore since it was nothing but endless problems when I was doing that, all for maybe 10-20 dollars profit for each phone i sell

not to mention the stolen phone market is ridiculous here, i get loads of people asking me to take a working screen off one phone and stick it on another, and when i check it out the good phone is reported stolen.
I once fixed a phone that was stolen, so someone stole a broken phone, paid to fix the screen, and left. I had a weeks worth of fucking around between the police and the actual owner of the phone before they clued in that I didn't do anything wrong.
Ceaseless bullshit, endless frustration.

>> No.1996573

How much do you make?
How simple was the change to this field?

>> No.1996579

IT wallah for my state police

>> No.1996597

Software engineer. Did bachelors and masters in cs, now I work at a large corp writing software to solve problems that dont exist for equally large corps. Make paper though, 90k and I can get away with working 30 hours or less a week

>> No.1996808

I work in the corporate actions department of a stock transfer agency.

>> No.1996840

how much do you pay in malpractice insurance?

>> No.1996841

Possibly the lowest paid CPA in the state.

>> No.1996849
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Technical consulting. Majored in MIS and wound up doing pretty much only programming work. Fak. Make really good money for being right out of school tho

>> No.1996859

24k, but it's payed by my company (CIGNA)

>> No.1996861

I make 75k but my company notoriously underpays...gonna look around soon and hopefully will find some more money.

>> No.1996872

Architectural Engineer, specializing in electrical design. Also, begging for BTC online:

Will answer any questions about my profession if you want.

>> No.1996903
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>What's your current job, /biz/?

Full time NEET cryptotrader and I'm launching an e-store soon

>> No.1996932

Donation attendant at goodwill making 10 bucks an hour part time. I work almost as many hours as the full time people do.

>> No.1996945

STOP working for free. Just fuck that shit. There will always be customers as long as you are fair and respectful, but you can only do so much "free" consultation, quotes....

If you cant do this, don't work for yourself. You seem to have great task skills but fall short with people.

Take pride in your work and don't let people take advantage of your time.

>> No.1996980
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>research specialist of neuroscience

Sounds a lot more glamorous than it really is. I literally addict rats to cocaine/heroine all day and do small surgeries to insert a catheter into their jugular for drug delivery.

>27k a year
>working for the the school I want to get my masters at

Bitter sweet tbqh, but at least I have health insurance again.

>> No.1996984

Post cock size

>> No.1996986

Investment Banker

>> No.1996987

What would you even sell in your e store

>> No.1997138

Detailer. I make shop drawings for construction workers and have to nag architects and engineers for answers because their plans don't tell me shit

>> No.1997149

CSR at a light bulb company.

Dropped out of college because I fucked up and couldn't afford it. Thinking about going back for real this time. I'm having a kid so it's probably not ideal to return at this point.

Also thinking about joining the electricians union. They make $$$.

>> No.1997947

Applied math student
>not a job
fine I'm working on an app, about 20% done at this point
>not a job either
I work in a kindergarten between semesters...

>> No.1998015
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Fucking redpill me on loan officer pls

>> No.1998018

Electrical engineer from 05:00 till 17:00;
Mechatronics technician teacher from 18:00 till 21:00.
whew my dudes

>> No.1998140
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Big four accountant.

>inb4 lol you should have went to IB

Fuck off, i went to a shitty state school, and I grew up poor. I fucking hit the lottery with this job.

>> No.1998758

I'm a translator and community manager for a small company. I also write documents, emails and blogposts for clients.

Leaving my job tomorrow to move to a different country

>> No.1999393

I never wanted to be the one who dealt with the customers, things just fell that way. First i was fixing shit for another guy who wound up taking advantage of me and was all around kind of a dick beneath the surface. Then I came to this place for the previous owners, and it just became such a goddamn hassle having to relay information through them to the customer and back. It was so much easier to be the one who spoke directly to them about the problem and all that jazz. Soon enough the owners realized i was doing everything aside from the financials and they were so busy with their main careers they could rarely come into the store. They were going to sell the place and gave me first crack, and we all know the hollow platitude of "nothing ventured, nothing gained", right?

Optimism is bullshit. Everything is terrible and continues to get worse.

>> No.1999407

freight forwarder

>> No.1999409

> College dropout
> Technical Recruiter / Business Development
> Part time shitcoin trader/shiller
> tfw Crypto pays more than my comfy salary

>> No.1999427

FX and Jet Fuel trader

>> No.1999441

FBI agent

>> No.1999442

I'm NEET with more than 10 bitcoins and website that makes $300 monthly

>> No.1999814

Engineering student fml
Retail trading in spare time
Not planing on actually working as a fucking autismo engineer though

>> No.2000155

Lol you should have gone into banking son

>> No.2000183

Director of an SEO company . Sometimes it's cool to see what other companies are doing, plus I like staying on my chair while pretending to work.

>> No.2000190

I used to generate leads mainly but added some SEO services along the way.

>> No.2000325

What does your website do? Also how many visitors do you get monthly to generate $300?