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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19954075 No.19954075 [Reply] [Original]

I want to meet up with other LINK chads when we moon. I want to make a bilderberg 2.0 group that has the awareness for philanthropy and not just suffer from the weak 'fuck you got mine' mentality. Don't be a coward anon, you have the the capability now to invest in a future where you can take responsibility to change the world for the better

>> No.19954150

OK, what's your plan? If philanthropy to you means "kill all non-whites", I am not interested.

>> No.19954207

if you can trustlessly guarantee that everyone has good intentions, i.e. nobody will try to kill/rob/data mine, then sure I'd be down for that.

>> No.19954225

Follow the money. Buy RSR

>> No.19954255


Also interested in this idea, but it would have to be incredibly low key or detailed and well thought out to prevent glowhomos, honey pots, getting framed, or worse.

A large portion of the retail investors, all in one place together with moral intentions, of a system propagated by the Luciferian elite drunk on a yacht in the middle of the ocean is something I'm definitely going to pass on.

>> No.19954300

I agree we were given this money for a reason. I've also thought of creating a private equity fund with all the LINK Marines that made it. Become one of the more powerful groups in the world over time.

>> No.19954388

This desu, we'd have to meet online only or so very low key in-person meet up. Would be tough to pull off but worth it I think.

>> No.19954422

Are we going to wear masks and robes and rub our pee pees together?

>> No.19954519

I love this feedback guys, shows there's certainly a community who knows the potential of what they/we can achieve.
Im not into any basedboi, or pol shit, so we'll leave that at the door. In terms of plans, it is a tricky one to arrange a meet with like-minded people without attracting snakes.
To everyone interested in this thread, should I legitimate make a discord? I haven't used it before but could be useful in creating a separate community?

>> No.19954552

I just realised I said basedboi haha, I meant soiboi lol

>> No.19954921

You can try, but even posting a discord on /biz/ is liable to attract snakes. What makes it tough is you'd almost have to vet people in person. But I suppose it's a start.

>> No.19954950
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basted und rotgepilled

>> No.19954986

How much LINK is needed to join the club?

>> No.19955012

Yes, how much link to be in the BilderLink Group?

>> No.19955110

Come to some IRL chainlink and eth dev meetups brah you will find a lot of like minded individuals interested in shaping our collective future. Too many edgelords and polcels on biz for any serious discussion

>> No.19955139


Make it stack? If you weren't intelligent enough to acquire that much you will probably fuck the group purposely or accidentally.

>> No.19955252

I really don't think we should exclude anyone, but your voting share or whatever will be less if you're a linklet

>> No.19955347

That is a spot-on suggestion, If im honest I havent even looked at any meetings like that due to not being confident that I will be able to match the more tech-side of crypto, and feel like it would be a pissing match between people to flex whats best in the cryptospace - that being said Im just making ignorant assumptions so will certainly will look into that and see if there is anyone there thinking more holistic and long-term what this new money can bring

>> No.19956868

sergay betray

>> No.19957045
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Link isn't goint ot moon dipshit, all you faggots need to BUY $STONKS INSTEADD

>> No.19957126

I'm never going to a link yacht party. That's just asking to get murdered

>> No.19957306

I just bought 500 Linkies, I know its a small amount but I want to grow this to 10,000 linkies before it moons idk how much time I have

>> No.19957329
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>I want to make a bilderberg 2.0 group

>> No.19958011

I don't think we will ever have the power of the Bilderberg group even if Link reaches 10k valuations.
Power is harder to obtain and keep than money and you will be going against them.
They will use all their existing power to destroy you if they see you are a menace to their agenda including "suicide".

The Link marines for good telegram group has a group of people who were on /biz/ 2 years ago and would be interesting to meet, but the best I can think of is to do a virtual meeting in VR where we could keep or identity secret.

>> No.19958101

Oh of course it would be difficult to reach the power of bilderberg, I meant more in an angel investment committee to decide on companies that benefit the bigger picture of humanity

>> No.19958157


Imagine buying LINK over a dollar. RLC is now the white mans coin.

>> No.19959510

I don't think it would work better than /biz/
Being anonymous has an advantage when collecting information and making decisions.

But having a group of friends from /biz/ that can be found irl outside of 4chan would be fun.