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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19945742 No.19945742 [Reply] [Original]

Farewell Uniswap
>We are in talks with 2 other exchanges for potential token listings
>Manual testing for beta has begun
2 weeks to go

>> No.19946111

Hiring this dev - best fucking decision ever

>> No.19946149

please don't pump yet i need more

>> No.19946167

I know right, man this is unfudable, this guy is so respected within the solidity dev community that it’s crazy how the price has found support at only 150k $ mcap

When they release the vault dapp this will take us to the stratosphere

>> No.19946183

Sold this literal low level scam

>> No.19946210

Nothing to see here, just the regular biztard that gets hard on talking baseless shit that’s pretty obvious for anyone willing to do 2 min of research

For those more tech savy


>> No.19946212
File: 55 KB, 480x600, kL2VZTCr7NDxAIPFhn3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt even check his trips which is how i know you're a grifting paneer eating fuck.

>> No.19946278

Website, twitter, telegram, discord, github, one of the best solidity devs out there, constant development updates, constant design updates, multiple sneak peeks, around 8 admins&mods, launched 4 days ago

“Muh scam”

Biz will one day be known as the place where all the mentally ill wannabee investors gathered to miss out on gains

>> No.19946279
File: 75 KB, 720x224, 20200626_012146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain this absolute spaghetti code?

>> No.19946395
File: 161 KB, 600x600, C7D950EF-5BBF-4B33-987C-2C7A30088BB2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can always buy back in at $1 honk

>> No.19946556
File: 211 KB, 1408x790, Screen Shot 2020-06-26 at 12.43.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the code looks clean to me dude, keep looking friend. here's some for the staking

>> No.19946570

dammit biz you couldn't wait for the weekend to pump. here we go probably .10 before i can buy more

>> No.19946575


fuck off, meridian team. we will not be your liquidity.


>> No.19946595

i can't wait to exploit the fault in the staking contract and mint myself enough tokens to drain the liquidity pool kek

>> No.19946612

Kleros? Really man?

Might as well add fucking club coin to your portfolio

>> No.19946678

i can't really fathom feeling good after investing in kleros. that thing is old as hell.

>> No.19947306

aaaand its pumping

>> No.19947362

Guys we already sold, you made the quality memes too late.

>> No.19947406
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal copy paste job and a bad one at that. You fuckers didnt even assign a value to possibly THE most important line of code.

>> No.19947540

"By purchasing Meridian Network tokens, [...] you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur."

"Although Meridian Network is a FUN token for social experiment and not a digital currency, the team strongly recommends that United States persons do not purchase it because the team can not ensure compliance with United states regulations."
(see: https://meridian-network.co/info.html))

makes you think

>> No.19947571

also (official Telegram):
"[...] There's many reasons why we have decided to remain anonymous at this stage. [...]"

>> No.19948009

That's hoe scam looks like

>> No.19948214

This disclaimer FUD. The devs have explained it in the discord, go read it yourself in the FAQ section. Biz needing to be spoonfed as per, baka stay poor and fomo in at the top.

>> No.19949212

Can't believe people are willing to miss out on thousands for a couple measly ETH. If you missed Statera pump and you're gonna ignore Meridian cos muh scam when it's only ~$150k MC you should quit crypto and invest in a long term ETF portfolio.

>> No.19949370

You're retarded fudder, it's an interface class. totalSupply gets assigned in the Main class. Go press "Read Contract" on their EtherScan and search for totalSupply if you want to know what they assigned it to.

Obviously you should not be judging code

T. non bagholder solidity programmer.

>> No.19949776

Oh damn! That’s the kind of shit that cracks me up. I call it “Surface Level Fudding”

All it takes is one person that understands code to upend their feeble attempt to scare people away.

^^^ This is the type of person that can hop on GitHub, browse their coding, and be able to decipher the scams from the legit projects. It’s not hard people, you just need to educate yourself.

>> No.19950258

Up 41% over 24hrs. Now over $150K MC. Still under $200K MC, anons do not miss this rocketship.

>> No.19950705

Legit people not willing to risk their money should just buy Gold or silver and some S&P500 and stop whining on this board
This coin has some big potential gains in the next days

>> No.19950834
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 6F2C9CC3-3DBD-41E7-B0D1-BE671F5CD8AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy as fuck.

>> No.19950964

Comfiest hold for July. 99% of biz are always too slow to react. Scared money don't make money.

>> No.19951110

I got scared out 4 days ago with someone posting a picture. I thought for sure it’s a scam (I mean who finds a pic and everything of a guy & Posts it?) I thought yep the dudes busted. I was up 50% & was happy to get out & was happy to thank the “Good Samaritan “ that took his time to help out anons about to lose money.

But then I really find out the next day when the price has doubled again that the “good Samaritan” spun the whole elaborate thing! His FUD was truly legendary. So I bought back in with the cash I took out & got half the amount of stack that I had. I was pissed but I knew it was still gonna be good. I’m still not happy that I have half my initial stack but I’m not on suicide watch after either. Its just still bottom & going to 10x and more . Everybody throws our huge numbers & yes it can go there but I know for sure we are hitting 10x .
Only 10m supply .
Just look at the project. It’s gold guys & that’s why homie went to such extremes to get me & others out . Cus he knew it was gold. And these guys in here are buying after they post all that shit talk .,
for fuck sake, why you think all these threads are closed down? It’s so big that biz is suppressing it did the last week. They ain’t doin that to all the other true shit coins out there. Nope everybody secretly wants this & it’s bigger then biz guys, it’s going to full normies & eventually the YouTube moon boys. Funny thing is that the team doesn’t want that crap. They ain’t trying to go crazy out the gates. (Like it could & will). Just do your research & make your decision .

>> No.19951959
File: 26 KB, 200x181, 1593143862125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that overnight pump

>> No.19951977

new exchanges listings soon and new partnerships soon ,, new announcements soon ,, i am tossing few eth and securing a bag ,, !

>> No.19952216


>> No.19952281

I want to fud this to accumulate but just can't bring myself to be dishonest. Statera vibes right to $10m MC.

>> No.19952414

Anons I advise you to buy this dip, there will not be many more before $1m MC.

>> No.19952434


>> No.19952641

- They can't get a Uniswap token image

- Github coding is elementary

- Promises are always "next week", "just wait"

This MRDN token is only going to be in existence for a few weeks before they swap it to LOCK token on a one for one basis, but doubles the supply, thus halving your worth.

>> No.19952795

Kek you do realise the supply is actually dropping after the swap. Another fudder who hasn't done any research, stay poorfag for this one no one is making you invest.

>> No.19952980
File: 112 KB, 640x1136, E3A20AA1-9BA8-4D83-99E1-D516BB75A3BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s a temp token dude, it’s not meant to be anything more then a way for early investments. If you knew anything about investing you wouid know they are using the same ideas as when you sell bonds early & yoh get divies for it later. Hence the airdrop tokens for early investments. This is how you do it right.
They don’t double. Where the hell you get that . You just making shit up now huh. It’s 1 to 1 for the temp tokens to the Vault token . The vault token Will then be .50 cents or a dollar by that time.

Lots of buying look at all the buying.
It’s like 75% buys

>> No.19952981

So I'm going to leave their publicly available code right here, and you ask yourself "Right now they have 10M supply of MRDN and LOCK is coded with a 20M supply....am I being screwed?"

string public constant name = "Meridian Network";

string public constant symbol = "LOCK";

uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
uint256 _totalSupply = 20000000 * (10 ** 18);

uint256 public totalBurned = 0;

>> No.19953443


ERC20 public oldToken;
ERC20 public newToken;
uint public CONVERSION_PERCENT=200; //200%, percentage of new tokens you receive from putting in old tokens
constructor(address tokenAddr1,address tokenAddr2) public{

>> No.19953482

This is beta code too, they can alter values. At least we actually have code to look at and some people are still screaming scam.

>> No.19953483

Anything you find on github is not THE code. They haven’t come to a decision on the total supply of LOCK yet so it says 20mil. It’s supposed to be lower than MRDN supply so once they actually carry on with the project then it’ll change. These strings are drafts, they literally just hired the dev & he’s actually sketched together a lot for the short amount of time.

>> No.19953504

This is a healthy discussion for biz. This is going to be good for us anons.

>> No.19953533

biz is copypasting draft code to fud. Honestly I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. People buy projects with some of the most shit GitHubs I’ve ever seen in my life. Desperate at this point

>> No.19953621

Wow zoomer elementary students are smart

It’s been out for like 6days & they’ve been pretty on top of releasing news everyday.

OKAY I actually agree with you. It needs the fucking logo on uniswap

>> No.19953731

For anons who can't do maths or read code.

This implies the swap is 1:2, which checks out with the other anons post about 10M to 20M supply.

Although the devs have stated a 1:1 swap, even if this code remains the same for the mainnet, you will not being losing value on your tokens.

This is very early days and we actually have code to analyse on this potential gem.

>> No.19953754


As far as I know the new logos have only been freshly designed so I have no doubt that it will be on uniswap soon.

>> No.19953766

Very very token sirs!

>> No.19953785

'Hey guys, just bear in mind, the code on github is not final. Inputs will be changed we're ready to ship. So I recommend to not focus on the number inputs. We're busy re-formulating the token economics to ensure longevity of the project and have the best interest for our stakeholders. More information on this will be provided in the litepaper.'

Regarding code values from dev.

>> No.19954214

Ok yeah, they did update the logo so it’s only matter of time. Which is good I like the new one much more. a lot of these uniswap projects don’t even have a github page. Glad this one does shows activity at the least