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File: 949 KB, 910x870, Screenshot_2020-06-25 Trump executive order directs feds to prioritize skills over college degrees in hiring - NewsDio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19944462 No.19944462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19944478

absolutely based

>> No.19944485

Holy based, I have a master's degree but I acknowledge that preferential hiring for degrees is completely asinine and borderline feudal

>> No.19944664

Amazing. Its about time we get back to a meritocracy workplace.

>> No.19944818




>> No.19944900

When will trump forgive my student loans?

>> No.19944943

Trump has a degree from Wharton at Upenn

>> No.19944961

Most employers already do this lmao
Master's degree or PhD without practical experience is unhireable

>> No.19944971

I don’t know why we aren’t already doing this. A degree is barely even a sign of merit these days. Some of the most worthless people can chug their way through college and come out just as worthless as they were when they went in.

>> No.19944992


army school? ok

>> No.19945009

Nigga are you retarded

>> No.19945014

Sheer arrogance

>> No.19945023

>yeah bro I watched some youtube videos on how to be a surgeon

>> No.19945032
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this isnt a real EO, lol. alphabet agencies won't even hire you if you haven't completed an undergrad education.
based retard

>> No.19945049
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Are you white?
Welcome aboard

>> No.19945106

I got hired for a wage equivalent to if I had a degree.
Put on resume that I spent 3 years in college (dropped out 1-year off). Had a great interview, we talked about numbers in the end, agreed on a range, and I finally said it "I don't have a diploma btw, is that a problem?" My boss was kinda taken back a little but said no and hired me later on.

>> No.19945135

Wait, so you're telling me that all those collage girl's are going to get fuck tomorrow when the president signs this?

>> No.19945216
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Jesus Christ, is that really the average cost for a degree these days?
Does food and boarding go into it?

>> No.19945233

Jews will still practice anti-white hiring practices. This is just to make retard maga niggers think they are winning. That’s all Trump is a sedative for the white race. He never actually comes through on his promises

>> No.19945234

good. its "bad" for me, as new hires can skip 5 years of indoctrination camp but campuses have become so evil, the damage they inflict is a blight on society.
also i have run into way too many idiots with masters of CS but they struggle with visual studio basics or programming concepts. also in my school I was taught by an OOP evangelist and my first business programs were disasters as a result of listening to his advice
but this is really less about new hires and more about hobbyists or even career workers who never got a degree.

i'd much prefer a two year "camp" over a 4-5 year BS. 9 weeks is garbage though

>> No.19945239


>> No.19945241

Because it's hard for the society to let go of the idea that college equals high education, wisdom and prestige, since the decline of the college system is a relatively recent thing.

>> No.19945261

if you aren't learning on your own time
though the internet, you're behind
also radical leftism has largely over taken college campuses
this is a great move for the country

>> No.19945338

>muh degree, hire me

Trump is so fucking based guys.

>> No.19945366

Honestly we should go back to apprenticeships for everything. I would trust the kid who learned surgery for 20 years with his dad than some dumb ass pajeet that went to medical school REAL SHIT

>> No.19945452
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>Yeah bro I went to college to be surgeon you can trust me I got this bro just go to sleep

>> No.19945456


oh, sorry. elite MBA

not much better lmao

>> No.19945607
File: 1.63 MB, 1000x1000, Psyduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your patients don't survive the market will soon put you out of business.

If they do well on the other hands you might find a niche for uninsured people, as hood doctor or for the cartels.
Of course most doctors working will still have degrees but some nurses might perform almost as good in like 80-90% of procedures.

>> No.19945654

I did two years at a community college for programming after a 4 year business BS. Wish I never went to business school. Have a software engineer interview next week. The second interview. What is an OOP evangelist? Lol

>> No.19945702

I fully concur, I just pointed out that it takes time for the society to wrap it's mind around the fact that college education isn't exactly as big a thing as it was even decades ago let alone century or two. Mind you, I still don't think it's completely worthless, especially in more theoretical areas of STEM where the online material gets more scarce, but with the right mindset a person can have the skills and knowledge equivalent to a college degree simply by using the net. Doing it solo isn't for everyone though, so college isn't going anywhere.

>> No.19945707

They were willing to overlook the fact that my BS is not computer science because I answered all the technical questions correctly

>> No.19945726

Imagine believing this is how it works. American medical apparatus is far from a 'market'

It's heavily subsidized in almost every way except for the fact that patients who are too young/too 'rich' to apply for Medicaid/Medicare have to pay out of pocket. But other than that hospitals can do all kinds of dirty shit and get government grants and subsidies and loans. Just look at all of the hospitals trying to inflate Covid numbers to get government checks.

>> No.19946658


>> No.19946762

It’s really because colleges are compromised by the CCP. Open secret

>> No.19946771

100% based juice

>> No.19946803

college is a scam and a meme

>> No.19946813

Completing a bachelor's, master's or PhD is more impressive than any "skill" you can learn off YouTube in 10 minutes

>> No.19946895

Wait this is fucking based.

>> No.19946922

>degreecucks really believe this is the only alternative

>> No.19946934

How exactly? All they do is sign up for a lot of debt. At least watching YouTube takes some effort.

>> No.19946950
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t. someone who has no skills and only a piece of paper with their name on it to say you're a special little guy.

> Seethe.

>> No.19946956

lol you really don’t understand the rigor of med school. You have to do a shit ton of training and get a bunch of certifications, do residencies, and then you finally get to work as a GP or a specialist. I would not in 100 years accept a doctor by trade (aka witch doctor) over a person smart and dedicated enough to get through med school. Then again, I’m a leaf so it might be different here

>> No.19946958

Not true at all. A person would waste 4+ years of their time while accumulating debt while some young person could start learning to produce or fix something in 10 minutes and possibly start earning money in way less time than 4+ years. It's not the piece of paper that does the job, it's you the person.

>> No.19947004
File: 42 KB, 735x624, DBXaVVcU0AAh1LW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>army school
Not sure if actually retarded or bait

>> No.19947006

As someone who holds a mere Masters and several overseas certificates, I agree. While working as a TA, I would make meagre earnings while doing the majority of the work; I marked everything, entered grades, and ran the office hours + tutorial that would actually help the students pass the exams. It rustled my jimmies so much that the doc was making bank while I was a way better, way more knowledgeable, teacher. F U C K

>> No.19947029

The workplace is mediocre. Just people paid 250k to get there. I make as much as PhDs and I dropped out with an associate's. STEM field.

>> No.19947042

So this is the power of American college graduates...

>> No.19947056

I applied to UC Booth for my MBA, got accepted, and start in fall. No scholarship. Suddenly regret.

>> No.19947189

in a meritocracy trump would be a janitor not the president

>> No.19947221
File: 138 KB, 1080x1151, 1591473218210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people here hate colleges but, I've been in charge or involved in the hiring process of my company for the last 6 years and whether or not you have a college degree has only ever played a very minimal role. Only when weeding out initial prospects for very niche positions. Aside from that hiring has always been based off of portfolio work, demonstrable skills, and interviews.

There's never been an instance where two people come in, one with a degree and a shit portfolio, vs another that comes in with no degree and a great portfolio, and we pick the former.

Honestly, whether or not you interview well is more important than having a degree for most positions.

>> No.19947233

my portfolio is mostly btc

>> No.19947234

what a dumb fuck tattoo

>> No.19947261

Have you paid your tuition?
If not, walk away from that shit
All you learn in MBA is networking

>> No.19947269

Is that not what all companies do anyway? Any retard has a degree nowadays, that's why they all demand 5 years of experience for an entry level job.

>> No.19947281

what? her heart tells her to be semi naked in a kitchen... that's a women after my taste

>> No.19947303

i disagree the most important skill a uni gives you is processing large amount of information quickly and learning efficiently with confidence. networking is a fucking meme.

>> No.19947320

wage has never been about work done, but bargaining power.

>> No.19947373

From personal experience, every employer I've talked to has preferred experience over education

>> No.19947566


>> No.19947599


>> No.19947632


>> No.19947654

BASED Trump looking out for the working class.

>> No.19947681

How so? White males are pretty discriminated against these days, the Fed is still going to prioritise minorities and women.

>> No.19947686
File: 1013 KB, 4213x3120, IMG_0261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19947720

So will they start hiring hobby programmers who don't even have a degree, over BS Computer Science students who can't code properly?

Then eventually, coding will be recognized as a trade, like welding or plumbing, just as it should be. And everyone will look back when people got degrees for that and laugh.

>> No.19947759

and i OOP, a sksksk

>> No.19947849


If my options are
>someone with a passion for medicine has spent a lifetime gathering that information and learning from good sources


>some indian who bought a degreee
>some kid who had the right opinions in uni with pink hair

>> No.19948874


might as well pick any random saying or "truism" for a tatto like

"an apple a day keeps the doctor away"
"remember to stay hydrated" lol

>> No.19949539

fucking retard

>> No.19949557
File: 9 KB, 236x290, iuNJJK46R7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers and millenials BTFO

>> No.19949559


Statistically speaking this BTFO modern womyn and their worthless HR degrees.

>> No.19949564

Wow, this is an actual master strategic move to undermine the Cathedral. Trump gains a few points in my book.

>> No.19949584

now this is good fucking bait

>> No.19949587

Indians with 3 fake masters BTFO

>> No.19949593

What “skills”? How to write an email? That’s all most degreed jobs are.

>> No.19949731

>did two years at a community college for programming
>Have a software engineer interview
>What is OOP
Is this bait? Fuck this gay earth I'm so glad I got into crypto and could afford to drop out.

Peak lolbert. This is not how it works, kiddo.

>> No.19949972


Why would you want a career where you have to keep learning on your own time?

This human life is way too short for that. If we lived to be 300 years old, then sure I could see it, but with only 80 years here, why would you want to do something that requires you to spend any of your free time learning more? You're going to be dead and gone in a very short time.

>> No.19949995

This isn't bait, you just should have been aborted.

>> No.19950006

Isn't most of what you pay for the assessment and certification? Like yeah you could learn that shit at the library but who is going to verify your competency to some widely accepted standard?

>> No.19950111

holy fucking based, i wish i was american

>> No.19950233

This is also a great way to counteract college indoctrination.

>> No.19950474

This. I had an uncle who died from an operation that wasn't even supposed to be dangerous.

Medical school is one thing but most jobs shouldn't require a degree at all, a masters degree shouldn't be required for a job a 13 year old could do

>> No.19950484

Wharton is the #1 business school in the US

>> No.19950510

what does this even mean? what exactly is he directing? what data is he using to make this decree? is there even proof this is how hiring at the Fed currently works?

Is trump basically just a loud mouth retard who spouts whatever meme shit gets his base saying "Based Blumpf?"

I'm tired of these headline catching fag shit that provably changes fuck all.

>> No.19950595

>rednecks need Daddy Trump to sign an EO commanding federal agencies give them preferential treatment so they can have a shot at getting a job


>> No.19950675


cope harder liberal arts major

>> No.19950676

It looks like ZOM is getting ready to explode

>> No.19950734

cope about what? that I have gainful employment, and likely so does the guy you replied to, already and don't need some meme order built on baseless bullshit to influence hiring decisions? What does the EO even do? are you just a retard?

>> No.19950843

Has it ever occurred you that a person who went to university doesn't have a "good portfolio" because they were at fucking university?

>> No.19950932

>biz - business and finance
>calls Wharton an army school
kek this is who you’re receiving financial advice from

>> No.19951027

There needs to be a constitutional amendment that says "normies are not allowed to require you need 2-3 years experience for an entry level job, especially for glorified spreadsheets, which they label as bookkeeping/inventory monitoring software. Instead, specific required abilities must be explained, so that candidates can prepare accordingly for the job".

>> No.19951045


>> No.19951125

sounds pretty commie to me.

>> No.19951315

A motivated individual could absolutely become a world class surgeon by watching training videos. Surgery isn’t magic. I’m not saying that every YouTube wannabe surgeon is trustworthy, Im saying that it’s possible for a dedicated autist to become good at surgery without going to medical school

>> No.19951356


i have a degree from a community college so this directly benefits me yet I still can't help but feel like we are living in an insane asylum

>> No.19951409

this only applies to federal government hiring btw

>> No.19951487
File: 3 KB, 112x112, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a college degree was still worth today what it was worth 60 years ago, do you honestly think that they would be letting all of these minorities in?

>> No.19951535

I recommend you watch a 10 minute political science video, in substitute for the the degree.

I've made similar posts before: >>/biz/thread/S16121944#p16123058

This, along with simplification and clarity of language used in tax and payroll related regulations (such as employee leave) would increase access to jobs related to these fields, without people needing to get involved in expensive amounts of education, or needing years of experience.

>> No.19951536
File: 120 KB, 548x288, opfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.19952199
File: 69 KB, 640x554, Presidential_IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that doesn't fit the narrative that Trump is an uneducated retard who can't measure up to the ivy league academic "elite".

>> No.19952241

And you would be his cock cleaner

>> No.19952320

>This, along with simplification and clarity of language used in tax and payroll related regulations (such as employee leave) would increase access to jobs related to these fields, without people needing to get involved in expensive amounts of education, or needing years of experience.
And I do believe that this is a realistic goal, as much of it is just basic arithmetic. What's often confusing about stuff like this is classifying people/organizations into the correct taxable entity, applying incomes to the taxable period, and using and interpreting the correct tax forms - if the language involved with this could be simplified/explained clearly, it could reduce a lot costs involved with taxation.

>> No.19952359

>applying incomes to the taxable period
the correct taxable period

>> No.19952382

Yeah, but only if you are a retard without a full ride to a private school

>> No.19953585
File: 95 KB, 958x855, 1592868619701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this country is doomed

>> No.19953695

you got BTFO so hard you had to change IP lmao

>> No.19953879

This only applies to the government. Most USAJobs/Fed jobs offered work experience equivalents already, this just tips the scale in their favor.

>> No.19954425

I got a 4 year engineering degree from top 5 Canadian Uni. $10,600 per year. Graduated with $12k student loan debt into $92k per year starting salary. Paid off in six months. Feels good man,

Why do American's believe paying $250k to party on campus is such a life experience? I went on ski trips that would make rock stars blush in Canada. If you took 4 years off and spent 62000 on partying you'd be better off in the long run.

>> No.19955524

Self taught stem skills will be an absolute minority of people. STEM degrees will have value. Now, you don’t necessarily need a degree to be a good, let’s say human services, but you know people with degrees will have better abilities to write and articulate themselves.

>> No.19955999

This is good for us, college grads are commie shitheads on average this gets more of ourguys into positions of power
Very good sign and something we desperately need more of

>> No.19956054

I can't believe these retards are actually falling for this bait, 4chan is dogshit now

>> No.19956555
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Actually in my field it's part of the curriculum to spend almost the whole last year of your time at university working on portfolio content.
And in fact in my whole time doing this, having a degree usually means that they'll have a more complete portfolio, than someone who learned on the job or is self taught. Most University programs for this field is geared towards preparing the students for their first job. So that usually equates to better interviewing ability, a more concise and readable resume, often more practiced in relevant skills, and a more complete portfolio. That's obviously on average, but still.

Was just saying in the instances where that's not the case and the only thing that causes them to stand out is the degree, it's almost meaningless.

>> No.19956796

Whoever put that chart together, how do they know what George Washington's IQ was? pretty sure the IQ test didn't exist in 1790.

>> No.19957269

There is nothing to get back to. It's over, unironically.
When you have understand, like me, it's always pathetic to see posts like you, of people who still don't understand, and will probably understand in 10 years, when the end will be so obvious, even for a retardo.

>> No.19957348

Plenty of whites have degrees, there's massive unemployment and federal employment is a huge cost. I don't understand how people are seeing this and the concept of the government using this as an excuse to hire groups of minorities (especially blacks and latinos) on dirt cheap wages isn't even thought about.

>> No.19957516

This is a boomer bill. A lot of boomer executives only have a bachelors degree but decades of experience. They will be out of work and looking for similar jobs.

>> No.19957658

lmao, you got no fucking clue what you're saying.
That's why you flip my burgers.

>> No.19957683

lmao that niga is faking it till he makes it

>> No.19957749

Listen hear leafcuck those americans who go to college can't pay of their debts because Starbucks and serving jobs doesnt pay enough. This is xenophobia and sexism at its finest my gender studies degree is just as valid as any other degree saying otherwise means your a racist

>> No.19958093

This is a clever way for keeping unproductive darkies out of the workplace. Affirmative action and diversity quotas in colleges and companies have pretty much forced retarded shit skins to be hired ahead of skilled whites. This is a way for blacks to still be denied.
