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File: 913 KB, 5123x2882, close-up-of-savings-jars-with-money-580502927-5b021d8e1d64040036e93cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19936941 No.19936941 [Reply] [Original]


Just how fucked are burgers /biz/ bros?

>> No.19936952

saving money is a scam

>> No.19936994

Most of my money is in stocks and crypto. I have $7-8k in my checkings account, almost nothing in my savings.

>> No.19937016
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Makes me feel better for being a poor fag

>> No.19937046


Yeah, who the fuck leaves +$10k in a 0.0025% interest account. Let your money rot away...

I have $3k in the bank, $12k CC debt, and $230k crypto. kek

>> No.19937047
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>yes Mr. Sheckleburg please hold all my money for me. Feel free to invest it and earn 15% returns if you want. Also, don't forget to print some more for those reparation payments and corporate bailouts so when I need to take it back it's worth half of when I put it in. Thank you Mr. Sheckleburg for protecting my money you're so kind

>> No.19937049

what do i need money in a savings account for lol

>> No.19937132

i realize it explicitly states "savings account", but there is absolutely no way an average respondent takes that phrasing literally. there's no way someone thinks "well i have 500 in my savings and 30k in checking, so the answer to this question is 500".

you can reasonably interpret this as "86% of americans dont have 10k saved in any form"

>> No.19937284


Well the statisticians who conducted the survey are fucking retarded for not making that clear. I agree that makes more sense. My average normie friends who aren't Doctor/Lawyers are all paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.19937350

Dont forget:
>please let me pay you to hold it

>> No.19937363

Don't overthink it too much, it'd be retarded to assume "well, this report says people have absolutely no savings, which means everyone keeps their savings in other financial products, potentially including stock and securities, municipal bonds, annuities, real property, and peer-to-peer lending programs".

>> No.19937421

Tfw 20 with a 6k car loan, 2k credit card debt, and only $7,000 in investments or my checking account

>> No.19937511
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Pay off CC debt, buy a Link suicide stack. Wait 10 years.

>> No.19937600
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Enter my dad. Nothing really saved.

Worked 20 years as a union carpenter, and then became union firefighter for 20 years retiriong at 60. High school education (C+ student at best) but hard working and fit his entire life.

He gets

> 100% healthcare / dentist costs covered until he dies (2 unions benefits + medicare)
> $65k Union Pension (Carpenter) + $85k Firefighter Pension + $24k Social Security ($174k per year until he dies (!) ) + 1-2&% cost of living increase per year adjustment
> 1-2% annuity bonus from carpenter union ($1k per month or so - its fucking weird how its calculated)
> Gets all kinds of free golf perks for being a firefighter for some fucking reason.

Buys a new truck every other year. Has house paid + swimming pool. Travels with my mom every other week. Eats out more than Anthony Bourdain.

Living on easy street. Why save anything? His pensions are guaranteed by the Illinois Tax Payers forever (suckers). He paid for my college and my house 20% disposit interest free.

>> No.19937604

>complains about low interest rate in savings
>12k in debt at an interest rate over 15%
Oh and cash is king. You have a lot to learn still.

>> No.19937642

Who the fuck uses a savings account?
Most Americans have their wealth tied in real-estate, stocks, or crypto. Keep trying to be a demoralizing cunt, europoor.

>> No.19937679


I guess but vehicles are such a waste of money. Heed my advice and look into this biz, most people put themselves into financial ruin right when they start to make it by financing some retarded 40k vehicle. Depreciating asset bigly and just shit.

>> No.19937716


Nice anon, Boomers had it made. Sounds like your dad was a hard worker. Those high paying union jobs are much more rare today. Most of the guys I know with union jobs are fat lazy pieces of shit because they are "protected".

I'll have to make it on my Link. No union job for me.

>> No.19937755


I've got a lot to learn? I could have sold some of my Link last year and paid it off, but thank God I decided not to. That 10k is now 40k. So I paid $1500 in interest for a 30k gain. I'm beating Shekelstein at their own game.

>> No.19937780


>cash is king

I've never heard a dumber Boomer quote.

>> No.19937794

The scarier part is that a smaller majority don't even have $2,000, and almost everyone's in debt.

If you have as little as $5,000 in cash or assets of any kind AND don't have any liabilities, this puts you ahead of the vast, vast majority of the population simply by not being a complete moron.

>> No.19938025

And still no gf

>> No.19938148

Top burger boomer. Lol at anybody paying taxes to sustain these people.

>> No.19938190

i think the standard stat for americans is about three-quarters of us don't have 1000 bucks saved

>> No.19938238

I’m not sure what to make of the savings data. How specifically are they defining savings accounts? Because I don’t even have one. But have checking, trading account, and real estate. These surveys are suspicious.

>> No.19938277

It's Chinese demoralizing propaganda.
Trying to make America look weak by saying everyone is poor when in reality we're the richest country in the world.

>> No.19938296

I have $60k in a checking account, $10k invested in stocks and $10k in crypto. I used to buy US treasuries with that $60k but FED ended yields on all bonds so now I have $60k that I don’t know what to do with.

>> No.19938300

I have 67k in crypto, 2 oz of gold, 510 oz of silver and 10k cash. Am i gonna somehow make it?

>> No.19938313

This. I will laugh my ass off when millenials just drop the fuck out instead of paying into pensions they will never benefit from. I quit working in 2018 and vowed to never pay taxes or work again.

>> No.19938322

In defence of the carpenter one, the companies pay overhead to the union throughout their life on top of their wages. This money is then (theoretically) reinvested into the union pension plans over their life to pay out these benefits when they retire.

So for instance, a union carpenter makes around 86k (without OT) per year here in Chicago BUT the company employing pays overall $106k per year carpenter to the union. That $20k is then used to fund their pensions.

Meme's crypto aside, I am sure if you had $20k per year to reinvest for LONG term growth over 25 years, your payouts would not be too dissimilar to what my dad gets paid.

Thats the theory. Yeah sure theres corruption, union crime bosses, etc. etc. But its not fucking out to lunch either.

Yeah I'm biased, but I love how most middle class / lower middle class Americans sneer at a union carpenter retiring after 25 years with comfortable pension as a leech but look up to the fucking wall street bankster scammery as noble and intrepid. $60k per year carpenter salaries are NOT the problem here desu. Read up on the Regan era savings and loan scam for counterpoint.

>> No.19938348

Pretty fucked.
I always keep at least 6 months of expenses in savings. When shit hits the fan and the markets drop, that's usually when you lose your job as well.
So it's good to be able to ride it without selling investments at a loss.

>> No.19938378

you are missing out on those 1% gains per year anon.. ;)

jk. fuck savings.

gold bullion is the real savings account.

>> No.19938383

Why would I need money in a savings account?

>> No.19938391


>> No.19938425

is it savings account?

most americans are fucking idiots.

the funny thing is all the poors and debties live functional normal lives..

and all of us that are never in debt live piss poor lives.

>> No.19938433

What is the point of savings account? Just get a checking. The interest in a savings account is negligible to the point where it’s not even worth the effort moving money into and out of the account even if it’s online banking.

>> No.19938435

Yeah I should do that. I always end up FOMO'ing my 6 month savings at each drop to buy the dip.

THat said I keep $10k in cash no matter what (NOT 6 months for me and my family) so I won't be destitute.

I figure if I lose my job, I have a successful side hustle (handy man contracting) that with my $10k savings can last me at least 8-10 months without any restriction of my spending which I WOULD constrict if losing my job.

Its hard sitting in cash with this volatility breh

>> No.19938473

>Why save anything
Typical boomer right there. I get he busted his ass for 40+ years and wants to live a life of luxury now but doesn't he want to have an inheritance to leave behind? Imagine how much he'd save investing $25k a year instead of buying a fucking truck every other year

>> No.19938591

paycheck to paycheck
overworked, underpaid
the american way

>> No.19939458

you just wait for the crash.

Everyone wants to buy stocks and houses and shit when they are in the shitter, but the problem is, NOBODY HAS ANY MONEY.

>> No.19939512

and a home owner? No of course not. You have 230k in crypto (which is a lie) and yet you live in mommies basement. So basically you are poor.

>> No.19939560

That’s still saving retard.
Saving in cash is just retarded, in anything else it’s actually valuable and smart

>> No.19939588

America is a third world country ruled by rich jews.

>> No.19939612


Jpow is going to print your dollar milkshake dream to shit. Your jewish iou notes are going to be worthless

>> No.19939662

Having another skillset that you can rely on is pretty good.
But don't forget that in a large economic downturn, everyone will be looking for work and not that many people will be able to pay you much.
So you might get more competition and a smaller client base.

>> No.19939697

yeah i'm probably paying 5% a year for the option of buying assets at a better price in the future.

Luckily, I have a huge mortgage so I have hedged the inflation buggaboo out, but yeah I sympathize with wanting to hold no depreciating assets.

Still though, you have to realize we are at the end of the market expansion. Trump is pulling out all the stops to get things booming and to ensure his re-election. They are printing trillions and pumping up the bond market. It can't last forever though, and it wont.

At some point they will take the market down. Just like they always do. And you can be sure it will be at the most opportune time.

>> No.19939729

I'd have a panic attack if I had less than 10k liquidity

>> No.19939829

I have about 10k to my name. I got out of prison in late 2018. So that's pretty much all I've saved up since then. I'd have more but car insurance is $250 a month.

>> No.19939868

>I’m a lazy cunt
>because of society

>> No.19939895

>Less than 1% of Burgers have $10,000 in CHAINLINK

>> No.19940665
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>maintain $2500 in checking minimum
>have around $5000 in PMs salted away
>have 1 month of food for 3 people in an apartment
>have a couple pistols, 12 gauge, and an AR with around 1000 rounds between them
>payed off my econobox hatchback
>no debt
>almost done with STEM PhD.

Am I going to make it? I just want to brew beer for fuck's sake.

>> No.19940837
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>> No.19940870
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Boomer here,
Get your own money faggots. HaHaHa I'll see you in Hell

>> No.19940936

what is a link suicide stack?

>> No.19940949

>.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% interest APY
>$5 monthly maintenance fee
wow why isnt everyone flooding into the bank to open savings accts wtf america

>> No.19940966
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I keep just 1K in my savings for emergency funds, but every time I profit in options trading I always take out half and put it into my checking account for bills/spending money. My duplex makes me money but I count that as a liability because I still owe the bank 45k on that.

>> No.19940993

how do dis?!

>> No.19941038

48 Grand

>> No.19942318

I got roughly 70k and i dont even make that much, i just save everything, burgers are just retarded

>> No.19943438

Put it in SUTER if you want yield.

>> No.19943462

Just have blue chips and precious metals for liquidity. Who the fuck unironically has a savings account?

>> No.19943759

It is weird how in security we gain a new fear. I used to live paycheck to paycheck but once I got a clue I also get anxious when I have to dip into my emergency fund.

>> No.19943943

I have $9K in a high yield savings account for emergencies, $40kish in crypto, $20k in stocks, $5k in checking account. should I not have any money in a savings account at all?

>> No.19944065


>mfw this is me as a correctional officer

>> No.19944117

With USD in a potential and probable hyperinflation position I would say anything might be better than having liquidity sitting in a savings account. Don’t ask me where to put it, though. I’m having trouble figuring out where to hide in anything besides PMs.

>> No.19944504

Too early to tell. All of that shit is extremely basic. You might make it if you find a job making $150k+ with your PhD in low COL area.

>> No.19944548


Pussy advice, max out credit cards to acquire as much link as possible, file bankruptcy.

>> No.19944672

Based that's what I did. Idgaf

>> No.19944701

I'm pretty sure the discussion is about specifically saving in fiat currency you stupid fucking zoomer go back.

>> No.19944771

i have 1 cent in my savings and 90k in checking kek

>> No.19946102

I think suter will actually 100x too