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File: 170 KB, 400x400, Hi .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19931705 No.19931705 [Reply] [Original]

I heard you guys can be pretty based, is that true?

>> No.19931714

based on what?

>> No.19931721

fuck off to /pol/ you drama seeking nigger

>> No.19931724

Fuck niggers

>> No.19931728

Nigger says what?

>> No.19931732


>> No.19931743

no, fuck you, you tranny worm

>> No.19931766

Lmao I love you little mouse

Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck chinks

>> No.19931792

Haha cute lil mouse haha

>> No.19931832
File: 35 KB, 305x315, BoboChimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way

>> No.19931833
File: 34 KB, 480x360, a8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is full of edgelords that say nigger purely for the (yous)

1% of the 4chan racists are brave enough to actually be racist irl, the rest are pic related

>> No.19931922

Heh, lil mousie :)

>> No.19931950

No mate, we actually are racist. When youre anonymous you truly be honest and speak your mind. If we would do it in real life we would lose our jobs because the world has gone mad and is ignoring science. Just take a fucking look at an IQ map. Somalis have lower IQ than fucking gorillas for example and the world is ignoring it. Its quite sad.

>> No.19932011

Who gives a shit, I just care about making money.

>> No.19932029

>fell for the iq meme
anon i-

>> No.19932050
File: 20 KB, 600x800, 1588768196104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is full of edgelords that say nigger purely for the (yous)
>1% of the 4chan racists are brave enough to actually be racist irl, the rest are pic related

>> No.19932341

Take a good look at what is happening in the us and ask yourself that question again.
Its no meme you fucking dipshit, read about how climate influenced the IQ of people over generations. Niggers never had to get food through the winter or build a shelter, they can pick berries all year long. Thats why they never developed.

>> No.19932467

>brave enough to actually be racist irl,
> If we would do it in real life we would lose our jobs

not brave enough to be racist irl, thank you for proving my point

>> No.19932572

Not afraid because of niggers, though. Afraid because we are living in literal nazi times. When you speak up your life will be destroyed.

>> No.19932629

you sound poor, go kill yourself faggot

>> No.19932671
File: 34 KB, 333x500, 51aK0yRzHGL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in one of the richest countries on earth and literally made it the second I was born. Cope harder.

>> No.19932848

Hat dir wenig genützt, klingst trotzdem wie unterschichten Abschaum. Hör auf hier rumzuheulen nur weil die Kanacken dir deinen Mindestlohn Job geklaut haben.

>> No.19932894

Deutschland ist ein Drecksloch gegenüber dem Land in dem ich geboren wurde du Hurensohn.

>> No.19932944

Und viel spaß noch!

>> No.19933726

Iq isn’t real you stupid mutt monkey go back to pol


>> No.19933816

Imagine actually believing that. Niggers are built physiologically different and they have a worse capacity to learn and process new information.