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19927568 No.19927568 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone bluffed having another job offer to get a raise?

>> No.19927737

Never needed to. I've gotten consistent 3.5%+ raises every year since I started working.

>> No.19927804

No but I bluffed having another job offer to get a job.

>> No.19928035

No, but I'm trying to get another offer now to get a raise. my fucking work is doing zero raises this year, and in the past has only been 1-2%. They recently did salary evaluations and told me im in the 25 percentile of my range. aka i'm getting fucked. and still no raise. I'd never bluff as I don't want to risk losing the job, but I am applying for other jobs to use as leverage to eventually ask for more. im thinking a 10k raise would be appropriate.

>> No.19928153

Wouldn't you get a higher raise if you scared them you could leave?

>> No.19928163

We are at the start of a recession dude. You should be maximising job security and learning about investing not seeking a payrise. Unless the company couldn't fuction without you and you have them by the balls I wouldn't risk it right now.

>> No.19928238

If you are in demand, definitely.

>> No.19928975

I work as a quant in a smallerish office. Our only senior quant left which put the firm in a pretty bad place. Told my boss that I have a pretty good offer from another firm (which is not true) that I might accept. He instantly raised my annual salary by 25k, feels good.

>> No.19928982


No. That's an ultimatum move. You have to be prepared to walk if they don't meet your salary expectations. Otherwise they'll never respect your spineless ass.

>> No.19929069

You shouldn't do this at your job. They'll immediately regard you as a high flight risk and possibly work to eventually replace you or keep you from getting placed in important work. This is something you do when you're job searching and talking to new potential employers.

If you want a raise at your current job, the best thing to do is put together a list of reasons why and how you contribute and present it to your boss. Either they'll respect that or not.

>> No.19929139

>Begging Mr Shekelberg for a raise

Just be a man and get another job, faggot. Give them 0 notice. These jews need to learn.

>> No.19929193

You should always be honest, lies will get you nowhere.

>> No.19929214

And then? What if they say no? You literally cannot say anything and then they'll be thinking you are at risk of leaving anyway

>> No.19929246

no i verbal assaulted this waller and i think word got around to my boss because i got a raise out of nowhere the same week it happened

>> No.19929249


It's all in the approach. A gentle request for a raise isn't taken as direly as an aggressive attempt to intimidate them into giving you a raise or else (the fact that you've proven you're actively looking for other work notwithstanding).

If you're working at a good place a lot of the time you'll get something out of it. But then again a good place gives good workers good raises.

>> No.19929425

I did it even better
>bluff with another job offer
>didn't worked
>actually try to get another job
>go back but with better conditions for me

>> No.19929512

Yeah, I usually would, but I live in a rural area and my current employer is the best that is around. I'd rather leave but every other job is far away or will be worse work. I have it mostly comfy, but the pay could be higher.

>> No.19930286


>> No.19930562

>Give them 0 notice.
this can be tempting. but of course could be burning bridges. it is ways best to leave on good terms if possible, even if you want to leave by telling them a big fuck you. not a good habit to get into. even doing it once is putting a hole in your work history.

you never know for sure how a past employer could be helpful for a future reference.

>> No.19930600

My brother did this and got a raise from 75 to 97.5k about 6 months ago