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19918578 No.19918578 [Reply] [Original]

-Toyota, largest company in eastern hemisphere, full and long term partnership (Toyota confirmed themselves they would use SYNQA blockchain tech and the Toyota DCO is now a director of SYNQA

-Tether and Bitfinex want to integrate tether onto OMG Network, and tether announced today they are migrating a large amount of tether with an unknown 3rd party onto ERC20 protocol by 06/29, Bitfinex confirmed OMG Tether to start by the end of June

-Mainnet Fee structure changes this month which allows OMG to moon without raising transaction fees (tether may have avoided naming OMG to prevent increasing fees until the structure changes)

-once fees change, exchanges can pump OMG and the higher it goes, the lower the fees will cost for them

-Mainnet going live as the only enterprise grade scaling solution to ethereum, with layer 1 security as a child chain to ETH

-all tokens on Ethereum will be able to move on OMG. Ethereum is over 92% capacity and growing more congested every day. OMG scaling is NEEDED right now, and with the current likelihood of a bull run lead by ETH based DeFi makes OMG even more necessary, with perfect timing of the release

-once it goes live, Omise clients can move to blockchain, decrease fees and increase speed. Omise is the largest payments provider in SE Asia and has presence in Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia

-OMG also entering competition to run reddit community points, potential 450 million monthly users to transact on the network and OMG is the only project that seems to fit the long list of demands for the competition

>> No.19918598
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-SYNQA (parent company) is creating a new company soon to focus on aggressive expansion of the payments network, with help from the $80 million investment from Toyota and various Asian banks

-OMG/Omise is one of the best user experience designers in the industry and now has the ability to aggressively expand both traditional payments network and Ethereum-OMG blockchain hand in hand, with even the possibility of CBDC integration as Omise has received multiple awards from both Thai and Japanese governments and has held talks with the Thai central bank and Japanese finance minister

-staking being worked on as we speak with announcements coming over the next few months according to the CEO (again perfect for the bull run)

-CEO stated in interviews they are in talks with multiple exchanges to integrate Erc20 tokens onto OMG Network

-OMG is 1/20th ATH and has a market cap of only 200 million at rank 40

You have a simple choice: Sit on the sidelines and fill your eyes with tears heavy and deep with regret, or buy OMG and watch your stack make you a millionaire.

>> No.19919572
File: 17 KB, 900x98, EbTpSVRWoAAdOf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omisego / OMG network will have staking available on its #mainnet

Just think of what will happen when all $USDT transactions will move to #Ethereum #Plasma Layer #OMGnetwork in the coming month....


$25billion DAILY !!!

>> No.19919656

New #BullMarket
Swapping trades from and into $USDT
is part of this! Some via #Exchanges and some via

#Ethereum $ETH rootchain is getting overloaded by all new tnx.
NOW we have #ChildChain
#OMGnetwork $OMG


>> No.19919676

$OMG is practically #Ethereum

price will climb and come towards the $ETH price very soon imo

>> No.19919716

$OMG current marketcap 200 M.
$ETH current marketcap 26 B.

Will $OMG reach the saving value it provides of 66%? 17.16 B

A x85 from current price.

>> No.19919724

Staking means less supply and each token increases in value too, staking is priming up to run in the next few months. Exchanges are gonna pump this to high heaven.

>> No.19919737

Buying $OMG right now is like buying #Ethereum $ETH at $1.50 again...

>> No.19919753

what is the comparison between omg and eth? I dont get how it can be so hype.

>> No.19919789

Perhaps the bigger news of this release is the integration of Tether (USDT) in partner with the issuing entity Bitfinex. For those who don’t know, USDT is the largest stablecoin on the market, currently boasting an $8.7B market cap with more than 60% of that supply being represented as an ERC20 token. With OMG Network, Tether is able to take advantage of OMG Network’s More Viable Plasma (MoreVP) scaling solution, increasing throughput from Ethereum’s current limit of ~12 transactions per second to what OMG is claiming “A high throughput of thousands of tps with 1/3rd the transaction cost”.

>> No.19919801

As we continue to embark on the journey to ETH 2.0, the launch of OMG Network comes at a much needed time as Ethereum desperately begs for increased throughput.

For those who have yet to suffer from the extremely high gas prices, the recent surge in demand for ETH has clogged up the network, with gas demand currently reaching an all-time high. According to ETHGasStation, Tether has long since held the lead for most gas used, spending nearly $2M on transactions at any average price of 38.5 Gwei. This goes to say that with the introduction of OMG Network and the partnership with Bitfinex, we should see this spike drop – thus freeing up the network for more use among other DeFi protocols.

>> No.19919842

OmiseGO / OMGnetwork / $OMG / #OMG

Game changer

1st and only #Ethereum Childchain ! #Plasma

#Tether to run on the #OMGnetwork

#Toyota backed #SCB #SPARX #SMBC

Staking available soon!

Much more to come!


>> No.19919854

Tether = ether = tether

Finally it can move on OMG Network!

#DeFi start your engines!


>> No.19919897

With full utilisation of the OMG Network, developers could* cover the costs of 86,400 tx's per day for every ~25,000 $OMG they have staked.

At PE ratio of 40 this outlay of ~$36.5k ($1.47/OMG) would be worth just shy of $4m.

Improved TPS(nested chains, etc) increases returns

>> No.19919909

*Based on assumptions...

1 - Reduction in ETH gas price (ETH 2.0, layer 2 uptake, etc) to ~$0.01, giving OMG tx cost $0.003

2 - Returns of $3.78 per token, per year, with upcoming POG
(based on 4000 TPS, 100m tokens staked, $0.003 tx cost, not accounting for operator costs)

>> No.19919932

Thoughts, at current prices risk tolerant developers have an opportunity to acquire what could end up being a self funded Dapp, free to end users. Blockchain gaming came to mind as good example of this (especially with
on board),allowing NFT distribution at a net zero cost

>> No.19919951

But with 140m total supply, and clear benefits to captial rich Exchanges and the like (hey #Tether ), this may be a small window...!

(unadulterated speculation, as always, based on mass adoption of #ETH and layer 2)

#OMG #Layer2

>> No.19919977

>16 replies
>4 posters
you shills are getting desperate

>> No.19920002

I was thinking of investing in omg but this pretty much turned me off.

This is biz not lit. This feels like some inorganic shilling

>> No.19920016


>> No.19920187

It’s enlightenment. This man has done /biz a service.

>> No.19920657

Settle down bro, you’re making OMG look bad.

>> No.19920776

who gives a fuck what these cretins think. most of these people still hold turtle coin