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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19909096 No.19909096 [Reply] [Original]

Your solution should be starting a business on your own or selling stuff/providing services online til you get big enough you can pay other people to do it for you.
The initial investment need not be as big and you might make more money in a shorter span of time than investing in stonks etc
Ofc as long as you don't dumb out and go selling fidget spinners etc

>> No.19909176

op is right but i love to see poorfags dreaming while holding their imaginary tokens

>> No.19909580

no, your get rich quick solution should be investing in ground-floor moon missions like this discord server is prepping for. /8BVE2V

>> No.19909617

Where to start OP?

>> No.19909632

She must have the most perfect brown feet

>> No.19909646

>>Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.
>>Ignore people playing status games. They gain status by attacking people playing wealth creation games.
>>You’re not going to get rich renting out your time. You must own equity - a piece of a business - to gain your financial freedom.
>>You will get rich by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get. At scale.
>>Pick an industry where you can play long term games with long term people.
>>The Internet has massively broadened the possible space of careers. Most people haven't figured this out yet.
>>Play iterated games. All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest.
>>Fortunes require leverage. Business leverage comes from capital, people, and products with no marginal cost of replication (code and media).

>> No.19909730

>Trading isn't a viable way of making money
>Just make money and pay people to trade
>You know, people who make a living trading

>> No.19909827

It’s different when they do it.
>I cannot succeed at being smart.

Op sucks dicks

>> No.19909849

9/10 businesses fail.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with an original idea nobody else is doing?
Even if you do something others are doing, the competition is so fierce the only way to compete is undercut your competitors resulting in paper thin profit margins.
The stress, time, and energy this consumes is massive.
This is why 9/10 businesses fail.

Just put your money in chainlink and chill.
It's the 200 IQ play.
Takes no energy on your part.
Consumes no stress.
And in a few years you'll never have to work again.

>> No.19909918
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I agree with you but this comes off a bit preachy for someone not stating their own success. You have profitable businesses anon?

I just bought a house and plan to landlord to earn a smooth extra 20K a year. Also have two prospective startups. Also work full time. My crypto gains will never be shit and day trading / crypto is in general a fools game

>> No.19909932
File: 69 KB, 714x1024, 6ADF7D75-078A-4C80-B246-6EA803A07800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this.
This thread isn’t new.
In 2018 when I got here from /fit/, I was told to wage slave to about 30k
Because any amount below that wasn’t enough to do anything significant.
I bought link.
I bought it between .20 - .60
2 years later I’m at the point where link has net me 40k.
Fuck op.
If you listen to shitheads like op you’ll miss the most life changing decisions due to feelings of self doubt.
You’re gonna make it bro.

>> No.19909947

Its based on the definition of failure. Also, who even starts business non digital businesses. If you open a restaurant or a trade business, you only get money if you deliver something.
But digital business is different. Think of businesses like platform. They get money with negligible additional cost.

>> No.19909964


>> No.19909994

Yeah and how much of value are you holding now? Is your link earning money?
The fundamental rule for becoming rich is that your money should earn for you even when you are sleeping.
30K invested in a good idea would have made you a millionaire by now.

>> No.19910018

Ah yes, start a business with no money and bad credit sounds feasible

>> No.19910019

Most businesses aren't unique, you don't need an original idea. You only have to do it better than the competition.

>> No.19910369

I have no ideas, no capital and no work ethic. I'm a useless person. Getting rich off a fluke is the only hope I have.

>> No.19910397

Ese es un hombre

>> No.19910873
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You don't understand /biz/.

The majority of people here are lazy fucks with zero skills or discipline to be able to even start a website and actually stick to it until it makes some decent money.

Most people here are just looking for get rich quick schemes that will let them make a decent amount of money while maintaining their neet lifestyle but building nothing in the process.

>> No.19910946

This was on jeopardy last night. “What is useless wealth platitudes!”

>> No.19911112

>The hip Tulio, the hip!

>> No.19911136

Ideas =\= wealth.
Low prices =\= success.
To succeed in business you need only one thing: skills. People fail because the don’t have skills. Your entire post Takes the acquisition of skills for granted, which is hilarious. Also the 9/10 myth is fucking cringeworthy.

>> No.19911440
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OP here
>tfw I made a long comment replying to every anon and giving them their well deserved (You)'s but then it was too long and I pressed the wrong button and my page went back with the post lots oh well

I had a fashion business when younger that started out from my bedroom then turning into a bigger thing but sadly it died when I fell into depression and started a time-consuming job. It did well and taught me a lot about life, but importantly on how to sell things, marketing, advertising, creativity etc

If you have no original ideas what you want to do is steal ideas from other people and improve upon them. Don't copy people but steal their shit and add your own twist to it. Find better manufacturing/sourcing links. Sell quality product. Be bold when it comes to advertising, have catchy unique design, don't treat your customers just as customers, don't be stiff language wise (unless it's some super srs bsns sector), entice people to engage with your business as much as possible. Email marketing!! Very important, but you need to make it personal. As cliche as it sounds make it a journey for your customer. Read books on branding and selling. Hegarty on Advertising is a good book, How I raised myself from failure to success in selling is a good book but is mainly old school sales focused, still will give you some nice truths in there when it comes to selling yourself and your bsns
Digital is the way forward, ecommerce, affiliate marketing, 2020 is all about digital.

And if you try to deny yourself the experience of starting something on your own saying it won't succeed or you won't make as much money as you want or you don't want to run this business til you die you can always move onto other things. The things you will learn, the people you will meet, all part of it.

Also legalise amphetamine

>> No.19911546

>Compete against Walmart, Amazon, Google
Lol. Just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and have a firm handshake right you delusional boomer?

>> No.19911934

Competing against Renaissance Technologies, Berkshire Hathaway, and Sequoia Capital sounds just as retarded.

What are we supposed to do, LDAR?

>> No.19911970

It really can be though, made 20k of shitcoins, 10xed with bancor = 200k. 4x with Balancer 800k. (Yes this is legiit)

>> No.19911997

Not to mention if i had gone in compound wit like 100k pre/as the listing was announced i would be >1 million

>> No.19912553

>if you build it, they will come
Absolute bullshit. Without marketing nobody can ever know just how much better your product is or how cheap. Sure you can shill for free here, or on HN, or anywhere else this moronic "Silicon Valley" mindset has infected idiot pseuds who viddy themselves entrepreneurs, but you will never be able to do that full time. Oh and if you do succeed you are now a slave to your customers.

Now you need an idea, a way to do it better/cheaper and a minimum of 10k for advertising. If your advertising and marketing isn't perfect, you just wasted 10k. If you hire someone to do the marketing and advertising as well as graphic design you might as well mortgage your home because you are going to burn through your first 100k in a very short time. At which point, since you are literally all-in with your equity, you should start pitching to seed investors to attempt to save your own ass before burn through has you mucking shit at McDo's.

Fuck you, child.

>> No.19912709

Yeah poorfag then how do you get the iventory and relevance when businesses like amazon and ebay sellers undercut you by unlivable margins on your part?
Stop preaching unhelpful bullshit man.

>> No.19912732

>He doesn't know
Boomer newfag lmao.

At least you'll be buying my bags in a few months from now so thank you

>> No.19912749

>minimum of 10k for advertising


For every person that shops on Amazon there's a person that doesn't

>> No.19912835

Oh please tell me of your venture that wildly succeeded without spending a dime on advertisement! Oh, no wait, you are a lying stack of shit who will use some bullshit excuse to refuse to enlighten us, when instead it has already been proven you have never tried and will never be an entrepreneur, instead you suck down the saccharine platitudes of wealthy douche bags and regurgitate them here as if it is wisdom that will set us free from economic serfdom.

Yeah, no, fuck you.

>> No.19912954

You're projecting as fuck but here you dumb idiot https://www.addicted2ppc.com/how-to-get-google-adwords-voucher-for-free/ maybe stop talking shit without having ever done anything productive just talking shit on 4chan using words you don't even know the meaning of.

Everyone you know can be reached by social media too social media marketing is probably the most successful method to grow your business

Dumb ass

https://www.adverta.co.uk/bus-products/ you can advertise on London buses for THIRTY POUNDS a week you fucking idiot do you know how much exposure that gives you just one example of how stupid you are

>> No.19912984

Amphetamine just makes me jack off all day. I'm more productive without it

>> No.19913060


LINK is nice but I'm currently looking at Orion Protocol for my staking gains. They projected 15% annually aside from the token appreciation which sure as hell isn't going to stay at 0.1 dollars. I hope your plan works out and that your staking is profitable!

>> No.19913097


I've made stuff and made money but I'm too autistic to function in normal society so it's soul crushing to have to do every day. That kind of life would kill me quickly. Instead I focus on writing things these days, makes me a lot happier and I've been growing my reader base. Growing plants is pretty relaxing too.

>> No.19913177

Where is your success story? Where is your successful biz? Yeah, thats what I thought. You think collecting vouchers and coupons and advertising on fucking buses is going to work. Fuck off.

You have nothing, you fucking twat. Buses? for fucks sake you must be a boomer.

>> No.19913206

I just dropped game on you and you're still angry

What a sad man you are

>> No.19913275

>scrounging vouchers and doing bus adverts are "game"
No wonder you made it. Your nigger speak and niggardly advertising budget convinced me. You may have the last word, oh king of niggers.

>> No.19913323
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I want to spend pennies on what will make me dollars in 10 years, I can spend my money how I want, bitch. And I'f I'm good I won't have to waggie when I'm 65. And I'f I'm really good I can stop waging a lot sooner than that. That makes it worth it. 'making it' is almost just a pleasant surprise if it happens, not the main point.

>> No.19913549


By your logic, why try to achieve anything? It's hard, will cost money, and will take a long time to do, so what's the point? You sound bitter.

>> No.19913612

probably correct but learning to invest even if you are just starting with 1k here and there is a valuable skill
better to make your mistakes with 1k rather than 100k

>> No.19914181

OP these gooks don't get you.
Please take me as your apprentice. My temp mail: xadik48501@klefv6.com
Thank you

>> No.19914190

but I'm good at trading

>> No.19914440

The way the other poster said to go about it is insane and is likely to result in zero return and a lot of wasted time. Now, you may be surprised to hear this but all we truly have on this planet is time and it is not something that should be wasted clipping coupons and praying for rain. I have seen that kind of behavior result in many failed businesses without any success at all. Then again, I have seen a number of companies fail slow for other reasons, or even fail spectacularly for criminal reasons. The rousing business school speechs and starry-eyed new guy energy is lost on me. This doesn't make me bitter or cynical, just experienced and maybe a little worse for wear.

There are ways to get ahead, and most of them are long slogs while building equity. Heck, I am doing those right now. Check this out though, if you got a good idea, and even if someone else is doing it already, isn't it worth at least 10k in targeted marketing to get the word out? If your idea is worth so little, and your time is well spent clipping coupons, please feel free to ignore me as some bitter and cynical person who is just trying to FUD you out of your inexpensive dreams.