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File: 176 KB, 640x640, eddie-pamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19907160 No.19907160 [Reply] [Original]

Sell your shitcoins boys and plug in to the most legit game in town - Pamp Network

ALL U NEED TO KNOW is in this article:

UNISWAP: (https://uniswap.exchange/swap?outputCurrency=0xF0FAC7104aAC544e4a7CE1A55ADF2B5a25c65bD1))

DIRT CHEAP RN, WAY down from the trend but just starting to move so get in fast - definitely got 20-100x in it from here guys LETS GET OURSELVES DIRTY RICH


Hurry up as it is only 250k MCAP, STAKING JUST GONE LIVE, CONTRACTS AUDITED. What are you waiting for anon?

>> No.19907199


>> No.19907301

Why the fuck is this the only currency I can't sell on uniswap.
Seriously - I bought it ages back, it says I have 1000 of it, but trying to swap it out just doesn't bring up any confirmation

>> No.19907397

You are only allowd to trade it for STONKS!

>> No.19907403
File: 49 KB, 1161x613, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly seen lots of people with this issue, try 1) reinstalling metamask
2) raising slippage to atleast 5%
also deflatory tokens tend to consume more gas, because they take extra for sending a percentage to a burn address (0x000...)

>> No.19907474

PAMP is probably the most legit coin in the town with strong PAMPamentals. It's so funny that people don't understand price-reactive cryptos that are designed to moon only. If you missed HEX and didn't get PAMP, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.19907549

Pamp is legit, I use to think otherwise too. Been keeping a close eye on them, the team is extremely hardworking and community support them. This is gonna do well. $1 or $2 soon.

>> No.19907562

Interesting, it doesn't work on my phone either.

I also can't set slippage on uniswap anymore, that portion seems to have just disappeared unless I'm retarded

>> No.19907580

Increase your slippage to 10% retard

>> No.19907612

i honestly can’t believe they made such a comeback after a breach in their contract. The way they reimbursed stolen funds with OTC sale to fill in stolen liquidity just warms my heart. I was afraid i’d loose all eth, but they gave me some hope back.

>> No.19907650
File: 196 KB, 750x851, CFBC987B-783F-4629-B8E5-FFEBCAF9A9A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on your phone use a small icon on the top

>> No.19907688

Ah thanks anon, I didn't realise they moved it there

>> No.19907729

This shit has gone to hell and back, the developers are definitely never letting go of pamp, respect the grind. Gonna buy in

>> No.19907977

if they make a comeback past .25c i wouldn’t believe my eyes. By the way if you roll in this week you can still claim extra 10% tokens this week, afterward it will be adjusted based on inflation and wether the price goes up or down

>> No.19908259

If you're thinking of selling below $.10 then I am not surprised that you don't know how to solve the issue

>> No.19908360

This shits legit,audited,and giving big rewards for the screw up tht happend ,cant get much better then tht

>> No.19908594

it all comes down to a matter of personal taste.
some people enjoy cheap thrill of an exit-scam anticipation while fiddling nervously on their little fly-by-night shitcoins. Those of us with large penises and an appreciation for more rarified delights flock to blue-chip tokens like PAMP. And while you sit at home crying about latest obvious-in-hondsight exit scam ill be pulling piles of fifty dollar bills from ATM and rubbing them gently on my nipples.

>> No.19908671

Maybe you get out fast with a 2x, its worth a shot! Get some STONKS

>> No.19908996
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me boil it down for the likes of you, because clearly you have no ability to defend your position, the only ability you are taught is to scream "BUY SHITCOIN ABC" and swim around the swamps of Pajeetostan.

Fear no more as instead of showing you a designated street, i will kindly guide you through the lands of PAMP.

1) PAMP is a deflatory coin, that will burn 5% every transaction (right now they have increased burnrate to 8%, for the first week only).

This means that PAMP increase in value like bomb did, due to scarcity.

2) Staking has just been rolled out, and you will receive rewards based on how many days you held. This week you could have increased your stack by 18%, but you held STONKS again (picture related).

3) The team has been to the hell and back. There was a breach on the contract and all liquidity was around two weeks ago. Afterwards the team managed to comeback. They completed two audits. They held an OTC sale which raised 60ETH in 15 minutes. This actually indicates two things:
a) Pamp has all chances to repeat Stateras mind blowing 1000x success.
b) The contract is secure as ever and is NOT another Biz scam like H3X or the likes of STONK.

4) Next week there will be an exchange listing. Again, the funds are going to be raised with an OTC sale.

5) Finally, the next bull run has already been initiated. You got to be super stupid not to see all of the DEFI projects do 100-1000x. Look JRT, SNX, COMP, BAL and such. PAMP is no different and you have a chance to buy into a 300k mcap.

Stay informed or stay poor, anon.

>> No.19909014

This is one of few non shitty projects on uniswap, have a bag

>> No.19909079

I just stuck 5 ETH in. Definitely worth a punt at these prices

>> No.19909337
File: 94 KB, 600x606, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shill man, this token is no joke - unique staking mechanism is great and better than any other Uniswap shitcoin

>> No.19909398

I can't believe there are people that bought into stonks. The whales just pull out anything they put in. Fucking retards never learn

>> No.19910016

Ok price at about $0.12... same as OTC.

It’s time for

>> No.19910097

Thanks for your service, anon.

>> No.19910439

started to work!

>> No.19910851

Buy pamp. sirs. I'm already rich after buying pamp and my village is now happy for me.
You can get rich too.
Remember to tell everyone that you found out about pamp from here so I can get my marketing bonus, sirs.

>> No.19910889

i cant fucking believe there’s something that’s
1/ not a scam
2/ finally pumping on uniswap. Ive lost way too much money in all these shitty exit scams..

>> No.19910929

so legit they had to lock trading for 2 weeks

>> No.19910976
File: 111 KB, 500x522, 65CB34F9-AA7A-4F67-9990-4BC022B09FD7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a reason for that you fucking ignorant pajeet. Read through thread carefully.

>> No.19911523

because instead of fucking doing a security audit, they put a bounty on people finding exploits and telling them for reward.

They penny pinched and got fucked.

>> No.19911837

Fuck this is a fucking great project

>> No.19911923

well gotta agree. They fucked up with that shit, but i feel like they are back on track. Besides it’s a common practice to put bounty on bugs in such projects. Unfortunately this one was the one that fucked everybody up

>> No.19912242

I'm sure a guy like you has $1250 to just "throw in" to some random literal pnd shitcoin. You're so rich dude!

>> No.19912273

>sirs this is extremely legit coin and nice coin, good bullish moon 100x uniswap gem and team is good bullish team and always bringing the good announcements and update, all white man team and solid foundamentals , needless to say i tossed a few eth and accumulating a bag

>> No.19912277

Imagine not having five eth to spare for a moon shit kek

>> No.19912282


>> No.19912291


>> No.19912302

Maximum kek

>> No.19912312

Damn you guys are so rich, you can just set $1000 on fire and it's no big deal, wow! I can see why you need to desperately shill pump and dumps on 4chan - because you're so rich.

>> No.19912328

Remember when eth was like sixty bucks not so long ago? Did you not load up you fucking moron

>> No.19912336

>sir , this coin is legitimate coin, no pump and dump scam ,, sir yes so what if the coin is literally named PAMP? and the entire selling point is "it PAMPS! KEK!" sir this is no pnd scam sir ,,

>> No.19912344

no, but you definitely did, which is why you're rich! And now you're here spending 8+ hours a day shilling pump and dumps on 4chan - because you're so rich, that's what rich intelligent people do!

>> No.19912345


>> No.19912387

Sounds like you’re from the third world. Geographic luck mate, sorry you didn’t stand a chance from the start!

>> No.19912389

>in order to "make it" you must put money into literal pump and dumps, that's the only way!
>job ? sir , i am not having any "job" sir ,,
>add value to world ? in exchange for currency ? sir all I know is scam sir ,,

>> No.19912396
File: 141 KB, 710x776, 293BDFF1-08D5-462C-BA0C-9F6EF1CCA878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just chipped in 5eth aswell. Lets laugh together at these pajeets when it becomes 20eth

>> No.19912412

Yeah my English is so bad, it's such a dead giveaway I'm from the third world.

Oh wait, that's you. How's Russia, retard?

>> No.19912438

I’m driving to the finger lakes to go hang at my vacation home faggot. Ever taken one? Probably not, wage cuck.

>> No.19912462

Imagine being so fucking pathetic you lie to impress people on 4chan.

Shilling while driving? Despite being rich and having a vacation home on the lake? That's dedication!

>> No.19912495

Kek, I have nothing to prove to you. I’m enjoying you helping me pass the time, though.

>> No.19912533

Great, well enjoy whatever slavic third world shithole you live in while you desperately shill shit like PAMP on 4chan. I'm sure someday after enough shilling you'll get that vacation home you're fantasizing about.

You don't have to actually add value to the world to succeed, just fool people into buying worthless internet coins and all your dreams will come true.

>> No.19912644
File: 798 KB, 750x1334, 4801E366-8E70-4832-9FD8-1898601B2C98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you are so mad. I’ve never seen someone get so worked up on an anonymous forum. What’s wrong, anon?

>> No.19913544

if you will bring up arguments on why should one not buy pamp, i’ll gladly listen to them.

>> No.19913670
File: 74 KB, 500x338, IMG_20200622_212230_579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to engage with obvious fudder, hes dumb AF or just still buying low and trying to supress the price

>> No.19914334

Oh fuck I buying

>> No.19914483

Yo guys both of you need to get real.
There are honestly no 'better' or 'worse' coins right now. Maybe just maybe, the ones that are DEFI are 'better' now.

But primary thing is momentum, secondary thing is all that follows (burns, partnerships, shits, contracts). Nobody really cares if the project is TRULY good, this market is irrational. Some coins that are top 100 mcap will be gone for good soon, some of them dont even have mainnet launched yet lol.

My point is what is important is momentum and momentum is something that pamp is having right now.

>> No.19914588

All fuders in this thread are retards and ngmi

>> No.19915363
File: 40 KB, 810x1024, 1FC3BC5F-6FE3-4A6F-8ABB-DBE187F95549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder what that means or i should probably look in the pamp dictionary

>> No.19915632

Chainlink integration of price oracle will come next few weeks.

After that we have polkadot blockchain integration to look forward to...

>> No.19915776

Chainlink partnership is bullshit bro, Satoshi Nakamoto will feature Vitalik Burerin on the Pamp blockchain tomorrow.

>> No.19915935
File: 114 KB, 1280x640, IMG_20200622_205936_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Vitalik on the line now