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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19905178 No.19905178 [Reply] [Original]

Reqmarines, there's no need to hide anymore. I know it's hard to imagine but, yes, you will have your day in the sun too. Don't cry. Don't cry reqmarine it's all going to be ok.
Anyway come in, take a seat. Just chill the fudge out man. We ordering food. Hey anon, you like right mozzarella pizza ROIGHT? Haha, there we go....... hey, that's a nice smile, you should wear it more often *winks*
>hey anon, we're all chillinerino here but what's YOUR Request Network story?

>> No.19905187

dude this shit is dead

>> No.19905308

>what's YOUR Request Network story?
I got REQT

>> No.19905404

hey heyyy anon we don't have any rules in the chillout room or anything but we're also all mindful about harshing the buzz of Robbin & the other fellas over there

well slap me sideways and call YOU a silly sally, we ALL got REQT in here anon *audible laughter* this is the Reqmarine chill out room after all

>> No.19905426

I remember when I sold 50k REQ at $1.

I bought 200k at 1 cent just for laughs. Send it back to $1 and I will literally give half the money to indians for spite.

>> No.19905528

Held too long. Got REQt hard. Eventually realized the team is incapable of delivering. Dumped. Bought promising coins with competent teams (LINK, KNC). Watched my portfolio rise while REQ continued bleeding out.
Two questions for anyone actually buying this: do you know the token has zero use case today? And have you seen the email Robbin sent to "100s of companies" who are interested in using REQ?

>> No.19905794

And let's not forget the team had the brilliant idea of playing with leverage to secure the rest of their ICO bag. Well, with their usual competence, they reduced their bag because they got liquidated.

>> No.19905959

Lmao really

>> No.19906360

Robbin should’ve been fired yesterday

>> No.19906387

lol and they lost partnerships to ING, PwC, Wikimedia, and countless others and managed to piss them all off in the process! Truly a bunch of idiot scammers who are lazy, rude, and incompetent

>> No.19906677

Glad I sold my req at the top; it was obvious when they released the request form html + JavaScript that was very loser tier

>> No.19906689

Really https://makerscan.io/cups/13917/acts
>While the MakerDAO CDP/Vault has worked out well in the past year, it has been liquidated in full on Monday the 16th of March 2020, when the ETH prices temporarily dropped below $100. Therefore our exposed ETH have been converted to reimburse our debt in DAI of around USD 2.8M.
>We have decided to let 2 team members go separate ways. Additionally, the team members have already decided to remove a part of their package, and are going to significantly decrease their salaries. At current level of operational costs, we are able to continue Requests’ operations for multiple years.
His competence level seems equally matched to the rest of the team. One day I'm going to post the selfie he sent to all request's potential customers, apologising for not replying to their emails for two years.

>> No.19906807

So they lost 2.8 million. lol

>> No.19906892


>> No.19906945

Why not post it now?

>> No.19907158

Vut they have money for years to come. Its good.

>> No.19907283

Lmao at these fudders crying about past mistakes, it's a start up with young people don't inflate the problems, they matured to a point where they're bringing out products and are the #1 accounting project in crypto. If you're on the Défi boat holding req is a must. Your blind hatred is costing you money.

>> No.19907944

I will pray for you anon

>> No.19907974

how heavy are those bags?

>> No.19908106

Nice story, $1 when?

>> No.19908184

I bought 7k REQ late 2017, never sold, and two days ago converted 216 LINK into 50k REQ on a feeling.
You have to know that France is somewhat of a special country that has been on a steady intellectual decline but recently I've seen signs of a reversal
Also if you were here in 2017 you remember that the memetic trust that REQ enjoyed was on par with LINK.
Bought at 200 sats now it's 230

>> No.19908218
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I'm already in profit, I don't have "bags". Learn to buy low.

>> No.19908352

Nope. I sold at 1700 sats. Still a long way to go. Req will never get there again. Team cannot execute. Gilded is steering clear of them now. Req team will continue to make blunders and fail

>> No.19908388

>3 years
> Still no usage

Their tokenomics guarantees this token will not be worth anything

>> No.19908412

Waiting to see if someone else does. Don't want to risk doxxing the person who sent it to me if he used unique wording in the email.
Over two years ago. It will not do so again, except in the most retarded of bull markets.
>they matured to a point where they're bringing out products and are the #1 accounting project in crypto.
By what metric? There is negligible usage of their platform, and no indication that this will grow any time soon.
Further, if if they were the number one accounting project (they aren't), what benefit does that give to REQ holders? The tokenomics are absolutely terrible.
>If you're on the Défi boat holding req is a must.
REQ has no connection with any defi projects. The team works in isolation because other crypto teams recognize them for the joke that they are.
>Your blind hatred is costing you money.
My investments have pumped way more than REQ. If I was holding REQ instead of my current bags I would literally have less wealth than I do today. Your inability to accurately assess crypto projects is costing you money.

>> No.19908455

How do you call those people that wish bad but get reqt?