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File: 299 KB, 2048x1440, bland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19903443 No.19903443 [Reply] [Original]

Does america fuck everything up?

>> No.19903478

President Donuld will start hanging corona victims for insurrection next.
>see? see? its NOT covid! I told ya! Drink more bestest Burger-maid bleach folks!

>> No.19903495

What the fuck are you even saying. Take your meds

>> No.19903526
File: 2.32 MB, 960x540, 1592705271161.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Second Wave

>> No.19903540

are you fucking thick you cunt?
are you literate, capable of reading?
oh, you're a Trumplet
go drink bleach
fucking twat

>> No.19903566

ngl, the sooner we get everyone infected and immunized the sooner we can stop pussyfooting this lame flu. sorry boomers, you might have to quarantine for the rest of your life.

>> No.19903569

Yeah, it's totally him, not dumbass zoomers protesting against the police for 9 unarmed black deaths in a country of 350 million.

>> No.19903582

why does this British English speaking person who doesn't know how capitalisation works care about Trump? Why does he type in broken sentences like a chink?

>> No.19903608

>BTC correlation
Are we all fucked?

>> No.19903613

maybe if we didnt have a herd of infected monkeys marching through the streets pissings and shitting everywhere when they arent setting fires and tipping statues

>> No.19903636
File: 433 KB, 583x412, Yuro_corona_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its obviously not just Trump, infection rate shoots back up everywhere they stop gaf, or never gave one in the first place, like meat factories full of romanians. A spike from the demos will arrive, take a few weeks. As will the same one in Britain, in a few weeks, now Boris has declared Covid 'defeated'. Trumps problem, he needs someone to blame. And announcing you are stopping testing to slow the rise isn't especially clever
>I wos only pretending to be retarded
trumplet and grammar nazi? Your parents must be so proud

>> No.19903638

Look I found another low IQ faggot who fell for the kike race war meme

>> No.19903648


>> No.19903682
File: 169 KB, 1392x1022, health experts say close business and stay indoors unless it's to protest doctors tv media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, wonder why this might've happened.

>> No.19903683

Black people having a nationwide tantrum caused this

>> No.19903691
File: 897 KB, 1099x993, health experts doctors say riots are ok but protests against lockdowns are not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trumps problem, he needs someone to blame.
Yeah, totally Trump's fault.

>> No.19903713
File: 96 KB, 960x720, tv news media social gatherings up to 12 people but protests up to 100 people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Trump and his scapegoating ways.

>> No.19903736
File: 87 KB, 1494x1442, daily cases june 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>European stocks sink amid surge in infections

Yeah, corona truly is exploding again.
Everyone panic, quick.

>> No.19903777

>corona truly is exploding again.
localized outbreaks
which if you don't contain them, turn into guess what?

>> No.19903786

>which if you don't contain them, turn into guess what?
Another nothingburger that kills 99% elderly people with severe underlying conditions who only had a few months to live anyway?

>> No.19903814
File: 79 KB, 642x800, 1592989056090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black Lives (don't) Matter.

>> No.19903817

My hot take: Americans are too narcissistic to exert any effort preventing something that doesn't directly impact their own person

I think it's the same reason you have so many smooth-brained subcultures over there; everyone is so full of themselves that whatever worldview they subscribe to is now truth even if it contradicts science or common sense - it's just too alluring to pretend you are super woke and everyone else is sheep, and it feeds right back into how they view themselves to be better than other people

>> No.19903830


>> No.19903840

Kek, thanks joggers riot for that.

>> No.19903845

europe is the same way you fucking faggot. stop always calling out americans for being fat, hypersexual, dumb, or otherwise. europe is the exact same fucking way. the only difference is: in europe, it's the government enforcing corporate will. it's just as oligarchic. aside of them giving away some freedom like in this corona case. but then they didn't have fucking BLM protestors fuck everything up because the media suddenly decided that protesting is cool despite it having been otherwise due to covid one week earlier.

>> No.19903847

When it starts hitting middle America, trumps base and the karens shit will implode.

>> No.19903884
File: 18 KB, 786x457, daily new cases illinois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19903914


>> No.19903947
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>> No.19903958

>europe is the exact same fucking way. the only difference is: in europe, it's the government enforcing corporate will.
why can you only think in binary? it's not about whether or not corporations have power in the EU or US, it's about how much, and to what detriment - not to mention the fact that "oligarchies" are only tangentially related to what I am talking about

practically all EU nations have welfare systems in place that ensure the wellbeing of society as a whole; the key cultural difference here is that in the US it's become every man for himself - it's never going to be sustainable to have 20% of your population living in permanent destitute

how are the glaring cultural differences not obvious to you?

>> No.19903971

>it's totally not us antifa and blm subhumans that have caused this
kys Wish you'd all die.

>> No.19903979

>not just trump
It has nothing to do with trump, you idiot.

>> No.19904013

If you want "free" healthcare and education you can serve in the military

>> No.19904040

what's your point?

>> No.19904070
File: 157 KB, 768x576, cambodianbreastmilk-150616090209-lva1-app6891-thumbnail-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I noticed that all the hyper aggressive posters in this thread type like that, hmmm... Conspiratorial FUD, perhaps.

>> No.19904114

>practically all EU nations have welfare systems in place that ensure the wellbeing of society as a whole
lol All that your "welfare programs" amount to is resdrituting white men's money to roasties and browns. They're outright terrible for white men, since we pay for all of it. t. swede

>> No.19904146

Ya he’s an idiot

>> No.19904188

I know having to think further than "they took my money" is hard for an idiot to understand

You indirectly benefit from a well-functioning society - e.g. your workforce is more educated, your crime is lower, safety nets if things should go bad for you (often due to circumstances outside your own hands). It also makes society sustainable; money tends to breed more money disproportionately to how much effort you put in, so a certain level of redistribution is not "literally stealing and giving to browns", it's fair.

>> No.19904191
File: 57 KB, 558x374, Trolling 2~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention the subject of the thread itself: "rip stonks" Stonks=stock markets so... Is the implication that the entirety of the world stock exchange will crumble to nothing by tomorrow? ^•^ >>19903443

>> No.19904206

and to clarify, I am strictly against loose immigration policies, so I agree that "browns" are a problem (especially in sweden), but loosening your welfare system will just exacerbate the consequences of your awful immigration policy

t. dane

>> No.19904249

>I know having to think further than "they took my money" is hard for an idiot to understand
You're not my kin, roastie leftoid. I don't give a shit about you or your joggers. You cunts are, effectively, garnishing half of my paychecks, and I get almost nothing back.
>functioning society
Most of the west is circling the drain, you bloody retard.

>> No.19904274

>It also makes society sustainable
No, your gibs aren't essential, and they've made western Europe a lot poorer than it would have been with a more free economic system.
>it's fair
It's plainly theft, you little marxist dipshit.

>> No.19904278
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>> No.19904284

0-9 at 0% is wrong
also, it depends on the viral load you retarded homoid... without the lockdowns infected people would have continued to receive viral loads while not having any sysmptoms yet which is deadly for everyone.

>> No.19904294
File: 105 KB, 951x599, leftypo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. I wish you'd realize that you're too dumb for politics.

>> No.19904296

>0-9 at 0% is wrong
Probably margin of error.

>also, it depends on the viral load you retarded homoid... without the lockdowns infected people would have continued to receive viral loads while not having any sysmptoms yet which is deadly for everyone.

>> No.19904300

maybe stop sperging out

>> No.19904323

Back to your containment board, I'm not even left, you just sound like a half-wit.

>> No.19904330

I just told you why it isn't theft, you don't address it, and then just restate that it's theft

you're just too dumb to have this conversation

>> No.19904348

Honestly we all saw it coming.
I'm not trying to be a dick but i remember when i first heard about this so called "lockdown" in the US, none of my friends or family would believe it.
It is just not compatible with the US culture or federal system ( at last that how we felt about it ).

I live in a very centralized country, which has plenty of defaults sure but at least the management of coronavirus was pretty streamlined and today its almost gone and life just feel normal ( nothing is closed, people go to work ).

I'm not sure how the US is gonna deal with that, after a bunch of half assed pseudo lockdown you can't go to that route again. Either find a cure or learn to live with it i guess ( which korea did, but is probably not applicable ).

Either way keep your old ones safe.

>> No.19904620

How did trump supporters get so triggered? We're talking about the stock market and coronavirus cases

>> No.19904623

America is a top global superpower not a small local authority dumbass.

>> No.19904627

Mad cuz can't deny it?

>> No.19904642

Old people and young people had the same viral load.
And the average age of covid deaths is well into the 70s.


It's more the Trump haters trying to blame this on him. See the very first post itt.

>> No.19904662

exactly this.

the blacks fucked it up again

>> No.19904664

this can't be real

>> No.19904700

Fuck off, leftypol faggots.
>not even left

>> No.19904721

No, you don't have the same viral load you dumb idiot. Unironically, every single patient has a different viral load... Fucking retarded

>> No.19904724

I was addressing your claim of "fairness." Anyway, tell me again why you taking my money with threats of violence doesn't fit the definition of theft, retard.

>> No.19904730


You said more old people were killed because of "viral load".
The viral load was the same in general for everyone.

>> No.19904739

>trump's fault kung flu is spreading like wildfire
>trump's fault that niggers are protesting pink floyd dying because of the side effects of heavy fentanyl use
big kek, this crash will not be the fault of trump

>> No.19904756

No, what I said is that without lockdowns everyone would've been exposed to higher amount of viral loads. Younger people need higher viral loads than people with weak immune systems.

>> No.19904763

This is some next-level headcanon.

>> No.19904770

>data from march

>> No.19904775

Well, you first of all would need to understand what a viral load is...

>> No.19904800
File: 73 KB, 1029x1040, 1584788506550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fuck Drumpft!"

>> No.19904807



>> No.19904814

Well maybe the cops shouldnt be killing nigs without reason

>> No.19904851
File: 3.28 MB, 1697x1518, 1586796840857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Remember the letter signed by thousand(s?) of health care workers and the media saying that peaceful protests were not a vector for the contagion?
But of course, everything must be blamed on the tiny fraction of government we can pretend to elect.

>> No.19904921

You're grasping at absolute straws.

>“It is unlikely that higher doses that would be acquired by being exposed to multiple infected sources would make much difference to the course of disease or the outcome.

>> No.19904936
File: 113 KB, 1021x803, deaths by age proportion over time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age proportion stayed the same over time.
Stop trying so hard.

>> No.19904952

with in his defence the jogger was on a hell of a drug

>> No.19904989

>killing nigs without reason
They haven't.

>> No.19904999

>patients with COVID-19 with more severe disease requiring intensive care unit admission had high viral RNA loads at 10 days and beyond, after symptom onset

>> No.19905031

Then why is it rising in bumblefuck nowhere states and states that barely protested like Arizona?

>> No.19905061

>still thinking corona crashed the stock market

Why can't people remember what actually happened? Shit was going down hill in late 2019 with the fed having to prop up short term credit markets. Experts were calling a bubble in jan. The liquidity crisis caused the stock market crash was in late feb / early march. Shutdowns were only on the table late march AFTER the crash and were expected to last like two weeks.

Corona only ever caused the stock market to go up by giving politicians cover to support more gibs. So why is this false narrative, that corona is the cause of this recession, so prevalent? The timeline doesn't even support that. Years of bad fiscal and monetary policy and weak economy caused the crash. We are entering a depression and it has nothing to do with corona. Cases don't matter. Second wave doesn't matter.

>> No.19905077

Your point?

>Experts were calling a bubble in jan.
Whoa, experts were calling THAT??

>> No.19905087

You're so amazing. white, uneducated, poor and a NEET. You are the pinnacle of the white race.

>> No.19905123

All due to 6500 Trump rally attendees this weekend

>> No.19905135
File: 9 KB, 266x189, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headlines like these should read "Some experts"
There will always be a handful of experts that agree with the media's ulterior motives, regardless of how wrong they may be. Remember the early projections about how deadly it was supposed to be, then it turns out some people may be asymptomatic, but maybe not, then papayas and a goat started testing positive in the third world?

>> No.19905143

Plus, there are so many of these retards there are always a bunch of them calling a bubble at any given time.

>> No.19905165

That what you've linked is outdated as I've shown with an article in the oldest and most prestigious medical journal.

>> No.19905171

Did you know it took 5 years to even learn that hiv is controlled by a reverse transcriptase?

>> No.19905181

>That what you've linked is outdated as I've shown with an article in the oldest and most prestigious medical journal.
Anon, viruses duplicate in your body.
A high viral load does not necessarily imply more exposure.

And without lockdown, more old people would be getting exposed as well.

>> No.19905186


Yeah, its like people just forgot about all the shit that was going down before corona. Stocks were massively overvalued before corona. GDP growth was WEAK, <2% if you believe the government's massive underestimation of inflation. If you measured inflation properly, we'd have been in an economy recession for years before corona.

You had the fed pumping hundreds of billions to prop up the repo market late 2019, and the market collapsing BEFORE the shutdowns were even a thing. Then AFTER the crash, all of a sudden the politicians then said we needed shutdowns and stimulus (before that when stocks were high corona was nothing / a hoax). Corona was a scapegoat for their economic failures. And it was a god send for politicians that drove our economy into the ground to give them the "invisible enemy" to blame instead of terrible fiscal / monetary policy.

>> No.19905212

Nice fanfic anon.
You clearly put a lot of work into it.

>> No.19905236

>Anon, viruses duplicate in your body.
I know.
>A high viral load does not necessarily imply more exposure.
Well, it directly implies a significant higher percentage of having the possibility...

>> No.19905249

>Well, it directly implies a significant higher percentage of having the possibility...
Without lockdown, all age groups would be getting more exposure.
It in no way changes the fact that the average age of covid deaths is well into the 70s.

>> No.19905263


So, this was what caused the dump in futures.

>> No.19905266

>It in no way changes the fact that the average age of covid deaths is well into the 70s.
Correct, because of the lockdown which reduced the viral load.

>> No.19905277

Without lockdown, all age groups would get more exposure, and thus more viral load.

>> No.19905278

Just a flu my man

>> No.19905290

Not the anon you were replying to, but the viral load is indicative of virus that is entering the patient before they develop immunity. Viruses reproduce exponentially, so the starting number of infected cells has a large effect on the ending number before your body can develop immunity. With more infected cells there's more immune response and worse symptoms.

That's all I got, be good anon

>> No.19905323

Thanks for agreeing with me since the beginning.
No lockdown = higher viral load = younger people risk rises significantly
Lockdown = lower viral load = only older/low immune system people at risk

>> No.19905334

More exposure can lead to more viral load, yes.

But without lockdowns all age groups would be getting more exposure.
It wouldn't change the average age of covid deaths.

>No lockdown = higher viral load = younger people risk rises significantly
Risk for old people rises significantly as well.

>> No.19905339

>trump supporters claim the corona hoax and protest
>a yes very freedom of you
>protest about police brutality
>HOW DARE YOU? You a spreading corona which isnt a hoax anymore i guess
tippy toppy kek

>> No.19905349

>Risk for old people rises significantly as well.
Captain obvious, that's very obvious.

And now back to your >>19904296

>> No.19905354

Good, good, the lockdown was very important and worth destroying the economy for. Better to force everyone into a recession for the greater good.

>> No.19905359
File: 48 KB, 828x570, EZZ6KdVXQAIzAHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This amount of spin takes effort and talent, congrats anon.

>> No.19905372


Not fiction, fact. "15 days to slow the spread" was announced march 16, after the stock market crash. Before shutdowns were a thing, and way before they were even going to last more than 15 days.

Corona was actually good for the stock market because it gave politicians cover to print money and doll it out as they saw fit without oversight.

That's why corona doesn't matter. Cases don't matter, Vaccine doesn't matter. Second wave doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is if people actually start to realize the real reason our economy is shit right now, then the politicians will probably all of a sudden want shutdowns again, all of a sudden corona is bad again, because they will need something to deflect blame.

>> No.19905380

Ah moving the goal post i see

>> No.19905382

>Captain obvious, that's very obvious.

lmao, your point was that higher viral load would mean lower proportion of elderly deaths you absolute dumbass.

>> No.19905400
File: 241 KB, 1374x1018, health experts say close business and stay indoors unless it&#039;s to protest doctors tv media 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, I'm the one moving the goalposts.

>> No.19905409

>lmao, your point was that higher viral load would mean lower proportion of elderly deaths you absolute dumbass.

ehm no...
i responded to your graph after your
>Another nothingburger that kills 99% elderly people with severe underlying conditions who only had a few months to live anyway?

The graph would've been wrong without the lockdowns, as we can see you've agreed with me.
I literally wrote
>which is deadly for everyone

Now, cope harder MIGA faggot

>> No.19905430
File: 443 KB, 748x533, head_bowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump haters
it was a light-hearted riff at his 'slowing the counting' gaff, and Trumplets immediately hit 180 on the apoplectic rage-o-meter. We've went from:
>This Virus Isn't
>Its Not His Fault. None of It.
That anon was right, you boys getting a bit touchy of late. sup, things not going too well on the campaign trail?

>> No.19905447

I posted a chart to prove that the average age of covid deaths was extremely high.

You then replied "depends on viral load", implying that a higher viral load would mean a lower average covid death age.

Try to keep up with your own retardation.

>> No.19905462

The schizo levels on this post are off the chart.

>> No.19905487

>higher viral load would mean a lower average covid death age
Which is correct and even you agreed on.
If more younger people start to die the average age doesn't go up, NA education retard

>> No.19905495

Yep, sure wasn't trying to imply it would raise the average age, it was just raise the number of deaths. I'm not going to try and say I'm for the lockdown, and I work in healthcare. I was just elaborating.

>> No.19905508

>Which is correct and even you agreed on.
But you just said your point wasn't that "higher viral load would mean lower proportion of elderly deaths".

Get back on your meds you absolute schizo.

>> No.19905514

I didn't actually say that did I? I didn't mean to imply it either. I work in healthcare and yeah it sucked, but I don't think the lockdown will help much in the long run.

>> No.19905518

>sure wasn't trying to imply it would raise the average age, it was just raise the number of deaths
Then we're on the same page.

>> No.19905538

>higher viral load would mean lower proportion of elderly deaths
Ehm... that's how percentages work.
Also, my no was directed to that I responded to something and wasn't referring to what you're saying... schizo

>> No.19905556

Glad you see the error of your argument.

>> No.19905626

You are retarded.

>> No.19905663

>Those darn Trump rallies! Come on people we need to stop Republicans from spreading the coronavirus so darn much! Look at the chart! The Trump rally did this you freakin' morons! I believe in science not your opinion! What'd you mean George Floyd had coronavirus for a full month before he died? Huh? What'd you mean the BLM protests caused this? How could innocent people of color cause this? Bigot! Disgusting bigot! How dare you?? Outrageous! This man is a racist! You are blaming people, who are speaking out against police brutality in a peaceful and socially distanced way, for the increase in coronavirus cases?! Fuck you White scum! You should be ashamed of yourself! The Trump rally just happened and so are the cases... what do you mean two weeks? Two weeks incubation? I'd like to see source. No, give me a URL. A URL! Ha! That's right, you're wrong, I'm right. Racists always lose! Fuck Trump and fuck niggers!

>> No.19905704

>Ehm... that's how percentages work.
When all age groups have increased viral load, their proportion of deaths will rise porportionately.
That's how percentages work.

>my no was directed to that I responded to something and wasn't referring to what you're saying...
When your mind ties verbal knots.

>> No.19905804

>stocks are high
>corona is a hoax keep buying

>stocks are low
>corona is actually a big deal we need to shutdown and print a trillion dollars

>> No.19906399


Time to buy toilet paper