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19903346 No.19903346 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to Chainlink I won't have to worry about money anymore. Now I can focus on my next biggest goal in life which is - attracting a female partner and sticking my peepee in her vagoo. We're all going to make it.

>> No.19903356

haven't read that in a long time. godspeed oldfag

>> No.19903392

Nice fren. I am getting a tranny girlfriend though, I wasn't gay before but 10 years here on 4chan demoralized me and I developed this fetish. I heard they smell bad in real life though? is it true?

>> No.19903685

Find God what you seek are drugs and will only suffer in the end. This I guarantee 100% you know it’s true

>> No.19903697

Tranny boyfriend you mean? Will he also fuck you in the ass?

>> No.19903816

Based and vagoo pilled

>> No.19903852

Good god I hope this does not happen to me.
How interesting though. So many ideas surrounding sexuality. From the classic of I was born this way to reading turned me gay.
As a gay male is it pleasurable to jerk off in the mirror?
All so interesting. Sexuality truly is a scientific mystery.

>> No.19903923

it's not politically correct to say so anymore, but cognitive scientists have known and proved since the 80s human sexual behavior is learned socially. there's of course genetic predispositions towards behaviors, but even if you're a man with as strong as possible inherent leaning to heterosexuality, you could reprogram yourself to enjoy watching yourself jerk off in the mirror
the "born this way" propaganda is truly interesting when you think about it, as it is most often espoused by people who lean on the left politically - a political stance traditionally aligned with "nurture above nature". when it comes down to it, "born this way" started as a defense of the naturally dangerous gay lifestyle. many more partners on average, less safe sex on average, anal inherently more prone to spreading diseases, all converging towards a higher risk factor by orderS of magnitude
but nowadays, it's also politically incorrect to point out the above fact. so we're left with a tacit rebuttal to a theory that isn't formulated anymore, but people forgot the reasons for the mantra and only the mantra remains
everything becomes religion even when people think they avoid religion