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19894936 No.19894936 [Reply] [Original]

Any other KANGZ holding link? I don’t think we’re invited to the wh*toids yacht party :(

>> No.19894946

any chainkang is a friend of mine

>> No.19894955

you thought right

>> No.19894963
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>> No.19894965
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/pol/cels can have their own party, I'm happy to chill with you guys.

>> No.19894978

100% :)

>> No.19894982

c-can i call you the N word tho?

>> No.19894992

green is the only color that matters on this board

>> No.19895025

You don’t want to go anyways. There are always some psychos that ruin all the fun.

>> No.19895034

Blackanon here
Bought link so I could get enough money to never date another black woman

>> No.19895045

Ok, see you at the party then

>> No.19895080

Who cares anon, we'll soon be comfy. Racism doesnt exist for the 1%

>> No.19895125
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Obviously it is the black man’s coin

>> No.19895129

the journey isn’t about destination, it’s about the N I G G E R S you’ve accumulated along the way.

>> No.19895163

The most shocking life event for black men is when they get rich and realize racism doesn’t exist, it was just classism all along.

>> No.19895172

But Niggers and Pajeets can leave

>> No.19895177
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How did i do today fellow KANGZ?
First full day of trading

>> No.19895197

Only if you leave out the hard R my ninja

>he doesn’t want a big booty loud mouthed nubian queen to cook him eggs and turkey bacon
More for me i guess

>> No.19895218
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>mfw only half KANG

>> No.19895240

We'll all be smoking cigars and banging hookers once we get our golden kneepads

>> No.19895305

I'l high five you over a Thai ladyboy at the yacht party mate

>> No.19895308
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>there are blacks on this board

>> No.19895340
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So am I, it’s KANG enough fren dont worry

>> No.19895347

Jogger hater over here, not being Ben white and hating joggers even though I am an immigrant

>> No.19895352

Get lost nigger

>> No.19895364


>> No.19895371


>> No.19895377

we remember brothers their women was built for us and so will the citadel

>> No.19895381

>Loud mouthed
That’s one of the reason I absolutely hate joggers
They are a menace to any business
Literally you can have 50 customers and one jogger can be louder than all of them combined

>> No.19895396

desu thats really a sign of dominance

>> No.19895441
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>mfw I was browsing pol heavily for years and hated joggers but my cousin married an nfl player who is genuinely a decent guy.
Still the black community is a problem though.

>> No.19895537

It’s u
Just shitty behavior.
And being rude.
In my last shitty job, I had to deal with a lot of these people.
And each time, I put them in place, whenever they got loud to “assert dominance”
Example: order shit, want sauce, sauce is 1$, get loud, “since being loud in hood means something, they think it’s actually work everywhere “
Calmly explain that you can’t,
Literal huff and puff, some profanity and then leave
I saw other people actually listen to their retarded demands and work with them, but I am not a type to be afraid a fucking chuvava

>> No.19895570

Divide and conquer then
Every non black woman ive dated has been better than every black one
Id rather die alone at this point than put up with that shit again

>> No.19895658

I get what you’re saying, loud mouth can be annoying from the outside looking in but it can also be real fun when you’re part of the crowd. I’ve had total nerd frens and absolute hoodbooger ones and they both have their pros and cons. I stick mostly with the nerds nowadays but I still got the jungle juices flowin through me if needed.

>> No.19895903

I had black friends before.
But I hate joggers.
They are just good rats.
I knew a black dude that was both smart and athletic, accepted in Ivy League, full on scholarship.
One day after graduation, joggers shoot him dead, because they were fucking jealous that “hise coon” “act why’re “
Hate them all

>> No.19895965

Can you swim bro? Not jumping in to save you if you fall overboard.

>> No.19895997

Here's an interesting thing I read on the internet so it must be true
Black people weren't allowed into some amusement parks back in the day, when amusement parks were built with chinese grade safety, and that's if you were lucky
So, as a minor form of entertainment, blacks would watch the rollercoasters from outside of the park for the possibility of catastrophic accidents and then be highly entertained
I don't know if it's true, but if it's on the internet it must be
Anyway, these days a boat party of newly rich neets is very much like a chinese rollercoaster, preferably enjoyed on worldstar or bestgore
And for that reason this cracker is not going to no damn boat party, fuck that shit

>> No.19896014
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Niggers not welcome to the yatch party, sorry.

>> No.19896024

Lol, he a kanglet! he a kanglet!

>> No.19896041
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comon whitey, it's your duty

>> No.19896333
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I like blacks over trannies but I need more blacks to kill more trannies in mine craft of course. Trannies killing themselves before they can even be murdered.

>> No.19896408

Sorry to hear that fren :( his killers will surely have their day

Yeah we def have our problems, I was lucky enough to be born just outside of the ghetto and not actually brought up in it. There’s definitely an allure to that lifestyle when you’re young and dont have much, but if you’re still sitting on the stoop with the high school crew at 25 youre pretty much stuck for life.

>> No.19896429


>> No.19896876


I didnt wanna hang with any illiterate wypipo anyways

>> No.19897059

tell your stupid nigger friends to stop being stupid fucking niggers and quit breeding when you cant afford to

>> No.19897085

Can’t believe how many niggers go on this website

>> No.19897112

I dont have any n*gger frens but if i did I would encourage them to breed for the sole purpose of replacing people like you :)

>> No.19897138

Any references to race outside the Link master race will result in you being thrown off the Yacht

>> No.19897152

Happy to rail some fat lines and some Thai birds with you my nigga

>> No.19897195

black and hold link
imagine caring about race after you become the elite
will be at the cayman islands, getting that sweet tax free cash

>> No.19897224

We deserve Chinese communism ALMOST as badly as the middle east deserves it.
Our entire species together with the middle east should be begging for the sweet release of death, imagine, imagine when an evil alien overlord won't even offer us death, they'll enslave us and will make the egyptian moses slavery look like paradise by comparison. Imagine being tortured Matrix style in a rat labyrinth for longer than a human lifespan.
We need to start a religion about suicide and ressurecting as a superior species before the aliens come and will lock death away from us, they will make prison look like school detention ...wait no school and prison are the same, they will make prison look like an utopia.
We need to commit systematic suicide before the aliens infest the government and take this option away from us.
Just die, fellow human brethren, we will revive on another planet as another species, do it before they truly imprison us forever. If thought our DNA was sadistic and senseless then wait till a cell dedicated to suffering will come.

>> No.19897246

I don't care what race you are, you aren't getting rich off chainlink.


>> No.19897249
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Yes. I am a highly educated negrosapien.
I held chainlink (ticker: LINK) from $0.2 because I KNEW, I JUST KNEW, it was a good project.
Nigger fivehoundred and threescore links in my pocket!

>> No.19897262

T. Doesn’t know any rich black Americans

My friend is one of the most famous rappers in the world and you’re wrong as a usual cracca talking about things he’ll never know about

>> No.19897286

come otherwise I won't have anyone to talk to about anime, I don't want to have to listen to 50 anons go on about shrimp farming all night

>> No.19897352

I unironically plan on koi fish farming when i make it, there was a thread on here talking about it years ago and it’s been my plan ever since

>> No.19897400

niggers dont like the water anyway

>> No.19897427

respect, i wish you the best anon. MOONLAND SOON!!!

>> No.19897429

do blacks even like boats? ive never seen a single black at a marina, going past waist deep in the ocean, lake or pool. no recorded instance of a black boat or sail in all of pre-colonazation subsaharan (actual black) africa. other than maybe cruise lines where they get herded around like cattle maybe. i really dont think blacks at the yacht party will be a problem

>> No.19897456

imagine not being a somalian pirate

>> No.19897462

remember mushroom farming? and shrimp farming?? i personally wana get into ginseng for the fuck of it, along with bees wax and honey production for my self. may raise chicken for eggs only. if u into koi, maybe try sturgeon too for its caviar, takes years im sure but profitable i would assume.

>> No.19897521

funny way of saying "to keep the prisons full"

>> No.19897552

what about lil wayne? i love that guy's mentality of non victimization but even he states thats just his own experience. do blacks just gotta dress as they going to church or be tuxed up to be not molested by cops and shit? i do think its retarded how some people that try to be ganster and are surprised that they treated like one by the law tho

>> No.19897562

so the only known instant of black seafaring is literal piracy?

>> No.19897582


>> No.19897603

when you see moon mission taking place??

>> No.19897612
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No no, we love niggers. We need more niggers. Niggers are what we love! Don't you read newspapers?

>> No.19897616

In tha muthafuckin buildin, anon, and my Lanky stay stanky like the dankest dro. Esskggggeeeedddddittttt.
Kek. Im stealing this.

>> No.19897633

kys linktard

>> No.19897672

Can you at least stay on reddit? The entire site is dedicated towards making you feel better, as is most of modern media. This place is the one site you don't get extra points for being black so you have less of an incentive to participate.

>> No.19897722

If I list a bunch of rappers will you tell me if your friend is on the list? Hmm... lessee. what rapper would have a friend who browses /biz/?

50 cent
Flo rida
will I Am
Will Smith
Chance (long shot, if it is him hed be horrified you come here)
Tyler Creator
2 chainz
Killa Mike and/or El P (who again would be horrified at you)

Am I close? Will you at least tell me what region they rep?

>> No.19897752

Farming in general seems so comfy bruh, I moved from a small city around big cities to a small city around farmland and the latter is def more comfy. I plan on getting more and more rural the more I make it

>> No.19897780
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I’ve been frequenting this site for like 8 years senpai, it’s not a secret club anymore

My grandpa used to love fishing, like out on a boat and shit

>mfw captchas read my posts

>> No.19898036
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> list a bunch of rappers

>> No.19898069

if you have no worries with a burning cross infront of your shithole and willing to suck a trannies cock, you are right amongst friends here

>> No.19898125

Your invited to mine sir. We are equals in my eyes, link holder or not. Racist get bent.

>> No.19898148

Some niggers are okay.

>> No.19898335

Bla blah blah... this is what the sentiment is too in EU... they are humans! have mercy, have them be welcome. ... 1 year later they make up 80% of the prison population as a MINORITY in my country.
Go fuck off with racism is bad.
Racism means that people from different continents, countries, cultures ARE FUCKING DIFFERENT! And that is a fact.

>> No.19898359

If I said the French are definitely different than the British,nobody would even raise an eyebrow. But if I say Africans are different, all of a sudden I commit some sort of hate crime? You all need to get thinking.

>> No.19898394

And in the end.. black lives matter? Really? Show me.

>> No.19898397

Why turkey bacon? Do black people unironically eat that shit?

>> No.19898474

“No pork on my fork” is a thing for some of us, not all but a decent chunk. My dad and uncle always told me pork was bad so when I saw someone else on youtube say it i just followed tradition.

>> No.19898512

Well i suppose those decks wont swab themselves

>> No.19899382

Top. Kek. White dude here, went on a couple dates with this black girl. While she was very cute and short, she was loud mouthed and opinionated. She also had an onlyfans with to me is an automatic DQ from being my girlfriend.

I hope they all aren’t like that. :-(

>> No.19899679

You can’t force people to like you so stop fucking WHINING Jesus Christ what you want the whole world to be super nice to you u? The world is nice to no one fren wyte peepo didn’t steal shit they’re just winning a race the whole world is running in, why do you need wyoite popos respect? Sounds bitch ass to me

>> No.19899880

>immigrant leech hates the group that made it legal for them to live here

Checks out

>> No.19899994

Not on your list he’s, chance and two chains are your closest guesses. I feel like if I say region it’ll narrow it too much but fuck it the threads dead and you probably won’t see this, Midwest.
>idiotic cracca rambling
No one was whining or giving a shit what white ppl like, I simply corrected a stupid wrong statement like I would if someone said the sky was green. Fag

>> No.19900019

Look at how they were dressed in the 60s when getting sprayed with water hoses nothing but suits and pre crack/rap

>> No.19900081
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>> No.19900084

Def either chicago or detroit, thats still alot to comb through though

>> No.19900556

It's like Kanye was saying on New Slaves